Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Her ❯ Does He Love You? ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer-I don't own songs, I don't own DBZ, I'm a poor little nothing wearing earrings made of Levi's trying to bring light into the world with my little stories, I'm a melodrama dork…

Does He Love You?

Bulma woke up, her eyes burning. Groggily, she sat up, rubbing her eyes and remembering what happened in the past month.

She'd met with Keely, and, quite frankly, couldn't see what Yamcha saw in her exact opposite. Keely had black hair in a sharp ponytail and matching eyes, and wore a dark green kimono. She appeared to be, like almost all their friends, an alien, having forest green skin, and Keely introduced herself as an ex-maid of Princess Snake of Snake Way in Other World. Keely was quiet. She was obedient. She was domestic.

She completely disgusted Bulma.

But she couldn't make Yamcha's decisions, and she dealt with Keely.

I've known about you for awhile now

When he leaves me, he wears a smile now

As soon as he's away from me

In your arms is where he hopes to be

Bulma was completely disgusted by how lovey-dovey Keely was with Yamcha. "A preppy slut," Bulma had decided after seeing the two of them together. "I can just see them together, in Yamcha's tiny house, 10 little brats because Keely has no self-control…" Bulma rambled on and on, pawing through her closet, trying to find an outfit.

But you're the one he rushes home to

You're the one he gave his name to

I never see his face in the early morning light

You have his mornings, his daytimes

And sometimes, I have his nights

Bulma threw her clothes on her bed. Her shirt landed on something bumpy. Bulma reached under her shirt and pulled out a tiny teddy bear, a gift from Yamcha for their 6-month anniversary a few years back.

She smiled, fondly remembering that day, and put the bear near her pillow.

But, does he love you (does he love you)

Like he loves me? (like he loves me?)

Does he think of you (does he think of you)

When he's holding me?

And does he whisper (does he whisper)

All his fantasies?

Does he love you (does he love you)

Like he's been loving me?

Bulma pulled on her clothes and did her make-up, preparing for her date with him. Just because she wasn't his steady, it didn't mean she couldn't date him. She had grinned triumphantly at the announcement that he was staying totally single until he made his decision. It meant she was free to date him. Keely could do the same, but Bulma had the home-field advantage.

"Oh, Vegeta," she said, surprised, to find him in the kitchen, looking at a coffee cup strangely. "What are you doing here?"

"Trying to figure out what kind of poison the old man gave me," Vegeta said, pushing the coffee cup away disdainfully. "It's vile."

"It's coffee."

"It's what I'd give to Frieza for a practical joke if I was still 7 years old. What are you doing?"

"Getting ready for my date with Yamcha," she said, pouring her own cup of coffee.

"If I recall correctly, isn't he cheating on you with some whore?"

"He is not cheating on me," Bulma snapped defensively. "He's deciding who he likes."

"Yeah, whatever. No one sees a player like Vegeta."

"Actually, no one asked the opinion of Vegeta," Bulma snapped. But as she sipped her coffee, she contemplated what Vegeta said with her own feelings.

But when he's with me

He says he needs me

And that he wants me

That he believes in me

And when I'm in his arms

Oh, he swears there's no one else

"Vegeta, what do you think?" she asked.

"I thought no one asked my opinion."

Bulma made a face at him. "Seriously. Did this ever happen to you?"

"Not to me. Never had a girlfriend in my entire life." He eyed her. "No comments from the Peanut Gallery."

"None here," Bulma said innocently.

"It happened with Zarbon, though. He had two girls after him when I was about…14, I guess. Decent, but stupid enough to like him. Since he trained me…if you can call it training…they came to me to ask which girl I thought should go."

"Really. Well, what did you say?"

"I told them, and I quote: "Dump the @$$-wipe and find someone else"." Vegeta stood up and headed for the door. "I highly suggest you do the same."

Bulma threw a dishtowel at him. He smirked and shut the door.

Bulma gushed down a gulp of coffee and tried to push the thought out of her mind. But it stayed there. Maybe she should dump him and find someone else.

Is he deceiving me?

Or am I deceiving myself?

She got up to finish getting ready, and, try as she might, never got rid of Vegeta's words. It stayed in the back of her mind, a little nagging thought that never completely goes away.

But does he love you (does he love you)

Like he loves me? (like he loves me?)

Does he think of you (does he think of you)

When he's holding me?

And does he whisper (does he whisper)

All his fantasies?

Does he love you (does he love you)

Like he's been loving me?

The doorbell rang, and Bulma sped off to open the door.

She recoiled at the sight. "Yamcha. Keely."

"Hi," Keely said amiably.

"Yeah." Bulma turned to Yamcha. "What's she doing here?"

"Well…I thought we should all go together, see how it works out," he said.

Bulma tossed her head slightly, her hair swinging contemptuously. "Fine. Perfect."

Oh, I should not lose my temper

I should not be ashamed

'Cause I have everything to lose

And I, I have nothing to gain

Bulma managed to get into the front passenger seat before Keely. Yamcha obliged, but he opened the back door for Keely. Bulma remembered when he had done that for her.

She was getting the odd feeling that today would be the day that one of them was leaving.

But does he love you (does he love you)

Like he loves me? (like he loves me)

Does he think of you (does he think of you)

When he's holding me?

And does he whisper (does he whisper)

All his fantasies?

Does he love you (does he love you)

Like he's been loving me?

Unbeknown to both of them, Yamcha had made his decision.

Yes, one of these girls would be voted off.

But which one would it be?

Does he love you?

Well, that's chapter 3! You've probably figured out who'll win Yamcha's affection, but keep reading to see how it all turns up!