Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Mistress of Wishes ❯ Death isn't so bad... ( Chapter 32 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Cell was sure that he had never felt pain like this in all his brief existence. Dead or alive. Which was he now? Not even he knew… through the pain it didn't matter, he was numb with the pure agony he was forced to endure from both within and without his body. She was gone, just like that, he was alone. True he didn't have to deal with the idiots from before, but still…he would rather live an eternity with Ices and those damnable idiots than die without any of them, if it had to be an all or nothing deal…
The android opened his eyes briefly, and found himself lying facedown in the dirt, a small pool of purple blood, smelling of stagnant decay, lay beneath him. Apparently the android had been unconscious for a very long time…
With a sigh that was almost a sob, the broken android pushed his pride down and allowed himself to weep silently. He had never intended to grow more attached to her than necessary…he had never intended to, dare he say it, fall in love. Then again…
Neither did she.
Gohan stared up at the blue sky of earth, they had sent the villains back to hell, or so they thought, and returned home. Not even Vegeta smirked in triumph at the feat of killing the innocent dragoness…one who could barely keep on the defensive. There was no sport in it…there was no honor. And if it was anything Gohan knew Vegeta believed in, it was honor. There was still a slight ache in his heart as he recalled the moment he had snuffed her out of the dimension.
He'd had no right to end a life so much longer than his own. A life that had done no evil. A life that had offered him an alliance, and comfort…and yet, she had wanted him to do it. He remembered the look in her violet eyes, not resigned, almost welcoming. But why? Must all in his life leave him at one point or another? If it wasn't for the Dragon Balls…
That's it! Exclaimed the youth within his mind. The Dragon Balls! In his excitement Gohan leapt up from his couch, ignoring the startled exclamation from his wife Videl, and racing upstairs.
“I swear, daddy is just so weird sometimes.” Pan huffed from the kitchen table as she shoved a spoonful of ice-cream into her mouth. Videl smiled uneasily, mentally agreeing.
In the Afterlife…
The wind rushed through the crevices between Ices' scales, her body twisting through the air behind her, sunlight glinting from her figure as her tail fanned to keep her balance. Of all the jobs Yemna could have given her, he had to choose this one. While she enjoyed the prolonged flights it meant, the job of `lunch delivery maid' wasn't all that exciting. The dragoness had dared to hope that her new immortal existence would have at least involved some sort of amazing something to preoccupy her lonely soul. And to make matters worse, she had been banned from using the Rifts! While she understood that the dead were not usually permitted back in the realm of the living, the dragoness had hoped that she could at least use them to travel between Heaven and Hell. But no, she was no longer permitted in either realm.
Shunned even in death… She sighed mentally.
How long was Snake-way anyhow? In all her years of living in the afterworld, she had never paid it any heed. After all, why should she? When the other Kais hated her as they did? She'd had no use for it, and had therefore ignored it. The female was glad that such selfish nonchalance of her surroundings had been stripped from her in the travels between planets.
And speaking of planets, was that one ahead of her? Could that be King Kai's planet?
Impossible, it was so tiny! She had heard that the gravitational forces of King Kai's planet were excruciating! Such a small planet couldn't possibly have such a strong pull. While the dragoness knew next to nothing about scientific devices, and technology, seeing as nobody had seen it fit to teach her, one thing she had come to understand was that in order for a planet to have a strong gravitational force, it had to be big. And the bigger the sphere, the stronger its force.
But it was the only planet in the vicinity, and there! That was the tail of the path!
Oh no…What's this?
The dragoness strained her wings, back flapping as if to fight the invisible force that was pulling her down, down, and finally she met the inevidable, unforgiving ground.
…how embarrassing…
The dragoness strained her body upward with her several legs, growling with the tension in her muscles. Had her draconic form been able to sweat, she was sure it would be pouring off her.
“You!” A slightly pudgy voice exclaimed, her violet eyes shifted to the source of the offended outburst, already knowing who it was. She snorted and with one final heave, finally lifted herself upright, to her normal upright and slightly “S” shaped stance, her forearms hanging slightly, and talons curled downward.
Me.” Agreed Ices, her tail whipping in anxiety. All at once, she wasn't sure what to say. Never had she so willingly ventured to a known enemy, what could she say? The dragoness had half a mind to interrogate the creature, why he hated her, why he wanted her destroyed, why he had ordered her love to be destroyed, but refrained…afterall he was only one in the many whom strove to destroy her soul.
“What do you want.” His voice was accusing, and slightly defensive. But she noticed that he wasn't frightened, which was good in her opinion. If he had become frightened she would have become nervous and perhaps have ended up in a fight. She didn't want that. If anything, she wanted to make peace with this creature. But the dragoness knew that the Kai was resolved to hate her. She held no false hopes of changing his mind.
Or at least, she didn't concously acknowledge any false hopes of changing his mind.
I have come to collect King Yemna's…lunch.” Her voice became slightly timid at this, after all, the King could have undoubtedly gotten his own lunch, which lead her to wonder…why had he offered her this job?
King Yemna's intentions…
The giant sighed as he sent yet another soul to Hell, and wondered how his newest assistant, Ices, was fairing. He hoped, desperately that his plan would work…
In the beginning the judge had been at a total loss as to what he should do with her. It didn't really matter that he couldn't put her anywhere, the Kai's would hold the trial in a few weeks and her soul would be locked away for all of eternity anyhow. But he did feel bad, afterall, she didn't deserve what they were planning on doing to her.
If only he could change their mind. And that was when the idea struck him, if the Kai knew her, really took the time to get to know her, then they would undoubtedly change their minds. But how could he pull this off?
He knew…
The giant had to repress a smirk, hopefully his plan wouldn't backfire. And hopefully the dragoness wouldn't remember that the Kai were in no way shape or form responsible for making him a lunch.
Author's Note:
Yes I am aware that King Kai's planet was destroyed, but bear with this, please? I know I jumped around a bit, but I want to keep all three plots going at the same time, and if I try to do it by chapter, I'll get sidetracked ((I had intended to have several plots going on during the story but as you can see, followed only Ices'))