Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Gangstas' Eyes ❯ Fight UnderGround Queen ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter Six: Fight UnderGround Queen
(This chapter is many chapters in one. Don't care? Okay then let's get on with our story.)
Disclaimer- Don' ask you know the world knows. Gosh!
(I saw Napolen Dynimite) I don't own that either.
" Will you go sit down! It's not all that great. It's just some illegal fighting in an old-run-down-subway, that they just remodeled." 18 snapped at Bulma. For some reason, it seemed that 18's enviroments change her.
" I will dang, you don't have to get all fussy. I have never been here. I want to know where I am." Bulma replied. She walked away from 18 and sat where the fighters were assigned to sit. The fighters sat around the fighting ring in cheap metal seats. 18 smiled, she walked around the fighters to see Bulma's competition. 18 also looked for Scrachez and Masaka, she could only see Masaka. Masaka was a killer, she put many people in the hospital because they fought her face to face.
Scrachez had fought 18 a few months back, when 18 had a wining streak. Scrachez had won and she had been a no-name back then. 18 had been completly embrassed. The following month, she had come back to the UnderGround, only to find that her hard work had been in vain. Scrachez had been defeated by Masaka. Masaka had reigned over the Underground before, and now she has taken over it and has been undefeated ever since.
Bulma studied her competition also. Many ranged from shy to loud. Most of them came from up and coming gangs. No matter what, the Big 3's will always be West Side, Ashes, and Mid-Cytes. Their names will always appear in the 6'oclock news. Bulma started to look for 18, she couldn't see her through the crowd.
" You ready?" The annoucer asked. The lights dimmed out, and the crowd was sceaming to the tops of their lungs.
" We set up some alright matches, and our reign princess is here. Stand up Masaka. Good, because you'll be the first fight today!" The announcer screamed.18 took a seat at one of the corner tables, she could see Bulma from where she sat.
" So you don't like to listen, do you?'' A familiar vocie whispered.
''I don't follow the rules!" 18 replied to the question, and then she turned around.
" 17!" 18 squealed, and then hugged him.
" I thought you were going to die." She didn't let go of her brother.
" Me die? We didn't get the oppritunity to fight, after I told you to go away. He was bent on fighting you, and refused to fight a man. You don't come here this often. Why are you here tonight?" 17 questioned his sister. 18 and 17 sat down on the cushioned seat. 17 put two black winter coats under the table.
" You'll see." She said calm.
" You think Bulma is ready for this. After this, she can't go back. Does she understand that, 18?" 17 exclaimed.
" You'll see." 18 repeated.
"18. Next time, leader, rules, punishments or not. A man that dares to lay his hand on you I'll, snap his bones in two, do you hear me, Sis'? You're the only sister we have." 17's eyes were dead seriuos.
" The same for you, any woman that gets loud in your face. Leader or not, I'm killing her. Deal ?" She put out her hand. 17 nodded his head, and shook her hand.
" Deal. You think she even have a chance?" He asked 18.
" It's almost 8' we'll see then." 18 answer with a smirk.
" 18, do you remember the summer when we were 14?" 17 asked.
" Some of it. Why?" 18 said, curiously.
''Didn't Bulma get her butt beaten by that tall brunette, Astey?" 17 said, trying to hold his laughter.
" Don't laugh at that...it...tramatized...her." 18 said inbetween laughs. 18 put her head down in shame. All the spectators in the crowd stop talking. Everyone paid attention to the announcer, today it was Piccolo.
" What time is it!" Piccolo asked the crowd.
" Eight!" They screamed back at him, the crowd started to cheer louder and louder.
" Since it's 8. We'll start our fight. And tonight is a chick brawl. From West Side we got a chick that we love. We love her because we like to see her beat the crap out of others. It's Masaka. Now you're going to have to give it up to the new blood repin' Mid-Cytes. Mid-Cytes call her Blue and they are looking for an UnderGround name for her. Blue! Will both of the ladies come to the arena." Bulma froze, she was shocked she had to fight and so early.
Bulma walked on the tile platform, and watched Masaka walk up in the opposite direction. They both were on the ring with Piccolo. Bulma eyed Masaka, she looked familiar, a little too familiar. She had the cheapest blonde wig on, it was crazy. You could see her dark hair on the side of her ear.
" Stand closer!" Piccolo yelled. The crowd got louder with every second. The two stood with no gloves, no protection, no love.
" Both of you know when I say stop, you stop. Right?" He told them and then turned to Bulma.
" You know this ain't no place for little girls, you hear me?"
" Yeah." Bulma responded. Then he went over to Masaka
" Don't kill her, play around alittle bit." Piccolo told her.
" I don't want to play with her. She roles with Mid-Cytes. I'm putting this Blue Trick to sleep." She hissed at him.
" Fine, do what you like." He responded to her attitude.
" So everybody ready." Piccolo screamed to the crowd.
" YEAH!" The crowd screamed.
" Then lets get this fight on and crackin'."
( This is where I was going to stop it. But I'm not that evil.)
" Now when the bell rings, you two fight!" Piccolo jumpped out of the ring. The crowd pressure grew louder and louder with every chant, sceaming.
" Masaka, Massacre!" People around them set money on the tables. If it was a great fight they want, it was a great fight they were going to get.
" Ding!" You almost couldn't hear the bell because the crowd was so wild. How can you build hate for someone you've seen for a spilt second. Without hesitation, Masaka punched Bulma in her left side.
Bulma swung to the opposite side and fell backwards. She realized that this was for real, and that hit hurt. The adrenaline rushed through Bulma's veins, she was going for the chicks face.
Masaka grabbed Bulma by the hair and shoved her face into the tiles. Masaka picked Bulma's head up one more time to hit it in the tiles. Bulma stretched her arms behind Masaka's back and grabbed her shirt, and Bulma threw Masaka on her back. They both got up and stumbled. Masaka stood up before Bulma. Masaka swung and missed Bulma. Bulma grabbed Masaka's arm, causing her to trip and punched her in the face.
" You're going to die for that, Wench." Masaka snorted.
" Not today." Bulma replied. She wiped her forehead and notice the blood over her eyebrow and winced at the pain. This time, without hesitation, Bulma jerked Masaka's shirt forward and punched her again. Bulma went for the second hit and missed. Masaka found the opportunity and hit her in the chest and Bulma kneeled in front of Masaka, her breath taken away. Bulma gasped for air. When she got a full breath she stood up fast and grabbed Masaka by the throat. She struggle, but her eyes were still filled with so much intensity. Bulma balled her fist and cocked her arm back...
The eyes that stood before her stared into hers, for what seemed forever. Then the black car passed by...
" Stop! Yo, I said stop. " The man screaming at her was Piccolo. He pried Bulma's fingers for around Masaka's neck. Bulma stood in fear as the men close by pulled Masaka off the tile. Bulma had brought her so close to death. The crowd cheered as Piccolo grabbed Bulma's hand to declare her victoruos.
" So what do you think of this, UnderGround?" He asked the crowd, Bulma's mind was on how she lost control of herself.
"UnderGround!" The crowd chanted.
" Stop, someone. You want to call her UnderGround! Someone else has that name!" The man stood on the chair and yelled.
" UnderGround! UnderGround!" The crowd kept chanting. Another man stood up.
" She is ranked higher than Princess Masaka. She will be called UnderGound Queen. Heard?" He said.
"Heard! UnderGround Queen." They screamed.
" Okay UnderGround Queen, get off the stage, you got your rep'." Piccolo told her. 18 stood up so Bulma could see them.
" 18, you are the only one that saw it in her." 17 whispered as Bulma walk towards them. Bulma took a seat by 18, and did not see 17. Bulma was tried.
" I wasn't expecting that from you." 17 stated. Bulma looked up across the table and her eyes lit up.
" 17, when did you get here?" Bulma asked
" A little bit before your performance." 18 told her.
" I wasn't expecting it either." Bulma said, under her breath. 17 just looked at 18 in disbelief. They've known Bulma and he would never of guessed she could let go like that. He felt bad, and was glad he wasn't Masaka.
For you, please if you read you got to review. Just letting you know, in case you didn't.
Thank you To:
Sensation0023-You like? Thanks for the reviews.
Vegeta's first fan- Thank you for Betaing me. You keep my grammer/ punctuation in check. Lots Of Love.
Next Chapter-
Boy's of Ashes Looking Right
Popular You.
A Site Went Wrong
(But that's if you want me to continue.)