Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Mistress of Wishes ❯ Poor hair... ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Ices thrashed ruthlessly as they emerged from the steaming belly of the Rift and into the sub-arctic temperatures of the world in which they were spit. The two left behind, Guldo and Jaice, stayed behind. A fate the female would have traded any day. Instead of a slightly temperate and highly livable condition, she was faced with this frozen wasteland, and why? Because she had to open the first Rift beaconing to her in order to escape the villains that had recently kidnapped her using her own creation. And speaking of creations…
“You can let me go.” Growled the female thrusting her body back and into the chest of Cell for good measure. The android smirked and dropped her roughly on her rear, eliciting a glare from the violet haired creature. It was much too cold for her to retaliate however, as the morning sun shone deceptively bright over the powdery dunes. Her nose twitched, was that fire she smelt? Her eyes wandered to the barbarian who stood with a quizzical and slightly pained look upon his features.
“Is it hot or what?” He asked, scratching the back of his neck.
Oh kami, please tell me your joking. She sighed within the confines of her mind. Trapped in a frozen wasteland with a group of imbeciles?
“Recoome…your hair is on fire.” Burter pointed out a bit awkwardly.
“Nah, you're just saying that to make me feel better.” Blushed the barbarian.
“No, seriously, Recoome, I think you should dunk your head into a-” Burter was cut off.
“Oh first my hair is raging hot and now you're insulting me?! I can't believe this! And just when I thought we'd sorted our differences out.” He sniffled.
“Oh for the love of—Recoome you oaf, your hair is on fire.” Frieza nearly knocked the lot of them down with the outburst, but the giant seemed to get it through his head this time.
“Wha? Oh!” He dove into a nearby snow-drift, and reveled in the cool snow. “Burter why didn't you tell me my hair was on fire!” He shouted from the sanctity of the snow. The blue male merely rolled his eyes at the idiot.
Snorting disdainfully, but secretly happy because her embarrassment no longer ruled supreme, the female tucked her wings around herself to block out the chill, surveying her surroundings. The trees in this forest were the color of newly cooled lava, ashen gray. The forest was silent enough that one could almost feel the frantic search of the tree's roots for nourishment. But what surprised the female was that, unlike most seasonal worlds she had paid visitor to, the leaves of these ashen trees did not fall. Instead the obsidian appendages rustled in full bloom, as if it were spring.
Strange… Purred the wish granter to herself, but not unpleasantly so.
“Well? What now?” Burter barked, impatient.
“We camp here.” With her words the female leapt into the undergrowth of the trees, not sparing the idiot Recoome a second glance even as he wept over his charred scalp.
“Since when do you order us around!” Frieza cut in, causing the female to growl audibly, a distinctly feral sound.
“Since I hold your lives in my soul. Since I have the only means of escape from this planet, and since I said so.” Explained the female an even but far from calm voice. Frieza looked about to argue before King Cold stuck an enormous hand in front of his offspring.
“Son.” He paused dramatically as he gazed down at the lord. “Do you remember the talk we had about females?” Frieza scoffed, folding his arms and gazing into the distance.
“Yes, father, I remember.” He grudgingly admitted.
“This is one of those moments where you let them think they have you beat.” The King grinned at his son and his son glared at the thicket of leaves the female had taken refuge within.
Idiots… Thought the wish granter to herself as she drifted into an uneasy sleep.
A few hours later…
“I'm hungry.” Whined Recoome.
“Then find something to eat.” Shot Burter as he glared at nothing.
“Like what?” The barbarian looked deep in thought, his brow furrowed and sweat beginning to bead upon his brow. Ices chanced a glance at him and decided to help him out, before the oaf hurt himself.
“Why don't you hunt?” She suggested mildly.
“What could there possibly be to hunt in this forsaken land?” Shot Frieza, earning him a glare from the female.
“Many things, if you simply look.” She returned, continuing to lounge upon her perch. The barbarian perked up.
“Of course! Why didn't I think of that!” His eyes held excitement as he tromped off into the forest. The leaves hissed in a light breeze as an uneasy peace settled over the group once more.
“Oh wait…” Recoome's voice sounded from somewhere nearby. “I don't know how to hunt…”
Authors Note:
Allow me to apologize for such a chaotic and short chapter, but…I am still recovering from my cold and I need to get this posted before my internet decides to go out again! As always, tell me what I should change, and what doesn't seem to fit. I didn't really get a good look at Burter's personality, let alone his name. So that would be a welcome criticism as well. I also apologize for the lack of Cell/OC interaction, but it just didn't seem the right time.