Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Gangstas' Eyes ❯ And The Winner Is ( Chapter 24 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Characters from Dragon Ball Z they belong to Akira Toriyama; however I do own Kayla/Sauce, Nostalgia, Spike, and everyone else that is not mentioned in the Dragon Ball storyline.
Chapter Twenty-Four: And The Winner Is…
The people of the UnderGround were now leaving. They conversed about the fights, the victor of the night, and how they were wowed by the comeback. Old memories were part of the talks, but Kayla wondered would these people take the light with the dark.
Kayla stayed in a bundle of people, waiting for 17. 17 went into the Old Man's office after Bulma. Out of the door 17 passed through the crowd and eyed Kayla. She followed him out the Subway to the dark clear night. The moon was partially lit and its reflection loomed onto the city. It gave Orange City a glow no artist would ever capture. 17 and Kayla stopped at the Subway's entrance.
“So is she Okay?” Kayla broke the ice first.
“Oh yeah, wow! What a fight, right?”
Kayla coughed out a laugh. She felt weird around 17. “Yeah that was really interesting…so what about you 17? What are you doing tonight? She and 17 kept the same pace until her abrupt stop. “Partying like the old days.” 17 pivot on his heel and turned to Kayla.
“No I got tried of doing that awhile ago. I'm going to the garage and hopefully never to be seen again, fall off the face of the earth.”
“Care if I join you.” The moonlight did justice to her chocolate eyes, making each shade highlight the shade conflicting it. How could 17 resist those eyes? 17 eyed her and lift his eyebrow considering her offer.
Capsule Corporation
The blue haired woman opened her dark swollen eyes. How Tien had his way with her in the ring, she had bruises on shoulders welts on her arms with Tien's finger shapes imprinted on her arm. Her eyes had been shut since Piccolo had announced the winner of the Battles the eyes were still in a haze. Familiar walls, the familiar balcony on the side, and soft comfort she laid on. She was in her bedroom the moonlight ever so bright if not like any other night, tonight was the brightest. Contrast to the deep plum sky.
“So you decided to open your eyes eh, Queen.” Someone slumped over Bulma, as her hazy eyes tried to regain their full sight.
“Mom?” She huffed out silently. The figure stood tall and crossed arms.
“No I'm not your mother.” The voice threw harshly. “Listen UnderGround…”
“UnderGround.” Bulma mumbled weakly like she never heard of the word before. She went to move her arm but the pain was too great and she kept her arm were it laid.
“You're battered up pretty rough, you took a beating; but…” The lady walked around the bed to Bulma's nightstand where a bible was place and a picture of Vegeta. “…Sometimes we all have to take a beating.”
“Who are you?”
“Why my Queen you forget so quickly. My goodness I can't believe you forgot my voice.”
“Hey hey hey don't say that name were not fighting. By the way I removed every gun from your room into this little box here.” She pointed to the box in the corner. “I might even take it with me, just in case.” She smiled with no evil intent behind the beam. “How do you feel?”
“My knees, my arms hurt so bad, and my head's killing me. My face hurts too.”
“Yeah he pounded you out.”
“No duh, but he won fair as a lock.” 18 laughed out loud and it continued to grow in to a thick scream.
“That's not funny.”
“But Bulma it is, what you don't remember?”
“Remember what?”
“The performance of the night it was well played out, eh?”
“And the winner is…” Piccolo grabbed Tien's Hand and waved it in the air. “He may have came late and fought the last four fight, but…”
“Hey this fight is not over!” UnderGround stumbled up hoping Piccolo wouldn't give him the fight. Piccolo looked over to the panel and dropped Tien's hand.
“Lay down Bulma.” With that Underground attacked Tien with a rabid might from within. Piccolo moved out the Queen's way not wanting to get hit in the crossroad. Rapidly her arms swung at him. She punched him in he face once and he knew that this was not the same person he fought before. He traded her a face punch and she was unmoved crucible of strength. A closer look at her eye they were denser filled rage, a fury water wouldn't sustain.
He went to punch again and swung she blocked it with her elbow. Then threw her wrist into his jaw. UnderGround let her body pivot on one foot the other rounded his face out. A spin of his body finished it. He dug his nails into the grout of the tile. He stood again even thought he knew this was the point of no return. A win now would be of diminutive effect for Tien. He was tired and this newfound strength was unreal in his opponent. Tien threw his fist up once more he ran a straight jab to her face. She grabbed the fist in motion twisted it up, and cracked it; but it didn't break it. He threw his arms up ready to grapple but UnderGround changed and palmed him in his neck; she back fisted him in the ear.
Tien cupped his ear as she swung her arm around his underarm. She connected her knee to his chest.
“Well this beating only lasted for two more minutes. He did hit you on the floor and we thought he'd won again, but you came back once again. You finished him off with this crazy combo to his head. Then you dragged him out the ring and the crowd went crazy. Piccolo happily announced you as the winner of the night.” 18 dropped her hair to the side of her shoulders.
“How did I end up at home?” Bulma was still trying to get her body in a better position.
“Where's the appreciation? You passed out I guess, and I volunteered to take you home. Mom was ecstatic to see me, I didn't know she was such a night owl.”
“You can fake to be friendly with me but don't call her mom. We have unfinished business.” Bulma spat, 18 rolled her eyes and tilted her head tot the side.
“We do? Bulma I could take you out right now, but that's not the reason I selected myself to bring you home. Bulma?”
“Have you ever heard of the Empire ever?”
“The Empire? No!”
“Well I guess I'm not the only one that hid things from you. The Empire is a gang formed of the top comrades from most of the gangs, they plan on taking this city for themselves.”
“I could care less.”
“You're on the list…”
“The list for what?”
“How can I say this? Bulma they are going to kill us. Executions start tomorrow. I suggest you leave early in the morning.”
“I can't trust you, you tried to kill me remember.”
“Nothing gets past the great UnderGround Queen eh, that was the work of the Empire. Tien and his little hoodrat, um you'll have to thank them for that.” 18 sighed as she hovered over the old friend. “I should kill you for thinking that I would even betray you, you of all people. Oh well.”
“18 is…is Vegeta on the list.”
“It's not a literal list, but if you need to know yes. Vegeta is on the list and supposedly he's one of the first to go.”
“What's your proof?”
“17 is part of the Empire.”
“Are you?”
“I have no time for their foolishness. Win the city have a total take over with one Gang ruling over the city. It's nonsense, it'll never happen. First of all the leader of a gang will always have rivals meaning an opposing gang.” 18 explained a silence stiffed the room.
“How's your life been?”
“The usual life but something did change Marron Elexion Gero. I had her in March.”
“18 you have a child, no. Wait November, December, January…”
“Yeah do the math.”
“I'm sorr…”
“Stop, do not apologize to me. Skip town Bulma that's all I wanted to tell you.” 18 slammed Bulma's bedroom door shut and her footsteps were heard beating on the stairs. The cries of a baby could be heard and a tears slide on the part of Bulma's nostril. Like that 18 was gone again.
Bulma rolled to the side of her bed then dragged her battered body out of its comforter. Her feet lagged with every step telling her not to go on, but she wanted to see herself in the mirror. In her very pink bathroom Bulma hit the light switched, the image reflecting back was a girl with beaten dark blue arms and a black eye to match. Her brow had a small gash with matted blood as the shell. None of these outside scars like the scar on the inside “Vegeta.” Her back against the wall and her bottom soon on the bathroom tile her mind began to contemplate upon everything she's ever known or loved to be true. “Execution, Empire?” She spilled into her medicine cabinet and rummaged through so old makeup. She snatched up the concealer and foundation. She smudged it everywhere she saw discoloration. Now she looked a bit normal and she saw satisfied with it.
It was a bright morning the birds chirped melodic songs in the mornings. Bulma knocked at the Ashes building and hoped the sun would stay but the newscaster promised rain. Rain would be fitting. “Executions…” The word seemed unreal to Bulma; so much she had repeated it fifty times from her house to here. Instantaneously the door swung open Nappa, Buter, Jeice, and Scrachez left in a pour. Each had their injurious from the previous night. None had a word to say and their eyes passed with a steadiness. Nappa smiled as he always did, but the group casts a cutting look at Nappa. His smile disappeared and Bulma saw it in his eyes they knew about the executions.
Bulma took it upon herself to enter passing the foursome. “Vegeta.” The place was trashed she spotted Vegeta in the kitchen on a stool. He looked like he wasn't there, somewhere beyond reality. “Vegeta?” She was placed in front of him. “Hey babe I won I took it home like I promised.” He didn't look her straight into eyes. “What?”
A taciturn Vegeta sighed. “Get out.”
“Vegeta but…but out promise to leave together.” Bulma's saw her whole life scatter. How can he be so cold?
“Screw it.” Vegeta stayed on his stool his pride on a pedal stool also.
“Screw it!” Bulma rolled her neck to both sides. “Listen hear I did so much for you and you…I love you Vegeta and I want to leave today. Please.” Bulma's eyes tear up, biting down on her lip
“Didn't I tell you to leave?” He stated not even considering her tears. Bulma couldn't figure him out now.
She shook her head letting her wavy hair accentuate the moment. “No.” She got mad and took his stool from under him and shot it in the doorway. Vegeta was taken back; they had never been in any type of fight before. He picked her up by her arms and pushed her into the cabinets. “Did you know about the Empire?” She screamed.
“What is it to you?”
“Did you know I'm on the list? Did you know Vegeta…Vegeta, did you know? Did you know you're on the list?” He shook his head yes. He put her feet on the ground and let go of her arms.
Vegeta notice the matted up makeup under her eye and on her arms. The residue was on his hands. “It was the only reason why I kept Scrachez around. Stay home you don't want to die today.”
In the Garage
17 swung his feet to the side of his bed in a daze his phone vibrating on his coffee table. He reached over for it. “Yeah.”
“17.” Tien was on the opposite side of the phone call.
“Umm.” A mumble sang into the mouthpiece from 17. He looked to his digital clock on his coffee table it was 11 o'clock
“Are you alone?”
“Ah no.” He looked over his right shoulder and there was Kayla still sleep. She radiated with her back towards him. “I have company over.”
“Where is your sister?” Tien inquired about 18 and it seemed like Tien was assigned 18.
“I don't know… she's somewhere I guess.”
“17 meet me at the UnderGround.”
“Yeah, yeah will do. Tien what time?”
“One.” 17 threw his arms up 1 had made it. 17 just hade one thing left to do, kill Tien for everything. He looked over to his angel asleep like as if he had dreamed the night. 17 touched her shoulder to see if she was real. Can an evil moment be cleaned by a moment of trust? That was 17 question of the minute.
Capsule Corporation
Like Vegeta commanded her Bulma was back home. She closed the entrance door and her spirit felt heavy. She's been meaning to do this for months. Yet she has never had the courage to look her father in the eyes. “Dad.” Bulma looked over to his fiberglass open lab on the side of the kitchen. “Dad?” He looked out to her and opened the door.
“Yes Bulma.” He answer in a non-scrutinizing way it gave Bulma a reason to smile and a reason to hate herself even more.
End Chapter Twenty-Four: And The Winner Is…
A/N- Sorry it took so long. Do what you have to but I'm finishing this story, kiddies.