Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ DBZ: The Kakarot Saga ❯ Son Golen ( Chapter -1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

DragonBall Z
Kakarot Saga
The History of Golen
I've gotten a lot of reviews, both online and offline that basically say, Huh? Who's Golen?
I know that it can be annoying when a writer drops an OC into the story without any background so I took the trouble to write up this brief history of the Original Character, Son Golen, the man, the legend, the…devourer of food second only to Goku? Whatever.
Golen is the son of a saiyan warrior and an earth woman. His father escaped from planet Vegeta before Frieza destroyed it. The lone warrior wandered the galaxy for eight years before crash landing on a planet called Earth. In the woods where he'd crashed he met a young woman who had lost her family to a terrible disease. Two souls who had lost everything that had meant something to them found each other and fell in love. Nearly a year later, the woman gave birth to a son. Like Gohan, the boy's parents quickly noticed that his power would increase dramatically when he was upset or angry. Most of the time he was a happy child. That happiness wasn't meant to last.
When he was five years old, the boy and his father were returning to their home after some training only to find the house looted and ruined and Golen's mother dead. Crude messages scrawled on the wall, indicated that this was the work of a local gang. Knowing where the gang liked to hang out thanks to the big mouth of one of his friends, Golen took off in a rage. Arriving at the abandoned warehouse Golen demanded the gang members turn themselves in or he would “hurt them so bad.” Enraged at the criminals' derisive taunts, Golen exploded with anger and killed every single gang member in the building, slaughtering them without thinking twice. When his father arrived, he quickly took Golen away from there; the child couldn't possibly have comprehended what he had done that day. Tragically this would not be the only parent that Golen would lose.
Almost a year later, Golen and his father were in a forest searching for the mythical Dragon Balls. Somewhere along the line, Golen's father had heard of the legend of the Dragon Balls and had set out to find them to resurrect his beloved wife. However, when they stopped to investigate a spot in the woods, an assassin confronted them and killed Golen's father. Enraged, Golen killed the man and then, with no parents left now, secretly buried his father beside his mother and disappeared into the night.
For the next nine years, Golen wandered the continent, living as a vagabond. It was on a certain fateful day when he was fifteen, that his life was changed forever. He stumbled upon an intense battle between a man wearing an orange and blue gi, a funny-looking green-skinned man, and a man with a ridiculous amount of spiky, black hair, dressed in strange armor. When Golen saw this man hurting the other man in the gi, a deep rage, suppressed since his parents' death, ignited within him. He attacked the offender who was actually a saiyan named Radditz. In the end Goku sacrificed himself to kill Radditz. Not understanding what was happening, Golen threw himself at Goku, trying to pry him off of Radditz, but ended up getting hit by Piccolo's attack and died as well.
In the Afterlife, the kind-hearted Goku befriended the poor young man who'd come out of the blue to fight with him. It was Goku who gave Golen his name since the young man couldn't remember his own. They traversed Snake Way together and managed to reach King Kai's planet. There both King Kai and Goku trained Golen into a formidable fighter, Goku teaching his fighting style and King Kai helping Golen to master the Kaio-Ken and Spirit Bomb techniques. After being wished back to life, Golen participated in the fight against Nappa and Vegeta, proving his newfound strength by easily overpowering Nappa. During the fight, he had his tail cut off by Vegeta after Golen had transformed into an Oozaru.
After the saiyan fight, both Goku and Golen were badly injured and unable to travel with Bulma, Gohan and Krillin to Namek. They made up for it by following on Dr. Brief's spaceship where they trained at 100x gravity giving them a tremendous power boost. When they got to Namek, Golen proved how powerful he'd become by taking on both Burter and Jeice while Goku fought with Capt. Ginyu.
The fight with the dreaded Frieza began. Golen at first sustained serious injuries in the fight when both he and Krillin were impaled by Frieza. Golen later got the snot kicked out of him by the evil lizard but Dende was able to heal him once more. After Goku arrived, Golen fought alongside him, the two of them almost a match for Frieza. At this point in the battle, Golen and Goku's powers were equal.
Golen was one of three witnesses of Goku's transformation to Super Saiyan, along with Gohan and Frieza (Piccolo was unconscious remember?). After dropping Piccolo and Bulma off at Goku's spaceship, Golen and Gohan headed back to check on Goku. But the mighty super saiyan had seemingly vanished and only a gleeful Frieza remained. Enraged at Frieza's taunts about Goku, Golen also began the transformation. Frieza saw this and attempted to kill him with a blast of energy. Golen couldn't hold back the tide of power but at the last minute he saw a vision of his saiyan father who urged him on. With the thought of all the beings that Frieza had slaughtered over the years and the knowledge that Frieza was directly responsible for the tragedies in his young life, Golen found the power to transform. Shortly afterwards Goku reappeared. Frieza was no match against one super saiyan. Against two, he was completely helpless. And the rest is as they say history.
Golen escaped with Goku to the planet Yardrat where they both learned the secret of the Instant Transmission technique. They then returned to earth roughly a year after the adventure on Namek, only to receive dire news from Mirai Trunks. During the three years the Z Fighters spent training for the coming of the androids, Golen was formally adopted by both Goku and Chi-Chi, becoming mister Son Golen. Chi-Chi tried to foist her educational ways onto Golen but having never attended school in his life, except once for a short time when he was five, would have nothing to do with it. Chi-Chi proclaimed him a “lost cause, like his father.”
In the fight against the androids, Golen didn't fare so well because of the same heart virus that Goku had. They had both picked it up during their travels together, but Golen's hybrid biology allowed him to weather the frequent heart attacks better than Goku did (This virus also contributed to Mirai Golen's death in battle in the Mirai timeline). He did catch the eye of a certain blonde, female cyborg however, something that would be beneficial to Golen down the road. After recovering from the heart virus, Golen tried to stop Cell from absorbing android Eighteen, but was unsuccessful. He then trained with Goku in the Room of Spirit and Time (I believe that Hyperbolic Time Chamber sounds too scientific for something obviously mystical). During this time, when Goku was training with both his sons, he noticed that they both had the potential to transcend the super saiyan form, Gohan especially. Just before the match with Cell, Golen celebrated his 20th birthday and received a customized gi that was dark green and black instead of orange and blue.
Golen fought with Cell after Goku did as extra motivation for Gohan. As he explained to Goku, “It's a win-win situation. If I beat him, we win. If I don't then hopefully Gohan will have all the motivation he needs.” Golen fought Cell to a standstill but was unable to defeat him, even after using many of the new techniques he had invented for the battle.
When Cell returned after self-destructing, he viciously attacked the remaining Z Fighters, killing both Trunks and the regurgitated android Eighteen, who by now Golen had fallen head over heels in love with. Rage at the death of Eighteen, Goku, and Cell's infuriating arrogance led to Golen's transformation to Super Saiyan Two. While the others distracted Cell, Golen and Gohan, with some encouragement from their father, combined Kamehameha and Beam Cannon attacks and finished Cell off permanently.
Only a couple of months after the Cell Games, Golen and Eighteen “got together,” got married shortly thereafter, and had twin boys a little less than a year after Cell (I have a deep, instinctual dislike of Krillin/Eighteen. I don't know why, but that's just me).
My brother has pointed out a fatal flaw in my logic concerning Golen's sons, Galen and Goku (named after his grandfather of course!). I have said that they are 1/2 human and 1/2 saiyan, when my brother pointed out that since Eighteen is more or less human, wouldn't the sons be 1/4 saiyan, 3/4 human? Well, I decided to invoke my unlimited cosmic powers as an author and fudged it a bit. And this is the fudge. Eighteen is a cyborg not a true android. The few organic parts she has don't work so well anymore (She said in the Trunks special that her hair doesn't grow back), consequently when she became pregnant, that was a miracle in and of itself. The developing fetuses' human cells weren't very strong, so the saiyan cells became more dominant and replicated more. So instead of having 1/4 saiyan children, Eighteen and Golen had 1/2 saiyan children.
When the time for the Budokai arrived, seven years after Cell, Golen had not let his skills atrophy like Gohan had. Consequently, he survived the initial battles with Majin Buu in much better condition than the others did. He learned the secret of Super Saiyan 3 after only seeing Goku do it twice. Together with Gotenks, Galoken (his fused sons), and Piccolo, it seemed that they could defeat Super Buu. But that was not to be. Golen also refused to fuse with Goku, using the Potara earrings, but was spared that fate when Vegeta arrived. Once Buu had transformed into Kid Buu and the fight moved to the Kai's planet, it was time to give all they had. While Golen fought Kid Buu to a standstill, Mister Satan inspired the people of earth to give up a portion of their energy to the spirit bomb Goku was creating. Having lost most of his energy in the constant battles against Buu, Goku hurled the Spirit Bomb, permanently removing the stain of Buu from the universe once and for all.
Peace had returned to the earth, and Son Golen could now enjoy with his newfound family. Two years have passed since Buu was defeated and things are about to get a whole lot more interesting…