Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Peaches & Creme ❯ I Came Here To See You ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Peaches & Creme

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"I want to go to the beach," Marron said. "I want to look at the waves and smell the salt in the air."

"All right, all right," Trunks said. "Seeing as our luggage won't arrive until this afternoon, I guess we can spend a little time on the beach."

After spending about ten minutes on the white sands of Hawaii, Marron stopped in her tracks and pointed out a girl tanning by the shore line.

From their current location, the girl looked somewhat familiar. She had long, mahogany-colored hair, and was wearing a yellow bikini.

"Paris?" Marron tried.

The girl turned. She got up in a hurry and rushed over to Trunks and Marron. "Hi, guys!"

"Paris, it's been a while," Marron exclaimed grabbing the other girl's hands. "What are you doing out here?"

Paris giggled. "Goten brought me here for our anniversary!"

"That's great! Trunks brought me here for our anniversary too!"

"Goten's here?" Trunks asked, looking around. "Where is he?"

"Oh." Paris's face fell and she looked down, almost sadly. "Well, we took a cruise over here, and Goten got really sick. He's back at the hotel resting."

"Got seasick, did he?" Trunks said, laughing.

Paris nodded.

"Trunks, that's not funny," Marron said sternly, placing a hand on his shoulder. "I bet Goten's feeling miserable."

Paris looked up, her expression the total opposite of what it had been a minute ago. "Hey, maybe the two of you could come and visit him; I'm sure that'd cheer him up!"

"That's a great idea. Where are the two of you staying at?" Trunks asked gleefully.

"Right there." Paris turned around and pointed to the tall building behind them. "At the Aston Beach Hotel."

"That's not too far from where we're staying! We're right down the street at the Royal Hawaiian," Marron said.

"Wow," Paris said, bewildered. "I hear that it's really nice...and expensive."

Trunks rubbed the back of his head, blushing. "Well, yeah, it was a tad bit expensive, but.... Weren't we gonna go check on Goten?"

Marron smiled. She knew Trunks didn't really like admitting that he had spent a good fortune trying to get them in at the Royal Hawaiian, especially since his best friend was staying at a less luxurious place.

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Trunks laughed to himself; this place wasn't really as bad as he had originally thought, although it looked a little bit more than Goten could afford. It wasn't that Trunks thought badly of his friend's money, it was just that the Sons had lived nearly in poverty for as long as he could remember.

"Here's our room," Paris said, slipping her card key into the slot, and watching as the red light changed to green. Pressing down on the handle, she opened the door, permitting everyone inside. "Baby, I'm back," she called into the room.

Goten made somewhat of a groan, but said nothing more. Upon walking in, they noticed Goten, lying on his back, facing the ceiling with his eyes tightly shut.

Marron felt a stab of sympathy for Goten. As she had guessed, he looked completely miserable. His hair was uncombed and disheveled; his skin was peaky, and his face was pale, but it also had a tinge of green to it. Marron also happened to come across the foul-smelling bucket lying on the floor beside the bed.

"Oh, sorry, go ahead and take a seat," Paris said to Trunks and Marron. She proceeded with sitting on the second bed, away from her sickly boyfriend.

Marron took this opportunity to sit on a small chair by the door. Trunks, on the other hand, plopped his rump on the same bed that Goten was resting on, smiling manically.

With this sudden wave of movement, Goten snapped his eyes open, and reached for the bucket on the floor. But he didn't throw up. When he had groped for the bucket, he had seen a flash of purple and gold. He looked up, and was confused and a little awe-struck to see Marron and Trunks sitting in the same room with him and Paris.

"Look who I found out on the beach," Paris said stupidly, as if it wasn't already obvious.

Goten made no inclination to ask why they were here in Hawaii, or even why they were sitting in his hotel room. He just continued to look at each of them, before lying back down and shutting his eyes.

It was when he had looked at her, did Marron notice the dark circles under Goten's eyes. She knew those couldn't have been caused by his seasickness, so she figured something else was keeping him awake at night.

"You don't look so good," Trunks said to Goten.

Goten waved his arm in the air, as if to shoo his friend away, but still remained silent. This only made Trunks grin more profoundly.

"Come on, Trunks," Marron said, standing up. "We should probably go, so that the two of them can spend some time together. Besides, I wanted to check out some of the shops."

Trunks stood up, and reached for Marron's hand. The two of them were heading towards the door, when a voice behind them caused them to halt.

"Wait!" Goten cried. He was sitting up again, his arm stretched out as if to try and grab his friends to make them stay. He was also panting heavily. "Don't go.... I mean," he paused and turned to Paris. "You wanted to go shopping too, right? ...Why don't the four of us...just...go together?"

"Goten, you're in no condition to be walking around in this heat," Paris said, frowning.

"Nonsense," Goten said nonchalantly. "I'll be...I'll be fine."

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And so, the four of them had commenced with shopping. It didn't take them long to realize that there were these small convenience, gift shop-type stores called ABC Stores on every block. It also didn't take the girls long enough to spend much of their boyfriend's spending money.

Luckily for Marron, her boyfriend was stock-rich, but Paris on the other hand, seemed to think the same of Goten.

"Goten, I want that, it's so cute!"

"No more for today, Paris," Goten said, rather snappishly.

Not once since they left the Aston had Goten complained about being ill, but he had recently become very irritable. He hadn't said much either, and whenever he had his answers were extremely curt.

His friends had noticed this too, but said nothing for fear of getting on his bad side.

"Are you guys hungry?" Marron asked, taking a moment to pause from her shopping.

"You bet!" Trunks said, rubbing his stomach. "What about you guys?"

Goten shrugged, Paris answered with a distinctive "Yes!"

"Oh, well, er...I need to use the little boys' room," Trunks said, jumping around. "So, I'll let you three pick the place."

And with that, Trunks sped off in the direction of the loo. Paris, looking a bit uncomfortable said, "Actually, I need to re-apply my mascara, and I don't have a mirror on me. You wouldn't happen to have one, would you Marron?"

Marron shook her head, smiling.

"Oh right, I'll be right back then."

Goten and Marron sat in silence for a few minutes. Marron still felt uneasy about getting on the wrong foot with Goten, so she sat quietly, twiddling her thumbs.

It was only when Goten heaved the heaviest of sighs, did Marron ask, "What's bothering you?" She put her hand on his thigh, urging him to confide in her.

"Nothing," he muttered in response. "I'm just not.... Well, I'm not feeling all too good."

Marron smiled sadly at her friend. "Goten, I've known you my whole life, and you still can't pretend to lie to me and have me not notice."

Goten said nothing for a while, and then when he looked at her hand on his lap, he said, "That ring.... So, Trunks finally proposed to you, huh?"

Marron blushed and averted her eyes. "Oh yes; this past week in fact. It was very romantic." They sat like this for another short while. When Marron could once again no longer contain herself, she asked, "When are you going to propose to Paris? You two make a really cute couple and--"

"I'm not."

"What? But Goten...."

"She and I haven't been getting along lately."

And it was left at that. Marron didn't get the chance to pry any deeper into Goten's personal life, because at the exact moment she had opened her mouth to ask, both Trunks and Paris were loudly making their way over towards them.

"Did you two decide where to go eat?" Trunks asked eagerly.

"Actually, we didn't," Marron said, turning to face Goten. "How about McDonald's? It's your favorite, right?

"Please don't mention anything to me about food," Goten said, shaking his head. "Just thinking about it makes me want to throw up."

Trunks looked at his friend sympathetically; Goten's face was that same green color that it had been back at the hotel.

"I saw a Jack in the Box over by that store," Paris said, pointing in front of her.

º º º

So, they had decided on Jack in the Box. It was silly to the Hawaiian natives yo see the display of the two couples: Trunks had been trying for the past hour to feed Marron the remainder of his fries, while Paris ate her food like a hungry alligator; Goten had his elbows on the table, resting his head in his hands.

About fifteen minutes later, Paris stood up, saying, "We should probably go back to our hotel now. I'm a little tired and I think this smell is making Goten sick."

Beside her, Goten nodded his head as if to say, "It is."

"Yeah, don't push yourself too hard," Trunks said, patting Goten on the back. "Gotta save some of that energy for that bed-time rumble."

Goten turned around and gave Trunks the nastiest look he could muster while being overpowered by the greasy smell of cheeseburgers and fries. Trunks seemed unfazed by this as he and Marron led their friends out of the restaurant.

"Trunks, that was very crude of you," Marron said, as she and Trunks walked the opposite direction towards their own lodging place.

"Nah, he knew I was joking."

"Even still. The two of them aren't getting along.... Which reminds me, do you know what they're arguing about?"

Trunks thought for a minute. "...Yes and no. I know it has something to do with him not loving Paris as much as he used to. I'm pretty sure he likes someone else, but he won't tell me who it is."

"What if it's Bra?" Marron said excitedly. "But he's afraid to tell you because he's not sure how you'd take it!"

"Babe, that's silly. Goten doesn't like Bra!"

"I was only telling you what I thought," Marron said, frowning.

"Hey, hey now! You know I don't like it when you make that face! Now, come here."

Already knowing what Trunks had in store for her, Marron stood on her tiptoes and closed her eyes. Trunks bent his body forward, and swept his lips over hers.

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That night Marron awoke with a start. She had been dreaming about her wedding, when her uncle "#17" had shown up and attempted to destroy Trunks because he wasn't short or bald like her father had been when he was younger.

Marron giggled into her hands. What a funny thought! Her uncle was dead and if he wasn't, she knew he wouldn't care what Trunks looked like. Deciding to get some fresh air, she walked out onto the hotel's overly huge balcony and looked out at the stars.

"You ought to be more aware of your surroundings, Marr."

Startled, Marron turned, and was now face-to-face with Goten.

"What are you doing here?" she whispered frantically.

From what she could see by the moonlight, Goten was looking much better than he had earlier, except for the fact the he was still ghostly pale. The dark circles under his eyes were now more noticeable than ever.

He smiled weakly at her and said, "I came here to see you."

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Sakura's A/N: Buwa. Okay, about the whole seasickness thing, I know it seems like it's dragging on and on, but that's because real seasickness does! At least...it did for my friend. :)