Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Dragonball MSN ❯ Batons and Adultery ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
The following takes place in a secret friends-only MSN chat room.

Batons and Adultery


Thu Gewd Gie = Goku
Chicks Dig Scars = Yamcha
Bald_is_the_new_Shiznit = Krillin


Chicks Dig Scars says:
All I’m saying is, what kind of self respecting man twirls batons?

Bald_is_the_new_Shiznit says:
The kind of man that is very comfortable with his sexuality, thank you. And it’s an art.

Chicks Dig Scars says:
It’s sacrilege, and you’ll be shot for it- you know what, I’ll be there in five minutes.

Thu Gewd Gie says:
Don’t listen to him Krillen, I like the batons ^_^

Chicks Dig Scars says:
Good. Then maybe you two can go twirl each other’s batons.

Thu Gewd Gie says:

Bald_is_the_new_Shiznit says:

Green_is_the_new_bald has been added to the conversation.

Thu Gewd Gie says:

Chicks Dig Scars says:
Hey, big G! ^_^

Green_is_the_new_bald says:

Bald_is_the_new_Shiznit says:
Hey, piccolo.

Green_is_the_new_bald says:

Chicks Dig Scars says:
What’s kickin’ on the flipside?

Green_is_the_new_bald says:

Chicks Dig Scars says:
o.o ok.

Thu Gewd Gie says:
Good, now everyone’s almost here!

Bald_is_the_new_Shiznit says:

Thu Gewd Gie says:
I invited Vegeta, but it looks like he’s having some troubles…

Chicks Dig Scars says:
You invited Vegeta? So he‘s familiar with the internet then?-No, no, scratch that. So he’s familiar with the outside of the gravitation room?

Bald_is_the_new_Shiznit says:
Oh, I’m confident he’ll bring the computer into the gravitation room.

Chicks Dig Scars says:
lol- no, no, he’ll have Bulma bring it so that he won’t have to leave!

Bald_is_the_new_Shiznit says:
Heh heh! So right! ^_^

Green_is_the_new_bald says:
How old are you guys?

Hot Momma as been added to the conversation

Bald_is_the_new_Shiznit says:
Hey Bulma!

Chicks Dig Scars says:
Yo, Bulms

Thu Gewd Gie says:
No no guys, that’s Vegeta ^_^

Bald_is_the_new_Shiznit says:

Chicks Dig Scars says:

Green_is_the_new_bald says:

Hot Mamma says:
Oh, shut up, I haven’t learned how to get my own name yet, so I have to share hers for the time being. So, if anyone has anything to say, you can shove it.

Thu Gewd Gie says:
^_^ glad you could come Vegeta.

Chicks Dig Scars says:
Yes, good to see that you would take time off from your training to be with us.

Hot Mamma says:
Actually, I’m training as we speak. I had the woman install a computer here in the gravitation room.

Bald_is_the_new_Shiznit says:

Chicks Dig Scars says:

Green_is_the_new_bald says:

Chicks Dig Scars says:
Well, I’ll be going now. I’ve got thangs to be doin‘. See ya, guys.
And you…hot mamma :P

Hot Mamma says:
Alright! That does it!

Chicks Dig Scars may not reply as his/her status is set to offline.

Thu Gewd Gie says:
That’s ok Vegeta. I think you’d make a nice mamma ^_^

Hot Mamma says:
Would you like to bite me?

Thu Gewd Gie says:
Nah. Chichi say’s I’m only aloud to do that in the bedroom.

Hot Mamma says:
-_- Wonderful.

Thu Gewd Gie says:
Hey hold on guys! Chichi’s calling me to the kitchen I‘ll be right back.

Thu Gewd Gie may not reply as his/her status is set to offline.

Bald_is_the_new_Shiznit says:
So how are things, Vegeta?

Hot Mamma says:
Who’s that?

Green_is_the_new_bald says:
That is Krillin.

Hot Mamma says:

Green_is_the_new_bald says:

Hot Mamma says:
As in… Krillin?

Green_is_the_new_bald says:
Yes, Krillin.

Hot Mamma says:
I thought he was dead…

Green_is_the_new_bald says:

Bald_is_the_new_Shiznit says:
How could you think I was dead?!

Hot Mamma says:
Well it’s been some time since I’ve seen you, so I figured.

Green_is_the_new_bald says:
Well that’s understandable, he is rather short and easy to miss.

Bald_is_the_new_Shiznit says:

Thu Gewd Gie has been added to the conversation.

Thu Gewd Gie says:
Hey guys!

Green_is_the_new_bald says:
Welcome back, Goku.

Bald_is_the_new_Shiznit says:
-_- hi.

Thu Gewd Gie says:
Hey is Vegeta still here?

Hot Mamma says:

Thu Gewd Gie says:
^_^hey, Chichi was wondering if you would ask Bulma to bring one of her pitchers when she comes over.

Hot Mamma says:
Is she coming over?

Thu Gewd Gie says:
Didn’t you know?

Hot Mamma says:
Well, hell if I know what the broad does with her time.

Thu Gewd Gie says:

Green_is_the_new_bald says:

Bald_is_the_new_Shiznit says:
I hear ya, 18’s always goin’ off shopping with the gal-pals. She disappears for whole days at a time and I wake up to find her creepin’ into bed beside me by dawn.
Come to think of it, she’s been doing that a lot lately…ah, well, just goes to show ya, women are fickle! Heh heh!

Green_is_the_new_bald says:

Thu Gewd Gie says:
Well, It’s good to see that 18’s making friends ^_^

Hot Mamma says:
Yes, friends indeed.

Bald_is_the_new_Shiznit says:
O_- and just what do you mean by that, Vegeta?

Hot Mamma says:
Don’t get your wig in a knot, short man, all I’m saying is it sounds like your mistress has found herself another mister.

Bald_is_the_new_Shiznit says:
Hey, hey, hey! Now, wait just a minute!

Hot Mamma says:
I’m just following the evidence.

Bald_is_the_new_Shiznit says:
Who the hell do you think you are?!!

Thu Gewd Gie says:

Bald_is_the_new_Shiznit says:
Judging my family, when you can’t even keep track of your own!!

Hot Mamma says:
Well, look who’s talking. And don’t get huffy with me just because your wife has to commit adultery as a result of deficient satisfaction in the sack.

Bald_is_the_new_Shiznit says:
THAT‘S IT! You and me! Outside Capsule Corp! Five minutes!

Hot Mamma says:
Bring it on, Oompa Loompa!!!!

Bald_is_the_new_Shiznit may not reply as his/her status is set to offline.

Hot Mamma may not reply as his/her status is set to offline.

Thu Gewd Gie says:

Green_is_the_new_bald says:

Thu Gewd Gie says:
What’s adultery?

Green_is_the_new_bald says:


Last year, I first posted Dragonball MSN at Fanfiction.com, where i had reached a very bright and shiny chapter 5. I was very put out one day when I logged on to find the site i had held so highly in my heart had removed my story from the database due to some silly rule i must have overlooked. As you can imagine, i've now become very bitter and unreasonable. So, now post here in an effort to make Fanfiction.net jealous and eventually have them crawling back, sobbing pitifully and begging for my return. I will of course, being the classy gal I am, console them with a soothing pat on the back and a warm shoulder to cry on. And then i will hop up and say "Ha! You had your chance, didn't you!! DIDN'T YOU, YOU MAGGETS! This is my place now, and i aint never commin' back! Now, get out of my site."
The bit in the middle is kind of a work in progress, as i'm trying to keep it all tastefully PG. Anyway, from here on, this will be my posting grounds. hope you guys like the fic so far and dig what is to come.

word up to ya mammas.