Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Dragon Ball F ❯ Episode 16: Porunga's Summoning ( Chapter 16 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
New Namek was a very well hidden planet in the galaxy. No one knew the existence of the planet, it has never been visited by anyone except for Goku and his friends. That's why, after Boo's defeat, Moori made the Dragon Balls even more powerful, so they could help out Goku if Earth was ever in grave danger. However, Dende made the Earth's Dragon Balls a bit more powerful too, but not as powerful as the ones on New Namek. Porunga was still able to grant only three wishes, but now the wishes had no limits. Plus, both planet's Dragon Balls could be used whenever they were gathered; they no longer had time limitations. But little did Moori and the others know, that one day their planet WILL be discovered, and those Dragon Balls would fall into the wrong hands.
After a hard days work, Moori and the other Namekians have decided to take a break. Moori sat down on the grass and looked at how the children were playing with joy and felt happiness. Suddenly, he and the others felt ten very strong ki energies heading their way:
-Elder, do you feel it?-one of the Namekian asked.
-Yes, I do.-Moori answered.
-They're heading this way. They must be after the Dragon Balls. We need to leave, NOW!
-It's no use, it is already too late.
-But Elder, can't you feel how strong they are? It's like 10 Frieza's are heading this way.
-I know.But, we don't have a chance of escaping now. We noticed them too late.
-Then what are we going to do?
-Ask for help.
-They're here!-another Namekian yelled, and in that second, Xaras and his henchmen appeared in the sky, landing near the Namekians.
-Who are you and what do you want?-Moori asked without hesitation.
-I'm sure you know what we want so stop acting and give us the Dragon Ball!-Xaras demanded.
-What good does it do if you don't know the Namekian language?
-Don't worry. I have my way of making people telling me whatever I want.
-Well, you can kill us all if you'd like cause we're not telling anything.
-Even the children?
Moori looked at the children very sadly. He remembered last time he had to make a choice like this many years ago, and now it seems that Fate decided for he to re-live that moment. The children were frightened, but Moori couldn't do anything. He knew they were Frieza's henchmen, and they were going to revive him, and he couldn't put the entire Universe at stake. However, he decided to buy some time and call for help:
-Tell you what...-he started-If you alone fight and defeat one of my finest soldiers in a fair battle then I will tell you what you want. What do you say?-then he looked at his best soldier, his brother, Vorn, and said to him telepathically-I'm so sorry brother, for sacrificing you for the children's sake, but I promise you that your death will not be in vain cause I will call for help, and I shall revive you.
-Don't worry, Elder!-Vorn started-I'm not doing this just for the children, but for the entire Universe too. These seem to be Frieza's henchmen, and I won't allow them to bring Frieza back to life.
-Fine.-Xaras responded-I hope this will be at least a bit entertaining.
Vorn and Xaras both stepped out from the crowd a bit further and prepared for battle. Neither of them attacked, they just stood there and looked at each other. Vorn was happy cause that way he could buy even more time for Moori. Although, he knew he was doing the right thing, he was very scared of dying, but he managed not to show his fear to his opponent.
Suddenly, Xaras disappeared, vanishing into thin air. He reappeared in a split second in front of Vorn kicking his neck so hard that Vorn's neck broke instantly, while he flew through many trees until he crashed to the ground dead. Moori got so scared that he even forgot his mission for a minute.
-Now this was a waste of my time.-Xaras said-I hope you're happy, Elder, cause because of you one of your men died. Not that I mind, but I can see you won't cooperate either way, so there's no meaning wasting my breath too.
He then turned around towards the children, raised his finger and shot a small ki blast which was strong enough to kill one of the children. The other children managed to escape alive, but Xaras needed to kill only one of them. He then contacted the Namek child telepathically from the dead while one of his henchmen found the seventh Dragon Ball in one of the houses and put it near the other ones:
-Lord Frieza will be delighted.-the henchmen added.
-Tell me, kid, what I need to know, or else I will kill all of your family.-Xaras said telepathically.
-And what happens if I do tell you what you want?
-I'll spare them, of course.
-Yeah, sure.-after a while, the boy continued:
-What do you want me to tell you?
-Translate everything I say to me in Namekian, so I could tell it to the dragon. Got that?
-Yes, sir.
-Good. Now let's start by summoning the dragon. And say it slowly so I could repeat.
The Namek boy from the afterworld started saying something in Namek which Xaras repeated out loud. The other Namekians were amazed and wondered how did Xaras knew their language. Moori didn't have time to wonder and immediately contacted Dende telepathically.
-Dende, our people and everyone in the Universe is in danger. Please contact Goku and his friends and tell him we need them immediately. This is very urgent. Hurry, Dende! HURRY!-by the time Moori finished, Porunga has already appeared.
-I will grant you three wishes.-the dragon said-Any three wishes you have in mind, I shall grant them.
Xaras managed to summon Porunga with the help of a dead Namekian child. Moori already contacted Dende, but will Goku and his friends make it on time to save the day? Find out on the next exciting episode of Dragon Ball F!