Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Mirai Marron ❯ Kame House ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer-What do I put on my other stories for the chapter 2 disclaimer?

Summary-Read disclaimer, but put 'summary' instead of 'disclaimer'.

Note: I'm gonna call the normal DBZ dimension 'Past', even though I acknowledge it is another dimension now.

Kame House

The small pod sailed through the space-time continuum. Swirls of cosmos whirled past M. Marron as she traveled through time. She felt half-excited, half-nervous. What if her parents hadn't gotten together yet in the past? Her showing up would certainly screw things over if they hadn't.

A huge bolt of lightning crashed by her, and a blue portal opened. The pod started moving faster and faster until M. Marron was sucked into it and safely into the past.

She was floating over the ocean at about noontime. This particular day, it was calm. M. Marron was glad. Though she loved the sea, she had a deep-seated fear of drowning. It wasn't necessary; she was an excellent swimmer, but it stuck with her.

The pod glided through the air in the direction she had programmed. Just a hundred feet ahead lay the tiny Kame Island. The mix of golden sand and pink house could been seen for miles against the endless blue of the ocean.

The tiny pod landed softly near the back of the house, blowing up sand and dust behind it.

Apparently, the others heard it, because Krillin ran out to her. Oolong and Roshi followed closely behind.

M. Marron stepped out of the pod carefully and waited for their reaction.

All three of them gasped. How could this stranger look almost exactly like Marron?

"Who are you?" Krillin demanded.

"I cannot answer that," M. Marron said, "until I see the cyborg #18."

"What do you want with my wife?" Krillin demanded.

M. Marron smiled. "One question before I answer yours. Does she have a baby girl named Marron?"

"Yeah, why?"

She smiled even wider. "I am Marron. I am your mirai daughter."

Krillin passed out right there.


Hi, ya'll! J-chan here!

Sorry it's so short, but the chapters just MIGHT become longer. MIGHT is the key word.