Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Losing hope ❯ Chapter 7

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Author Notes: Mirai Trunks, is going to sound a little mean in this chapter, I just thought I make him a bit Out of Character. I thought making him seem like a Jerk in some areas, I thought I twist the plot around, usually the Trunks/Pan/M. Trunks triangle stories, have Trunks being the jerk and Mirai Trunks being the nice person. If you cannot fathom the idea of Mirai Trunks acting like a jerk, then do not read, but remember it isn't real it is only Fanfiction.

I smirked as my counterpart tried getting up. I cannot believe he actually wants to fight me in his weakened state. Oh, this is going to be so easy.

"I'll be with Pan Chan, and don't you dare call her that ever again." He is upset that I had called her Pan Chan. Apparently that is his pet name for her.

"Look Trunks I know you love Pan and frankly I really don't care how you feel, I'm with Pan and that is how it's going to stay." I smile down at him.

"If I wasn't confined to this bed, I would open up a can of whoop ass on you right now." He smirked.

I laughed. "You're going to beat me?" I asked. I could not believe the words he was saying. He actually thought he could beat me.

"Look, I may not have grown up in a world like you, and I may not appreciate some of the things around me, but the one thing that means more to me then anything is Pan Chan, I love her Mirai Trunks. I'm going to be with her."

I shook my head. "You just don't get it; I don't care how you feel Trunks. Pan is mine and is going to stay mine." I lean over his bed. "Forever." I emphasize the word forever.

"You act like she is a prize to be won; I'm not going to play for her." He said trying to sound so noble. I could not believe the idiot actually believes Pan would want to be with some one who will not even fight for her.

"Scared, what would Pan think? You want to know. She would think of you as a coward. A low life coward. I am willing to fight for her love. Her."

"I never said I wouldn't fight, I just need time to recuperate." He tells me.

"Recuperate; you think a true saiyan would let his enemy recuperate before finishing him off, Right now Trunks you are at your weakest state." I say as I ready a Ki blast.

*light fills the room*

Trunks POV.

I see the blast he has intended for me, he really is going to fight to the death for her. I ready myself for the blast. All I can see is light, bright light. Then it was as the room went black as I closed my eyes. I suddenly opened them. Am I dead.

"What?" I asked as I see Pan shielding me with her body. "Pan?"

I tried calling out to her. She however would not respond. "Pan Chan wakes up?" I nudge her a bit. I smile when she starts to move.

She looked at me. Her dark coal eyes look into the sapphire pools of mine, she smiles. "I won't let anyone hurt you." She then turned towards Mirai Trunks. She looked at him with a blank face. No one could tell what she was thinking.

Mirai stares in shock. He looked down at his hands, confused on what happened. "I…don't know…I'm sorry." He apologized. However, Pan was not listening.

"I thought you were the patient one, the one who would think before acting so rash. I however was wrong. How could you? How could you attack a man while he's down?"

"I…don't know, I'm…" He could not explain his actions. I suppose his saiyan instincts kicking in. There were times I wanted to kill him for taking Pan from me. I however learned from father how to keep my saiyan side in check when it comes to fighting with the people I care about, and people I have no fight with in the first place.

"Mirai, I love you I do. However If you are going to be like that, I cannot be with you. I'm sorry."

"Pan what are you saying?" He asked.

"I'm saying you better leave." She pulled him over to the side of the room. Luckily, my hearing was not gone; I could hear everything she was saying.

"Pan, you are scaring me." Mirai Trunks told her.

"Look Tru-Chan I love you, I do. These last few days while Trunks was injured, had got me thinking. "

"Thinking about what?"

"Thinking about my future, my life. I realized the reason I cannot give myself completely to you. Is that I am in love with Trunks, my heart and my soul belong to him, I now realize that. I'm sorry."

I smiled, she loves me, yeah. I was in seventh heaven, on cloud nine. I was so happy. All right, I will stop. She does love me though.

"Pan…I…" Mirai Trunks tries to understand why she all the sudden had a change of heart...

"I had always loved Trunks, Tru Chan, I had always thought he didn't have feeling for me. I suppose I used you in a way. I thought you would make me getting over Trunks easier." Pan laughed at herself, she laughed at her beliefs.

"I don't understand." Mirai Trunks looked at Pan confusedly. He tried to comprehend what she was saying. Hell I was trying to comprehend what she was saying.

"I guess what I'm saying am I thought dating you, I would be somehow dating Trunks, and I would forget about him. If that makes since at all, I know it sounds weird. I do know however, I believe it would be best for you to go back to your timeline. If I must choose, I choose Trunks. My Trunks."

"Are you sure Pan?" I heard him ask, He wants to make sure she is sure of her opinion.

"I'm sure, these last few days made me realize where my heart belonged, or where it always was. I couldn't give you all of me because Trunks had the most important part of my being, my heart, and soul." She smiles at me. 'Please let this not be a dream.'

"I love you Pan, I really do. When I saw you shield him, it made me realize I really need to keep my saiyan side in check when it comes to fighting with my friends." He apologizes to both Pan and I.

"Mirai Trunks." I call. I want to tell him thank you for helping Pan realize her true feelings. Even if it was not intentional. He still did.

He turned towards me. "Yeah?"


"For what, I'm the one who should be apologizing; I attacked you while you were down, and because of my stupidity I lost the one person I love unconditionally, so I guess what I'm saying is I'm sorry, and congratulations. I guess all in all Pan had always chosen you. I was just a substitute for you."

I just stared at him. Didn't he mind leaving? Could he go back to the future, and pretend he never had feelings for Pan.

"Can you really leave after all you and Pan went through?" I asked.

"Dude she chose you, I have to leave while I have some self respect left in me.

"This may sound strange, but I'll miss you."

"Yeah, I'll miss you too. It isn't everyday you lose the girl you love to…yourself." With that the three of us laughed.

I had finally won Pan. My life was complete.

Mirai Trunks however, I hope he can find a girl who loves him and only him. Maybe there is a girl in his time waiting for him to return.

Author Notes: Well that is that Chapter, the next chapter, Mirai gets a farewell back to his timeline, and Pan and Trunks plan their future together.