Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Here I am ❯ Pieces Of Me ( Chapter 14 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

On a Monday, I am waiting
Tuesday, I am fading

And by Wednesday, I can't sleep

Then the phone rings, I hear you

And the darkness is a clear view

Cuz you've come to rescue me

Juu. started long and hard at Pan. She looked up at him. His face became a little less tence because he focused on what her eyes were telling him. Pan looked down.

"I'm just really confused and I don't know what to think of anything right now." Pan replied with sadness in her voice.

"Well running away from it isn't gonna help." Trunks said while flying up into the loft.

"Well it felt like the only thing I could do... You both don't know how confused I am.. And when I was pulled into the alley by those guys, oh my god... I was so scared." Pan had a tear go down her face. She wiped it away so they wouldn't notice, but Juu did. He put his hand on Pans shoulder and she looked up at him. He gave her a small smile and Pan smiled.

Fall... With you, I fall so fast
I can hardly catch my breath, I hope it lasts

Trunks saw Pan and her smile lite his heart but it would never be like it use to because he knew that she wouldn't be his. He put his hand in his pocket and pressed a button on his pager to make it beep. He picked it up.

"Well, I'm sorry that I have to leave, but this is very ergant. I'll see you both around. Bye." Trunks said. He flew down from the loft and then left the appartment. He closed the door and then set against it. He looked down and at his watch. "People change with time... It's somthin alot of people don't want." He ran his hand through his hair and let out a sigh. He looked back at the door and then turned back around and headed outside. 'Pan, I hope that your happy with your choice. ' He took off walking and didn't really have any where to go. He walked into a small dark alley and then took off going home.

Pan sighed. She had to ask him. She had to see if he felt the same. she looked up at Juu and looked at him for a while.

"I have to ask you somthing." Pan said.

"Okay." Juu replied. He was a little interested in what she was gonna ask. Pan took a deep breath.

"Okay... Well, latly i've been having this strange feeling towards a person and I don't know what it is... I can't stop thinking about them and it's almost like I want to spend every minute of everyday with him...."

"Who's the guy?" Pan blushed a little.

"Well... Erm... The person... Is you..... And I was wondering if, erm, you kinda felt the same towards me...." Pan was looking down at her hand that were in her lap. Juu smiled. He lifted up Pans head. Pan looked at him in the eyes. He leaned forward and gave her a small kiss on the lips.

"Does that answer your question?" Juu asked. Pan smiled.

It seems like I can finally rest my head on something real

I like the way that feels


It's as if you've known me better than I ever knew myself

I love how you can tell

All the pieces, pieces, pieces of me

All the pieces, pieces, pieces of me

It had been a couple of weeks. Tia jumped up on the bed. Pan felt a small fuzzy thing lay by her arm. Pan looked up and saw Tia.

"Hey baby." Pan said. She sat up and petted Tia a few times, then Tia took off into the living room where the phone started to ring. Pan rolled her eyes and then got out of bed. She put her robe on and then went into the living room. She picked up the phone. "Hello?"

"You really arn't a morning person are you.." Juu asked on the other line. Pan had a small bead of sweat appear on the back of her head.

"Uh, heh heh. I wouldn't technecly say that I am, it's just I just woke up."

"Aah.. So that's it."

"Yeah." Pan let out a huge yawn.

"Could you have been any louder?"

"Heh, yeah I could, but for your sake I toned it down."

"Hey is it alright if I come over for a bit I have somthing I want to show you."

"Huh? Really? Okay sure. Lemme get dressed and everything."

"Alright. I'll be over in a little bit."

"Okay, bye byes!" Pan put down the phone and then ran into her room. She grabbed a white button up short sleeved shit and then grabbed a dark purple spaghette strape tank top and put it on over the button up shirt. She put on some blue jeans and them brushed out her hair. She didn't have any time to fix her hair. "Grrrrr... Damn hair...." She took a clip and put it back in it. There was knocking coming from the front door. "COMING!" Tia started barking and then Pan ran out into the living room and then triped over a rug and fell on her face. She sat up and started rubbing her face. "Ouch....." There was some more knocking. "GAH! Coming!" She got up and ran over to the door. She opened the door and Juu had a eyeborw raised.

"Are you okay?"

"Heh, yeah, I just tripped!"

"Over what?" Pan blsuhed and looked down.

"The rug....." Juu smirked and shook his head. "Okay! Well come in!" Juu walked in and Pan went up to the counter. She grabbed a coke from the fridge. "Want one?"

"Sure." Pan tossed him the coke and he cought it, then opened it, then started drinking it (long process to type T-T)

"OH! By the way do you have my lyrics with you?"


"Oh, well, when am I gonna have them back?"

"Well, you might have to ask your record producer that." Juu took a drink from his coke and Pan was in shock.

"R-r-record p-p-prducer??"

"I didn't studder unlike you."


"Second time you've said it." Pan was almost dumbfounded.


"Do I really ever lie?" Pan ran up to Juu and hugged him which almost made him fall over.


"I know..... Oh, and you have your first song recording today."

"Are you serius?!"

"Yes." Pan ran into her room. Juu, raised a eyebrow. He started heading to Pan's room where he saw clothes flying all over. He was about to ask her what she was doing but he had a shirt be flung at his head. "Hn....." He pulled off the shirt and droped it. He walked up to Pan and stood there with his arms crossed. "What are you doing?"

"I'm not gonna look like crap on my first song recording!!!"

"You don't look like crap. Just wear what you have."


"Just wear what you have... I highly doubt that that one group Mis-Teeq or whoever they are will care.." Juu started walking out of the room. Pan relized what he said and ran after him.

"Did you say Mis-Teeq?!!?"

"Yeah. That one group who sings Scandalous or whatever... They're makin a re-mix of the song and they wanted someone good. Some guy that I know called me up and I suggested you and so now your gonna sing in the re-mix or whatever." Pans mouth dropped and she was smiling at the same time.

"OHMYGOD!!! I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!" Pan hugged Juu again.

"I know."

I am moody, messy
I get restless, and it's senseless

How you never seem to care

When I'm angry, you listen

When youre happy, it's a mission

And you wont stop 'til I'm there

Fall... Sometimes I fall so fast

Well, I hit that bottom

Crash, you're all I have

Back in Satan City---> Marron was sitting by Uub fliping through the channels on the tv.

"Wait, go back." Uub said while looking a little closer at the tv. Marron raised her eye brow. She turned the channel back a few. "Stop!" Marrons eyes got big.

"OH MY GOD!!!" She said. She ran into the kitchen and picked up the phone. She dialed a number.

Bra herd the phone rining.

"GOT IT!" She yelled as she jumped up from the couch and picked up the phone. "Hello?"

"Bra?! It's Marron!! Turn it to channel 30 right now!!!!"

"Okay...?" Marron hung up the phone and then set it down. She ran back over to the tv and turned it to channel 30. She smiled. "MOM! DAD! TRUNKS! YOU GUYS GET IN HERE!!! NOW!!!!" Vegeta, Bulma and Trunks all came into the room.

"What is it.." Vegeta huffed.

"LOOK!" Bra said while pointing at the tv.

"OH MY GOD! IT'S PAN!" Bulma yelled. "Trunks go call Goten and them!!!" Trunks ran to the phone and dialed the Sons number.

"Hello?" Goku asked on the other line.

"Goku, get Gohan and everyone and turn it to channel 30!" Trunks said.


"Just do it!"

"Fine! "GOHAN! CHI-CHI! GOTEN! VIDEL! GET IN HERE!" Everyone came running into the living room. Goku was turning on the tv. When he did he smiled.

"What is it?" Gohan asked.

"Look." Goku said while pointing at the tv.

It seems like I can finally rest my head on something real

I like the way that feels


It's as if you known me better than I ever knew myself

I love how you can tell

All the pieces, pieces, pieces of me

All the pieces, pieces, pieces of me

Pan was in her room brushing her hair when her phone started ringing. She put down her brush and ran to the phone.

"Hello?" Pan asked.

"OH MY GOD! OH MY GOD!" Ami yelled on the other line. Pan held out the phone so Ami's yelling wouldn't make her deaf.



"Okay!!!" Pan walked up to her window and saw herself on a huge tv. It was showing the music video she made with Mis-Teeq. "OH MY GOD!"

"I KNOW!!!" There was knocking coming from the door.

"I'll have to call you back."

"Okay! Bye!"

"Bye!" Pan set the phone down and went up to the door. She opened it and Shannon was standing there.

"PAN YOU NEVER TOLD ME YOU MADE A RECORD DEAL!!!" Shannon yelled while smiling.

"Well I did!"

"OH MY GOD! Your gonna become famous!!!"

"I KNOW!" Pan and Shannon hugged.

"Oh my god! Hey, do you think you could hook my up with some cute singer??" Pan started laughing.

"The only famous group I know is Mis-Teeq."


"I know!!!" Shannon and Pan sqealed with excitment.

"Gah, I came over to tell you congradulations!!!" Shannon and Pan hugged again. "Bye Pan!"

"Bye!" Pan closed the door. She smiled and then sat down on her couch. She turned on the tv to the news and she almost fell over from shock.

"And today in other news, new up comeing star Pan Son who moved to New York several Years ago from Satan City, has now been in a very popular state as she had latly made a deal with Jive Records, the same record company that has made Britney spears famous. And to top it all off, she had just recently re-done the song Scandalous with the group Mis-Teeq. More on this new young famous star when we return." A news woman person said on the tv. Pan thought she was abouit to faint.

"Oh my god! I really am famous...!!!" Tia came running up and sat on Pans lap. Pan sat thinking of someone. She smiled. "I'm gonna go see him." She picked Tia up and put her in her purse. She left adn headed into the elevator. Seh went out of the elevator and out of the loby. When she got out there was dozens of photographers asking her questions and taking pictures. She tryed to ignore them and she started heading for Juu.s loft appartment. They're started to be more and more paparazi as she passed by. She started running and tryed to loss them all. She ran into a huge place and then up to Juu.s appartment. She knocked on the door and he opened it. "Can I come in?"

"Sure." Juu replied. Pan came in and Tia jumped out of her purse and started to run around.

"Oh my god! I walked out of my appartment building and there was paprazi all over!!!"

"Well duh they're gonna be all over."

"I know! But I didn't think that I'd be this popular this fast!"

"Well why wouldn't you. You have a great voice, you catch almost every guys eye, so yeah your gonna become popular fast."

"A little too fast!"

How do you know everything I'm about to say?
Am I that obvious?

And if it's written on my face...

I hope it never goes away... yeah

On a Monday, I am waiting
And by Tuesday, I am fading into your arms...

So I can breathe

(A/N: Okay, i'm just makin these lyrics up. It's hard thinkin of good song lyrics that havn't been taken (and when you just woke up)!! T-T so forgive me on how bad the song(s) sounds...) (oh, and Pan is singin right now in a concert and the song is called Step Up :P)

"Come on step up babah.
Come on I'll show yah what i'm ready for.

Come on step up babah.

UH ohh!(uh oh) Let's roll!! (les roll)

Ain't no reason why,

Come on tell it to my face

Don't be disprespectin

So don't walk on by

Come on babah now don't be shy

So lets get ready to roll

And I don't care why

Uh oh uh oh! Uh oh uh oh! Ohh!

(long pause)

So so so scandalous....

(song starts to sound like Scandalous by Mis-Teeq)(Mis-Teeq comes up on stage by Pan)

Nice smile looks to kill
Straight talk sex appeal

one touch gives me chills

and we aint even close yet

Ruff neck all around

ain't been all over town

Show me how you get down

coz we ain't even close yet

You got me feeling and u got me feeling weak

Listen as i speak coz I'm feeling philoseque

You got me going crazy and u know i can't sleep

Not watching you moves and you hypnotise me

You got me trembling like ur little baby girl

Your so special your my diamonds and pearls

You got me spinning and you got me in a twirl

Your my number 1 baby and you've come to rock my world

Your Dangerous Just get it up the way, you move so scandalous

Its all about the two of us, a one night stand just aint enough.

I need some stimulation baby a little conversation maybe.

You got me spinning round like crazy there goes my baby


So Scandalous


So so so Scandalous

Hot stuff head to toe

where you go no one knows

Cute smile planted on

and we aint even close yet

Solid as a rock

How many ways can you hit the spot

show me what you got

coz we aint even close yet

You got me feeling and u got me feeling weak

Listen as i speak coz im feeling philoseque

You got me going crazy and u know i can't sleep

Not watching you moves and you hypnotise me

You got me trembling like ur little baby girl

Your so special your like diamonds and pearls

You got me spinning and you got me in a twirl

Your my number 1 baby and you've come to rock my world

Your Dangerous Just get it up the way, you move so scandalous

Its all about the 2 of us, a 1 night stand just aint enough.

I need some stimulation baby a little conversation maybe.

You got me spinning round like crazy, there goes my baby


So Scandalous

(starts to sound like Step Up)
Come on step up babah (so so so scandalous)

Come on I'll show yah what i'm ready for

Come on step up babah. (Ain't no reason why)

Come on step up babah (Come on tell it to my face)

Come on I'll show you what i'm ready for (don't be disrespectin)

Come on step up babah (so don't walk away)

Cme on I'll show you what i'm ready for)(so scandalous)

Come on step up babah (come on babah now don't be shy)

Come on step up babah

(sounds like scandalous)


So so so scandalous

A little conversation goes a long long way
Shows a little patience.. that you are here to stay

SO SHOW ME THAT YOU GIVE a ooohhhhhhhh

Your Dangerous Just get it up the way, you move so scandalous
Its all about the 2 of us, a 1 night stand just aint enough.

I need some stimulation baby a little conversation maybe.

You got me spinning round like crazy there goes my baby

Your Dangerous Just get it up the way, you move so scandalous

Its all about the 2 of us, a 1 night stand just aint enough.

I need some stimulation baby a little conversation maybe.

You got me spinning round like crazy there goes my baby (so lets get ready to roll, And I don't care why)

(end of song)

Pan was a little out of breath from the dancing and singing, but it was all worth it. She stood smiling as she looked at the crowd that was clapping for her (and Mis-Teeq). She couldn't belive that she had actually become a singer (and a famous one!). She felt like her life was a fairy tail and that she'd wake up from it sooner or later..... But it wasn't it was the real deal. She was taking in every moment of it and she felt that she was blessed with the life that she had.

It seems like I can finally rest my head on something real

I love the way that feels


It's as if you've know me better than I ever knew myself

I love how you can tell


I love how you can tell


I love how you can tell

All the pieces, pieces, pieces of me.....

AN: Okay, well, I reeeeeeeeeeeeeally hope that you liked the story ^_^ If you want me to write more, than I will! But I have a idea for a new one..... mwahahaha..... OKAY! So heres the Prolouge to a new fan fic that i'm gonna see if tai wants to write with me... (haha, we left our other one in the dust, but this one is gonna be way different!!!!) Okay, so here it is:


Tai was sitting on the deck on the hamock and Allison was sitting on a chair with her chin in her hand... Both looked bored as hell.

"Oh my freakin god.. There is nothing to DO!" Allison complained while she pushed herself up from her chair.

"Huh? What did you say?" Tai asked while snapping back from her day dream and into reality.

"I said there is NOTHING TO DO!"

"Oh. Yeah there isn't any thing TO do...." Allison thought for a little while.

"You know what."


"WHY DID TRUNKS HAVE TO START WEARING GLASSES?! Now he looks like a total geek!"

"Haha. Yeah he does. Same with Gohan.. Oh god, what if Goten starts to wear those glasses?" Allison stared at Tai and then they started bursting out laughing. "Oh my god... Why do they were those glasses?! What went wrong?!?!"

"They got jobs."

"Ha, I hope Goten dosn't get a job."



"Grrr..... If DBZ/GT were real i'd knock some sense into Trunks."

"Haha. Hey!!! That'd be cool! LET'S KIDNAP TRUNKS AND GOTEN!"

"Tai, their anime charicters......Haha, or we could go over to the makers of DBZ and then forse them to add us in the anime and then we'd yell at Trunks and Goten and then kidnap them. Haha."


"Haha OKAY! But how are we gonna get there?! We dont know where it is!!!"

"Hmmm. Good point..... Haha. That'd be so cool there if DBZ/GT were real!"

"Yeah! But i'd want it to be when Goten and Trunks are our ages."


"So they're not as strong T-T. "

"Haha. Yeah." Allison looked up at night sky. Tai looked up too. "HEY LOOK! I JUST SAW A SHOOTING STAR!"


"Let's make a wish!"

"Okay!!" Allison and Tai made a small wish. "Gah... I'm tired.. I'm turnin in."

"Okay. Night."

"Night." Allison went into her room that she was staying in and went to sleep. Tai later went into her own room and went to sleep as well.

The next morning, Tai woke up to a scream coming from Allison's room. Tai ran into Allison's room.

"What's wrong?!" Tai asked. She stopped when she saw Allison's room and Allison. "You look like a person from DBZ!!!"

"SO DO YOU!" Tai blinked a couple of times and then looked down at herself.


"HOW THE BLOODY HELL SHOULD I KNOW??!?!?!!!" Allison and Tai both ran outside and looked back at the town they lived in. It was all looking like a town from DBZ. Allison ran inside and turned on the tv to the news with Tai following not far behind.

"And today on other news, In Satan City, the World Turniment now takes place. If you turn to channel 18 you can watch the whole thing happening." The tv acor man said. Allison turned it to channel 18 and her and Tai saw two teen aged guys. One had black hair and the other, surprisingly, had lavender colored hair. Tai's and Allisons eyes both got big.