Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Mirai Marron ❯ Introduction to 18 ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer-Do I have to?

Summary-You know it, otherwise you wouldn't be reading this!

Introduction To 18

Roshi and Oolong hauled Krillin into the house, M. Marron following behind. 18 wasn't there; she was out shopping, and Marron and 17 were with her.

M. Marron sat down on the couch she was so familiar with. Kame House was exactly like she remembered it. Small and compact, and clean. Not too many people knew that both her parents were clean freaks.

M. Marron got up. She'd been sitting in a pod for an hour, and she really wanted to stretch out.

She turned towards the stairs and climbed to the second story. She made a left and turned into a room.

Her room.

'Hm. I see not much is changed,' she thought. She ran a hand over the pink walls that she had loved back in the future. She looked around the room. Not surprisingly, everything was pink and white. Maybe that was where she picked up on her favorite colors.

M. Marron went to the bookshelf where a large book sat. It was a photo album. She flipped through the pages. There were only three. They were mainly of Krillin and 18's wedding, and there were a few of her past self.

M. Marron shut the book as she heard the door slam shut. "Hey, is anyone here?" she heard 18 call.

Her heart jumped. She'd finally get to see her mother again! Putting down the book, she ran down the stairs.

18 was standing in the living room. In one hand was a bag, and in the other she held Marron. 17 was behind her, a bag of Yumigame's turtle food on his shoulder, which he was hastily putting down.

"Who are you?" 18 asked M. Marron icily.

M. Marron smiled. "My name is Marron. I am your mirai daughter."

18's face turned white. She sat down hard on the couch, and her eyes glazed over.

