Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Facing it Together ❯ Bulma, The Mechanical Genius ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: Let's see…*ruffles through various papers on her desk* IOU's, contracts of people's souls…damn! Still no rights to Dragonball Z!

Quick Note: Sorry that this took longer to post than it should have. I just been busy with some important items lately, so now finally, I can put this out!

Facing it Together

Chapter Four: Bulma, the Mechanical Genius

She sighed in relief when she saw the sign on the door. "Finally, the harbor!" Bulma exclaimed as she pushed the metal door open. She wouldn't just sit around, waiting until they fixed their ship. She needed something to do, and what better to do than to help repair her own ship?

Inside were the mechanics, tools, and many ships, including her own cruiser. She looked around, noticing how cramped it seemed with all of the huge spaceships. It was a generally big room, however, it appeared to be small, due to the near lack of space.

Bulma headed to the technicans that were busy fixing her ship. "Um, hello…" She said to one of them, but he had his back turned to her and must have not heard her. She tapped him on his shoulder. He whirled around. Bulma blinked and lost her train of thought temporarily as she looked at him.

He had long black hair, beautiful large black eyes, and an even more impressing build. The scar that slashed down his right eye made him look tough and mysterious-exactly her type. He looked…almost Chikyuu-jin. She noticed in the few seconds of her examination, that he was preforming the same inpection of her. She blushed slightly, before returning to the matter at hand.

"My name is Bulma, the owner of that ship," Bulma said, pointing at her cruiser.

He nodded. "Yes, I know who you are." His voice was deep and made tingles run up her spine. "My name is Yamcha, head of the technical division. What can I do for you?"

"I wanted to help with the repairs. I know my way around tools and cockpits, so…" She stopped at the look that he gave her. "What?"

"You look so Chikyuu-jin."

"That's because I am," Bulma raising an eyebrow. "But, so do you."

Yamcha smiled. "I am, too. But I went to Moha to study mechanics and came here to work. But I was born on Chikyuu. It's just strange to see another from my home planet here on Vegeta-sei."

"But I thought you knew who I was?" Bulma asked.

"I know of you, but I never saw you." His smile widened as he looked her up and down. "Trust me, I would have remembered."

She blushed again. "Yeah, well. I want to help. I'm a mechanical genius on my planet, so I know I can do at least something."

Yamcha nodded. "Alright. But we're only alowed to work on your ship every few days. King Vegeta wants us to also work on his personal project."

"Personal project?"

"Yeah. He wants us to create something that will make him stronger. That's all he seems to care about."

Bulma thought for a moment. "Stronger, huh? My father made me a gravity room on my fifteenth birthday. It helped me out a little. I can only go up to about ten times normal gravity, but Chi Chi can go…up to…thirty…" She again stopped at the look on his face. "What did I say?"

"Gravity room…of course!" Yamcha exclaimed. "Do you know how your father made it?"

"I don't know his exact method, but I think I can figure it out on my own." Bulma blinked at him. "But don't you have the king's project underway? What device were you making?"

"That's the thing. We don't have anything. The last head technician was killed."

"Oh my God. How?"

Yamcha rose a midnight brow. "You don't know? The king killed him."

"What? Why?"

"Because he didn't complete his task-creating this new device-in the time that King Vegeta gave to him. Unfortunately, he was in charge of the blueprints and didn't give them to us to actually complete the project. So we have been trying to think of an new one."

"So let me get this straight, if the whole department doesn't come up with something in the time that the king grants, then the head technician dies? Aren't you scared?"

"Well, kind of, but I believed that we would be able to come up with something in that time. And now with your idea, we can."

"How much time do you have?"

"A couple of months."

Bulma nodded. "Alright. We can do it in only one month with all of these mechanics." She smiled. "Don't worry, Yamcha. We can."


Vegeta walked into the room and sat down on the huge blue and silver throne. It was time to hear about the progression of his new training device. The Mohaninites were supposed to have a knack for machinery. If that was the case, then why haven't they come up with something useful yet? If he killed off another one of them, then the progress would become even slower than it was now, and time wasn't something that he liked to spend. But there would be no death of another Mohaninite…yet. The three months that he had given them was not over yet.

"Where is he?!?" Vegeta yelled.

"Your Majesty," Turles spoke up. "He's standing right there." He pointed to a dark haired man with a scar on his face.

"You," Vegeta said to him. "Tell me of your progress."

Yamcha nodded. He knew that he had to tread carefully with the intimidating king. Even though he was the ruler on the planet that he was on, Yamcha still had a strong dislike for him. He had felt that way ever since he had heard that the king had killed the last head technician. "We have just recently thought up an idea for your request."

"And…" Vegeta asked, his patience slowly draining.

"We are starting on the blueprints of a gravity room, a room that can multply the normal gravity of this planet."

Vegeta's eyes widened. A machine that could do that would be valuable to him. "Continue."

"We don't have the exact specifics yet, but we're working on them. Bulma is helping us with the exact measurements."

"Bulma? That little insolent wench? Why is she helping you?"

Yamcha placed a frown on his face from the king's tone. "She was the one who came up with the idea in the first place."

Vegeta scoffed. So, the little bitch was still intefering with his plans? Well, he would just have to stand back and reap the benefits from this one. He turned his attention back to the scarred man. "And how long will this take? I hope it's in the time that's alotted for you. After all, I don't mind a little target practice once in a while."

Yamcha bit back the smart-ass comment that formed in his mind and nodded. "Yes, Ou-sama. Bulma assures that it will be completed in time."

"So, Bulma's in charge, is that it? Get to work, Mohaninite." He watched the technician leave. "Turles, summon the woman. It seems that the two of us have to talk."

Author's Note: So, what is Vegeta going to say to Bulma? Find out in the next chapter. And as always, I hope you all will review!