Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Obsession ❯ A Dream ( Chapter 10 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]


Not a sound could be heard.

Even the shimmering movements of the desert creatures, seemed to be draped in a cloak of darkness. The dry land crumbled beneath the wheels of the Capsule Corp. air craft as it gently swooped down and landed on the barren landscape.

Bulma could barely make out the shape of miniature cactuses and other desert plantation dotted around in the distance, as she was slowly rolled down the ramp of Capsule Corp's large air craft carrier.

A gust of wind blew eastward, causing her unbound hair to fly off to the side. Perhaps it was time to rid herself of the unruly locks... Subdued by the shock she had received, she turned to look at the minuscule tornado that had been conjured on the ground of the desert a few hundred feet away.

She smiled softly, fascinated that such a tiny tornado could sweep up the silicone sand in an intriguing funnel, leaving the center devoid of any wind, sand or rumbling noise. It was the safest place to be, if the tornado was large and deadly... The eye of the storm. Tornados had always brought out excitement within her, but such small miracles as this tiny one were hard to come by, especially if you were situated in a city.

Light tapping on her head caused her to look up into the closed eyes of her mother, who was walking beside the rolling wheelchair.

"Isn't it just beautiful here, Bulma?" Her mother's high pitched voice rang out clearly through the quiet space of the desert.

Bulma winced and managed to smile at her mother, "Yes Mom, it is." She forced herself to look away in the direction of the bubble shaped space craft touching the horizon. It seemed to grow bigger with every step they took... Or more accurately for her, every spin of the wheels attached to her confining chair.

Miraculously, Bulma's mother chose to be perceptive in that instance. "Honey... Is everything alright? You do want to go, don't you?"

"Of course I do," she replied honestly... Just not with Vegeta, she thought to herself bitterly.

"Don't worry about Bulma, dear. Vegeta will take good care of her." Dr. Briefs' voice called out from behind her.

He was slowly pushing his daughter towards the Navigator space craft at the launch pad. She wanted to tell him that her arms were working well enough for her to push the wheels of the chair and that she didn't want to be a charity case.

If there was one thing that Bulma prided herself on, it was her independence. However, being in the wheelchair had seemed to make almost everyone around her behave differently, something that she could not tolerate. It was extremely lucky for her that planet Dran was in close alliance with the ministers of Earth and Capsule Corp.

After what seemed a small eternity to Bulma, they had finally reached the space craft that would be taking herself and Vegeta to the planet Dran. The only problem that presented itself, was the absence of the Saiyan Prince. She looked around suspiciously, "Where is Vegeta?" She asked her father cautiously as he stepped around the wheelchair to face her.

"He's waiting in the Navigator." Dr. Briefs replied softly, observing his daughter's disappointed reaction. Clearing his throat, he smiled down at his daughter. "Ready to go?"

Bulma nodded mutely.

"Oh, I can't believe my poor dear is leaving in such a condition!" Her mother wailed, bending down and encasing her in a death-grip of a hug.

"Mother, I won't be gone for long!" Bulma said, her voice irate and muffled into her mother's shoulder.

"I know, I know," Mrs. Briefs sniffled as she pulled back and relieved Bulma from her claustrophobic grip. "Now remember dear, be nice to all those alien people!" She exclaimed stupidly, "And I've packed all of your essential necessities such as dinner dresses, make-up, hairdryer..."

Mrs. Briefs continued to prattle on and as the list grew, Bulma's eyes widened in disgust. "Mom!" She abruptly cut of her mother's ridiculous ramblings. "I'm only going for a few weeks, not forever!"

"You can't be too careful," her mother scolded her lightly.

"I'll see you soon, Mom." Bulma shifted her eyes and rolled herself towards the steep ramp that led into the space craft. She looked to her right to see that her father had escorted her to the foot of the ramp.

She sighed and gently reached out to grasp her father's hand. "Bye Daddy," she squeezed his hand gently and smiled as he returned the gesture.

"As soon as you get inside, tell Vegeta to strap you into your seat tightly for take-off, and make sure you have capsulated your wheelchair and put it in your pocket, alright?" He said quietly.

"Sure Dad." She could barely make out the contours of his face, but could see her reflection in his gleaming eyes.

"Be careful honey," Dr. Briefs said, looking down into her eyes with concern.

"I will," she squeezed his hand one final time before she slowly rolled herself up the steep and long ramp.

After a long struggle, she reached the top, mildly out of breath but content that she hadn't taken aid from her father. From the entry way to the ship, she looked down and saw her father wave half-heartedly.

She waved back briefly, before turning her chair and making her way through the space craft that seemed large on the outside, but was secretly rather small on the inside. What could one expect from a planet that had limited technology as theirs?

Bulma was almost envious of Frieza's ship that had landed on Earth when the monster had come in search of Goku. It had been so large! Granted that this ship was large compared to other space crafts, it still seemed small compared to the enormous ship Frieza had used,

Allowing the thoughts drop from her mind, she rolled her way to the main room of the ship, dreading the encounter that would evidently occur with the Saiyan Prince. She had not been phased by him in the gazebo, so why was she so confoundedly dreading his presence at that particular moment?


The harsh light from the main room burned through her irises. She squinted as she blindly rolled into the room, not knowing where she was rolling her chair to. The desert had been so dark and the sudden light merely added to her annoyance.

A gasp flew from her mouth as her wheel collided with a soft object, causing her to come to an abrupt halt.

"Watch it!" Vegeta snapped, his harsh voice echoing through the room.

Bulma winced. He sounded really excited about their current predicament. How was she ever going to spend time alone with him in this confining ship! It was a good thing she could not see at that moment. "Sorry," she muttered, pushing her wheels backwards so she was a further distance away from the irritated man.

Her eyes soon adjusted to the bright light of the main room and finally came into focus upon the scowling face of Vegeta. "What?" She asked peevishly, glaring at him.

He raised his brow, as if in amusement. "Nothing," he replied tersely.

"Why did you agree to take me to the planet Dran?" Bulma blurted out.

Vegeta sneered at her in disgust, ignoring her question. "Hurry up and get your ass seated so we can leave this shit-ball of a planet."

Bulma gaped at him. How dare he ignore her direct question! Her anger soon faded as he quickly strapped himself into the seat, all she could do was stare at him stupidly. How did he expect her to seat herself in the high chair when she couldn't even stand!

As he sent an irritated and superior glance her way, she held her head high and purposely made her way slowly to her seat, earning an even more irritated glare from him.

Upon approaching the take-off seat, she looked up at the high chair apprehensively. Damn. It was going to take all her ingenuity to get into that chair. Taking a deep breath, she lifted her arms and tried to hoist herself up into the chair.

Her efforts only earned her a deviously amused look from Vegeta, as he was apparently enjoying her fruitless attempts to get into the chair. Two red streaks burned across her cheeks and nose in an angered blush as she grunted, trying to use all her upper body strength to get into the chair.

As soon as her body rose from the wheelchair, she felt the wheels of the chair roll back and her body fly forwards, out of the chair. Bulma cried out as she clung to the chair, the lower half of her immobile body splayed out limply behind her. The strength from her arms seeped away like grains of sand through fingers and in a matter of moments, she found herself slumped to the floor.

"Dammit!" Bulma shrieked, thumping the steel floor with a fisted hand. She blindly reached up to grasp the seat of the chair, cursing for her stupidity at not putting the brakes on her wheelchair. She was certain she would have been in the seat had it not been for her blasted wheelchair rolling backwards. Unable to find the seat of the chair, she huffed and brought her arm down in annoyance.

"Aren't you going to help?" She called out to Vegeta in exasperation, realizing that it would be a cold day in hell before she got into the chair by herself.

"I was merely waiting for you to ask." He replied curtly, a malicious amusement underlying his tone.

She growled, almost thumping the floor again. "Well don't just sit there and look at me, help me up and put me in the damn chair!"

There was a pregnant pause, before his grating voice could be heard again. He was in such a place that she could not see his face, which was most likely smirking at her misfortune. "You're unbelievable!" She spat vehemently, "I cannot believe you have the audacity to mock a disabled woman. I mean, have some pity!"

Before she had time to utter another word, Bulma closed her eyes as Vegeta's hot breath tickled her ear.

"I pity no one," he whispered softly into her ear. "Especially a woman such as yourself." Without waiting for her sputtering reply, he wrapped one steel arm around her waist and hoisted her up against him.

She froze. Was that a half-hearted attempt at a compliment? But it can't have been, for he was mocking her, wasn't he? Bulma cried out in surprise as Vegeta's arm snaked around her waist and roughly lifted her up. "Do you mind!" She hissed in indignation. "Honestly, I'm not a sack of potatoes!"

Vegeta chose to ignore her idiotic comments and unceremoniously tossed her into the high seat. "I presume you can strap yourself in?" He asked blandly, before turning to encapsulate the wheelchair. Once done, he tossed her the small capsule and returned to his seat.

She glared at him as she put the capsule in her pocket and pulled the safety straps over her waist tightly, muttering curses beneath her breath. "Damn asshole... Fucking jerk... Stupid monkey..." She trailed off, not knowing what else to call him. Her mind was preoccupied by more important notions, such as the planet Dran.

"My, my. Running out of good insults? If you wish to call me names try not to be so loud, you foolish woman."

Bulma turned to look at his seated form, narrowing her eyes at him. "Actually, you were supposed to hear them!" And then she stuck her tongue out at him. A completely juvenile act in itself, Bulma could not believe she had just done that. Unfortunately for her, he had seen her mortification and merely smirked. Another victory for the Saiyan Prince.

Crackling could be heard from the speaker and Bulma sent an annoyed glance in Vegeta's direction before she reached out and pressed the square red button before her.

"Bulma?" Her fathers muffled voice came through the speakers in the room.

"We're ready for lift off Daddy," she replied clearly. "Are you and Mom away from the craft?"


"Alright, I'll be preparing for lift off in five minutes." Her father had explained that she would be the one to navigate the craft during lift off, for it was too complicated for Vegeta's comprehension. Well, at least she had one thing over the prince, and that was intelligence.

"Alright," her father's voice confirmed before the transmission was cut off.

Bulma could feel Vegeta's burning gaze upon her as she prepped the ship for lift-off. Keying in the various codes on the computer console before her, she tried to avoid his flustering stare. She shivered, but was certain that he could see her every tiny movement. Finally agitated, she looked in his direction and stared furiously into his eyes. "Stop staring!" she snapped, "It's distracting." She added.

Luckily for her, he was in no mood for one of their verbal spars and merely 'hmphed' and looked away.

Once everything was set for lift-off, she pressed the red button three times and waited for her father's voice to come through.

"Everything in order?" Her father asked eagerly.

"Yes," she replied, "The codes have been set and the ship has been programmed to auto pilot towards planet Dran. We're ready for lift-off in minus ten seconds."

"Alright dear, have a safe journey!" He said, before the transmission went dead.

"Bye Daddy," she whispered to the silent room, earning at disgusted look from her companion. It was obvious that he was not used to displaying affection, but did he have to show her his disgust?

Bulma sighed, closing her eyes and leaned back into the large chair, gripping the handles. It was going to be a long and harrowing journey... For both of them.


The engines of the ship, Navigator 09, rumbled to life.

Billowing smoke danced upwards, around the craft, as if in merriment at the departure. The mushroom clouds of smoke rolled towards the cloudless sky of the desert, seeming to kiss the stars as the smoke tapered out over the horizon, dissipating from the driven winds.

Dr. Briefs smiled softly as he watched the ship take off at lightning speed, leaving the Earth's atmosphere with only a parting line of smoke trailing the craft.

He sighed and gently wrapped his arm around his wife's waist. Tugging her towards the C.C. air craft that would take them back home.

"Do you think she will be ok?" Mrs. Briefs asked worriedly.

"Yes dear, she'll be just fine." With a final glance at the smoke streaked night sky of the desert, they turned to leave the secret base for space launch, back to the comfort of their home.


The heavy pressure was taken from Bulma's chest and she now found that she could breathe. Without waiting another moment, she loosened the tight straps from her body and took out the capsule containing her wheelchair. Clicking the jutting button, she threw the capsule and waited for her wheelchair to appear.

It did so, a few feet away from her chair.

She cursed her bad aim and looked imploringly at the Saiyan Prince, who was already out of his chair and making his way to the exit.

"Hey!" she shrieked before he could leave the room.

Bulma gulped as he turned to glare at her menacingly. "Can you put me in my wheelchair... Please?" She asked, surprised at the politeness of her tone.

It seemed as though Vegeta was equally surprised, for he came to her seat and lifted her out without complaint. He even went as far as to gently put her down into the wheelchair!

Bulma slid her hands away from his corded throat as she was slowly placed into her wheelchair. She looked up and smiled warmly at the change in his behavior, "Thanks," she whispered gratefully.

She had not expected what was to happen next.

A cruel smirk formed on his lips and she watched, horrified, as he lifted his foot and kicked the back of the chair, causing her to careen through the doorway and into the opposite wall. She screamed bloody murder as the chair rebounded from the cushioned wall and caused her to roll straight back into the main room to where Vegeta was standing.

"Oh look, I've found myself a new toy," he snarled maliciously as he looked down at the chair he had transformed into a ball. Yet the amusement couldn't be hidden from his gleaming eyes.

Bulma gaped at him, wondering if he was paying her back for the harsh words she had spoken to him in the lighthouse. Then, the anger came full force.

"You little mother fucker! How dare you! Is that any way to treat a woman in my condition! You twisted little fuck-face" She screamed in blind rage, shaking her fist at him. She had to admit, she looked rather ridiculous in her wheelchair as she shrieked such vulgar obscenities that would have made Frieza himself blush.

Halfway through her screaming, she saw that she was merely humoring him by her tirade. The impish and cruel gleam was still in his eyes and his lips were still twisted into a cynical sneer. He had meant for her to scream!

As soon as she stopped her ranting, Vegeta took the golden opportunity to speak. "Tell me woman, how long were you keeping all of that anger inside of you?"

Bulma's chest heaved as she tried to regain control of her verbal skills.

The full weight of the question hit her and she blinked slowly, pausing before answering. "... A long time," she whispered softly, watching the strange gleam filter out of his eyes into the stony, masked ebony they usually were.

"It is a good thing it came out here and not on Dran-sei," he growled out softly.

And then, she smiled. Realizing that he had seen the anger building within her, not just for him but for everyone who had treated her differently in the wheelchair. Had she not let all of the anger out, she may have erupted like an overzealous volcano, spewing black hatred and anger towards the allies of the planet Dran, in turn causing a political scandal.

"Thank you," she said. Although she refused to say anything else in gratitude, she had to admit that it was a rather tricky and devious thing to do.

"My debt to you has been paid in full, for showing me Vejita-sei. Do not ask me for anything else." He replied curtly, staring coldly into her eyes.

Her smile faded slowly, chilled by the sudden mood swing. As he turned to leave she spoke out. "Well be reaching Dran in eight hours," she said to his turned back, "Daddy upgraded the ship to move faster through the space- time continuum. It's already late at night back home, so I suggest you get some rest before we reach Dran-sei. There's no point in training right now." Somehow, Bulma's sixth sense had told her that was exactly what he was going to do. On the way to the launch pad, her father had mentioned installing a gravity room in the Navigator.

He refused to turn around and look at her, but merely turned his head to offer a view of his profile. "Noted," he said, before continuing to make his way out of the room.

As soon as he was out of the room, Bulma's shoulders slumped in defeat. There was nothing she could do to stop him from training, so what was the point?

Sighing, she rolled herself out of the main room and towards the sleeping quarters of the ship. If he wasn't going to heed her warning, then she might as well give up and get some rest for herself. Although she was certain that sleep would not come easily to her.


He needed to get away from her.

She was everywhere! All around him, inside his veins and blood, in his mind taunting and mocking his pathetic situation. For who could ever want a killer such as himself? Images of her laughing at his misfortune plagued him as he walked through the halls of the ship. It was perfectly clear, like the reflection in a mirror, that she was driving him to the precipice of insanity!

The stupid woman was confusing him to no end. It made him wonder why he had agreed to Dr. Briefs' neanderthall suggestion. Why had he agreed?

He growled, not wanting to linger on the issues any further.

But her taste... She had been forever burned into his senses, with her sweet exotic taste. Lengthy images of the night in the lighthouse flashed through his mind. Gods, he wanted a repeat! But he knew it would never happen. Or could it?

Dammit, this obsession was becoming far too overwhelming to deal with. He began to regret not killing her earlier, it would have put them both at ease. But then her sickly sweet face would dance before him in disappointment and he would find his blood-lust squashed by the mere sight of her.

It was so frustrating to know that a killing machine such as himself could not even be reduced to killing an insignificant woman. But is was not insignificant, is she? She was the epitome of everything he had hated and everything he wanted to be... Innocent.

He had his innocence taken away from him from a very early age, forced to become an adult and forced to age faster than his years. It was a battle to survive for Vegeta, and he knew that it would take every ounce of his strength to survive.

A lesser man would have crumbled.

But the blue haired woman refused to understand his lustful obsession towards her, refused to understand why he chose to be the way he is. If only he could overpower her... Show her that like is not so innocent as it seems.

He could rip her naivety from her in an instant, by allowing her into his mind. He could show her how he really is, show her things that no one but himself had witnessed.

Gods, he wanted her to suffer with him!

The bitch had led such a sheltered life, it was disgusting to even think that could begin to comprehend him. He wanted to hurt her so much... But he couldn't do that to her. After all, she was everything he despised... And everything he so desperately wanted to harbor.

For a moment, just a single pure moment in time, he wanted to touch that beautiful innocence she possessed, and be apart of it... But the black cloud of hate that encircled him swallowed him in its oily tentacles, causing him to drown in a sea of bitterness.

Vegeta swallowed down the hateful roar that threatened to rip from his throat.

Damn her!

How could one woman make him want her so much, and yet in the same instance, make him want to kill her for it. It was beyond fathomable for the Prince.

It was futile to ignore his lustful intentions towards her, but nothing good would ever come from it.

His eyes narrowed, deep in thought.

The attraction was a pure case of lust and not because of his want for purity and innocence, he reasoned. He knew she felt nothing for him other than passion or she would never have consented

He snarled, strolling through the narrow hall that led to the training room that Dr. Briefs had installed. Coming to a conclusion, he knew that a repeat of the night in the lighthouse was unlikely. Unless...

He pushed away the sudden urge to shake, disgusted by the mere reaction the tiny woman could bring out within him.

He would not dwell his thoughts on a pathetic weakling! If she refused to acknowledge the heat between then, then it was too fucking bad for her! He would just have to let her suffer for her stupid decision.

He for one, was not going to dwell on the mind boggling thoughts any longer. He had never liked evaluating his life and thoughts, it only made him more bitter than he already was. Only his training would take complete control of his focus, and nothing else.

Although, one question remained in Vegeta's mind. What had compelled her to force him into a debt? By telling him of Vejita-sei, he had directly been subjected to owe the woman for her actions, as his mind had been put at ease because of it.

Vegeta had always disliked being in anyone's debt, and even if he was, he would always pay them back. Perhaps it was one of the reasons for agreeing to Dr. Briefs' fool mission to restore the woman to her prior 'bouncy' self.

Of course, he had lied to her when he told her that the debt had been paid because of other reasons. He could never tell her that he was repaying her by agreeing to go with her to Dran-sei.

Albeit, he did receive a large pay from Dr. Briefs in the means of training and equipment. He cursed his dismal luck at being stuck in the current situation.

The door to the training room silently slid open, and he stepped inside with the black cloud of anger trailing behind him.

Like many times before, he would try to beat the inane thoughts away through rigorous training. He would become a Super Saiyan and beat the androids and then Kakarott. He would show them all who was the true warrior of the two and then crush them and their annoying little world!

His goal for Super Saiyan was his only obsession and his only love. Bulma was inconsequential to him and his priorities, of that he was certain.

Nothing would come in his way of ultimate power.


Vegeta slumped to the floor, laying sprawled out on his back with his arms and legs spread out. "Fuck!" He snarled at the ceiling. He should have been able to withstand this high pressure of gravity for longer. The limited anger seeped from his veins and he felt his heaving chest regain control and maintain slow and steady rhythmic movements.

He stared at the ceiling.

Four hours of continuous training with no break for water or food had eaten away at his energy level. There was no healing aid on the ship and the Senzu's hadn't been harvested. Just his luck.

"That damn cat is useless. What's the point of having those beans if he doesn't fucking harvest them? I ought to knock some damn sense into him," he growled as he yawned to the empty training room, "Just goes to show, never trust a feline." He mumbled quietly, eyes slowly closing as the last resources of his energy tapered away from his body.

He remained there, falling asleep, not bothering to retreat to his room.


I do not know where I am.

I stand amidst rolling, yellow sand dunes that look as familiar to me as the many common forests on Earth. Craning my neck, I look up at the monstrously large building that vaguely reminds me of a palace. I look around, perplexed as to why this palace oasis is amidst the sea of dry, bronzed sand. It looks completely out of place, yet I feel that it has every authority to be there.

There is such a dark power that emanates from the stone towers and pillars of the palace. It makes me shudder, and I want to turn and run. But I cannot.

I could feel a frown tug at my dry lips. I forced myself to move forward, through the large and inviting stone-pillared gates that were wide open. Almost as though the palace was expecting me...

Finding a shred of courage deep within myself, I continue to move past the haunting fountain that stands proudly before me. No water spurts from the mouth of the fountain. How odd...

I look up at the sky. The sun is fiery and red. It seems angry... Beads of perspiration form on my forearms as I stand directly in the rays of the sunlight.

It's so hot, I can barely breathe!

I stop walking, greeted by an endless sea of marble steps. Thankfully, they are shadowed by the high structure and towers of the strange palace. I slowly ascend the narrow steps, lifting the hem of long deep blue gown I am dressed in.

I'm surprised I didn't notice it sooner! The sheer, thin fabric clings to my body like second skin, but it is amazingly cool for such hot weather. Two gold butterfly clasps hold up the thin straps of the dress at my bare shoulders. I've never seen anything so pretty in my life...

The cool wind kisses my burning skin, and I'm thankful for the relief. My body feels like it's on fire!

I finally reach the top, thankful for the shade offered. Everything is growing hazy around me as I walk towards the inhumanly large stone doors. I stand back and look at the carvings in the two closed doors.

A large diamond is carved into the stone doors, a circle running around it. The doors grow more hazy and I shake my head. Why do I feel so dizzy? Squinting my eyes, I can barely make out a 'V' in the center of the diamond...

The heat is too much for me, not even the billowing breeze can ease the intense heat. I slump to the floor, before the stone doors. And everything is black.

My eyes flutter open.

I swear I'm going insane. It is now dark, the sun is no longer shining and I am in a room that is unknown to me. But if I have never seen such a room, why do I feel so comfortable?

Slowly rising from the bed, I make my way towards the window that is now bathed in moonlight. It's the only source of light in the dark and majestic room. I gasp, looking up at four small moons lighting the night sky.

I connected the moons through imaginary lines from my finger, finding that a diamond shape could be formed from the invisible lines between the moons. I've never seen such an interesting spectacle in my life and it brings me to the question that has been burning in my mind from the beginning.

Where am I and what am I doing here? I feel that I shouldn't be here, that I have left something in my past that was dear to me. I feel torn between wanting to stay in this tranquil world and wanting to return to my true home. It doesn't make any sense!

My throat closes and I force down an onslaught of tears. I can't cry, not now.

Why, oh why do I have to choose between this home and my true home? I want to see the people I love, I want to hold them near to me and I want to be with them... So why have I chosen to be here? Alone...

"It's about time you woke up."

I jumped, turning around as a husky male voice whispered softly into my ear. Two strong arms encircled my waist and I found myself being pulled against a solid steel chest.

I looked up into the ebony eyes that were staring down at me, with a guarded expression. The guarded expression belies the evident worry as he frowns.

I now remember why I am here. It's because of him.

As he gazes quietly at me, I smile softly, a sudden warmth enveloping me in its embrace. He smirks back, taking my hand as he leads me to the low but large bed at the center of the room. The little devil. I can feel my own impish smirk form at my mouth, and my body heats up in anticipation.

As we reach the foot of the bed, I can see he is getting impatient. He earnestly pulls me towards him, ripping away the sheer blue gown from my body with one fluid motion. The two golden butterfly clasps jingle as they collide with the cool marble floor. The soft, deep blue dress floats to my ankles and rest there, leaving me vulnerable before the man I have chosen to be with.

He pulls me close, his calloused hands run up and down the contours of my curves and I part my lips as a wave of desire trickles down my spine. His touch is like a wild fire that runs through my veins, I just can't seem to get enough of it.

I pause for a moment, content to just bask in the look of desire and adoration that graces his moonlit face. Gods, he's so handsome. Trying to force away the wave of passion, I raise my hand to his face and lightly trace my fingers over his sharp aristocratic nose.

Moving my hand further up, I brush away the frown that continuously furrows his brow. It has always been so rare to see him without a frown or scowl plastered across the sharp features of his face.

I feel myself frown. Since when has he gotten to be so tall? Standing on my tip toes, I lean into him, reveling in the fiery embers that glitter in his eyes... All because of me. I cup his face and bring his head down to meet my lips, covering his face with small butterfly kisses. He frowns again as I purposely avoid his lips.

A chuckle escapes his lips as he brings my hands away from his head, pinning them to my sides. "This will not do, woman." My heart skips a beat as I am forced to remain still. I pout softly, earning a louder chuckle from his royal highness.

"And what will do to rectify the situation, Ou-sama?" I ask playfully, unaware of my naked form pressing against his hard armor. I suddenly wish for him to be free of the restrictive garbs.

He smirks, but then grows serious again, unrelenting of his tight hold on me. "Do you know how many years I have waited for that title? It is a fitting title, isn't it Sha'rah?" He asks quietly.

I squirm in his grasp and he allows me to trail my hand to his cheek, "The title 'Ouji' does also fit you well, but I can see why you wanted to take the title 'Ou'. You're right, it is a fitting title for you, my king." I say in a teasing manner, flicking the lobe of his sensitive ear with my index finger as I massage it slowly.

His serious visage disappears and he smirks once again, growling at the invasion of his ear. "I can see that I will get no serious answer from you tonight, Sha'rah." He growls, his ebony eyes piercing through my cobalt orbs. Once again, he has pinned both my arms to my sides, rendering me immobile.

I regard him briefly before shrugging, the heated moment doused away by the lucidity of my thoughts.

He lowers his head to mine, brushing his lips lightly over my own swollen lips. "Something is bothering you, Sha'rah," he says, hi voice rumbling gently against my lips.

Oh Gods, why can't I forget about the past! It always ruins the most wonderful moments between myself and him. I turn my head and look away, not wanting to voice my dark thoughts. But he is quick to catch on and traps my in a one-armed embrace, placing his finger under my chin as he forces me to look at him.

I disregard his statement and tilt my head, "You call me Sha'rah, but what does it mean?" I hear myself asking. I am so detached from my thoughts that I cannot even recall the question as it leaves my lips.

He looks at me briefly, as though I have grown a second head. "You know what it means," he says in an annoyed voice, tensing his body in defense. Why can't I just keep my big mouth shut!

I force myself to smile and I once again stand on my tip toes, kissing his cheek. "You know I was just teasing," I mumble against his lips.

"Well don't," he replies back curtly.

I have a lot of work cut out for me, for it is my fault to provoke him into this bitter mood. Pushing my body further into his, I motion for him to free my arms. He does so almost reluctantly.

I raise my hands to the gold clasps of his red cape that is around his shoulders. I know remember what the circled diamond with the 'V' stands for. It his family crest. He had told me the very first day we came here...

The cape falls to the ground and I lightly tug at the strong chest plate that is comfortably snuggled against him. It too falls to the ground, clanking heavily against the hard floor. The sight of his taut, chest is enough to ignite the fire of passion within me.

All thoughts of the past are a distant memory as I run my pale fingers across his chiseled pectorals. Gods, shouldn't it be illegal for one man to be so fit! The muscles in his arms ripple as I rub his chest in a teasing manner. A shrewd smile lights up my face and I chuckle as I notice a thin film of sweat has broken out on his body. I love getting him riled up like that, makes me feel terribly naughty.

I almost giggled at the thought, slowly rubbing my hands down his hard abdominal muscles towards the tie of his armored trousers. Trailing my hand down, I pause at his belly button, running my fingers to trace over the indentations on his love handles, all the way to his... He groans in earnest, knowing how close I am.

In his momentary weakness, I break free of his hold and run to hide behind the stone pillar of the large bed. I hear him growl in frustration, as I try to muffle my own chuckles. It is dark and I know he cannot see me, so I continue to peer from behind the thick pillar of the bed. It is large enough to hide me from view. But that doesn't stop his royal highness from knowing my exact position. I yelp in fright as his arms tightly wind around my bare midriff, ripping me away from the pillar.

I feel my back pressed tightly against his chest, closing my eyes as his heart pounds rhythmically with mine. He kisses the back of my neck softly and pulls the glittering metal clasp that binds my hair in a loose bun. My cerulean lock tumble down, having grown over the past years, covering his head as he continues to kiss the back of my neck. I gasp as his hands roam my curves, bringing my body to life. I almost moan, but force myself to remain silent. I will not allow him to have this victory! He pushes my long locks to one side and begins to trail hot, wet kisses up the side of my neck. I clench my teeth, determined not to let him know just how much he can make me weak at the knees. His lips seem to pause at my ear and I gasp as he bites the top softly.

"No more games, Sha'rah." I hear him whisper huskily.

Could he sound any more sexier? I wanted to scream as the passion within me burned the edges of my soul.

Before I could even have time to think, I found myself thrown onto the bed, pinned beneath him.

I looked up into his lustful eyes, my chest heaving from over exertion. "No more games?" I breathed softly, allowing myself a small moan as he lay above, his hands pinching and rubbing my inner thigh.

He nodded, bringing his lips down and crushing them against mine. I kissed him back with equal fervor, accepting his proposal as I slowly raised my legs to wind around his waist. His lips parted from mine, kissing the hollow of my throat, my most sensitive spot. I cry out in such mind numbing ecstasy, raising my hips up towards his, planting small kisses by his ear as his hand trails to my most sacred region.

And before he could take me, I whispered the words I knew he had been longing to hear from me, ever since we arrived at this beautiful and sacred planet. "I love you..."

He froze at that, as did I.

I had never once uttered those words to him, nor would he say them to me. What had compelled me to do so at that moment? I could be such a fool at times!

I half expected him to pull away.

But he merely smirked down at me and gripped me closer to him as he took me with such an illustrious passion that I had not known he possessed. Our bodies moved in perfect syncopation with one another as though I would fall away like a dream.

Oddly enough, that is exactly what happened.


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