Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Getting Out ❯ Part 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: I do not own DBZ.


Title: Getting Out


A/N: This is another story about Trunks and Goten. It's not a Yaoi. Please enjoy and don't forget to review.


The day started out like any other. Goten and Trunks were up to their old tricks when they decided to pull a disappearing act on their parents. It started out fine and dandy until hours passed and they couldn't hear voices of any kind of search party.

They'd chosen a coat closet inside the Capsule Corp. mansion as their hiding place. It wasn't anything special. Boots and other shoes covered the ground while miscellaneous items, such as windbreakers and ski jackets, hung over head.

"Trunks," Goten moaned. "I'm hungry."

Trunks rolled his eyes. "Goten, you're always hungry."

"How much longer do we have to wait?" the younger saiyan whined.

"It won't be much longer," Trunks answered. Unfortunately, he wasn't sure. At first, he loved the thought of freaking his mom out after all; she was always being a bit too protective. Now, Trunks was getting the strange feeling that he'd forgotten something.

He thought long and hard. What could he have forgotten? Trunks' eyes suddenly grew wide and his mother's voice rang through his head. She had given him a lecture about behaving himself while she went shopping with Chi Chi. In an instant; the demi saiyan was on his feet.

"What is it?" Goten asked his friend with a look that said, "I think you're crazy."

"Our moms aren't here. They went shopping," Trunks answered as he felt for the doorknob. Upon finding the cold metal knob, he attempted to push the door open. It wouldn't budge.

"Hurry up," Goten just about ordered as he jumped to his feet. "I want some food." Trunks knew how Goten felt. He was hungry, too. They'd missed lunch and now they could get out of the closet to get anything. Things weren't looking too good.

"Can't you see I'm trying," the older saiyan just about snapped back as he continued the daunting task of opening the door. "I think we've been locked in."

Goten frowned. The look in his eye almost sent a chill down Trunks' spine. Goten looked as if he was going to kill anybody and anything that got in his way. "Move," he growled. "I'm going to blast it open." He started charging a blast of energy in his hand.

"Goten, stop!" Trunks screamed, but he was too late. Goten shot the blast. It slammed right into the door causing the closet to fill with smoke.

The two boys began coughing. "What (cough) happened (cough)?" Goten managed to ask.

"My mom (cough) reinforced (cough) all the doors (cough) so dad wouldn't (cough) blow them up (cough) all the time (cough)," Trunks replied.

While the smoke slowly cleared, the demi saiyans did their best to silently come up with a way to get out.

"Can we blast the walls?" Goten questioned as soon as the smoke left.

Trunks shook his head. "You try living with dad. He practically blows everything up."

A roar like sound escaped from Goten's stomach. "Is there anything we can do?"

Trunks sat in quiet thought. He was trying to remember everything his mother had said about the extras she added. Of course, he hadn't paid much attention at the time bringing to mind the fact that he never thought he'd get himself locked up in the closet.

Glancing around, he searched for anything that might be able to pry open the door. Unless the jackets had anything in their pockets, he found nothing.

"Other than your empty skull, I've got nothing," Trunks cracked in an effort to lighten up the mood.

Goten scratched his head. "… Hey! My skull's not empty! It's just hard."

Trunks sighed. "Come on, Goten. You've got your dad's head and from what I hear it's thick and lacks brain power." Goten continued scratching his head. Apparently, he didn't catch on to a word Trunks said.

"Anyway," Trunks continued. "Maybe if we bang on the door enough someone will come by and open it."

For what seemed like hours, the boys hit the door. They were getting tired. The lack of food as well as loss of energy weakened them greatly. It didn't take long for them to collapse against the door.

"Trunks, are we going to die here?" Goten stupidly asked.

"Yes, we're going to die here," Trunks replied his voice dripping with sarcasm.

"Can the dragonballs bring us back?"

If Trunks had any strength left, he would have hit the demi saiyan beside him. Instead, the door flung open and the two saiyans rolled out taking someone with them.

The boys looked at the savior who just happened to be the very person they knocked down. Fear struck them. They tried to run but it was useless.

"You boys have a lot of explaining to do," Vegeta growled picking them up by their training gis.

The demi saiyans swallowed hard. The closet was looking really good right about now.


A/N: Good? Bad? Let me know. You know the drill. I'm eager to read your reviews. I will add a second chapter so be ready. Thanks.