Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Mirai Marron ❯ Time Traveling ( Prologue )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer-Mirai Marron is an OC; all the others aren't mine!

Summary-There is no Mirai Marron, right? Wrong! M. Marron's coming to the past. This is her story.

Time Traveling

The sky was dark with gray clouds. Rain poured down as a frightened 14-year-old ran across the forest, splashing through the mud. Her blonde hair, pulled back in a hasty ponytail, was wild and stringy. Her clothes, a pink T-shirt and blue jeans, were caked with dirt and mud. Her chocolate-brown eyes were alert with terror.

As she ran, she pulled a small Capsule out of her pocket. A Time Capsule. It had been Bulma's first model, but it was unsteady and dangerous to use. Her father had swiped it long ago, and she had taken it just before she ran.

She reared back her arm and threw it on the ground. It exploded into the yellow pod. She nearly collapsed onto it. She found the button, and the dome opened. She pulled herself into it and shut the dome just as he came into the clearing. She set her coordinates. Before he could throw a chi beam, she was gone.

Mirai Trunks shouted a curse to the sky. "Damn you, Marron! I'll kill you, you filthy android 6!tc#!"

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