Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Dragon Ball SD: Saiyan Descendents ❯ Goken’s Training Buddy?! ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Dragonball Z. (Maron dumped me as soon as we were about to get married.)
Author's Notes: Hey `Sup! Another week (well, longer than a week), another chapter. So is the story of my life. I have no idea where this chapter is going, writer's block to the max…arghh!!! *hit's self over head, passes out*
Dragon Ball SD: Episode 6: Goken's Training Buddy?!
The Master still stood on the ledge where he had started. Goku was sitting down on the same ledge and had powered down from his Super Saiyan 3 state already. The Master was also back to normal. As soon as The Master was about to continue, Goku had put his hand into the air and waved it. “What do you want?” The Master sneered at Goku.
“Umm, two things, first…” Goku flew up into the air, “I'll be right back.” Goku was gone for about 3 minutes, when he returned he had popcorn, ice cream, a bucket of chicken and soda. “Sorry about that you're story is really great and all but I was getting really hungry. Oh, and second I don't know your name yet.”
The Master scowled at Goku and Goku just smiled back. “If you must know I was named after my father. My name is Broly.”
“That's cool,” Goku said with a mouth full of popcorn.
“You're really starting to piss me off. I should just finish you here and now!”
“Wait, we'll fight fair and square but the story is just getting good.” Goku put his hands together as if he was praying, “Please continue!”
“Fine, dammit!” The Master cleared his thought. “He walked into the room was amazed by the sight before him, Namek women a lot of them, just down in a room. It looked like they were all healthy and most of them were young. They were clothed fine but they weren't the best looking robes. All the women ran to one corner of the gigantic room. They seemed to be protecting something. They were eggs, the women were protecting a giant pile of eggs. My father started to power up an energy beam but when he was about to shoot it off one of the ladies of the group jumped out in front of him. She said she didn't know who he was but she was the leader of the Namekian women. My father was startled, never before had a woman stood up to him. Before they would hide with the children, he would kill everyone but one woman then he'd laugh as she whimpered alone. But never would they stand up to him. The woman explained that she doesn't care what he did with her as long as he left the eggs alone. My father looked this woman over, even though she was of a different race she was still fit to be a Saiyan bride. My father said fine but she now belonged to him. He told her how everyone on the outside was dead and if she defied him, she'd join them. The two walked outside, my father holding onto the woman, and they went off to planet Vegeta.”
---Kami's Lookout---
It had been about 2 hours since Goken's fight with Vegeta. He kept playing the fight over and over in his head. He looked down at his paper, Damn I've got nothing done. Why am I sitting here, doing homework when I should be exercising? “Hahahaha!” he threw his head back and laughed. He had thought back a couple of days ago when he was yelling at his father because he didn't want to fight. He chuckled to himself again as he leaned back in his chair. He lost his balance and when he was about to hit the ground he regained his wits and flipped backwards, landing on his feet.
“Heh.” A little laugh came from outside Goken's room.
“Who was that? I might look small but I'm stronger than I look!” Goken called out, while clenching his fist.
“Calm down lil' bro. It's me, Goten, just stoppin' in to say hi.”
“GOTEN!!!” Goken hadn't seen his older brother in a very long time. Goten was one of the few people that just went off for long periods at a time to train. Everybody usually just went to the Capsule Corp. Holographic Training Room.
“Yes, yes I'm back. Now get off!” Goken had flung his arms around his big brother and with Goken's new found strength he was really hurting Goten. “So I heard that you almost took Vegeta down a peg. Is that true?” Goken nodded. “That is so cool! I wanna fight you now! But of course… with you in your new form it might be really hard. So instead of fighting were just gonna train.”
“You're going be my new training buddy?!”
“No, not me, Gotenks will!”
“When my father finally made it back home there was a large ceremony for him and his new bride. But there--”
“What was her name?”
“Excuse me?”
“The Namek woman, what was her name?”
“I never knew my mother's name, I was with her for many years but never had she told me her name.”
“Did you ever ask her?”
“Sorry…” Goku's head drooped “Will you still continue?”
“Are you sure you're strong? I'm not going to waste my time explaining my back round to a weakling.””
“I killed you're father didn't I?”
“YOU BASTARD! You know what summarization time! Controversy, mother killed, me almost killed, then you killed my--”
“Father? I know that you know what's wrong with Goken! I don't care what happened all those years ago! Your father is dead, and there's something wrong with my son! Now tell me what I need to do to help him!”
“Defeat me, defeat me and I'll tell you why your son has changed. But if you lose, your family is in trouble.” Goku shifted into a fighting stance.
“I guess I don't have much of a choice do I?”
“Not unless you want your family to die now.” The Master pounded at the ground. “Let's go!”
---Kami's Lookout---
Goken followed Goten around while they looked for Trunks. Goten checked everywhere, all the rooms, the Capsule Corp. Holographic Training Room, he even checked in Korin's place.
“This is odd, I looked everywhere for Trunks but he's nowhere to be found. Do you have any idea of where he might be?”
“Maybe at his house? You think too much, we should've checked there first.”
“Well do you know where he lives? You know that Vegeta likes to keep his home a secret.”
“No I don't know where he is but I can find him.”
“Are you kidding me? Did you get a hold of the instant transmission before I did? That's stupid! All that work! I mean I tried and tried and tried!”
“Calm down! Jeeze! I don't get the instant transmission, I just learned this thing I can do. It's like the instant transmission, except I can see exactly where I'm going!”
“Where did you learn this?”
“I dunno, but what I do know is that it came with white fur, a new tail and different hands and feet.”
“Ok, cool so can you do it know?”
“Yeah just hold on,” Goken tried to sense Trunks. He felt as though his mind had left his body and flown around. He found Trunks and he could clearly see that Trunks was sleeping. “Maybe we should leave him alone now, he's sleeping.”
“Nope I don't believe you, me and Trunks are too old to take naps or fall asleep this early. You can't see where we're going,” Goten yawned “I'm goin' to take a shower, then maybe watch a scary movie.” Goten started to walk away, “You wanna come along lil' bro?” Goken ran after his big brother.
The Master waited in a defensive stance for Goku's coming attacks, he looked right into Goku's eyes waiting to attack when he blinked. In an instant Goku disappeared and reappeared behind The Master, when he turned and looked behind him he was caught by an uppercut to the jaw. The Master flew back, “You'll have to try harder than that! I'm just getting started and you're already going for cheap shots!”
“Stop stalling you know you can't win!” Infuriated, The Master flew and swiped at Goku. The Master attempted to crush him by closing his fist but he was a second too late. Goku appeared behind him again, but The Master was ready for him this time.
“Not falling for that again!” Before Goku had a chance to attack, The Master's foot collided with Goku's face. Goku spiraled toward a mountain and at the last second he flipped backward and landed on the mountain side, Goku took a minute to recover and plan his next move. “C'mon I know you're no one trick pony! Do something to impress me! We've been playing with each other since the beginning of this fight! Stop messing around and try to kill me!”
He's telling me not to teleport around him because he knows I'm much faster. If I step up my game and maneuver myself around him faster I'll tire him out and finish this with a large attack.
Goku flew back to The Master's level, he had his plan in his head and he was ready to win. “Ready?” Goku asked. He teleported behind The Master, then he punched and kicked in rapid secession. As soon as The Master spun around to attack Goku, he teleported to the other side and continued his onslaught on The Master. The Master`s rage was growing. He let out an inhuman roar. Goku backed off for a minute, smiling, thinking that his strategy was working.
“Speed cannot defeat me!” The Master proclaimed. “I am much faster that you think fool! I'm not even at full power yet!”
On the next episode of Dragonball SD:Well as soon as I think Goku has this fight in the bag I forgot that Broly wasn't Legendary Super Saiyan form. In my book that points to bad! And now a teen Gotenks? On the next episode of Dragonball SD: Gotenk's Last Stand
Edited by: MasterSweets14