Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Other World ❯ Chapter 12 ( Chapter 12 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Authors Note: Sorry for the delay on what was supposed to be a quickly updated chapter, just know that the next chapter should be out either today or tommorow and the next chapter soon after that.

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Bulma and Vegeta were crouched low behind a row of blue bushes in the garden. So far, they had seen no guards, but Vegeta insisted on being careful and quiet. It was a side of him that Bulma had never seen. Normally, he would have charged right in and destroyed anything that got in his way.

"Woman, would you say that's a seven-hundred foot run?" Vegeta said with his eyes set on the forest.

"Seven-hundred feet sounds about right. Are we going to make a run for it?"

Vegeta nodded and said, "When I say now we'll go."

"Hold on a second," whispered Bulma forcefully, "I could make it without being noticed, but I don't think you can."

"Well, I don't see you giving and bright ideas," replied Vegeta

"Um…"Bulma said as she searched for a solution, "I've got it! You can ride on my back."

"Are you crazy woman!" Vegeta exclaimed in a harsh whisper. "What makes you think that I would do that?"

"Maybe the fact that your life is on the line?"

"I'm not doing it." Vegeta said and crossed his arms in defiance.

"Please." Bulma pleaded.

"No." Vegeta responded.

"Ok," Bulma said with a sigh. "I didn't want to do this, but you don't give me much of a choice."

"Do wha…" Vegeta's last word trailed off as Bulma delivered a quick chop to the back of his neck.

Vegeta fell to the ground with a soft thud. Bulma picked him up then looked around. The coast was clear so she jumped over the bush and dashed towards the forest.

She made it there in a few seconds, but didn't stop. Instead she continued on in search of a place to make camp.

Finally, she came upon a cave in the side of a hill. Once inside she noticed that there were two pools of water, side by side. They both seemed to be about five feet deep.

As Bulma put Vegeta down, she noticed that his breast had disappeared.

"Weird…" Bulma said. She convinced herself that this must have been a hormonal glitch; -a good one at that- Bulma left the cave in search of firewood.


"Whoever did this will be missing a few limbs after I'm done with them." Yamcha said in anger as he slammed his fist into the wall. This caused several objects in the room to shake and sent little pieces of the wall flying everywhere.

"Klopet please calm down. We need to think over this." Aiya said while struggling to contain her own frustration about the escapees. Since they had run, it had to mean that they suspected something. It also meant that she had to find them and make sure they never met up with Klopet or he would find out as well.

"I shouldn't have left her," Yamcha said.

"We'll find her." Aiya said. "Besides she's probably with that Vegeta person which makes her safe."

"Safe!" Yamcha exclaimed, "That man's a murderer."

For a split second Aiya's eyes revealed her anger as she resisted the urge to say, "How does it feel now Saiyan scum to have someone you care about in danger? I'm amazed that you monkeys even have feelings. Your race wiped out a huge chunk of my people easily enough and then my brother (what do you mean by this?) was killed by one of you. You don't deserve to accuse another of murder when you're responsible for genocide"

Instead Aiya turned towards the guard who had been waiting there nervously.

"Tell the command center to send out a message for the combat units one through five to surround the palace and search for the kidnappers. Units six through twenty-five will be sent out towards the north, south, east and west respectively. After that go back and help to sort out the mess in the dining hall."

"Right away," the guard said with a bow and disappeared out the door.

"So what do we do?" Yamcha asked.

"We'll stay here. There are more important things to be done." The instant the words were out of her mouth, Aiya regretted them. ???? (She regretted them because she knew that Klopet would get mad.)

"Nothings more important than Bulma!" Yamcha exclaimed as he stormed out of the room and undoubtedly out of the palace as well.

Aiya uttered a curse in aggravation. Things had gone from bad to worse quickly. She left the room and headed for the command center.

As she walked she started to change form. Each hand now had five fingers and her skin went from blue to a light turquoise. ???? (She just changed form. I'll try to explain in later chapters)

Once in the command center, she walked over to the commander.

"Which direction did the Saiyan go?"

"To the north."

"Did the units sent out before have scouters?"

"No, because you ordered..."

"I know what I ordered." Aiya said, "Our initial plan has been abandoned. Inform the citizens of this change, get me a scouter and tell my guards to meet me in the launching bay. Also Inform the Icejins of this problem. Tell them we might be delayed."

"Of course, but..." the commander drew in her breath and continued. "The day of night is coming one day after the Saiyan was to be transported; the night of the full moon. If we were to delay then...the prophecy..." she trailed off.

"You don't truly believe in that old fairy tail do you?" Aiya recited it," A Saiyan shall come in the time of night. The true King shall rise shadowed by the moonlight. It's hardly a prophecy with only two lines, besides it's not like I'm not trying to keep him here. Now, no more talk of such foolish things. You have orders."

"Of course my queen." she said as she hurried to get her a scouter and carry out the other orders.

Once she had a scouter, Aiya went to the launching bay where she met up with her guards who were back to their normal forms and were wearing scouters.

"We're going to the north to follow the Saiyan. I hope you're ready to stretch your flying muscles again."

They all nodded and took of in the air.


Yamcha scanned around him on the ground for any sign of Bulma and Vegeta, but found none.

"I have to find her," Yamcha said as he turned in the direction where the capsule house was. Maybe she or Vegeta had gotten away and gone there.


"Honey?" Mrs. Briefs asked as she walked into the living room to see her husband sitting on the couch watching television. The ever-present black cat accompanied him on his shoulder.

"Yes dear?" Dr. Briefs responded as he turned from the television to look at her.

"Aren't you a little worried about Bulma?" It's been over a week and we still haven't heard from her. I know she's probably with Vegeta, but doesn't it seem odd that she didn't leave a note or something?"

"You're right. Kids these days…" he trailed of, brought his hand to his chin and became immersed in thought. After a few moments he spoke again. "Bulma has an old communicator in her watch. It should still work. I'll send her a message."

Dr. Briefs cut off the television and walked towards the lab with his wife following close behind him. Once in the lab, he went on a frantic search for the communicator. "Ah! Here it is," he said when he found the brown, square hunk of metal that he had been looking for.

After a few minutes of tinkering with it, a red light flashed on. "Interesting…" Dr. Briefs commented to himself.

"What is?"

"The frequency output is greater than the input. Matter of fact I see no input at all…"

"Dear, please speak English."

"Bulma's communicator is out of range, but you see, this communicator has a planet-wide range."

"Oh…" said Mrs. Briefs as her husband walked over to where the capsules were stored. "Maybe Bulma's is broken."

"I don't think so," said Dr. Briefs as he scanned over the capsules, "But both of the spaceships are here. " He turned to his wife "Something may actually be wrong."