Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Luck of the Draw ❯ Play Time ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
"Are we getting close to the dragonball, Frieza?"

Frieza looked at the radar. "Shit! We passed it!"

"Nice going!"

"Let's go back!"

The tyrants back tracked until the dragon radar said they were right above the dragonball.

"Okay, it should be right down here." Frieza explained.

"You're kidding right?" Cell asked as he examined the location.

"No, that's what the radar says."

"Well there's no way in hell that I'm dealing with anymore snot nosed brats!"

"How do you that there'll be kids here?"

"Look at all of the brats down there!" Cell pointed to a group of kids entering the building.

"Who cares if there's any kids there?"

"Who cares?! I care! I just got attacked by a swarm of them back at the damn stadium!"

Freiza chuckled "A swarm?"

"Actually not a swarm...they were more like a plague!"

"Oh come on, it couldn't have been that bad!"

"Didn't you see them?! They were pulling and poking and licking and---"

Frieza interrupted Cell "...licking?"

"Yeah, one of those little demons licked me!"

"And that's as bad as having to kiss that bastard Roshi?!"

Cell started cracking up. "So you did have to kiss him!"

"Shit,I shouldn't have said that!" Frieza thought to himself.

"Oh well, who cares about what already happened. The important thing is that we have four dragonballs."

"Yeah, I guess you're right...for once!"

"What's that suppose to mean!?" demanded Cell.

Frieza ignored Cell and started flying down towards the ground.

"Chuck E Cheese? What the hell is that!?"

"That is the location of the fifth dragonball, Cell."

"Obviously! I mean what the hell is this place!?"

"How should I know! I just hope it isn't another gay bar!"

"I know what ya mean!"

"No you don't! You weren't the one being hit on!"

"Quit your bitching and let's go get the dragonball!"

"Holy shit, what's with all the brats!?" Cell yelled in shock as the two entered Chuck E Cheese.

Frieza was amused by Cell's reaction to all of the kids.

"I don't get it, Cell was the strongest fighter in the universe when he was alive, so why is he scared of human children? He could kill all of them with thinking!" Frieza asked himself in his head.

A few of the children saw Frieza and Cell and ran over to them.

"Are you Chuck's friends?" a little girl asked the duo.

"Who in the hell is Chuck?" Frieza questioned.

The girl turned around to show Cell and Frieza who Chuck was, but when she turned back around the tyrants were on the other side of the building.

"Do you see the dragonball yet, Cell?"

"No, what about you?"

"I wouldn't be asking if I knew where the damn dragonball was!"

"Now I see why you had to go to anger management when you first went to hell!"

Frieza glared at his partner.

The,as Cell would call them 'plague' of children followed Cell and Frieza.

"Dammit the kids are back!"

"What is their damn fascination with us!?" Frieza said, starting to get angry.

As soon as the kids were close enough to touch them Cell powered up, so that the energy around him would stop the kids from getting close to him.

Frieza also powered up.

The energy around Cell and Frieza scared the kids off.

"I wish I would've known that back at the stadium!"

"I don't because you wouldn't have gotten the dragonball!"

A bunch of kids gathered around a glass display case.

"I wonder what they're looking at."

"Do you think it could be the dragonball, Cell?"

"I don't know."

The duo went over to see what the kids were distracted by, and sure enough there was the dragonball sitting in the case.

Frieza, using his energy shield to get through the kids walked up so that he was right infront of the case.

"Hey, what do ya think you're doing?!" a man who appeared to be an employee demanded.

"I'm taking my dragonball!" Frieza snapped at the man.

"Dragonball? This is the prize for whoever gets five hundred tickets!"

"Tickets? What the hell are those?"

The man pointed towards the arcade part of the building. "You play the games and win tickets, then you trade in the tickets for prizes."

"You expect us to play games like these pathetic earth brats?!"

"You're gonna have to if you want that thing you freaks want that thing you call a dragonball!"

"Freak!?" Frieza pulled his arm back and clenched his hand into a fist. "I'll teach you to make fun of the most powerful being in the universe!"

"Fireza!" Cell yelled out the name of his partner.

"What do you want, Cell?!"

"Remember what happens if you kill someone? You'll get us sent back to hell!"

Frieza through the man down. "You're lucky!"

The children scattered when the man hit the floor.

"How in the are we gonna get the dragonball without killing anyone?!" Cell asked, getting annoyed about the situation.

"We have to get five hundred of those ticket things!"

"But how are we gonna do that?!"

"Leave it to me." Frieza explained, with a slight smirk on his face.

Frieza walked over to a kid sitting by himself.

Frieza grabbed the kid by his shirt. "Give me all of your tickets!"

The kid fearfully handed over his tickets.

"Dammit! The brat only had twelve tickets!" Frieza said to himself before approaching another kid.

"What the hell is Frieza up to now?" Cell wondered as he spotted something on the ground.

Cell walked over and picked up what he saw. "A token? Well I wouldn't want to waste it!"

Cell headed over towards the video games. "And besides, it'll help us get the dragonball."

"Damn, nine kids and I only got eighty three tickets! At this rate I'll have to rob this place to get enough tickets!"

Frieza spotted a kid that looked like he had alot of tickets. "Hey kid!"

"One hundred more points and I'll get the high score!" Cell exclaimed as he launched his last ball.

"Wow, check that dude out! He's gonna like egt the high score!" a kid said excitedly to his friend.

"Alright, I got twenty five tickets from that kid!" Frieza smirked. "Now we have a hundred and eight."

"Hey did you hear that dude is getting the high score at the pinball machine?" Frieza overheard a kid saying.

"Hmmm my next victim."

Frieza approached the pinball machines, that were totally surrounded by kids.

"What the fuck?!" Frieza yelled at Cell, who was happily playing pinball.

Cell looked over at Frieza.

Cell's looking over at Frieza caused him to get a game over. "Shit!"

"What the hell are you doing?" Fireza asked.

"You made me lose my last ball!"

A bunch of tickets started coming out of the machine.

Frieza grabbed the tickets and added them with the others.

"How'd you get so many tickets, Frieza?"

"I persuaded some of these little locusts to give me their tickets."

"How many do we have so far?"

"Uh..we have one hundred and thirty nine."

"That's it?!"

Frieza nodded.

Frieza saw another group of kids around the ski ball machines.

"I'll be back." Frieza said before wandering away.

"Damn, I don't have any more tokens! And I don't have any money either!" Cell slammed his fist on the pinball machine.

That action caused the machine to spit out tokens.

Cell started gathering the tokens. "And that idiot Goku said that violence never solves anything!"

Cell looked at the pinball machine that now had a hole in it. "Damn, now I have to find another machine!"

After a little while of robbing kids' tickets Frieza rejoinned Cell, who was still playing pinball.

"I thought you lost your last ball. How'd you get more tokens?"

"I beat up the other pinball machine." Cell explained as he tilted his head towards his old machine.

"I bet that's a victory you proud of!" Frieza laughed.

"I got the high score again!"

The machine started spitting out more tickets.

Frieza counted the tickets."We finally have five hundred!"

"Now we can get the fifth dragonball!"

"Let's go get it!" Frieza started walking towards the display case.


Frieza turned around. "What? Come on!"

"Can I finish this game?"

Frieza answered Cell's question by shooting a ki blast at the machine.

"What'd you do that for!?"

"Because I had to get your ass off of this fucking machine!"

Frieza and Cell cashed in theor tickets for the two star dragonball.

Frieza took out the dragon radar. "Okay, let's go get the sixth ball!"

"Can't I play one more game of pinball?"

"No, now let's go!"

"Alright." Cell pouted.

They stopped outside of Chuck E Cheese.

"Do you think we could get a pinball machine in hell?"

"What the hell is with your obsession with pinball!?"

"I've had alot of practice."

"How'd you practice?"

"Do you actually think I stood in my ring for the whole ten days before my tournament?"

"You didn't?"

"I got bored and went to a deserted arcade."

Frieza started laughing.

"Do you see the sixth dragonball yet!?" a very annoyed Cell demanded.

Before Freiza could answer a woman walking her dog passed by.

The dog stopped by the tyrants and started growling.

"Come on, boy!" the woman ordered her dog.

The dog didn't obey and instead bit Frieza's tail.

"Sorry about that. Come on, boy! Let's go!"

"Shit! That fucking mutt!" Frieza yelled, rubbing his tail.

Cell started laughing.

"Stop laughing!"

Cell continued to laugh at Frieza's expense.

"Just you wait 'til I show the guys in hell the pictures I got of 'the great Cell' playing pinball!" Frieza thought as a smirk appeared on his face.

To Be Continued...

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Sorry about the shortness and the suckyness! I wanted to get the next chapter up! Please R&R! I'll try to update within a week, depending if/when I get some reviews.