Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ My Grandpa's a Ghost ❯ Separation ( Chapter 13 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

A/N: Hello, everyone! I present you with the first chapter of 2003 for MGAG!

One of the reasons this chapter is out today is because we had Thursday of because of *takes deep breath* SNOW! Our very, very first snowfall of the winter!! And the first form of precipitation we've had in a while. *sighs* Weather in Nebraska is so unpredictable. I mean, last week I believe, we had a high of 70, and, now, we have snow! *Giggles* Oh, well! I still love it here! Well, since we had a snow day, I could work on this chapter and got it out earlier!

Thank you a whole bunchies to all of the people who have reviewed so far! It makes me so happy!

Disclaimer: I don't own DragonBall Z or it's characters. They remain to their rightful owners! I do, however, own any characters I make up. Also, Burenda owns part of the idea for this story since she gave me the idea and then I changed it around a little.

My Grandpa's A Ghost


Anything not attempted remains impossible.

"C'mon, Goten, just ask it to go a little faster!" Trunks complained as he sat on Kinto'un. They decided to use the puffy, golden cloud instead of flying so their family and friends wouldn't be able to trace them. They also decided to keep their ki as low as they could. Goten looked at him.

"Tr-r-r-u-u-unks-ku-u-u-n...!" Goten whined, looking away. He closed his eye and shook his head, following with an exasperated sigh. "This is as fast as it wants to go right now." He looked back at Trunks. "I've told you that already!"

"How much further is it, Trunks?" Bardock asked, trying to stop the fight early as he flew up to the cloud.

"Yeah, yeah." Trunks murmured. He pushed the button on the Dragon Radar and the blinking dots appeared on the little screen. "Only about fourteen or fifteen more miles. We'll be there in about 30 minutes. We'd be there sooner if this cloud would go faster." Trunks muttered the last part under his breath. Goten looked at him but didn't say anything. "It seems that the person is heading to the other Dragon Ball."

"I have to ask. How exactly are you planning on getting the Dragon Balls away from the person who already has them?" Bardock asked.

"We'll ask nicely for them to give us the Dragon Balls. And if that doesn't work-" Goten started.

"Then we'll beat 'em up." Trunks finished calmly before stifling a yawn.

Bardock sweat dropped. "N-Nani?! You're not kidding?"

"No. Anyway, the humans who are collecting the Dragon Balls are usually gonna ask for world domination, so technically, we're doing the world a favor." Trunks pointed out matter-of-factly.

Bardock sighed. "Yeah, whatever." He rubbed his ears. "Do you think you could shut that thing off? That stupid beeping noise is giving me a headache!"

"You'll get used to it." Trunks said, looking at him. He looked back down at the radar. And his eyes widened. "Uh-oh." Trunks stated bluntly.

"Uh-oh? I don't like that 'uh-oh'. What is it Trunks?" Bardock asked.

"Trunks-kun?" Goten turned at blinked at him.

"You might want to tell this stupid cloud to pick up the pace, Goten. Looks like our fellow collector is already at the next Dragon Ball."


"Moshi Moshi?" Bulma asked, answering the phone and then holding it to her ear with her shoulder as she continued to work on the machine she was putting together.

"Moshi Moshi, Bulma." Goku replied from the other end. "Um, is Goten there?"

"Of course he's not, Son-kun! Trunks said that he and Goten were going to spar at your place today. Isn't he there?" Bulma asked, as she wiped the grease off of her hands and onto her pants before taking the phone off of her shoulder and switching ears.

"No. Trunks called around 4 o'clock asking if Goten could go over there." Bulma looked at her wristwatch. It was now 6 o'clock. "Chi-Chi's getting worried about him. He said he'd call if he was going to be late and he hasn't yet."

"So let me get this straight. Trunks called you and asked if Goten could come over here, but he told me that he was going over there?"

"That's pretty much it." Goku told her.

"Trunks! What am I going to do with him?! Damn it!" Bulma yelled, frowning. She heard Goku laughing nervously on the other end of the line, making her frown deepen.

"I-I'll look for their ki and see what I can find. I'll call you back when I've found them." Goku told her.

"Hai, Son-kun. I'll see if I can get Vegeta to go help you look for them. Good-bye." She replied, hanging up the phone. She let out an exasperated sigh. "That boy! He's going to be in so much trouble when he gets home!" She turned and walked out of the room toward the gravity room.

"VEGETA!" She screamed, stepping up to the gravity room door.


"N-Nani?! How'd he get there so fast?!" Goten and Bardock asked in unison as Kinto'un came to a halt.

"How should I know?! Just tell the cloud to go faster!" Trunks yelled back.

"But it doesn't want to, and we can't force it to." Goten muttered back. Then, suddenly, his eyes widened. "Oh, no!" Goten shouted, slapping his forehead. "I forgot that one of the Dragon Balls is at home!"

"Are you serious?!" Trunks asked, making Goten nod in response. Trunks and Bardock sighed. "Great. That means one of us will have to go back and get it."

"Well, I can't go because I wouldn't be able to pick the Dragon Ball up." Bardock said.

"And we have to get the other Dragon Balls back. If we go, we'll have to separate. That means one of us will have to take the nimbus. Then the other one will have to fly and one of our parents will sense us." Trunks frowned.

Then, Goten got an idea. "Grandpa, do you think you could carry Trunks-kun on your back and then go up ahead and get the Dragon Balls?"

"C-Carry?" Bardock blinked at his grandson. He scratched his head. "Yeah, I guess."

Goten pointed a thumb at himself. "I'll go and get the Dragon Ball from home with nimbus."

"Goten, you'll have to sneak around so your family members don't see you." Trunks told him.

Goten nodded and said, "Hai, I know. Now, we better hurry."

"Right. Come on, Trunks. Get on." Bardock said. Trunks nodded and jumped onto Bardock's back. Bardock turned his head to Goten. "Goten, hurry back."

Goten stood up on Nimbus. "You got it."

"You ready, Trunks?"

"Yup. You're really gonna have to fly, Mr. Bardock." Trunks told him. "They're already starting to go for the next Dragon Ball. We've wasted too much time here."

"Okay. Bye, Goten." Bardock called to his Grandson as he started to fly off, waving.

"Do your best, Grandpa, Trunks-kun!" Goten called back, waving as they soon became out of sight. Goten narrowed his eyes. "All right!" Goten bent his legs and arms, getting into the same position to ride the cloud as his father had always done as a child. "Let's go, Kinto'un!" Goten yelled.

The cloud took off in the opposite direction of Bardock and Trunks, leaving a trail of golden-yellow behind.


A/N: *stretches* Another chapter done! Please review!


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Title: The Lone and Level Sands

Author: Logan

Summary: 50 years have passed since the end of DBGT. The Saiya-jin Bloodline has been all but eliminated from the universe and, in the far reaches of the afterlife, Bardock sets out on a quest to find Kakarotto- the son he never knew...

Story Id number: 442153

Rated: R