Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Galactic Bureau of Investigations ❯ Chapter 3 ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 3
Location: Planet Vegeta, Ilandra City, house of Talis and Jenla.
Vegeta observed the grieving couple sitting across from him and Bulma.
Talis seemed stern and dominant. The balding man had serious eyes and obviously didn't smile allot. The scars visible on his face and arms showed that he was a soldier. Vegeta noted that the soldiers military training helped him control his emotions allot better then his wife.
Jenla was close to hysteria, her long spiky black hair falling over her face, as she cried. Her slim body build indicated that she was not a warrior. Vegeta gritted his teeth as the woman continued crying. They did not have time for this. The best chances of solving a crime was in the first 48 to 72 hours when the leads were still fresh. The longer they were sitting here, the colder those leads would get. He turned his attention to the woman sitting beside him. Bulma looked at the couple with such sadness in her eyes, almost as if it had been a personal loss. He rolled his eyes. His patience had run out.
With a quick nudge of his leg he managed to get her attention and as her glaring eyes descended upon him he gave a short nod to the couple in front of them. Indicating that she should continue the conversation.
Bulma glared intensely at the prince. 'Selfish prick.' She thought. She knew damn well that they were short on time, but he could at least give the family a moment to grieve! “I'm very sorry for your loss, but do you have any idea who might have done this?” Jenla shook her head trying to get her emotions under control.
“No, I have no idea. My baby was a good girl. She never had any problems, she would've graduated military school in three weeks.” Her composure crumbled and Vegeta winced as a loud wail rang through the house.
“That's enough, wife.” Talis roared, making both Jenla and Bulma jump. “Show your prince some respect!” He turned his attention to the prince. “It was probably that loser of an ex-boyfriend of hers.”
“Ex-boyfriend?” Vegeta inquired. Jenla nodded.
“Drono. 30 years old, second class. He used to be in military school, but he dropped out and decided to become a scientist.”
Talis snorted. “Of course I made her leave him as soon as I found out about that. No child of mine is going to be tied down to a lowly 'scientist'.” He sneered.
Bulma gave him an icy glare. “She actually left him? Just because he wanted to become a scientist?” She asked unbelieving.
“Well she objected at first, but eventually she saw things my way. Nobody disobeys me.” He boasted arrogantly. Bulma was disgusted with the man. 'He's nothing but a power obsessed dictator.' “Of course.” Talis continued, interrupting her thought's. “He was not very happy about being dumped. He started harassing my daughter and even had the nerve to challenge me to a battle. I didn't want to refuse him, so I knocked him down a few pegs.”
Vegeta nodded. “Where can we find this Drono?”
Jenla looked at him through teary eyes. “He works for Capsule Corporation in Capital City.”
Bulma smiled apologetic, knowing that the couple might not like her next question. “One last question. Where were you both last night between midnight and two in the morning?”
Talis jumped up out of his seat. “How dare you ask us a question like that?” He yelled furious. “Our daughter is dead! Someone ought to teach you filthy humans some respect!” Bulma gulped. The air in the room suddenly seemed alive with energy and for a moment she truly feared that the soldier might make good on his threat. Vegeta slowly rose from his seat, glaring at Talis.
“How dare you raise your power level in the presence of your prince!” He hissed raising his own power level until the air crackled with electricity. “Miss Briefs is my subordinate and a damn fine detective! She asked a routine question, we are required to ask everybody involved in the investigation. So sit down and answer the damn question!” Vegeta looked at Talis a smirk forming on his lips. “Or do you wish to challenge me in battle? If so I'll be more than happy to knock you down a few pegs.” He said, throwing the soldiers boasting back at him.
Talis paled. “Well... uh... I....” He stuttered quickly lowering his power level. “I would never challenge you, my prince.”
“Good.” Vegeta answered lowering his power level as well. “Then please answer the question.” Talis sank back into his seat, quickly composing himself.
“We were home...the both of us.” Bulma narrowed her eyes. Something about the tone of his voice made her doubt his answer. She focused her attention on the woman not for the first time she noticed the dark bruises on her arms. Jenla was staring at her husband, in shock it seemed. Raising Bulma's suspicions. Talis glared at his wife. “Isn't that right, wife?”
Jenla quickly averted her eyes and looked down at her hands. “Yes of course.” she said nervously. “We were home. The both of us.”
Bulma flew the air car back to Capital City with a grim expression on her face, her hands tightly gripping the steering wheel. Vegeta sat next to her looking extremely bored. He hated the slow air cars, but the woman couldn't fly and he really didn't want to carry her.
His face tightened as memories began to surface. Memories he wanted to keep buried. Memories of that night. The night of the Summer Ball...
The memories flashed through his mind like a slide show. The champagne hitting his face. The woman storming out of the ballroom, her formfitting silver dress shimmering in the light. Him storming after her. The confrontation in the hallway and the argument that ensued. Then somehow anger turned to passion. Lips met in a heated battle for dominance. An empty room was quickly found and clothes couldn't be removed fast enough...
“He's Lying.”
Vegeta blinked. That wasn't part of the memory. “Who?” he asked confused.
“Talis of course. Who else?” Bulma shot her superior an exasperated look. Vegeta shook his head trying to clear it. Now was not the time to dwell on the past, they had a case to solve. He looked out the window. Seeing, to his great frustration, that they were still nowhere near the Capital City. He released an irritated sigh, cursing the air cars slowness.
“Well of course he's lying, we just can't prove it at the moment. Not with his wife covering for him. We'll have to find another way to break his alibi.”
“She's afraid of him.” Vegeta nodded before looking out the window again. “And she had bruises on her arms.” Bulma gripped the steering wheel even tighter. “I thought that Saiyans were always supposed to respect and cherish their mates.” Vegeta sighed.
“They are. Talis and Jenla are not mated. Just married. It's actually very rare for Saiyans to get mated. It's considered too permanent and attachments are dangerous for a warrior.” He turned to look at her. “When we get back to Capital I want you do to some research into their family history. Maybe there's something we can use in there.” Bulma nodded.
“What do you want to do about this Drono guy?” Vegeta opened his mouth to answer when the car communicator started beeping. Vegeta pushed a blinking button on the dashboard and Bardock appeared on a small video screen. He was dressed in hospital scrubs and standing in a room that was obviously the morgue. In front of him, on a metal table, covered by a sheet, lay the body of Letina.
“What is it Bardock.”
“I figured that since miss Bulma was accompanying you, I would go ahead and preform the autopsy.” He gave Bulma an apologetic smile. “I hope you don't mind, miss.” Bulma smiled and shook her head. Vegeta, ever the impatient man, gave the man an irritated stare.
“Anything interesting to report?”
“Well... she's dead.” Bardock replied completely deadpan. Bulma chuckled but Vegeta was in no mood for jokes.
“No shit, Sherlock.” he growled. “Anything we don't already know?” Bardock gently pulled the sheet down the body, revealing the wound in her torso.
“Judging from the amount of Ki residue and scorch marks around the wound I'd say that this was a close range shot. There are no other wounds or bruises on her body to indicate a struggle.”
“So Basically.” Bulma said with a frown. “She knew her attacker and she knew him or her well enough not to feel threatened by their presence.” Vegeta nodded.
“Looks like it. Since there were no signs of a struggle, I'd take it that she wasn't raped.” Bardock shook his head.
“No. But I did find something else.” He pushed her hair aside to reveal a mark on the left side of her neck. Vegeta swore and Bulma released a gasp of surprise.
“I...Is that what I think it is?” Bardock nodded gravely.
“I'm afraid so. Our victim was mated.”
A/N: I know it's been a long time since I updated and there are several reasons for that. The first being that I had this part of the story all figured out and while writing this chapter I realized it just wasn't working so I had to rethink the whole thing. Then earlier this year I found out I was pregnant, which of course is great news. My pregnancy however has been a difficult one so far. For the first 3 months I was bedridden. I still have 2 months to go and everything looks much better now. I'm still hard at work on this story, but it still might be a while between updates. Just know that I will finish this story.