Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Destiny's Wishes ❯ Parallel Worlds ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

A/N: I sadly do not own DBZ or any of the characters used from it. Alena, however, is mine. I accept all reviews. Flames will be put to good use on my barbecue! Sentences in * are what Alena is thinking. Sentences in ' are usually what another character is thinking. Sentences in " are what a character is saying out loud, As for the rest, figure it out!!!

Destiny's Wishes: Parallel Worlds

Alena woke well before sunrise the next morning, to a huge argument in the kitchen down-stairs. "I DO HAVE A NAME YOU IMBECILE!"


* I hope this doesn't happen every day! * When she entered the kitchen there was a lavender-haired youth seated at the table. * Trunks! * He looked up as Alena entered.

"Hi, I'm Trunks. Mother told me about you."

"Trunks from the future?" Alena asked. She mentally kicked herself. * What a dumb question *

"Uh, yes. How did you know?"

"Where I come from," Alena started, "We have a program on TV which shows this world and follows part of you daily lives."

"Does that mean that I don't exist?" Trunks asked, looking slightly hysterical.

"I think my world may be a parallel universe to yours."

" Wow, another world. I wonder if I could go there by using the time machine? I'll have to ask mother." Said Trunks, looking slightly less hysterical.

"Sorry honey!" Came Bulma's voice from outside the door, "I've been doing some research and it looks like the time machine can't take you to Alena's world. Maybe if I copied the design and made a few modifications..." Her voice trailed off as she walked away.

"Looks like you'll be stuck here for a while." Trunks remarked.

"I don't really mind. This place is cool and besides, I wanted to train."

"I would offer to train you Alena, but I'm in and out a lot and I need to go back to my own time soon. You should ask Goku or Piccolo. They're at Kami's place. Would you like me to fly you there?"

"No, it's okay. I'll just take one of the capsule copters."


Alena arrived at Kami's Lookout.

* This place sure is high up. I wonder what would happen during a storm? * As she landed the vehicle Alena noticed a figure levitating in the distance, his white cloak billowing around him. *That must be Piccolo * Having no fear of heights, Alena walked to the edge of the platform and looked down. Suddenly a hand pushed her roughly in the back. She lost her balance and fell - over the edge!

"You JERK! I can't fly!" As she fell, Alena had an idea. "Flying Nimbus!" The little cloud appeared out of nowhere and took her back to Capsule Corp. * I'll go back to Kami's later, when I'm armed with more than just a capsule copter. That idiot Yamcha, I can't believe he pushed me, he didn't even know who I was! Maybe I should introduce him to a rocket launcher.

"Yamcha, this is my Rocket Launcher. Rocket Launcher, meet Yamcha, KABOOM!!!" *

A/N Sorry to Yamcha fans. Things get a bit better for him in the future. Hope you enjoyed!!!

PS. Who should Alena end up with? Vegeta? Trunks? Goku? Gohan? Another DBZ character? HELP!!! I need ideas!!!!!!!