Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Love At First Sight ❯ Goku's Decision ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

A/N Pt. 1: O_O I didn't know that this story would receive so much interest! I'm glad that you all like it. Here is the next chapter. I won't make you all wait any longer. ^. ~ I would like to say this. I hope I didn't offend anyone by Goku's fiancée's name :( I just thought the name fit, ya know? ^. ~
Disclaimer: (since I forgot to put it at the beginning of the chapter) *rolls eyes* you already know I don't own DBZ, so why waste my breath o_O
Love at First Sight - Goku's Decision
The next morning…
Goku lay wide-awake in his bed. He didn't get any sleep last night and he still wasn't tired in the least. He sat up in his bed and glanced over to his clock on his nightstand. 10:00 a.m.
`Only three more hours before I get married…'
He got up and walked over to his bathroom, which was attached to his room, and turned on the shower. He stripped himself of his boxers and stepped in, letting the hot water beat down on his perfectly muscled body. Goku closed his eyes and began to think about the night before, and his thoughts automatically set on her.
She was so enchanting and perfect. He wondered why he hasn't seen her around Satan City before. Satan City was a pretty big city, but everyone practically knew everyone, especially Goku and Vegeta since they ran and owned a globally known dojo. He shrugged it off and turned off the water, stepping out of the shower. He grabbed a towel that was hanging on his towel rack and wrapped it around his waist.
Goku stretched his arms over his head as he walked out of the bathroom and over to his closet. He opened his closet door and grabbed a white tux that was still in its plastic wrapping. He sighed as he began taking the tux out of its plastic wrapping. Did he really want this? Did he really want to marry Candy?
“Damn! Why couldn't I have met her sooner? The timing was all off. I mean the night before my wedding?” Goku said to himself. He was trying to shake it off, but was failing. It only made him think of her more. Her long raven hair, her beautiful onyx eyes and her gorgeous smile.  Goku's stomach began doing flip-flops again, something it never did when he was around, or even thought about Candy. This girl, however, he didn't even know her name.
All there thoughts were giving Goku a headache, he had to get his mind off of this, off of her. As if on cue, he was suddenly plagued with a question that wiped all of his thoughts away.
What was he going to have for breakfast?
          & nbsp;           &nbs p;            & nbsp;           &nbs p;            & nbsp;           &nbs p;           ~§~
An hour and a half later, Goku emerged from his kitchen, patting his stomach happily. He decided on pancakes, eggs, sausage, bacon, ham, steak, and grits. He walked a little bit slower to his room. He had eaten too much and he couldn't hardly move, but it was oh, so good. When Goku finally reached his room, he walked to his drawer and looked for a pair of boxers. He didn't bother to change out of his towel before breakfast. He decided on a pair of black silk boxers before walking over to his bed to put on his tux.
After Goku got dressed, he looked at his watch. 12:00 p.m.
`I better get going, or I'll be late…'
He put on his shoes and walked out the door of his condo, locked it, then got into his car. As soon as Goku started it up, he let the top down. For as long as he could remember, he always wanted a black mustang convertible, and when his business started to boom, he bought quite a few cars, but the black mustang was always his favorite. Goku backed out of his driveway and drove to the end of the street, stopped by a red light.  He was at an intersection that wouldn't let him go straight, just right or left. He looked to both sides of the street.  If he turned right, he would be going to the karaoke bar that they were at last night, where he fell in love, but if he turned left, he would be going straight to the hall where his wedding was about to take place.
He sat therefore about 10 minutes, contemplating his situation before finally turning left.
`Oh well,' Goku thought. `Who am I to mess with fate…'
          & nbsp;           &nbs p;            & nbsp;           &nbs p;            & nbsp;           &nbs p;              ~§~
45 minutes later…
Krillin took a quick peek inside the hall where the wedding of his best friend was going to start soon. The hall was huge and had about 300 chairs, all of them full of chattering people. There was a lacy white material covering the aisle where the bridal party would be walking down. The guests' chatter seemed to grow as they began checking their watches. Krillin looked down at his watch also. 1:15. The wedding was suppose to start at 1:00.
`Goku is 15 minutes late. Where is he…'
“Hey 8-ball, where is that idiot friend of yours?” Vegeta said annoyed, walking behind Krillin. “This piece of clothing is trying my patience.
Krillin turned around and laughed to himself. He had never seen a sight more amusing than the one before him. Vegeta in a tux. A loose tux at that.
Vegeta saw the amused look that crossed Krillin's face and grabbed his collar. “Something funny, Baldy?” he growled
“No, Vegeta. Relax already.”
Vegeta let go of Krillin's collar and just glared at him. Just then, a screaming sound was heard all over the hall.
“KRILLIN!!!” The voice called and Krillin closed his eyes and sighed. He was hoping that everything would go smoothly today, so he wouldn't have to deal with her. But as he opened his eyes and turned around, he saw not one, but two females. One of them his girlfriend, Maron, and the other one was Goku's fiancée', Candy. Candy pushed her way down the hall, dragging Maron along, since she was holding her train.
Candy stopped in front of Krillin and looked down to him. Candy was a couple of inches shorted that Goku and had long red hair and was full figured (A/N: Think of Anna-Nicole as a redhead…that's Candy). She lived her life scamming men out of their money until she left them broken. When she met Goku, he was already rich and when she found out that he would probably be making money for the rest of his life, she decided that she was going to marry him and spend his money. She already had it all planned out.
“Candy, you should really go back to your dressing room. You shouldn't be seen in your wedding dress. Goku is going to be here any minute.” Krillin said flatly.
Candy growled, then bent down and grabbed Krillin's collar, causing Maron to fall onto Candy's train.
“That's just it, you idiot! Goku is not coming.”
“W…what you mean Goku is not coming?”
“Goku just called me on my cell and said that he was sorry and that he couldn't marry me. Then he hung up.”
Krillin's eyes widened. “Oh. My. God.”
Vegeta who was listening to the whole conversation, smirked.
“I wonder why he changed his mind?” Krillin said more to himself than to anyone. Candy tightened her grip on Krillin's collar. “Hey, that's starting to hurt!”
“Do you think I care?!? Now you listen to me, Krillin. You go and find him, wherever he is and you bring him here! I'll be damned if my financial future is destroyed because of Goku's case of cold feet!”
Krillin gasped at her comment. “That's the only reason why you want me to find him, so that you can finally be financially stable?!”
“You are such a bitch.”
Candy smiled. “Thanks for the compliment, Krillin. Now hurry up, the guests are waiting.” Candy said as she let go of Krillin's collar and smoothed out the top  half of his tux, then walked away, dragging Maron behind her.
Krillin shook his head, then turned to Vegeta.
“I can't believe Goku didn't show up at his own wedding!” Krillin said as he massaged his now sore neck. “Vegeta, do you have any idea about Goku's whereabouts?”
Vegeta's smirk grew. “Of course I do,  idiot, and you do too.”
Krillin stood there thinking for a minute until one place came to mind.
“You don't mean…”
Vegeta nodded.
“There's no way he went back there.”
“Want to bet money, baldy?”
“I'll bet you $100 bucks.
“You're on!”
          & nbsp;           &nbs p;            & nbsp;           &nbs p;            & nbsp;           &nbs p;           ~§~
Krillin and Vegeta pulled up in front of the Crazy Heavens Karaoke Bar and Krillin looked around for Goku's car. Nothing.
“Ha! You owe me $100 bucks.”
Vegeta chuckled and pointed a little farther down the street at a black mustang with an all too familiar head of hair sitting in the driver's seat.
“Damn.” Krillin mumbled and also reaching into his pocket and pulling out a $100.00 bill, giving it to Vegeta. Vegeta snatched the money, and exited the car, followed by Krillin. The two men walked up to the car and stood next to the driver's side. Goku didn't notice them because he was looking into his rearview mirror and speaking into it.
“Hey, Goku!” Krillin yelled, scaring the hell out of Goku.
“Don't scare me like that?” Goku gasped out. “What are you two doing here anyway?”
“Us?!? What about you?!? It's your wedding day.” Krillin said as he looked over Goku's attire. He had on his tux, but his jacket was draped across his passenger's seat and the top two buttons of his shirt were undone. “I see you didn't forget to dress appropriately today. You know, Candy was waiting for you.”
“Why? I called her and told her I wasn't coming?”
“What didn't you show up today?”
Vegeta rolled his eves and folded his arms over his chest, annoyed by Krillin stupidity on this particular subject. Maybe it was his stupid girlfriend, Maron, rubbing off on him.
“What are you stupid or something? We are at the bar that hosted his bachelor's party, instead of his wedding. Think about it.”
“You're no here to see that girl, are you Goku?” Krillin asked and Goku nodded. “What the hell did you do that? She was just a part of the entertainment.”
“But I love her, Krillin. I felt it last night, and I truly realized it today. I was on my way to the wedding, but I just couldn't stop thinking about her, you know? And I didn't think it would be fair to marry someone when I am in love with someone else.”
Krillin shrugged. “Whatever. So what's her name?”
“I don't know.”
“What?!? What do you mean you don't know?”
“I haven't gotten to that point yet. I've been sitting here, thinking about what I' going to say to her. But now I know, and I'm ready to tell her.”
Vegeta grunted. “Well, hurry up and do whatever you need to do. Since you didn't end your life today with that bitch, I want to train.”
Goku shook his head as he got out of the car. “No can do, Vegeta. I plan on spending my day with her.”
Goku walked over to the bar, followed by Vegeta and Krillin, then knocked on the closed door. Goku peeked in the little square window that was on the door. He didn't see anyone inside. He knocked once more, and after five minutes, a short brunette with glasses opened the door.
“How may I help you?”
“Hi.” Goku began happily as he took a deep breath to calm his rapid heartbeat. My name is Goku and my friends had a bachelor's party here for me last night. I was wondering if I could see one of the girls who performed last night.”
The woman thought for a moment. “Well, it's usually me and two other girls who perform, but we all called off yesterday.” The woman thought a bit more. “Hm..what did she look like?”
“Um, about 5'5, small build, black hair and black eyes.”
“Hm…” the woman began thinking about whom the owner got to cover their shift. Then it dawned on her. “Ohm you mean Chi-Chi.”
“Chi-Chi.” Goku repeated to Vegeta and Krillin. “She looks like a Chi-Chi.”
“That's because she is a Chi-Chi, you ass.” Vegeta said, getting annoyed by the whole scene.
The woman glared at Vegeta, but smiled at Goku. “I'm sorry, but she doesn't work here. She was just filling in for our shift.”
“Oh, well. Do you now where I can find her?”
“No. I don't know her like that. She's friends with the owner, though.”
“Can I speak to the owner, then?”
“She's in Vacation until next week. I'm really sorry.”
“Yeah, me too.” Goku said as he walked away and the lady closed the door. Krillin and Vegeta walked up behind him.
“Are you happy now? Krillin fumed. “Now you don't have Candy or Chi, whatever her name is. Well, you know, I take that back. Candy will always want you, as long as you have money.”
Goku shrugged. “But I don't want to be with Candy. I want to be with Chi-Chi.
“You can't be with her.”
“Yeah, I can?”
“How can you, when you don't know where she is?”
“I'm going to find her.”
“Are you serious?”
“Yup.” Goku said as he got into his car.
Krillin sighed. “Well, I hope she's worth all this if you do find her.”
Goku smiled at his friend, turned on his car and sped off. He didn't know where to start looking for her. He didn't know how long it would take to find her. But one thing was for certain.
He had to find her…
A/N pt 2: So, what did you think? And how long do you think it's going to take for Goku to find Chi-Chi? You'll have to wait and find out. In the next chapter, we'll get to see Bulma and Vegeta :) And what's going to happen to Krillin and 18 once she gets back, even though he has a girlfriend. Excited? I am ^.~ Please review :) Now onto the shameless plugs:
Please go check out me and my best friend NightZone's website. It's been remodeled. http://www.crazyheavens.com
Also, please check out my DBZ Fanfiction and Fanart Clique. It has also been remodeled. http://dbzfanficclique.crazyheavens.com.
Ok, I'll see you all in Chapter 3!
Don't forget to review!
P.S. if you want to be on my fics mailing list, leave your e-mail address in your review ^.~
Ja! For now