Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ How I got Trunks and Goten Together ❯ Who the hell are you?! ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Disclaimer: Hello lovely readers I'm going to allow my muse to read the disclaimer to ya'll while I come up with a plan to rule over all of the dbz world! MWAHAHAHHHH!!!!!
*Mr. Pointy looked at juuaichi as if she was crazy*Well anyway if you don't know who I am my name is Mr. Pointy because I like pointy things and among other things*wiggles eyebrows*
*juuaichi looked up from her blueprints and screamed* hentai just do the disclaimer
alright alright, juuaichi does not own Dragonball z or GT though she wished she did.... AHHHHHHHHH!!
*juuaichi seen chasing Mr. Pointy with a mallet* What do you mean I don't own it!! Come back here and take your punishment like a man!!
*Mr. Pointy* Enjoy the story!!!! Gotta go!

Who The Hell Are You?!

A bird is seen flying over to a tree branch with its meal in its claws.The bird landed and took a few moments to enjoy the silence.The bird squawked as the silence was disrupted by a portal forming in the sky;and a body was thrown through it.
"WAAH,"she wailed as she tumbled face first towards the ground.She landed causing a crater and dust cloud to form."Owwwww,"she groaned as she pulled herself out of the crater she made.She was surprised to see she was still alive after that fall.Jessie summed it up that with her being in an anime world she was stronger here,that or her Author powers.She looked around and noticed a small blue duffel bag on the ground.
She picked it up and looked inside."Wai,look at all the cd's in here!"she nearly squealed.Inside were an assortment of pop and hip-hop cds.From Ludacris to N'sync."This is just what I need to help me in my mission,and now I have another one;introduce the Z fighters to the joys of music."she smirked wickedly as she choose a direction and started walking;unknowingly heading towards the Son Residents.
After walking for what seemed like hours(though only ten minutes in reality)she stopped and screamed "Where the hell am I now?!"Jessie paused and sweat dropped after she realized what she screamed and said "Man,I sounded like Ryouga for a second there."She then noticed the sweat drop on her head "Ahhhhhhh,what the hell is this thing on my head?!*gasp*Oh my gosh I'm sweat dropping.Oh, I can't believe it,"she squealed as she came up to the end of the forest and into a clearing. "I've got to tell my sister about..."she trailed off as her jaw dropped.There right in front of her was the Son residents;with all the Z fighters looking at her with shocked looks on their faces.Finaly the silence was broken by Vegeta who asked rudely(In her opinion) "Who the hell are you?!"
* * * *

Trunks sighed as him, his mother and father drove to the Son's house. The Sons' had volenteered to host the annual BBQ this year, more like Chi-Chi forced them to agree.Trunks chuckled at that thought.
Trunks sighed again as he analized his feelings for a certain someone.#I can't have feelings for him!What would everyone think? Well he probably wouldn't mind seeing as there was almost no sayjin females,Mom...I don't know what she'd think;and Pan, she'd be heartbroken and dissapointed.# He had started noticing the way she seems to always be flirting with him,then he remembered what he overheard Bra and Pan talking about last night.^^^Flashback^^^
"Bra,do you know if...Trunks is single or not?"Pan asked nervously.Bra blinked and looked at Pan as if she had grown a second head."Not that I know of.Why.do you have a crush on my big brother?"she asked adopting a sly smirk on her face.Pan blushed and stammered a reply "Why...B..bra w..w..what gave you that idea?"Bra continued to look at her slyly and she caved in "Ok,ok ,I admit I do have a crush on him, but I think it's more than a crush. I..I love him."she wispered "Oh.Pan that's the most romantic thing I've ever heard you say;and don't worry I'm sure Trunks feels the same way about you."Trunks turned with a frown on his face and left the empty hallway.^^^End Flashback^^^
Trunks shook his head.#How could Pan think that way about me, she's half my age...#He was shook out of his musings as he heard his mother's voice. "Trunks dear, we're here. Are you coming?" Bulma asked her son."Oh,yes mother I'm coming I was just thinking." Trunks climmed out of the car and was greeted with a big hug. "Trunks! I'm sooo glad your finaly here!! "It's good to be here Go..."he was interupted by someone shouting "Where the hell am I now?!" Trunks and the rest of the Z fighters looked towards the woods where a girl was emerging from.They looked at her with shocked looks upon their faces as Vegeta asked "Who the hell are you?!"

A/N:Well there's my first chapter or is that second*scraches head confusedly while sweat dropping* Anywho please read and review and tell me what you think!! Oh I forgot to tell you their ages didn't I *mutters to herself*note to self remind me to give Mr.Pointy a mallet punishing when he comes back from vacation.