Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Kids Today, Adults Tomorrow ❯ Aww..*sniffles* I'm sorry! or..YOU LOCKED THEM IN THE WHAT??!! ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Author: Bunni

Summary: Bulma has just invented a alternate dimension transporter device remote or (A.D.T) but what happens when if backfires and accidentally turns her and Vegeta into... FIVE YEAR OLDS? Beware..O.o Chaos ensues and can the Z-Senshi handle it? Some Yamcha bashing also *big grin*.

Rating: PG-13 For lang.

Disclaimer: Don't own DBZ, but do own plot idea.

Shout out to:

DarkSerapha: LOL! I loved your review! Had me laughing! :P Oh and you're welcome. I think Goku as a semiserious matchmaker instead of a goofy man makes it better for the story, ne? Anyway *big grin* I'm glad you loved the chap. Here's Chapter Four! *Vegeta's eye stops twitching* Uh. I think he's happy! ^_^

Tweetyboo: Here ya go!

Bulma : Yes, I love it when she does that! I wanna take a pic! *takes out camera* But Piccolo broke it! *sniff*

FranceGamble: Thanks!

Rez:*wipes tear from eye* Yes, it DOES bring back memories. Umm. I've never thought of my titles that way, but since you brought it to my attention, I guess so.

Mushi-azn:@_@ Umm... chibi's locked in a closet spells bad news.. but what IF they were both fourteen years old? Eep.. the damage! The damage! LOL

Squirrel: RUN! She's right behind you!! AAHH! LOL, just kidding. Yes, I'd avoid her too, but it's nearly damned impossible! *grin*

~Lala~*: Hai, it is so cute!

D-Chan: Bulma always kicks @$$! YEAH!

Kaira_13 : Thank you so much! Yes Gohan having a crush is rather ingenius, ne? Boy, Veggie-head was sure pissed when he first heard about that..*Vegeta hits on the head yet again* OWW!! *sniff*

Aieris: AWW Thanks!!! :)

Zuu-chan: Umm.. I don't think people will react positively to a five-year old make out session but there IS a kissin' scene! ^^;; I greatly appreciate that you think my work is genius LOL, no one has said that before! *Vegeta grumbles, "Maybe because it isn't genius!"* *Bunni whacks him on the head* Shuddup! *turns and grins at Zuu-chan*

KumikoVegeta: AWWWW, isn't Korrin the cutest to pet? Yes, I think he is a big cat, because in the Saiya-jinn Saga, Bulma said that Korrin looked like an ordinary housecat instead of a God. Thank you but the Goku-not-being-a-total-moron idea was totally DarkSerapha's request because she didn't like Goku being the village idoit. *smiles* Instead I've done the liberty of making Yamcha take the role!

vegeta's lover: LOL, yes.

lilou: sorry for making you wait! ^^

*looks at reviews and prompty faints* It started out with TEN, then ELEVEN, then to TWELVE, and when I look back today, it is now FIFTEEN REVIEWS FOR THE LAST CHAPTER!

*everyone's mouth is hanging open, clearly shocked* Needless to say I am highly honored by everyone's reviews.. I loved EVERYONE'S reviews! *cries into hands* some had me laughing, some had me well, weirded out, and some left me inspired. :P If reviews come to me this rate I'll have a 50 in no time! Wahoo! *dances around happy* I LOVE YOU ALL!!

Translations for Japanese words-
baka-idiot or jerk
Bakamono-stupid thing
chibi- little or small

One thing you must know about the Japanese is that they sometimes say their sentences backwards like "Chibi 'Geta" is supposed to be "'Geta Chibi" Don't ask me why but I'm going to go with that in a couple of sentences then switch back to English to confuse you all! *laughs evilly but then gets whacked by Chibi-Bra with her mega-wrench* ow..*sniffles* Like mother, like daughter.. O.O;;

(AN: Oh, and for a visual of Vegeta's clothes, which I forgot to put in the last chapter, is that he's wearing baggy black pants and a white shirt with 'Big Boy' on it. O.O;; Gohan's mother has the weirdest fashion sense.. hehe lol)

Kids Today, Adults Tomorrow
Chapter Four
Aww..*sniffles* I'm sorry! or..YOU LOCKED THEM IN THE WHAT??!!

"W hy you arrogant piece of-" Bulma didn't finish her sentence as she lunged at Vegeta. Vegeta, however wasn't expecting this, and both the chibi's tumbled to the floor, grunting and hitting eachother. Well, actually Bulma did the hitting and Vegeta did the grunting.

"Weak Noka! You cannot defeat me! It is your fault we're in this mess."

"MINE??" Bulma yelled in his face, her arms flailing around her.

"Yes, yours! Your fault we're five year olds, your fault we're locked in a closet together, your fault for everything! IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT!" Vegeta screamed at her as he shoved Bulma off him. Silence was heard afterwards. Then Vegeta's ears detected sniffling and slight sobs.

"Y-you're.. s-s-so mean, Vegeta!" Bulma cried into her hands. Vegeta felt something inside of him pang noticeably at the sound of her tears and crying.

"A-all I ever wanted to do was be your friend.. I didn't mean for it to turn out like this!" Bulma cried more. If there was anything that was cute and sad at the same time was a five-year old crying her eyes out. Even I'm tearing up here, people!

Vegeta felt a little guilty, but wasn't sure what to do. As a five-year old he was used to people bowing to him, not caring for anyone else, and now here he was five again, locked in a closet with a five-year old Bulma, who was crying her eyes out because he was 'mean', and he was feeling reallly awkward about the situation. He sighed and moved closer to Bulma, who tried to inch away from the small boy. Grumbling he hesitantly hugged her, wrapping his short chubby arms around her shaking figure.

"Sorry, noka.. I-I didn't mean it.." Vegeta said quietly, not wanting anyone else to hear his apology. Bulma stayed quiet for a moment then hugged Vegeta back.

"Really, Chibi 'Geta?" Bulma asked him, not really believing him at first.

A sigh came from him, and he shrugged. "Yes.."

"*sniff*Apology accepted, Chibi 'Geta.."

"And don't call me that, noka.." Instead of the bitter and sharp tone that was expected, his voice was rather tender towards her. Bulma smiled in the darkness, and leaned in to Vegeta giving him a quick peck on the cheek, who in turn was surprised, and flung the girl away from him.

"EEEWWW!!!" He yelled as he wiped off the 'girly germs' off his cheek. Of course there was a tingling warmth there, something felt pleasant inside of him, but he was a Saiya-jinn Prince damn it! He can't show feelings! Also he was a boy! Boys hated girls!..Didn't they?

"Tell me about it!" Bulma scrunched up her nose and wiped off her lips to get the 'lethal male virus' off. She didn't know what the heck had possessed her to actually give the damned boy a kiss. Whatever it was, it was sure as hell gone.

"Never. Noka. NEVER DO THAT TO ME AGAIN." Vegeta seethed as he sat as far away as he could from the girl. There was something so.. so right about him being near her. It was frightening to him. He actually liked being around her! HER! Of all people.. of all girls, of all the screwed up fates and destinies, it just HAD to be HER! He didn't like the feeling he got around her, and the farther he stayed away from her the better. He actually considered blowing down the laundry room/closet door, but then he'd actually have Kakarott's harpy of a mate get on his tail about it, and he didn't want the harpy screeching in his ear, until it finally bled off.

'Wasn't there a time when he actually would have liked that kiss?' Bulma thought to herself, trying to remember, but came up with a blank. She couldn't see the annoying, arrogant five-year old Saiya-jinn no Ouji as an adult liking a kiss from a girl, but there was no doubt he was just like this, boy, only liked girls!

"I'd be more than happy to, Chibi 'Geta. In fact I'll stay right here, so that way we won't have to interact with each other at all." (AN: BTW, the laundry room/closet is only big enough to fit one full grown person. Five feet high, four feet wide. I was actually considering on making them turn into 14 year olds in this scene, but I thought nah.. let them be five-year olds just a little longer.. :P) Bulma huffed and hugged her knees, glaring at Vegeta, but stayed quiet.

-Three Minutes Later-

'Bored. Bored. Bored. Bored. Bored. Bored. Bored. Bored. Bored. Bored. Bored. Bored. Bored. Bored. Bored. Bored. Bored. Bored. Bored. Bored. Bored. Bored. Bored. Bored.... I'M SO BORED!!!' Bulma screamed mentally. After droning on and on how bored she was to herself, she finally gave up thinking. She started thumping her head against the wall in a vain attempt to do something. After one minute of doing this, Vegeta's eye started twitching once more.

"Bakamono chibi! Stop that incessant banging of your head, or I will make you stop. And believe me.. you definitely don't want me to make you stop!" Vegeta snarled at her. Bulma stopped, feeling frightened for a second. There was a long silence between them.

......And that same silence was driving her crazy!!!!!

There was no doubt about it. She needed to do something. The lavender haired girl remembered when she was younger, she'd work on science/mathetical equations, or play in the garden, or run in the forest. Bulma was always doing something. There was no 'sitting around in a closet locked up with your worst enemy and do nothing but just stay silent'. She decided to take the risk and talk.

"Sooo...." Bulma began. There was no response from Vegeta. "Chibi 'Geta.. what was Vegeta-sai like? What did you do when you were younger?"

If she could see through the darkness, she would have seen him blanch and look at her in surprise. It took a few moments but he finally answered.

"Why do you want to know, wench?" He sneered at her. Bulma stuck her tongue at him, knowing that he could see her clearly through the inky darkness. Vegeta growled at the girl's impertinence.

"I dunno. I'm just curious about the person I'm locked in a closet with it. Besides I told you about my childhood, I think I deserve a little something back."

"Fine, if you want to know something, I'll tell you. No fur off my tail. Vegeta-sai.." Vegeta sighed as he leaned against the wall, his mind afresh with memories, of that when he was five-years old. "Vegeta-sai. No words could accurately describe what it brought to my people's hearts. It was beautiful when you looked at it from space. Like a pale ruby with milky streaks through it. It was the pride of every Saiya-jinn; it symbolized strength, war, and everything we Saiya-jinns stood for. But when you got on land, if was full of temperate, harsh deserts. Not really pretty, but it was beautiful in every Saiya-jinn's eyes."

Bulma closed her eyes as she tried to imagine Vegeta's planet. She saw it in the black space, stars twinkling around, with a red sun and three moons. It had red and sandy deserts, but like Vegeta said, it was beautiful. It was as if she were there with Vegeta, both looking at it.

"We conquered Planet Plant and made it our own home planet. Our original one was too unlivable (AN: I have no clue if this is true or not. Anyone who knows Vegeta-sai's past, email me and I'll fix it.). We lived on Vegeta-sai for eons, us the proud Saiya-jinn race.. anything else you want to know, Noka?"

Bulma ignored the 'girl' part and the totally rude tone, and just kicked him on his foot hard, "No. What did you do as a Prince?"

Vegeta growled. His foot actually hurt a little! HIS FOOT ACTUALLY WAS HURT BY THE WEAKLING GIRL!!.. Either he was getting weaker, or the onna was stronger as a small five-year old then a grown adult! That thought made him smile, and he'd use it to make her angry when they got back to normal.

"Fine, noka. But you'll have to give me more specific questions! I can't exactly tell you if you don't tell me what you want to know. Baka.." Vegeta smirked but then he winced as Bulma once again kicked his foot, harder than last time. He was glad for the pitch-black dimness of the closet, otherwise Bulma would have known that she hurt him, if only a little.

"Deal. What did you do as a Prince? Did you attend any balls? Did you have any friends? ... what were your parents like? You know the down low." Bulma asked as she relaxed against the wall, using some old clothes as a cushion.

"Stupid noka." He muttered under his breath, before beginning. "I was a super-elite and crowned prince of Vegeta-sai at age five *smug smile*, second to my father's power. Nappa came third. On a regular basis, I attended tutoring, science, Saiya-jinn culture, all that boring crap. Usually I just spaced out during one of my tutor's lectures about mates or something, blah, blah blah blah, honestly, you know." he paused to look at Bulma, who nodded her head, eager for more.

"I trained nearly 19 of the 24 hours of a day, each day for months, years, before I was taken by Freiza at age ten." He said the last part bitterly, and Bulma softened her eyes, wanting to reach out to comfort him, but knew he would just pull away. She wanted to hear more. "To answer your third and fourth question, no I did not have friends, or brothers or sisters. As a crown Prince, there was no other need for anymore brats to compete for the throne, and that is how I am the only child of King Vegeta, himself. There, satisfied?" Vegeta gave a scowl, and was leaning against the wall too, repeating what Bulma did. With the girl asking so many questions, and him revealing so much, it .. it brought back unpleasant and pleasant memories to say the least.

He didn't know WHY exactly he was opening up, and frankly was kind of frightened of the girl. Not because of her seemingly abnormal strength for a five-year old, or her superior mind that matched his, but the fact that he actually liked her, even though he wouldn't admit it in a million years to anyone, her or himself.

"No, Chibi 'Geta. What about your mom? And surely you had some hobbies? Come on, Veggie!! I wanna know!" Bulma gave a pout and sniffed a little. Vegeta felt all his resolve crumble to the ground. What the heck was this female doing to him? Rolling his eyes, he gave a curt answer full of annoyance.

"I don't know... I didn't have a mother when I was younger; she was killed off to prevent any future brats. That's the way it goes with royalty unless you want the females around for a good fuck." Vegeta simply said as he shrugged, not wanting to talk on the subject of mothers.

"Stop swearing! I don't like it! I'm only five for Kami's sake!.. and how can you live without a mom? That's just not possible!" Bulma said, arching her eyebrow. As a five-year old she depended on her mother to make her PB&J sandwiches, read her bedtime stories, kiss her boo-boo's. How can a small Saiya-jinn prince live without a mommy? She shuddered at the thought of living without her mom. Even though she was beyond ditzy, she couldn't imagine life without her.

"I'll stop swearing when I feel like it, chibi bakamono, and yes it is possible. We Saiya-jinns do not need females for coddling infants when they should be training. They are a weakness to the warriors, and we do not need to bond." He scrunched up his nose as if he smelled something vile. "I don't know why females are even around on Earth, if they fulfilled their purpose of birthing brats and pleasuring the male just right. By all aspects, they should be dead, if they lived by Saiya-jinn culture."

"Weeeelll, 'Your Highness', for one don't call me little stupid thing, two I feel sorry for you if you don't have a mommy to make you yummy sandwiches and tell bedtime stories or to kiss ouchies away. You're missing out on alot. And three, we're not living by your culture, but by my culture. Here women are as important as men, sometimes even more." Bulma sniffed as she held up her nose in a superior manner. Vegeta narrowed his eyes at her.

"What do you mean by that?" He quietly asked. Bulma widened her eyes and looked at him, her eyes straining in the darkness

"I said that women are-" He cut her off.

"no, no the other thing. The one about the mother."

"I said I feel sorry for you if you didn't have a mommy and that your missing out on alot of things."

Vegeta gave off a low growl. "Don't. I wouldn't want a mother anyway. They coddle, and weaken their children, much like you." He lied. The real truth was that Vegeta did have a mother when he was younger, was truly jealous of Bulma that she got to experience having a mother.

"For your information, I am NOT weak. If you weren't a Saiya-jinn, then I'd have no trouble beating you up. Moms don't make you weak, by the way. They teach you how to love, and give you hugs, and make you cookies, and take care of you when your sick.." Bulma trailed off as she started to cry. Vegeta groaned and slapped his head. She was crying again. What did he do to deserve this torture?

"Bakamono, why are you crying now?"

Bulma didn't answer except cry harder. To Vegeta's ears it was agonizing.

"Bulma! Stop it! You're hurting my ears, noka!" Bulma stopped when she heard her name.

"S-sorry.. I j-just wanted my mommy..*sniff*..I'm sorry.."

"Stupid Chikyuu-jinn. You and your 'attachments'.. It disgusts me to no end!" Vegeta growled as he crossed his arms in front of his chest. Bulma again started to sob which pissed off Vegeta further. After a couple more minutes of her still crying for her mother, Vegeta finally relented.

'..stupid Chikyuu-jinn.. do I really have to apologize to her AGAIN? I don't even know why I did that in the first place.. besides what if she kisses me again?' Vegeta couldn't help but shudder at the thought. 'Kisses.. ewwww...' Shaking the thought off, he moved to Bulma again. "Listen, brat, I have no time for this meaningless crying and whining for your pathetic mother. The reason why I don't have a mom is because.. she.. she died.. when I was younger. My father had her killed after I was titled Crown Prince. He didn't want her to weaken me..." Unconciously, unknown to him, he was clenching his fists into tight balls. He spoke of his father with obvious hate, and the memory of his mother brought fresh tears that welled in his eyes. Bulma stopped crying, and looked at him with red, irratated eyes.

"Aww.. Chibi 'Geta.. I'm sorry.. I.didn't know.. I wish I could.. wait... here.." Bulma took out a necklace from under her clothes, and it was simple in design. It was a sort of pendant, a light blue crystal, engraved in the oval with a picture of a celtic sun, with the words, "Love Always Blue" typed on the bottom of the oval. She handed it to Vegeta, who looked at it with mistrust and then to her, feeling confused.

"Take it. I've had it ever since I was born. It helped me get through tough times whenever my mommy went away. Maybe it'll help you."

"..I..I.." Vegeta felt himself unable to form words. He took the necklace, careful not to break the thin, delicate silver chain. He blinked as he looked at it. The crystal within was shining was if from it's own light. He didn't know why, but knew that this meant alot to Bulma, and it felt even more special to him now that she had given it to him. HIM. Of all people. Not to Yamcha. Not to Gohan. Not to anyone else, but to him. The mass-murderer of worlds, the one that always insulted her, the one that had only cared about himself and his needs until now, the one that she trusted with her precious gift. Feeling strangely happy, he slipped the necklace over his head, admiring the oval pendant. He looked to Bulma, who was in the land of nod, snoring gently.

Scooching over to her, his dislike for girls gone, at least for this one lavender haired beauty, and slept beside her. Maybe he did have one friend when he was five after all.

(AN:*sobs into tissue* Ohmygosh.. that is the single. MOST. Kawaii. Scene EVER! *sobs more* so beautiful..)

"YOU LOCKED THEM IN THE WHAT??!!" Goku was again blown away by someone's yelling for the second time that day, and rammed into the wall, making a slight imprint of his body, hair and all. Chichi stood with one HUGE frying pan in one hand and a camera in the other. Of course she put down the camera so she could beat up Goku fully, hehe.

Goku 'eep'ed and tried to pry himself from the wall to run away, totally forgetting he could transport from one place to another in a matter of seconds literally. Chichi when mad, was even more frightening then Freeza, or even *gasp* Bulma!

"WHY THE HELL DID YOU DO THAT, GOKU??? WHY??!!" Chichi screamed as she swung her frying pan at him full force. He ducked and the frying pan hit a nearby flower vase. That only made Chichi angrier.

"Chi, let me explain-*duck*. They were arguing and I *duck* had to seperate them and *duck* it just popped in my head *duck* to just put them in the closet. *duck and backs away* so that way they could *ducks again* resolve their problems in a *holds hands up before she could swing at him* responsible way Chi.. I just want them to get along.. besides what trouble could it be? Huh, Chi?" Goku gave his best puppy dog, 'Plllleaaaaasssee, Chichi' look with a pout. (AN: Chibi-Bra learned from the best *coughcoughhermomandGoku!coughcough*)

Chichi sighed, feeling her anger and resolve melt away. She whined to Goku though, "Buuuuuuut Go-chan! They're gonna kill each other in that closet!!"

Goku gave a brilliant Son grin, and tapped his head. "Don't worry. I've got it all figured out up here. Trust me."

Giving a relunctant sigh, Chichi put her head on Goku's shoulder. "Ok, I trust you Goku. But if anything happens.." She trailed off, looking up at Goku. Goku just smiled gently.

"Don't worry, Chi." He repeated, giving a brighter grin. "Everything's gonna turn out fine."

"Alright..*sighs* I'll go finish dinner.." Chichi shook her head as she went into the kitchen. Sometimes she wondered about Goku. Everything did always turn out alright in the end- well most of the time anyway (i.e. the time Goku died, the Saiya-jinns arrival, her baby boy going off to another planet, when Goku disappeared for a whole entire year, Gohan training with Piccolo, and skipping out on studying, and now the Androids.. -_-;;)- but she really wondered.

"How in the heck is he going to pull this off?" Chichi again sighed and gave off a short laugh. Whatever her Saiya-jinn husband had planned, it was sure to be something to remember! 'Now after dinner, I'm gonna look for my camera..' Chichi promised herself as she stirred the batter.


Chibi-Bra: Oh my goodness..*sniffles into tissue* That scene was so cute...
Bunni: Awww.. yeah it was.. so did you like the chapter?
Chibi-Bra:..a little. But not enough.. I failed to see the humor in this chapter!
Bunni:*sniffles and hides under desk* aww.. come on! Really?
Trunks:*sighs and shakes head* Really.. you have to work on your writing. That clearly sucked!
Bunni:*cries* You're all so mean to me! WHY?? WHY!!??
Android T:*grabs Trunks and starts hitting him* Yeah why? *enjoys hurting Trunks*
Trunks:*multipile bruises and bumps everywhere* Ow! Bunni! Call off your psychotic android!
Bunni:..*whistles an innocent tune as she looks carefully at her fingernails* Huh? What was that Trunks? I'm sorry, I can't hear you. The pain and humiliation of your comments has filled my head. *sniff* I can't think of anything else but hurting you..
Trunks:*turns purple from Android T strangling him* ...help.. *strained whisper*
Bunni: Android T.. wait until he passes out.. then let him go..
Android T:*smirks and nods letting Trunks go*
Chibi-Bra:*steps over her unconcious brother* Bunni, what's gonna happen with mommy and daddy? They're still locked in the closet!
Bunni: Wellll.. I don't kiss and tell! *blows raspberry at Chibi-Bra and uncapsules a hover motorbike and flies away with Android T at the speed of light*
Chibi-Bra:*growls and turns to the reviewers* I'm THIS *scrunches fingers together to form a tight space* close to reeeealllly getting fed up with her. If she doesn't behave by the next chapter, I'm sicin' daddy on her! Come on Trunks!
Trunks: X.X *knocked out still*
Chibi-Bra: Oh brother..*grabs his feet and drags him after Bunni and Android T* The things I do to get daddy and mommy together! *rolls eyes*
Trunks:*opens one eye to look at reviewers* Review please, otherwise I might still get beat up! *strikes stunning smile and wink before going unconcious again*

Review like that man said! :P Uh..please? *puppy dog look*