Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Ma Baby's daddy ❯ suspicions and plans ( Chapter 9 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Hello there kiddies,
I'm here giving you another chapter. I hope you guys enjoy.
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Goten stood in front of the golden dome, which is Capsule Corporation. He was nervous; he didn't know why he felt so uneasy. He has been in dinner parties so many times before with and without his family. He made sure that he adjusted his grip around the tea cookies box and walked to the entrance.
`Ok, here I go' goten thought as he reached the doorbell, suddenly the door opened trunks stomping out, obviously already strung out.
“Hey trunks! How you been?” goten greeted.
“It's been cool and you buddy.” Trunks responded, fidgeting while he stood in front of him.
“You're not going to be here for the dinner party and tea?” goten asked
Trunks looked up kind of staring off, past goten.
“Wait what.” Trunks asked
“There is a dinner party… at your house…” goten slowly answered.
“Oh, I got other plans.” Trunks said as he pulled out a cig from his pocket and light it.
“Ok, bro… are you going to be home later on tonight?” goten asked.
“Nah, I'm going to be out all night… you want to come, like old times?” trunks asked, while puffing out the smoke.
“Nah, bro… that shit was over after graduation.” Goten responded.
Trunks gave out an irritated look and exhaled and inhaled.
“You know… you haven't been yourself since you started seeing the fucking bitch of a new girlfriend.” Trunks bitterly fired.
“Wait, what?” goten laughed.
“You heard me, that fucking bitch changed you!”Trunks said in a rage.
“NO way, trunks you have changed…now you're worse, than ever.” Goten countered as he started his walk to the door.
“She's a whore you know… if I can get a good look at her I bet you I had her in my bed, maybe once or twice!” Trunks screamed.
“You don't know anything trunks… shut up before you offend me more than you have already.” Goten said
“Fuck you goten! She'll get tired of you the minute she sees me, then the minute after that, she will be in my bed.” Trunks sneered.
“Ok, that's it.” Goten growled as he dropped the box of tea cookies and lounged at trunks.
Trunks was caught off guard as goten tackled him to the ground, almost swallowing his cig. Goten grabbed his collar and pulled him up close to his face ripping trunks' cig from his lips and throwing it to the ground.
“Listen trunks, if you're pissed off with the world, don't drag everyone with you!” goten barked.
Goten got up and grabbed the box of cookies; then started his way to the door.
“What's the matter goten? Why didn't you beat me up?” trunks asked as he struggled to get up from the ground; but keep slipping.
“You're not worthy of a fight anymore, in the state you are in. you're just gross now…” goten answered.
“What happened!” bulla shouted as she ran out the entrance door “I heard someone yell.”
“Nothing bulma, trunks was about to leave.” Goten answered “by the way trunks, where is all those ladies now, that you claimed to sleep with? Your all alone and you're going to die alone…that is if you stay the way your life is going”
With that said goten picked up his belongings and walked inside the capsule corp. home entrance. Bulma looked at her son, not beaten but hurting. A great hurt filled her heart knowing that her own son was hurting; but soon was infuriated by the thought that he was doing it on his own free well. She had to do the hardest thing a mother can do. Trunks and she locked gazes, his eyes pleading her to help him up. She quickly looked down, turned away and ran to the house. Leaving trunks on the cool grass; struggling to get to his feet.
“FUCK YOU GOTEN!!” trunks bellowed “YOUR NO FRIEND!! WE ARE NOT BROS ANYMORE!! FUCKING PUSSY WHIPPED DESERTER!!” Trunks almost fell over from the shouting.
`Don't worry goten, I'm going to let out all my frustration out.' Trunks grinned at his thought. He patted off the dirt from his pants and jacket and took off in the air to downtown west city.
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Bulma ran in down the main hallway to the kitchen, leaving goten in the dust and she fell to her knees. She cried out loud cursing kami and the saiyan gods, for her misery. Goten ran into the kitchen dropping everything he was carrying and hugged bulma. He knew exactly what got her so distraught and he held her tighter. Bulma hugged goten back rubbing her face into his shoulder soaking his white shirt. Bulma soon enough started to regain composure and goten helped her up to her feet.
“Thank you, goten… I really needed that, you're just like you father… so tender and loving… I just wish sometimes; that I don't have to face it by myself.” Bulma hiccupped sobbed, wiping her tears away.
“bulma, don't say that… because everyone here is fighting to help trunks , but we all know that he has to first want to receive the help… he has too much of vegeta inside of him.” goten reassured, rubbing her shoulders.
“I know, but I just don't want to be going through this again; it's just that, this time he is a lot worse.” Bulma sobbed.
“We have to stand by and hope for the best bulma… he'll hit rock bottom and there is only two outcomes…” goten said while picking his things up and placing them on the kitchen table.
“Yes, I know…I'm just so scared for him.” bulma said as she blew her nose with her hankie.
“yeah, I know… just know now bulma; that my family and I are here for ya… trunks is my best friend, even though right now he's a douche.” Goten said as he opened the tea cookie packaging and stuffed one in his mouth. “I just lost it when he said those things about…” goten stopped mid sentence and looked at bulma
`Oh fuck, I almost slipped' thought as he sweat dropped, bulma kept staring at him, waiting to finish his sentence.
“About what?” bulma sniffed
“Oh nothing.” Goten said as he stuffed another cookie in his mouth
“You and trunks never got into a fight other then sparring, but that almost became serious…” bulma kept digging
“Yeah, he just offended me, with his stupid doped up mind…making things up…. Any lie to make someone hurt.” Goten answered
“Mom?!” bra's muffled call can be heard from the upstairs hallway.
Goten's head perked up and looked at it direction, soon enough bra came in the kitchen and noticed that goten was there. Bra immediately blushed a crimson red and walked over to goten and gave him a hug. A little awkward, they didn't want it to last it that long. Bulma grinned; now she knew for sure. She just needs them to say it.
“Bra, tell the bots to ready the table, for dinner.” Bulma ordered, keeping her sights on them both.
Bulma, goten and bra sat down at the dinner table. Goten quickly started to chow down, while bra tried to control the saiyan in her. Bulma picked at her food trying to figure out what to say to those two.
“Hey goten would you like some gravy?” bra said handing him the gravy
“Thanks, b.” goten said as he grabbed the gravy; slightly touching her finger tips.
Bra caressed his finger tips with her. Making goten blush a bit. She blushed as well… bulma noticed it all.
`These two think they are slick.' Bulma grinned inwardly
“So… how things back at home is goten, how's your mama?” bulma asked while taking a bite of food.
“Oh, she's fine… homeschooling pan, because she's having some behavioral problems.” Goten informed.
“Really!” bulma and bra exclaimed
“Yeah, gohan and videl basically can't handle her anymore and gave the reins to my mother.” Goten said while putting more food in his mouth.
“That's crazy.” Bra said
“Chichi has it under control.” Bulma said
“Yeah, let's see what happens, because I haven't been home for awhile… Mr. Porter wants me to be around as much as possible.” Goten informed
“Yeah, poor thing.” Bulma nodded, “so…who's this mystery girl that everyone is talking about goten?” bulma asked putting he fork down.
Goten nearly spat his food out his mouth. And tried not looking at bra's direction, but did and her eyes were about to pop out her face, but quickly got a cool face.
`She couldn't possibly know… right? Just keep it cool.' Goten thought to himself. He couldn't the cold sweat starting to fill his pores.
“Well, what's the matter? Bra do you know?” bulma asked
“No, have no idea?” bra giggled trying to cover up the fact she was nervous.
“Its marron!” goten answered without thinking.
“WHAT!” bra and bulma screamed.
“Yes…. Yes. Maroon and I are dating and that's why trunks shouldn't know.” Goten lied.
“No kidding.” Bulma said
Bra looked at goten with a look of disbelief. And he just shrugged, what else he could have said to bulma. Dinner was over and the bots set up the tea in the living room. Bra looked at her tea, watching her tea leaf float around; while goten and bulma talked about Mr. Porter and his weird habits. She couldn't wrap around the fact that goten had to drag marron into the mix now. She had to think, whether this is a good thing or a set ticking time bomb.
“Oh bulma, by the way, where's uncle vegeta?” goten asked eating a tea cookie.
“Oh you know him; he went to outer space to train; like he usually does.” Bulma answered all bitter like.
“He left you alone, knowing that trunks might need you guys help… that's seems like him.” goten said
“He only does that, to clear his mind. He did it when he found out my pregnancy with trunks, after buu, before our marriage, bra's first boyfriend and now.” Bulma said as she took a sip from her tea.
“I see.” Goten said
“Well, I'm going up to bed now mom. Good night, and goodnight goten.” Bra bowed and sped walked to the stairs and ran up the stairs.
“But, oh ok..?” bulma was a bit dumbfounded with bra's hastiness.
“I guess its late then.” Goten said as he got up and placed his tea cup on the coffee table.
“Well, I guess so… thank you for coming goten. It's nice to talk with someone… and having you around, reminds me of the good old days, when trunks was ok.” Bulma sighed.
“yeah.” Goten added
“Don't worry goten, marron is a good girl and she needs someone to love her and that guy is you… trunks won't be happy, so don't worry I won't say a word ok.” Bulma reassured.
`Oh kami, I was wrong after all… marron and goten, this is bad news on top of bad news…' bulma thought as she took another sip of her tea.
“Thanks…” goten responded
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Goten waited outside the compound, waiting till the coast of clear. Bulma was a late sleeper, especially with the drama that has been happening in the brief household. Trunks hasn't come home yet, so this was the only time he had to talk to bra.
`Knowing bra she must be fuming.' Goten shook at the thought. He loved bra, but her anger scares him.
Goten observed as all the lights one by one in the capsule corp. building started to go off. This was his chance so he floated onto bra's balcony and opened her glass doors. Something he was use to doing.
“Bra?” goten called out in the dark, slowing approaching bra's bed; where he can vaguely see a figure under the covers. He slowly climb into bed and rested his hand on her shoulder. She shook it off her shoulder. That's when goten knew that she was angry, and beyond angry at this point.
“I'm sorry babe, I panicked… what can I do now.” Goten pleaded.
“I know you are… I'm just upset, of what needs to be done.” Bra mumbled through the blankets.
“What is that? What's the solution?” goten asked
Bra pulled off her blankets off her and got up from bed still clothed.
“We have to pay marron a visit, right now… I know how to get trunks out of this addiction and get suspicion off us.” Bra said as she walked to her balcony and took off, goten quickly followed.
Before goten noticed, they were above ocean and could see kami island up ahead. Bra hovered down with goten and she tapped on marron's bedroom window. Marron shot up, she heard the window tapping.
“Trunks, you need to leave.” Marron whispered using a strong tone.
“No marron, it's me bra.” Bra answered.
Marron scurried over to her window and opened letting bra in and to her surprise even goten.
“Oh my kami, what happened to Trunks!” marron gasped.
“SSH! Marron nothing, I just came here to talk.” Bra said as she covered marron's mouth.
“Ok, what is it? It must be so important, because it couldn't wait till morning.” Marron said as she walked back to her bed, taking a seat.
“Please marron…we need your help… we have been friends for a long time… today our friend ship is going to be put to the test…”bra stated as she sat next to marron.
“Oh bra what is it…” marron giggled
“Marron whatever it is you must say yes… no matter what it is... promise me!” bra pleaded.
“O… k…?” marron answered.
“Ok, pretend to go out with goten.” Bra begged
“What?!” marron and goten exclaimed just above a whisper
“Please marron, you are our only hope.” Bra pleaded.
“No, bra don't worry…. We can't do this.” Goten said as gentle grabbed her face to look at him
“Don't you get it goten… you told my mother that lie, now I have to back it up.” Bra stated
“But bra… I can't do it, because that means I'll be cheating on you.” Goten said as he caressed her cheek.
Marron couldn't believe her ears and her eyes.
“Ok, what's going on here?”Marron demanded an answer.
Goten looked into bra's eyes and bra nodded, silently agreeing to tell marron the truth.
“We are a couple marron, we have been a couple for the past year or so…” goten admitted
Marron gave them this blank look. It really didn't sink in, maybe it was the disbelief.
“We'll tell you from the beginning.” Bra said
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Trunks landed in front of the shrine and pan was waiting for him. He had to leave the party early, because the paparazzi were swarming. He just couldn't properly enjoy himself with the flashing and the constant questions. He pulled out his cell phone just when pan ran out the shrine.
“Trunks! You're here early!” pan said as she jumped and hugged him.
Trunks remained still not moving to hug her back, to show her some affection. He pushed her of him and walked inside the shrine. He looked around inside and noticed that pan had be anticipating his arrival. She prepared the futon with candles around the futon and rose petals everywhere. Has he become a creature of habit?
“What's all this!?” trunks growled pointing at the `mess'.
“O...o...oh, do you like it? I did it because I felt like I should spice some things up tonight, make it a bit romantic.” Pan answered nervously, “do you like it babe?” pan cautiously asked.
She knew that trunks was in one of those moods, especially those nights when he heavily used. She was right tonight was one of those nights because she was answered with trunks' hand. He slapped her sending her spiraling to the floor. He has been hitting her lately; which she fooled herself to believe that it was just part of being in a relationship with trunks.
“See what your stupid actions made me fucking do Pan! You know very well, that this is a fling! No feelings are to come of it” trunks barked as he roughly grabbed her arm and pulled her up.
“I…I…I know trunks, I'm sorry…I'm so stupid…I didn't mean too upset you…” pan apologized with tears streaming down her eyes and rubbing her cheek.
Trunks pulled her to the futon and pushed her onto it.
“Stop you're fucking crying, you look ugly when you fucking cry.”
Pan's heart fluttered, she took that as trunks giving her a compliment.
“Um, trunks did you bring the oxycodine?” pan asked, trying not to sound eager, because she was beat for being to needy.
“Yeah, I did…enough for the both of us for the whole week, so don't use it all! Like last time.” Trunks said as he threw the plastic bag on her lap.
Both of them sat down next each other and took a hit. Trunks was getting there, but pan was there. She became a zombie, looking through half lidded eyes. Trunks found not only a playmate with pan, but someone to use with. She was doing this in her own free will. The first time she used he told her that he didn't want her to do it; but pan was stubborn trying to be all cool joined his habit. Oxycodine was easier to hide, so his mother wouldn't find out what he's up too by the paparazzi.
“Are you ready pan, I need your assistance.” Trunks said as he undressed.
“mmhmm.” Pan managed to respond.
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“Ok, I'll do it…. You guys are my best friends, and I love you guys.”Marron agreed.
“I need to set some ground rules. “Bra said in a serious tone.
“No sex or making out. That goes for you too goten.” Bra ordered
“You don't have to worry, babe.” Goten said
“deal.” Marron agreed. “But what about trunks?”
“you know him like me marron, maybe even better… he'll either flip out and get clean to get you back… or flip out and binge till he kills himself…let's hope it's the first one either way, he's going to flip.” Bra concluded.
“Ok…” marron said
“Tomorrow go out to the world and show off goten as your boyfriend. Make sure the paparazzi notice you… remember that west city hasn't seen your face since you left trunks.” Bra said as she climbed out of marron's window, with goten close behind.
“Ok, than…I'll visit you bulma tomorrow.” Marron said
“Perfect, Mr. Porter as another meeting at capsule corp.” goten informed
“Alright, tomorrow it is.” Marron said.
Goten and bra took to the skies and marron looked on as her friends disappeared into the night sky.
`Forgive me trunks, for I am going to break your proud heart in a million pieces.' Marron sadly thought.
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I hope everything works out. @_@