Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Gangstas' Eyes ❯ My Own ( Chapter 25 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Characters from Dragon Ball Z they belong to Akira Toriyama; however I do own Kayla/Sauce, Nostalgia, Spike, and everyone else that is not mentioned in the Dragon Ball storyline.
Chapter Twenty-Five: My Own
“So I have to leave the city.” Bulma sat her father down in their living room and explained the situation.
“Well Bulma.” Bulma squeezed the couches seat cushions and waited for her father to scold her, to tell her that her way of life was wrong, “You're a grown woman. Anyways no one can keep a secret in my home.” Her father gave a faint smile. His whiskers very white, fitting the mad scientist cliché. Bulma did not want to leave but Bulma loved her family and didn't want anything to happen to this house.
“Wait what is that supposed to mean?” A frown made it's way in her blue brow.
“Your friend informed me that week you disappeared, um ChiChi well she told me. She just confirmed my suspicions. The past carries a repetitive gene.” She looked out the corner of her eyes and turned her head in that direction. “Bulma if you see the Old Man tell him “our city lived through” he'll know what I mean.”
She breathed and remembered Scrachez killed the black haired beauty. “Papa, ChiChi was killed last night.” Bulma laid her head on the armrest, her blue hair cascading like a bridal veil. “Keep my room open.”
“What about Vegeta? Is he going with you?'
“I don't know but I love him I… I can't leave without him.”
“Run until you hit sunlight." Bulma's father advised. "You'll know where to stop, something about the city. My darling city life isn't for everyone.”
“But Dad, you're not suppose to send me away. You're supposed to stop me not encourage me to run or fight off a gang.” Bulma couldn't understand why her father would be for her leaving the city.
“Bulma I'm not saying to fight them; you're life hangs by a thread. I'm not saying you can't stay and fight, but I would hate to see a city crumbled twice. Go! Live.” Bulma got up with tears in her eyes.
“I'll miss you.”
“It'll be brief. Take the UnderGround City there's only one exit. We should have stopped him in the beginning.” Her father sighed as if he had a heavy burden on his heart.
“Stop who?”
“Bardock. We should have stopped him in the beginning before all this escalated into this. Thirty years ago I wouldn't have thought our decision was going to affect my future. Now go your mother will get over it sooner or later. I love you, Bulma.”
“I love you too Daddy.” She bit her lip cause ganstas don't cry.

12:57 p.m. UnderGround
“Tien.” The UnderGround was empty like 17's stomach. Three halogen bulbs were lit. Tien relaxed under the lights over the winner's chair.
“17 you made it.” Tien eyes spark and it gave 17 another reason to doubt being here. Tien looked to his wrist; he wore a watch, a plain black t-shirt, and khaki shorts below his knees. “You're on time. Ready aren't ya?”
“Yeah.” Tien jumped out the chair like it was on fire to 17. He looked at 17's pale face and he nudged 17's side.
“Saucy Sauce, 17 you're a bad boy.” Tien hit his old friend over his head. 17 gave an nervous yet goofy laugh. “Well we're waiting for the rest of us. Just wondering 17 who are the least loyal out the whole Empire? You can say anyone, even me.” Tien smile wicked in the sense it gave 17 an insecure footing to start the day off. Tien was up to something.
“Iszu other than that we're all loyal to the cause.”
“Good I felt that was true.” Scrachez pranced in with happiness unfamiliar. Her smile was punishing, like executions were apt to exact revenge. The joy on her face said so, so much that it sickened 17. Spike, Crazed and Nappa entered on cue, exactly one o'clock. Tien took out his gun playing with the whistles and bells. He pointed it at several of his comrades and pointed it to the ceiling.
“17 you look well.” The leader of the Empire sighed out. “Ya'll ready.” Crazed was headed for the door.
Tien brought a frown upon his face. “Actually no, not yet. We still have to wait for IZ, Iszu, and Dirrt.”
“And Jeice.”
“And Jeice.” Tien repeated still playing with his gun. Dirrt was on his way and Tien was the first to see him at the end of the hall. Tien's smug frown turned back to a smile. Dirrt knew who was the boss. “Crazed ten for now, but this sounds crazy. Nothing is forever. Everybody got a sudden jolt and Crazed was on the ground cold. “I'm the leader.” No one abhorred Tien's decision as wrong nor did they open their mouths. A running sound was made in the hall coming towards the entrance. Tien made another shot and Iszu was out. “That's nine. 17 anyone else not loyal to the cause?”
“Nope I think you got them all.” Dirrt stepped over the bodies and made his way to the group. Then IZ took her place across from Tien.
“The Old Man isn't going to be here until five.” She held her head low. “Instead of two o'clock.” She hoped Tien would be gentle but it seems from his genocidal moment he wasn't going to take this lightly.
“What?” Tien picked the girl up by her up by her shirt. “You told him!” Jeice suddenly was in the mix he climbed over the dead bodies too. He waved awkwardly because Tien had IZ in the air. Tien didn't really pay attention to the last member.
“No no no! He'll be here at five. People change their minds on a whim, Tien. He'll be here.”
“Yeah he better be here. At five it's your life.”
“Yes I understand.” He dropped her to the ground and she picked herself up from the spot he dropped her.
“17, IZ, Scrachez, Spike, and I are going to stay here. The rest of you will go where I specified you to be. The rest of the Empire with the exception of five was out the Underground. They took seats at a random table close to entryway. 17 took another look around the UnderGround and remembered last night's events; it brought a smile on his face as he looked over Tien. Tien had a large knot knitted on the side of his head by his ear and a small cut on his upper lip. It was noticeable now that he was closer and Tien wasn't talking. Despite the fact that he lost money, 17 still smiled. The group made idle conversation, killing time. “17 come here.” Tien and 17 rose from their seats and made way to the undisclosed location.
17 followed Tien behind the bar. Behind the bar were two doors; a locked door and the kitchen. When Tien unlocked it the pantry was dark. Tien turned on the light and 17 looked down to see broken glass. The pantry was large enough for eight people. The shelves were snapped in two, an assortment of peppers, condiments were spilled about the floor. The body belonged to 17's sister. Her legs soaked in pepper juice. Tien saw the discernment in 17's eyes.
“Where did you find her?”
End Chapter Twenty-Five: My Own
When I think about it I really haven't given ya'll a cliffhanger, so here you go. The story is close to completion I think four more chapters. Love Love,