Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Love At First Sight ❯ Horrible Beginnings ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Author's Note pt. 1: Oh my goodness! It has been almost two years! Sorry about that, I had to take some time off and get some things straight in school and my life outside of the Internet. But I am back, writing regularly and I hope you all enjoy this chapter. Please welcome me back with lots of reviews :) lol!

Disclaimer: Yeah, yeah. You already know I don't own the wonderful Dragon ball series. I do love it though...

Love at First Sight - Horrible Beginnings

Bulma sat at her desk at Capsule Corporation a little more frustrated than usual. She had tons of paperwork that needed to be completed by tonight and on top of that, she had a business meeting in about fifteen minutes with a possible client for a promising new product. She didn't have anything prepared for her presentation, but she wasn't frustrated about any of this. No. She was frustrated with the smell of her office. It was a very weird smell, one that was made possible by Yaumcha. Ever since they broke up two weeks ago, he has been sending her something different everyday to try to get her to take him back. Each time it was something easy to dispose of, cards, letters, candy...well, she ate that, but today he sent flowers. Different bouquets every hour since 8:00 a.m. and it was almost 3:00 p.m. She had flowers covering her desk and her windowsill. To make it worse, these were all flowers that she hated. None of them were roses, her favorite. The last thing that was sent to her was a really ugly potted plant that looked like it belonged in the little shop of horrors. She didn't have a place to put them yet. She couldn't leave her office to go to the dumpster because she didn't know if her client was going to show up early, so she was stuck with an office of horrible smelling flowers.

"I can't even concentrate in here." She said to herself as she tried to clear the flowers off her desk. As she did, her phone rang. "What?"

"You have a package Miss Briefs." Said a perky feminine voice from the other end.

Bulma sighed, she already knew it was her hour for flowers. "What is it this time Launch?"

"Oh Miss Briefs, they are so beautiful! Mr. Yaumcha must really love you."

She rolled her eyes at her last statement. 'Yeah, he loved me so much he cheated on me.' "Whatever. Look Launch, I know that you are trying to do you job, but please don't accept any more flowers. They are all over my office already and I am sick of them."

"But what about these flowers that I just signed for?"

"You like them right? Just keep them. After my clients leave, I'm going to take these in my office to the dumpster. Now remember, don't accept anymore flowers and only call me if my clients are here."

"Ok Miss Briefs, I won't accept anymore flowers."

"Thank you." With that, Bulma hung up the phone. "Ok, well at least I won't be getting anymore flowers. Geez, my office is a mess. I know I said I was going to wait, but I have to do something about all of these damn flowers."

Bulma began throwing all of her flowers in her trashcan. There were so many that they all couldn't fit. She wondered what she could do to get them out of her office without leaving. She didn't want to leave them outside of her door, that would look unprofessional and Launch was busy with her work. She went to her window and looked down at the dumpster that wasn't directly at the bottom of her window, but was close.

'Hmm...' she thought, 'I could drop these flowers and this hideous plant in that dumpster, I just have to be really precise with dropping them so that they will actually go in. No one will know, it's at the bottom of the building and I'm on the 15th floor. Yeah, that way I don't have to leave my office in fear of being late.'

Bulma frowned and started dropping the flowers.

'Damn you Yaumcha. You can't do anything right...'
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"Hey Vegeta, thanks for letting me come with you," Goku said with a grin as he pulled up into Capsule Corporation's parking lot. Vegeta didn't answer. He was just staring blankly ahead. "Although, I wish I was doing something else right now."

"Like sit around and mope like a little bitch because you can't find the love of your life?" he said the last part sarcastically.

Goku frowned as he parked and they got out of the car. "I'm not acting like a "little bitch" Vegeta, but it's been two weeks and I can't find her anywhere.. It's like she fell off the face of the earth or something."

"Please go join her." Vegeta said coolly as he folded his arms across his chest.

Goku ignored Vegeta's harsh statement. They'd know each other since they were kids, and Vegeta was always blunt and sometimes outright rude. He just had grown immune to it.

"You know what Vegeta? I think you are jealous. I think I've finally found the love of my life and you're still single and not even close to being with anyone."

"And that's the way I like it." Vegeta quickly responded. "Obliviously, you have no taste in woman. One was a money hungry hooch and you can't even find this new chick. Yeah, I'm really jealous."

Goku sighed. "I'm telling you Vegeta, I'm going to find her if it's the last thing I do."

Goku and Vegeta approached an information board inside of Capsule Corporation and located Bulma Briefs office on the 15th floor. They were on the elevator and Goku looked over to Vegeta. Vegeta felt Goku's eves on him and he knew Goku was waiting on a response from his last statement.

"I could give two shits if you find her or not."

As soon as they stepped out of the elevator, they saw a woman sitting at a desk directly down the hall. They walked to her and Goku noticed that she was playing with some flowers she had in her hands.

"Hello, may I help you?" Launch said happily.

"Yes, we are here to see Bulma Briefs." Vegeta said rolling his eyes at his chipper attitude. Goku on the other hand was loving it.

"Those are some nice flowers," Goku said referring to the flowers on her desk and in her hands "you must be really loved." He winked.

Launch blushed. These clients were indeed handsome. "Oh no, they didn't come for me. These were sent to Miss Briefs. Her boyfriend made her a little upset. But don't tell her I said that."

Vegeta was getting very annoyed by their conversation so he decided to cut it short. "Is Bulma Briefs ready, because if not, we are wasting our time here."

Launch blinked twice, almost taken aback by his rudeness then smiled. "Well I was just about to send in these flowers, so you can just follow me inside."

Launch opened the door and walked in. Goku and Vegeta followed. Launch stopped after about three steps and looks rather confused at the scene before her. Bulma was bending over out the window throwing something out and all the while yelling obscenities about Yaumcha. Launch was embarrassed. She had never seen Bulma act like this. She hoped her clients didn't pay any attention to the scene, but as she turned around slightly to glance at them, she found that she was wrong. Vegeta was smirking and Goku had a look of disbelief on his face. Launch decided to stop this before Bulma embarrassed herself further."

"Miss Briefs?"

She wasn't paying attention. Launch looked around. All the flowers that covered her office were gone except for one plant, a plant that Bulma just grabbed without looking and was about to throw out the window. It didn't help that she was talking loudly also.



Bulma was startled by the yell, so startled that the plant just slipped out of her hand. She slowly turned around to see Launch and two men standing behind her. One chuckling and one looking confused.

'Damn, I winder how long they have been standing there...'

Her thoughts were interrupted by a sickening thump and a yell. She snapped her head back out the window to see that she totally missed the dumpster and hit the garbage man. She felt horrible.

"I'm so sorry!" She yelled down to the man. It might have helped a little if he was still conscious, but since he was unconscious, she would never know.

"Um, Launch, please call an ambulance immediately. We have a problem in the back." Bulma said coolly as she cleared her throat.

"Ok Miss Briefs," she tried to act as if she didn't witness what just took place. "Oh, these two gentlemen are your 3 o'clock appointment. And these were just sent for you." Launch held out the flowers.

"Dammit Launch" Bulma started, but cooled herself. "I told you Launch. No. More. Flowers."

"I know, but these are roses, and I know how much you like roses."

Bulma, who was still frowning took the roses, smelled them, then placed them on her desk. "I'll keep them this time. Thank you, Launch ad don't forget to make that call."

Launch nodded and quickly exited the room and closed the door.

"Please have a seat." Bulma said as she turned and walked to her desk.

Vegeta looked closely at the woman. She was dressed in a baby blue suit with a skirt that seemed a bit short for a professional setting and her hair was pulled back from her face. She looked much different from when he first saw her two weeks ago at that karaoke bar. She was extremely attractive, especially when she was all flustered like she was earlier. Deciding that he was putting too much thought into this woman, Vegeta sat down in front of her desk next to Goku and shook any other thoughts from his mind. They were there about business.

Bulma sat down quickly after and smiled at her clients. "Hello, as you may know I'm Bulma Briefs, President of Capsule Corporation. And you are?" She extended her hand out to Vegeta.

"Vegeta Ouji." Vegeta said and gave her a firm handshake.

Bulma looked straight into his eyes as he introduced himself. He was very handsome. His expression was so serious. He had an interesting hairstyle, well both of her clients did actually, but his reminded her of flames. He was definitely her type.

'Oh my goodness Bulma girl, what are you doing? He is your client. You can't think about your client that way...oh but his hands are so nice and firm. I like him.'

These were her last thoughts as she slowly released her hand from his in a flirty way, which did not go unnoticed by Vegeta. She shook Goku's hand next. He smiled happily.

"I'm Goku Son! We are the owners of the Satan City dojo.." Goku thought she looked familiar, but the thought quickly left him.

When he released her hand, Bulma smiled and recognized his face a little.

'He looks so familiar to me. Actually they both do. I wonder where I've seen them before...' She blew it off and started her meeting.

"So," Bulma began as she intertwined her fingers on top of her desk, "What can I do for you for you gentlemen today?"

"You can start by telling us about this new contraption you have out." Vegeta said as he sat back and folded his arms across his chest.

"Contraption?" Bulma said almost confused. There was not one thing that Capsule Corp. produced that would be deemed a "contraption". She was offended, but she let it slide. Her father stressed the theory "The customer is always right", so she would respect it.

"Excuse me?" she said sweetly.

"He means that gravity chamber that we heard about." Goku glared at Vegeta while saying this.

"Well," Bulma said as she cleared her throat and noticeably rolled her eyes at Vegeta, "the gravity chamber is unlike anything ever built by us or any company for that matter. I created the blueprint and built the first one. Basically, it makes fighting moves more precise and it also helps you to become faster with punches, kicks, and whatever else you guys do. You train under gravity up to 1,000 times normal earth's gravity. Does this sound good?"

Vegeta was very interested in what the woman was saying. "How did you come up with such an idea, you know, being a woman an all?"

Bulma's mouth dropped. She couldn't believe how incredibly rude this guy was being "What the hell is that supposed to mean?! I'll have you know that I am a VERY intelligent woman. I graduated with honors and..."

"Personally I don't care about your little life story. I'm only here for one reason and that's for this fighting machine."

"WHAT?!" Bulma practically yelled as she rose half way out of her chair.

"That's not what he meant." Goku tried to cover up. "This is his way of saying he likes it." He gave her a nervous chuckle.

Bulma looked at Goku and clamed a little. Although she knew he was lying, his cheerful made up for it....a little.

"So, we will take one." He smiled.

"Great," Bulma answered. "Let me grab the necessary paperwork and we'll get you squared away.

Bulma started getting the paperwork together and Goku leaned over to Vegeta.

"You know, Vegeta. You really need to watch your temper. If I was on my honeymoon right now, you would have ruined this and our dojo really needs this." He whispered. Vegeta simply 'hmphed'.

As they were talking, or better yet, as Goku was talking to Vegeta, Bulma's phone rang. "Excuse me. I have to take this. Hello?" She said pleasantly. "18! How are you? Good, good. pause so, what are you doing tonight? Do you have to work at Crazy Heavens?"

Goku stopped mid sentence of his one-sided conversation as soon as he heard Crazy Heavens. That's why she looked familiar. She was there the night of his bachelor party. And where he could find Bulma, maybe he could find Chi- Chi. He was smiling from ear-to-ear and slightly bouncing in his chair impatiently waiting for Bulma to get off the phone. All while Goku was going through his emotional transitions, Vegeta was looking at him as if he was crazy.

Bulma quickly finished up the paperwork and finished up her phone call. She always thought it was rude to take a call wile she had a client, especially a personal one, but she needed a little break from the asshole sitting in front of her.

"Okay, so I'll talk to you later, 18. As soon as I finish my paperwork here, I'll be headed home. Bye." Bulma hung up the phone and looked at her clients. "I'm terribly sorry. Now, I've filled out most of you paperwork, all I need now is your sig..."

"You were at Crazy Heavens two weeks ago!" Goku couldn't hold back his excitement.

Bulma blinked twice. "Two weeks ago?" She looked at him a little closer, then snapped her fingers. "Oh yeah, I thought you looked familiar. You were the guy who was getting married." Goku nodded. "So how is married life, or are you married yet?"

"Actually, the wedding was called off."

"Oh, I'm sorry."

Vegeta looked at the two as they somehow started a conversation outside of their business meeting and was annoyed tremendously.

"Yeah, she wasn't for me. So do you know Chi-Chi??" Goku said.

"Huh?" Bulma questioned. He didn't seem bothered in the lease that his wedding was called off. And why was he asking about Chi-Chi?

"Chi-Chi. You know, the dark haired woman that performed with you. I've been looking for her for two weeks."

"Why do you know her?"

"No, but..."

"Then why are you looking for her?" "Because I think she is my soul mate."

Bulma nearly fell out of her chair. Soul mate? Chi-Chi? He didn't even know her. What the hell was going on?

"I'm not understanding you."

Goku took a deep breath. "Ok, it's like this. I went into my bachelor's party with all intentions of getting married, but then I saw...her. She was beautiful and I felt a connection with her. It was like love at first sight and I called off the wedding. I have been looking for her ever since, so can you please tell me where I can find her.

Bulma had her hands resting on her palms. As crazy as his story sounded, it was somewhat...sweet. This guy seemed genuine enough and she just loved to play matchmaker with her friends. "Well, she teaches at Orange Star elementary school."

"Orange Star elementary? That's right down the street from the dojo." He said more to Vegeta, but he was ignoring him. "I gotta go..." Goku stood up. "I gotta go!"

Bulma stood with him. "But you can't leave yet. You need to finish filling out this paperwork."

Goku waved his hand in Vegeta's direction. "Aww, Vegeta can fill that out. I need to go before I loose her again." With that, Goku damn near ran out the room.

Vegeta was glad that the little shindig was finally over, but then he thought about it. If Kakarrot just left, how was he getting home. 'shit...damn you Kakerrot!'

"No, please don't leave...me with him" Bulma whispered the last part, hoping Vegeta didn't hear.

"And why don't you want to be left with me?"

Shit, he heard. "Because Mr. Ouji, you were being extremely rude to me."

"Humph, whatever woman. Look, let's just do each other a favor and get this over quickly."

"I agree. Now what day would you like one of our workers to come out and install the gravity chamber?"

"A worker?" Absolutely not. I want the creator to come and install it."

"But I created it. You expect me to install this for you?"

"That's right, Einstein." He said sarcastically.

'Dammit, he is getting on my nerves more and more. And to think I was actually attracted to him for a split second. What a waste.'

"Well I'm sorry, Mr. Ouji, but I'm too busy running my company to do work that I have trained professionals for."

"Ok then, I guess we will take our business elsewhere. I'm sure someone could build something similar." He got up. "And to think I was going to order two."

"Two?" Bulma said as she stood. She ignored everything else he said because there was no way that he could take her product to any other company. It was copyrighted, and besides capsule Corp. was the best when it came to technology. They couldn't copy one of her creations even if they tried. "Ok, well I will build one of those, but I can't build both."

"You got a deal. Which one will you set up?"

"Either one, take your pick." Bulma said adding something to her paperwork. She really wasn't paying attention.

Vegeta smirked. She set herself up perfectly. "Ok, you can have your workers build the one in the dojo."

"Ok, and what is the location of the gravity chamber that I'm going to build?"

"My house."


That certainly got her attention.
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What should have been a fifteen-minute drive, Goku did it in five. He almost caused two accidents, and had three people jump out of the way to save their lives. Goku really wasn't letting anything stand in his way. He pulled in the parking lot and ran inside. The halls were empty. He walked around until he saw an "Office" sign.

When he walked into the office, he was greeted with an office assistant.

"Hello? Are you here to pick up a child?"

"No," Goku said quickly. I'm looking for a woman named Chi-Chi. Can you tell me where I can find her?"

"Miss Chi? She's in room 205 upstairs, first door on the right."

'Thanks. Oh, can you tell me when school is over for the day?"


Goku looked at his watch. 3:42. He ran out of that office as if his life depended on it. He had three minutes. What is she left already? What if she didn't come in today? As he approached the closed door to room 205, and peeked through the small glass window, he sighed.

There she was. She was sitting on the floor with the students in a circle. It looked like they were playing some kind of game because two kids were chasing each other around the circle. It looked like fun. Maybe she could show him how to play. His thoughts went back to her. She was watching the students and smiling.

'she has a beautiful smile...'

His thoughts were interrupted by the bell. The students grabbed their belongings and ran out of the room. Goku wait for all the children to leave out of the room and as soon as they were, he walked in. He knocked on the door to get her attention.

Chi-Chi turned around at the sound and was greeted by a man smiling with wild hair. Ha was wearing a business suit.

"Hello. Are you here to speak to me about your child?"

"Umm...no." Goku was getting nervous. 'I don't have any children. I am here to see you actually."

"Me?" Chi-Chi said, raising her eyebrow. "Yeah," Goku said as he walked over to her so that they were face to face. "I saw you about two weeks ago at Crazy Heavens."

She looked at him closely. "You did?" She then remembered the bachelor party. "Your not one of the guys we performed for are you?"

"Yeah, actually I was the main one."

'Kami, how embarrassing...' "Ok, ok." Chi-Chi said. He was a little confused. "Congratulations."

"Oh, I didn't get married."

"Oh, I'm..."

"Sorry? Don't be. I'm not."

"Well alright then." She was really confused now. "So, how did you end up here?"

"Well after that night, I couldn't stop thinking about you and..."

"Thinking about me?" she pointed to herself.

He nodded. "Yeah, and I have been looking for you ever since. I felt that we had a sort of connection that night."

Chi-Chi was in shock. This was so weird. This guy, who she knows nothing about, is saying that he didn't get married because of her and that he felt they had a "connection"?

"So I was wondering," Goku started as he swallowed hard. "If you would like to go out with me sometime?"

Chi-Chi, still in disbelief by all this still knew her answer, it was the only one on her mind...
Author's Note pt.2: Ok, so what did you think. I hope it wasn't that bad. Please review. And remember, I'm still looking for a beta, so if you're interested, please e-mail me at spfanficsdbzmail.com and if you want to be on my mailing list for all of my fics, please leave your e-mail address in a review. Ja! For now...
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