Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Goku Got Shot Down by a Saiyin ❯ Goku Got Shot Down by a Saiyin ( Chapter 1 )

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Disclaimer: I do not own Dragon BallZ or the song "Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer." But if I could please have them for Christmas I would be very happy ^_^ No? *pouts* Fine then!

A/N: Okay, I wrote this last Christmas before I even had a fanfiction.net account. It's "Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer" Dragon BallZ style. Some of the sentences may not match up *exactly* to the tune, they were the best I could do back then. Also, I don't know the last verse to the song so this is only the first two verses. If you know the last verse please tell me it and I'll write the rest of this song to it. Please R&R! Thanks!

Goku Got Shot Down by a Saiyin

Goku got shot down by a Saiyin

Flyin' home from Capsule Corp. Christmas Eve.

You may say there's no such thing as Vegeta

But as for me and ChiChi we believe.

He had been eatin' too much food

And finally he got real fat

Then Vegeta told him to leave.

So he flew straight up and out the back.

O' Goku got shut down by a Saiyin

Flyin' home from Capsule Corp. Christmas Eve.

You may say there's no such thing as Vegeta

But as for me and ChiChi we believe.

When we found him in the morning

He was buried in the snow.

He had been Final Flashed in the back

And Big Banged straight on the nose.

O' Goku got shot down by a Saiyin

Flyin' home from Capsule Corp. Christmas Eve.

You may say there's no such thing as Vegeta

But as for me and ChiChi we believe.

A/N: Well, there it is. Yeah, I know it's short, but I still need the last verse of the song. Once again, please tell me it if you know it. If I ya'll want me to I'll write one for another character or another Anime (if I've seen it). Anyway, please oh please review and tell me what you think! *gives puppy dog eyes* Thanks!

~*Vega Starr*~