Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Foundling ❯ Ice ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

"Where is it?" The voice was soft and deadly, as if it knew it did not have speak loudly to be heard and feared.

"Don't worry, Master. The infant will be of no threat to you now. It has been sent to another time and dimention." It added, almost under it's breathe, "As well as another planet!"

"Good. Good. We must get on with our plans, then."

"As always, Master." The voice was almost gleeful now, "The dragon balls."

"If that child should ever grow up and come back to this world." A tinge of fear crept into the voice.

"Have no fear of that, Master." Answered his minion, "There is no way that child will even survive that long.The harshness of that world."

"Let's hope not." He snapped, with more than a touch of ice, "For your sake."