Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Forbidden Love ❯ Chapter 3

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Planet Vegeta , being the only planet inhabited by Saiyans, was very populated and overly crowded. On a normal day, you could see figures flying through out the sky, long brown tails wagging behind them, all dressed in the traditional Saiyan armor. Looking down, from the rooftop of the towering tower he lived in, Vegeta could see his father’s loyal subjects. A breeze ruffled by and from the corner of his eye, the young prince saw four small compact ships blast off into space.
The furry brown tail, that was wrapped around his waist, slowly unfurled and began to sway back and forth behind him. A frown was itched into his face, his arms crossed tightly over his chest. This was the usual stance he took when he was angered and nothing angered him more then the news just delivered to him.
Him? A bodyguard? To some bratty little kid of the Supreme Ruler? It was outrageous and totally unorthodox for a prince to do that! For crying out loud, he was a 17 year old Saiyan!
He clenched his teeth, growling softly. He couldn’t believe how nonchalant his father was acting about the situation. Vegeta growled again when he thought about his father. He was such a difficult man! Nothing Vegeta did would please the King and he had finally realized the reality of it when he was younger. His dad didn’t love him and seemed to hardly acknowledge him. Vegeta smirked. He wasn’t mad nor even annoyed at the fact either. Actually, the prince was delighted. Love was a weakness and no Saiyan was permitted to allow weaknesses.
A ship caught Vegeta’s attention as it floated down towards the landing docks. He would have almost dismissed it entirely if he hadn’t spotted the signature on the side. The prince narrowed his coal eyes and ran to the edge of the roof, squinting down as the ship came to a halt on the asphalt. What he saw next made his tail twitch.
Out stepped the infamous creature, from the arriving ship, as if he owned the soil he walked on. The guards had sensed the visitor and were now stalking warily over to him. Suddenly though, the creature slowly turned and shot his gaze upwards, regarding Vegeta with a wicked smirk. Our Prince growled once more before blasting off of the roof and landing right in front of the guest, tail now wrapping skillfully around his waist, face tight and unwavering.
“Prince.” The Reptilian nodded with acknowledgment. The guards were now scattering and forming a circle around the two.
“Freiza.” Vegeta said evenly, eyes narrowing with anger.
“Sire!” A uniform exclaimed loudly while bursting into the office without permission.
“Can’t you see I’m busy!?” King Vegeta roared angrily. He had announced not to be disturbed after his son’s ‘scene’ earlier on in the training grounds.
“B-B-But Sire,” The soldier wavered and took an unconscious step backwards. “someone is demanding to speak to you!”
“Like whom?” The King raised an eyebrow and sat back, obviously annoyed. The soldier hesitated, his gaze suddenly regarding his shoes with intensity. “SPEAK!”
“Freiza!” He blurted out in fear, trembling violently. With the mention of that name, King Vegeta shot to his feet, eyes widening momentarily before his face turned stoic.
“Where is he?” He asked while dashing out of the office. The soldier had to jog to keep up.
“In Landing dock # 5, sir.” He answered.
“Has he done anything or harmed anyone?”
A shake of the head. “Not to my knowledge.”
“Who allowed him access in!?” King Vegeta demanded, fists hat his sides. The last thing he needed at this time was a surprise ‘visit’ from his arch enemy.
“We had to let him in, sir. He threatened to shoot down our scout ships. Besides he was alone and we are monitoring for any ambushing ships.”
“Well done. Notify the elites immediately. Who, at this moment, is in the vicinity of our guest?”
“Just some guards and your son-” The soldier didnt get to finish before his superior interrupted.
Instant Fear. “My son?!” He exclaimed with a wide eyed look.
“Yes, Prince Vegeta was the first one out to greet him.”
“Order all ships to stay clear of Landing Dock #5 until further notice.”
“Yes sir.” The soldier nodded his head and took of down the hall to fullfil his orders while King Vegeta continued to the landing docks. His mind was in a turmoil of thoughts and the one that bothered him the most was his son. He quickened his pace, his royal cape flowing behind him as he exited the castle. The only thought in his head at the time was none other then the safety of his son.

Frieza knew better then to arrive out of the blue, on a planet inhabited by a race that wanted nothing but to see him destroyed. After all, he wasnt an idiot. But for this trip he did not bring any guards or soldiers with him. He saw the guards surrounding him before Prince Vegeta noticed it. He smirked, his white thick tail swaying normally behind him.
"Prince." Freiza acknowledged the young Saiyan with a slight nod, taking note of the circle being formed around them.
"Freiza." Vegeta mimicked his nod. Freiza saw the controlled rage bottled up deep down in him from that one word and floated up, an inch off the ground before asking,
"My, my, you sound angry." With a tsk and a wave of his index finger. The Saiyan kept his face stoic but his coal eyes seemed to flash with annoyance. "I hear your father is sending you away to protect some human brat? Such a lucky task you have..." They were both aware of the taunting in Freiza's voice and Vegeta let his arms drop to the side, hands clenching into tight fists trying to keep his anger in check.
"Now Freiza, are you questioning my methods?" The new voice made eevryone turn and the guards let out audible sighs to see the King step up infront of his son. "And I don't think any of that concerns you."
"King Vegeta," Freiza touched his feet to the ground and did a deep taunting bow from his waist, making the King growl loudly. "just the man I wanted to see. Me and your son were just having friendly conversation." The reptile shot his gaze to the prince before returning it back to the older Saiyan.
Prince Vegeta unclenched his fists and took one step forward. "You have some nerve to be here alone." A smirk grazed his features. "After all, you're outnumbered and we could easily overcome you and kill you off." A bright red beam appeared in the Prince's hands as he outstreched it.
"And start an oncoming war for no reason? I know we've had our differences, Prince, but you out of everyone should know just how powerful I can get, correct?" Freiza sent the young warrior a smirk which sent him off the edge.
Prince Vegeta lounged for the beast only to get pulled back from his father. "Vegeta! That's enough!" He commanded, tossing the heir back towards the guards who tried their best to hold on to him.
Freiza only shook his head, clearly amused. "Really King, I thought you'd have teached the little brat more manners? But thats beside the point. The reason for my arrival is very vital. Could we talk? Inside, perhaps? In private?" Freiza sent the Prince a glance afterwards who was still being held back by 5 soldiers.
King Vegeta just stared, debating on whether or not to comply. He knew that if he comanded every Saiyan on this planet to attack Freiza it could cause problems. One would be that probably half his battalion would be wiped out before they killed Freiza, if they even did. Then, with barely any Saiyans left, Freiza's army would retaliate and that would be all to destroy the last of their race. No way was King Vegeta going to take that chance. There were so few Saiyans left also, thanks to Freiza and whatever the tyrant had to say could be important.
Fine, I'll hear him out.
The King thought it over one last time. Freiza was alone and looking extremely vulnerable. Suddenly, King Vegeta growled. Here he was now, arriving with so much swagger and taunting him and his son knowing that they'd know better then to attack. He wanted desperately to capture this reptile and torture him but the thought quickly vanished before it grew.
"You threatened my scout ships?" Was the next thing King Vegeta asked with a raised brow. His son, who had ripped out of the grasp of the soldiers, was now standing behind his dad, arms crossed and frowing.
"They wouldn't cooperate." Freiza nearly shrugged. "It was just a little persuasion. I mean, what could my one ship do to endanger them anyway? I tell you King, your servants are anything but smart." Another smirk came to his face and King saw the deceit in it. Freiza would have destroyed his ships if nothing else had worked. "I didn't harm anyone else, though even after your son rudely tried to asassinate me!" A feign look of disappointment came over his face while he glanced at the Prince who was regarding the sky.
After some time, King Vegeta turned and headed for the castle. "Follow me, Freiza. You shall have your talk with me if it is so important but if you try anything I will order this whole planet to cease doing whatever they are doing and hunt you down." Then as an after thought, "Vegeta, start packing."
"I guarantee you King, I will not try a thing." Freiza smirked and floated after him. The prince watched them and felt extreme anger over flow his bones. Not only did they isolate him from the conversation but his father had added that last bit to upset him even more.
Vegeta, start packing.
So he was still sending him away? Vegeta yelled out and started punching the cement below him. The guards, who were still standing around him, started to panic because he was creating small little earthquakes from his impacts.
After all his anger was released, Prince Vegeta stopped his tantrum and spotted someone coming towards him.
Had he heard about Freiza's arrival also? Or had he just sensed the earthquakes?
"Vegeta, what's going on? I've been looking all over for you! And then I heard alot of commotion! My brother said someone was here?" The 14 yr old said as he came to a halt infront of him. Vegeta didn't know how to answer. So much stuff had happened in the last hour so he just summed it up.
"Some shit's about to go down." The Prince said, his eyes closing slowly, tail clutching tightly to his waist.