Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Lost in the Darkness ❯ On Fluttering Angels Wings ( Chapter 16 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Lost in the Darkness

Part 16

On Fluttering Angel's Wings

Disclaimer: You silly blighters! I don't own this bally thing! Silly chaps if ya think I do!

Basil Stage Hare: Bad form wot! Stealin' my lines!

I didn't steal anything! Don't be silly! And I don't own Basil either. *sigh* And he's funny to. And before I forget…

Tekkaman Blade: I don't mind that you don't review as much as long as you read for your enjoyment and tell me every now and then.

Kei: Thanks for your support, but I can't answer anything except I will hint that the twenty-one law is VERY important!

Callie: You got one wish! But the woman that bought Kakarotto is definatly NOT Chichi.

Basil: Enjoy, chaps and chapesses! Wot!

Now who stealing lines? Anyway…ENJOY!

~*~ ~*~ ~*~

Kakarotto shrieked in agony as he was thrown from the stage and unto the hard ground unable to catch himself in time. His head hit something sharp and he felt blood trickle down the side of his face. His wrists were shackled together and bound at his waist. The teen groaned and tried to get to his feet just as his new owner stalked over. The woman was tall with dark brown hair and cold brown eyes. She appeared to be about the same age as his father, or maybe a little older.

"Get up, slave." She snarled, glaring at him. Kakarotto tried, but with out the use of either hands or ki and as weak as he was, he couldn't. The woman growled and kicked him as hard as she could. Kakarotto cried out in pain. She drug him to his feet and shoved him toward her truck. "Get inside you worthless scum."

Kakarotto obeyed, stumbling and nearly falling again. There was no one else around. The Saiya-Jin teen groaned and sat down on the floor of the truck. This was not good. His father would be livid and no one would bother looking for him! Except Bardock, but without the technology the Saiya-Jins had acquired to locate his ki, he was as good as lost. He rested his head on his knees. He was a bit cramped, but he couldn't use his hands and he didn't want to get hurt in the ride. There was nothing more he could do. Yet.

His new master returned at that moment, leading someone behind her. "As long as he's in my house, I don't want him able to spill my secrets." Kakarotto looked up, eyes wide in terror. The man behind her was huge! He had rugged features and was rather wide and very strong looking. Brown hair was visible under a hat decorated with ox horns. His beard and eyes were also brown. The man looked at the Saiya-Jin teen sadly and pulled out a large needle.

Kakarotto frowned and scuttled backwards. The woman rolled her eyes. "Find me when you're done. I hate hearing their screams." Kakarotto's eyes widened in terror.

~ What is he doing? ~ He thought wildly as the woman walked out.

"Look, boy, I'm sorry I have to do this, but I do what I'm paid to do. I have to prevent you from talking." The man sighed.

"H-how do you do that? You're not going to cut out my tongue are you?" Kakarotto gulped. "I happen to like my tongue."

"No, boy, I inject you with this stuff and it keeps you from speaking. You can scream, cry, whatever, but you can't talk. I'd tell you how it works, but you wouldn't understand. The last person I told was a regular doctor and I confused the hell out of him." He explained.

"Well, I have two things to ask you, then." Kakarotto bit his lip.

"All right, what?" The man agreed, settling back.

"First, will I be able to speak again?" Kakarotto almost didn't ask he was so afraid of the answer.

"When you are dosed with the antidote, yes. And there will be no lasting affects." Kakarotto sighed in relief.

"And, I would like to know your name." He looked up expectantly.

"Ox King." The man replied. "I'm really sorry I have to do this. Beyond anything else. I'd rather have to kill you that do this." Kakarotto shrugged.

"There are worse things." He drew a deep breath. "Now do it." Ox King nodded and injected him with whatever was in the needle.

Pain flashed through Kakarotto's very being. It was like nothing he'd ever felt, the pain wasn't intense but it was harsh and something more. The teen couldn't quite explain. He threw his head back and gave a wordless animalistic scream. The pain soon subsided and the scream turned into a whimper. He couldn't talk.
~~*~~ ~~*~~ ~~*~~ ~~*~~ ~~*~~ ~~*~~

Turlis sat up when he felt something rattle him. There was something wrong with his brother! ::Goku! Goku! KAKAROTTO!:: He yelled in his mind. A blinding pain flashed, making his head spin. ::What are they doing? Kakarotto!::

::Can't talk! They made it so I couldn't talk! Brother? What should I do? Yinyan, tell me!:: Kakarotto pleaded.

::I don't know! I don't! You can still talk to me! Can they fix it?:: He half-shouted.

::Yes, but I don't know how! It was a shot and the guy…Ox King…he said it could be fixed. Changed.:: Kakarotto slowly began to calm down.

::When I find this…Ox King I'm going to kill him for hurting you, brother…:: Turlis growled.

::No, he didn't want to do it, but he had to. Kill the woman that did this. Kill whoever put me in this mess. But don't hurt Ox King. He had his own reasons.:: Kakarotto shook his head.

::Fine. But SOMEONE is going to pay!:: Turlis snarled.
~~*~~ ~~*~~ ~~*~~ ~~*~~ ~~*~~ ~~*~~

"What do you mean you can't find my sons?! I demand they be found!" Bardock yelled.

"They are slaves. We have higher priorities. They'll be free at twenty-one. Give it a rest, old man." The Chief of Police rolled his eyes.

Bardock bared his teeth but said nothing. There was nothing he could do but plaster signs around. He should have reported his son as stolen goods. They probably would have found them faster.

Aria had called all of the duo's friends but none had any leads. David and Leah had come to help them search, but to no avail. They couldn't be found.
~*~ ~*~ ~*~

"It was so great! Just shot them and snapped the collars around their necks. They never even knew what hit them." Sharpner laughed. "We sold them to an auctioneer and he sold them at auction yesterday. We'll never have to see them again!"

"Who are you talking about?" David asked with a smile. Sounds interesting."

"It was those stupid slaves that were here. They aren't now!" One of the other boys laughed.

David nodded. "I see." He growled in reply before he stormed off.

"David? What happened?" Leah asked, falling into step with the brown haired boy.

"Those bastards sold them! They recaptured and SOLD them!" He yelled. Leah gasped and turned away, eyes glittering with unshed tears.

"How could they?" She whispered. "How are we going to tell their parents?"

"Come on. We'll go now." David grabbed her arm. Leah nodded and the two ran out of the building.
~*~ ~*~ ~*~

"Bardock-san! Aria-san!" Leah yelled, dashing towards the house their best friends once lived in.

The two Saiya-Jins raced from the house. "What is it? Did you find something?" Aria cried.

"Sharpner sold them! He kidnapped them and sold them!" David told them trying not to cry. It was to late for Leah. She was already in tears. Aria moaned and collapsed against Bardock, crystal tears streaming down her face. David pulled Leah into a hug. She cried into his shoulder while his tears fell into her hair where they glistened like diamonds in the morning light. And the worst part was that there was nothing any of them could do.
~~*~~ ~~*~~ ~~*~~ ~~*~~ ~~*~~ ~~*~~

Kakarotto woke from his reverie when the truck stopped. He was guessing he was at her plantation house and rose unsteadily to his feet. The door opened and a man stepped inside. He couldn't have been more than two years Kakarotto's senior with red-orange skin and fluffy straight white hair. Brown-black eyes studied the Saiya-Jin teen with slight interest but nothing more.

"What's your name, boy?" The being asked with a slight smile. "I'm Jeisu."

Kakarotto shook his head and pointed to his throat giving a slight shake of his head indicating he couldn't speak. Jeisu sighed. "You're for the house aren't you."

Kakarotto nodded and Jeisu raised and eyebrow. "Can you write? I can read enough to get your name if you can write it."

Kakarotto nodded and Jeisu grinned. "Here, I'll take you to the house and get you a bit of paper, howShe never plans on having any who can write." Kakarotto grinned and nodded, but his eyes were still sad.

It didn't long to get to the house, a large stone monstrosity that was extremely ugly, and even less to get the paper. Kakarotto carefully wrote his name down so Jeisu could read it and looked at the man anxiously.

"Ka-ka-rot-to?" Jeisu glanced up expectantly. Kakarotto nodded happily. "How old are you, than?"

Fifteen was the scrawled reply. "Where are you from?" This time he gave two explanations. Vegita-Sei and then he added, I'm a Saiya-Jin.

Jeisu nodded. "Well, then, that makes life easier. Now I need to show you around." The teen tipped his head quizzically but obediently hopped off the chair to follow the cheerful Jeisu around.
~*~ ~*~ ~*~

Kakarotto was amazed that a building could be this big. It mystified him to no end. Why would anyone even WANT a house this size? As far as he knew, she was the only person that lived in it. Jeisu had left hiim in the kitchen because he had to go out and do his own work. Kakarotto managed to convey his thanks to the man, by using Saiya-Jin body language. It had been hard, as they were two different spices, but it had been worth the effort.

The door to the kitchen swung open with a bang, slamming against the wall next to it. His master walked in with a scowl on her face. "Get over here, boy!" She snarled softly. Kakarotto scrambled to do her bidding. The whip held by her side cracked as she swung it.

"That was too slow!" She screamed, hitting him with the hard metal handle. Kakarotto nearly cried out, but bit his lip just in time to stop himself. Next time he would move faster.

"Stand where you are!" She barked. Kakarotto snapped to attention. The woman circled him, watching him with a scowl. Before he knew what was happening, she reached up and turned his collar to the highest possible setting.

Blackness wound through the teen's vision and his knees buckled as his energy was drained away. His mouth opened in surprise and he crashed limply to the floor. "I did not tell you that you could move!" The woman shrieked in rage. She cracked the whip across his back. The boy moaned and tried to struggle to his feet under the rain of blows. He got to his knees before she kicked him as hard as she could in the ribs. There was a sickening crack of breaking bone and with an animalistic scream of pure agony, Kakarotto collapsed unconscience to the cold stone floor.
~~*~~ ~~*~~ ~~*~~ ~~*~~ ~~*~~ ~~*~~

Vegita was sitting calmly in the woman's med lab when Radditz came around. Bulma had left to try and find some food for the two and had not yet returned. "Where am I?" Radditz moaned, holding his head.

"You passed out and I brought you to my mate's office." Vegita stated shortly. Radditz gave a start.

"Your WHAT?!" He demanded. "You mated with her? She's HUMAN, Vegita! For the love of Kyria!"

"And? We were soul mates before time began. How do you propose I stop that?" He growled to his friend.

"You didn't say that part!" Radditz said accusingly. "You really ought to tell the whole story. One of these days someone's going to get the wrong idea!"

"Too late." Vegita told the warrior dryly. Radditz gave a small smile. Bulam walked in at that moment.

"We have a new slave shipment. Daddy wants you both to help unload. If he asks, you were helping me move some computer stuff, got it?" She shooed them from the room. Both nodded in agreement.
~~*~~ ~~*~~ ~~*~~ ~~*~~ ~~*~~ ~~*~~

The inside of the truck was cold and dark. Turlis was packed in with almost twenty other beings, though, once again, none were Saiya-Jin. He didn't know where he was going, only that he was once again a slave and this time his father wasn't there. The angry teen growled in guttural Saiya-Go, the old language that had all but died out on their planet except for several curses. They were all required to learn it, but they almost never used it. The language had recently developed into a code, however, so the owner's would not realize their slaves were talking to one another. It worked quite well.

The truck he was in lurched to a sudden stop. He could hear yelling voices on the other side of the doors to the outside and waited eagerly for them to be opened. To his delight, the doors were flung open moments later and sunlight streamed in. Turlis groaned. It was too bright now! He'd been in the dark a long time apparently. One by one, the slaves jumped from the truck. Shouts told them where to go. One sounded vaguely familiar but he couldn't place it.

"Next!" The voice shouted. Turlis jumped of the truck his eyes shut to ward off the bright sun. Someone grabbed his arm and hauled him along.

"You need to open your eyes, boy…" Another person snapped. The two halted a moment later when a third mumbled something.

The mumbled sounded familiar as well, tough he was confused as to who in particular would mumble, "holy hell," upon seeing him.

"Turlis?" The person gasped.

"How do you know my name?" He demanded, opening his eyes. A tall man with long black hair that fell just past his knees stared at him. The man was very muscular and had cold black eyes…just like his father's. There was only one person that looked like that. "Radditz?" Turlis asked incredulously.

"Brother, you remember!" Radditz laughed.

"Yeah, well you looked pretty scrawny when I last saw you." Turlis stated shortly. Radditz laughed. "And you were shorted too."

"I wish I never saw you here." Radditz looked dead serious.

"What? But-why?" Turlis felt hurt. He hadn't seen his brother in four years and Radditz didn't want to see him?

"This place is a hell-hole." Raddtiz told him softly. "I wish they hadn't brought you into it."
~*~ ~*~ ~*~

(A/N) This looked like a good place to stop… So, I hope you liked and I'm sorry about what happened to Kakarotto but it's necessary for when he meets Chichi which, might I add, should be next chapter. I do realize I told you Ox King would be his sweet self, and he pretty much is. The reason he does what he does will be told later, but he is pretty nice compared to almost everyone else. And he really WAS sorry.

So, till next time, REVIEW! Flames are for s'mores and constructive criticism is welcome. But if you flame now, you REALLY look silly. Sixteen chapters of a fic you hate. As Basil Stage Hare would say in Redwall, "T'cha! Bad form chap!"

Ja ne!
~*~ Lady Foeseeker ~*~