Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Dragon Ball F ❯ Episode 21: The Birth of Gogeta ( Chapter 21 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
On the last episode of Dragon Ball F, Goku found out how strong Friezell truly is but luckily, the Fusion wore off and everyone who was fused, de-fused and became themselves again, including Friezell. Find out today how will things develop!
Jeis and Guldo de-fused but after that, they re-fused again and continued their flight on a pursuit of the Namekians they were following. So did Baata and Recoome do, and Zarbon and Dodoria. However, when Napitz de-fused, things didn't go as well.
-Raditz, are you out of your mind?!-Nappa yelled-Why don't we go help Lord Friezell to destroy Vegeta and the others?
-Nappa, don't be an idiot! The minute we kill them, Friezell will kill us too, just like he killed our entire race.
-So, we should leave this planet then...
-No matter were we go, eventually he will find us and kill us. I may not like this, but we should join forces with Kakarot and the others.
-But he and Vegeta betrayed and killed us!
-And so did Frieza. At least, Vegeta and my brother didn't kill our comrades like Frieza did. We don't have much choice, Nappa. It's either this, or we'll die again.
-Damn it! But this doesn't mean that I forgive that son of a bitch traitor, Vegeta, for what he did to me! Nor your brother.
-The feeling is mutual. I also have a score to settle with them. Let's go!-and they both flew towards south-east.
Meanwhile, somewhere else on New Namek, Frieza and Cell were amazed about the Fusion suddenly wearing off. But Goku had other things to think of:
-This is my chance.-he thought-I have to get to Vegeta before they fuse again. Even if they don't fuse, I'm still no match for them.-suddenly, he teleported himself away which Cell and Frieza didn't notice immediately.
-It's so weird to be me again.-Cell said.
-Yeah, tell me about it.-Frieza added.-But still, its two of us and Goku's still no match for us...-then he and Cell both looked around-Wait! Where is that monkey?
-He's not here. He must have teleported himself some where far, which means he's scared of us.-then they both laughed-Let me take a look!-then he put two fingers on his forehead like Goku does before teleporting.
Elsewhere on New Namek, Vegeta was heading towards Friezell when suddenly Goku appeared out of nowhere in front of him:
-Kakarot, what are you doing here?
-Vegeta, King Kai was right. Friezell is way stronger than we imagined.
-Is he really that strong or do you just want to try out that stupid fusion dance you thought me years ago?
-You know I wouldn't kid about such a thing and unfortunately for you, that "stupid" dance is our only hope to keep us alive until Pan, and the others, wish him mortal again. So, I need to know how strong you've become over the years.
But Vegeta didn't say anything. Instead, he started powering up until he transformed into a Super Saiyan 3.
-Awesome, Vegeta!-Goku said-I guess that outfit Bulma made you did the work. Now quick, we need to fuse immediately. I hope you still remember how to do it.
-Don't be ridiculous! I may be old, but I don't forget.-but before they could do anything, Cell and Frieza appeared near them-Well, look who the cat dragged here.-Vegeta said with a smirk.
-It's nice to see you too, Vegeta.-Frieza said.
-Hey, guys! What do you say of a fair fight?-Goku asked-May we all fuse and may the strongest warrior win.
-Sounds interesting.-Cell responded-Frieza, what do you say?
-Why not? I mean, what do WE got to lose?-Cell and Frieza were both laughing, however, Goku and Vegeta were also smiling.
-So, Vegeta...-Goku started-Let's see how strong we really are!
-I knew this is why you wanted to fuse with me so eagerly, but I have to admit that I too am curious about the result. Let's do it!
So, Vegeta fused with Goku while Frieza did with Cell. The whole planet began to tremble because the enormous powers, and this planet was much bigger than the Earth. Goku and Vegeta did the Fusion Dance for the first time, and as a result a new hero has been born: meet Gogeta. Gogeta had a big yellow aura surrounding him. His golden hair reached his shoulder, he had yellow eyes and a yellow tail.
-I hope in this form I can buy some time until Pan gets the Dragon Balls.-Gogeta thought-I may be a hell of a strong, but still, I have no chance of defeating Friezell, not while he's immortal anyway. Still, I feel that my transformation isn't complete. But for now it will have to do.
-If he thinks he can defeat me just because he's almost as strong as me, then he's out of his mind.-Friezell thought.-I am immortal and there's nothing he can do to defeat me. At least, I'll defeat both Goku and Vegeta at the same time plus, I'll have some fun while I'm at it.
Vegeta and Goku fused and became Gogeta. Now Gogeta and Friezell are almost equally strong but still, Friezell has an advantage because he's immortal. Will Gogeta last enough until Pan, and the others find the Dragon Balls? Or will Friezell's henchmen find them first? Find out on the next exciting episodes of Dragon Ball F!