Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Raditz Tail of Conditioning ❯ One-Shot

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Saturday, October 14, 2006
NC 17 for rather graphic sex here! Nobody under 18
Het, blood play, spanking, oral.
By Trynia Merin Aka StarbearerTM
Disclaimer: Raditz and Dragon Ball Z were created by Toriyama, and are owned by Toei Animation Co and Shonen Jump/Viz. I own Dr. Stellari, who means no harm to the series. This is a work of fan fiction and I don't get any money from this. 

Raditz grumbled under his breath as he strode back into the apartment. It was only two weeks after he started living on this planet called earth. Only days after he had claimed a female of this world for his own and part of him was cursing while the other rejoiced. While it solved many problems it created others. Namely Raditz though because he was going through that initial coupling phase Nappa had gleefully bragged about. Legendary help anyone who was sent on a purging mission when newly mated. It was almost never done. But some superiors had sick senses of humor. Then the Idsarjin pleasure slaves made their money on a very desperate and horny Saiyan male or female. Unless they were Third Class.

He wandered through the sitting room, and into the kitchen. Opening the door of the huge fridge he grabbed a bottle of Hercule sport drink. In two gulps he finished it off before reaching for another. His shift had left him parched, and he had other needs to sate as well.

To one of his caste, the thought of facing anyone but your chosen mate after the sealing was an anathema. Perhaps that was one reason why Raditz had remained single for so long. He enjoyed the favors of his various assignments to tie himself down to one female. Perhaps it was because he had not found one worthy of his talents or who would meet his stern criteria. This inherently pissed his father Bardock off, because it was Saiyan law to perpetuate the family line. Just HOW that was carried out was up to the male, but his mother was constantly pressuring him to find the RIGHT female before handing his life and existence to her. Coupling for the sake of satiation was ONE thing. But with the intent to breed was a sacred trust. Only the best and most suited female could be chosen, and when she carried his firstborn son would she be bound to him for eternity.

The blue and brown armor was a replacement for the old cracked and pitted armor he had been wearing when he came back to life. He heard a woman's voice just outside the door and stood just inside to wait for her. Apparently she was not joking when she said she would join him here after her shift in the lab. His furry brown tail flickered around his waist lightly, still reminding him there were certain weaknesses he hated.

Elite and second class had turned their nose up at this tradition, passed down by the religion of Great Father Oozaru. Believers of the Legendary thought that only the strongest male should find the strongest females best suited to sexually please them. Since Bardock and Kinoha revered the old religion, they strictly forbade multiple couplings after a mating bond that resulted in him. Thanks to him Bardock and Kinoha had remained together. It was expected. Unfortunately separate assignments had kept his mother on Vegitasei and his father off with his purging team for long periods of time before they could come together for sex. Usually Kinoha flew to a favorite bar to rendezvous with her mate for some victory rutting. Someone had a sick sense of humor assigning them to separate details.

The urge to play with his mate caused interesting thoughts. Raditz smirked lightly, the corner of his mouth twitching up a bit. He rarely smiled, much like Vegeta and Nappa his facial expressions varied from a devilish grin to a harsh laugh. Anger and shock were shades of his emotions unaccustomed to joy and laughter for something warm. He stood just inside the door, flattening himself against the wall.

What pissed Raditz off was the detail that was first chosen for him once out of the training academy. Namely the care of Saiyan whelps before they were ejected into space. Because he had helped his mother and other females while giving birth, he was a prime candidate for this duty. Few females could be spared to attend a whelping female Third Class. Elite had their female or male slaves to attend, and seconds usually as well, or a family member. Or they bypassed live birth by using gestation tanks to free both for off planet assignments. Third Class usually carried full term, and it was the duty of a male relative to stay and guard the female while the male was gone.

As the oldest son, Raditz fit the bill. Turles had presided and guarded his mother Kinoha when he was whelped, and he was only 11 revs standard. This gave them a strange kinship, in addition to the fact they were cousins by blood. So when the time came for Kakkarot's whelping, Raditz had eagerly taken up the station. His father was displeased by this favoritism for he always felt Raditz was too tightly tied to his mother. Raditz because he was handsome often became the butt of jokes. Too handsome for his own good. Scaring off many females who presumed he was just a tease, while attracting the attention of males who preferred their own kind. Not to mention he had considerable difficulties with overcoming his sensitive tail. The blasted thing betrayed him at the worst time, significantly causing him to fail in battle exercises. It kept him from achieving higher ratings then he would have liked. And the worst reputation among others who called him a `weakling'.

All that changed the day he was assigned to the prince's purging unit. The day after his brother's pod was sent off and Vegetasei blew up. Something inside Raditz shut down, and he was never the same. Sex to him became a mere appetite to fulfill. Without the pressure of his father he became steeped in Changeling culture. It was hard to hold onto the old ways when his cousin and patron Turles constantly forced favors on him. Still he could hear the echo of his mother's voice telling him to breed and find a female.

Sensitive Saiyan ears picked up the knock on the door. He then heard her punching buttons to activate the code he had given her yesterday. Because they were slowly being introduced to Saiyan culture, Nappa and Raditz had limited contact with humans. Bliss had provided some information already, but the culture classes given by the Prince and Bulma were also sobering. They were in a far more egalitarian society than he was accustomed to.

"Hey, Raditz, are you in here?" she called. "Come on, I arranged a babysitter and everything you big baboon! And you have the NERVE to show me up?"

"You have no idea," he thought with a smirk. All the lights were dim, and he peered down to see female legs gliding under a knee length skirt. Daily Dr. Stellari wore either a two piece suit or silk blouse, or polo knit jumpers with comfortable dress slacks, and two-inch pumps. Like many women in the Capsule Materials Division, she had to present an image. Bulma's dress code specified business attire only, which meant no jeans or anything casual, was allowed. Especially since Professor Stellari was a Scientist. Still she worked under the direction of others, something Raditz was accustomed to. A structure of command.

Damn fate had brought him here and taken his life. All for a stupid brother with no tail. Now he had tasted death only to be brought back by his commander's daughter. In a week he was resurrected, and mated. What a female he had chosen a native of this small blue planet his brother called home. One of the few strong enough, selected by Nappa's daughter. A scientist to boot, like his father Bardok. With two children already and no mate in the way.

"Stupid hairy barbarian," she snarled. 'I should have expected he'd stand me up! I'll show him a thing or two!"

The door slid shut. She let her purse drop and fumbled for the light switch. Peering around she saw Raditz bachelor quarters was a generous size. To one side she saw a hastily patched breastplate and gauntlets on a nearby desk. Dr. Stellari wandered over to draw the curtains open to the sliding glass door. Sunlight invaded the gloom, and she peered onto the small balcony this apartment had. Capsule employees lived in apartments not far from their workplace. The furnished flat had a sitting room, kitchen, bathroom and bedroom. To her immediate left curved a small kitchen stocked with a full sized fridge to her immediate left. Specially reinforced all leather sofa and chairs furnished the sitting area centered on a 36 inch television immediately behind her. To her right a small hallway led to the rest of Raditz' bachelor quarters.

The rasp of the front door sliding shut caught her attention, and she turned to hear the beep of the electronic lock. Dr. Stellari tensed, her hands raised in a defensive posture. She shouted boldly, "Who's there! Don't try anything funny because I'm not just some..."

Nothing answered. Despite her thick glasses her other senses compensated. Especially her gut that informed her that someone else was present. She whirled around to survey the room, calling out, "Hey, you'd better come out whoever you are!"

A low growl answered her. She gasped, letting fly a length of plastic wildly while bringing up her elbow to slam it into the captor's face. Something tackled her around the waist and a great weight slammed her to the carpet. In the shadows she could not tell, but felt the great weight of the attacker. His bulk loomed over her with solid legs pinning her down. Twining her legs around his waist she twisted her body to the side. Sure enough the attacker rolled off and she was able to kick back with high-heeled pumps. Scrambling back she managed to bring up her hand and generate a sheet of plastic that shot out and wrapped around the head and shoulders.

"Get LOST!" Dr. Stellari shouted!

To her shock the figure rolled to its feet, and raised its hand, something glowing. Shaggy spikes rose up to a great height and the figure towered over her with a fanged grin on his face. Dr. Stellari shrieked, backing away with her hands raised. Easily the warrior tore the plastic off, and melted it to bits with his ki.

"Heh, that was actually impressive for you, woman," he laughed. Folding his arms across his armored chest, Raditz strode on booted feet towards her.

"What the HELL are you doing! You scared me half to death you jerk!" she shouted, half in relief to see him stalking forwards.

"Feisty little thing aren't you, Professor?" he teased. Dr. Stellari didn't care for the primal gleam in his eye and backed away one step for each he advanced. Her back slammed against the wall, and Raditz pinned her there so her face was level with the middle of his chest. Large hands closed on her upper arms while he shoved his hard armored body against her soft one.

"Knock it off, you're scaring me," she growled, glaring up at him.

"Does it make your heart pound to be hunted, eh?" he teased.

"Does it jar your memory that I don't LIKE games, buddy?" she snarled, glaring defiantly up at him. "Back off! I'm in NO mood for games!"

"But I am," he laughed, squeezing her upper arms. Dr. Stellari pounded angrily on his armored chest with both fists. Raditz admired the fire lighting up her human eyes, her smell filling his nostrils like perfume. How he loved to see a female ready to fight back, for it stirred his Saiyan blood to his loins. There was nothing more stimulating or titillating then sparring with a female Raditz found.

"Get your hands off me," she said firmly. "I don't LIKE this!"

Her arousal soured to fear. Raditz felt her heart pounding as she panted. Eyes gleamed with anger as she tensed; her wrists shoving hard as she twisted and tried to bring her knee up into his groin. He moved back and twisted to the side, releasing her. This was not the reaction Raditz wanted and he cursed himself for his stupidity. Doing what came naturally to Saiyans was the thing she least expected. As always she had much to learn. Retreating to a distance, Raditz said, "Female, I was only playing. Cease your trembling!"

"Don't you DARE screw with me like that!" Dr. Stellari yelled, darting towards the door.

"Female, you misunderstand," Raditz called. Suddenly he phased out and she slammed into his hard armored body.

"MOVE IT!" she yelled, raising her fists to punch him. Fortunately Raditz caught either wrist in his hands, then pulled her towards him. Both her wrists he wrapped around his back then pinned her arms at her sides while wrapping solid arms around her trembling body.

"Shh, quiet yourself. I mean you no harm," Raditz hissed, grabbing her by the hips and lifting her up so she was face to face with him. "I thought you knew Saiyan males are predatory..."

"I won't take abusive behavior!" she snapped.

"Saiyan males often mock fight with their females," Raditz blinked at her uncomprehendingly.

"Wait a minute," Dr. Stellari stammered. He truly looked confused, causing her anger to subside.

Raditz patiently explained, "I thought you wished to wrestle with me. I was merely doing what came naturally."

"Wait, you didn't WANT to hurt me or force yourself on me?" she said.

"How little you think of me?" he chided. "I want to fuck you, not hurt you. That hardly makes sense to harm you when you're already such a fragile thing."

"Shit Raditz, what am I supposed to expect?" she panted.

"Did someone... harm you before fucking you?" he asked. "Answer me female."

"Yes, if you must know. My last husband thought it was funny to smack me around," she said with a hint of moisture in her eyes. "That's why I grabbed your tail!"

"I see," Raditz said quietly. He put her gently down on the carpet and stepped away from her.

"He... he only hit me once. And that was more than enough," she said.

"I will not hit you female," Raditz growled. "I was only trying to get you into the mood. I assumed you came here to mate with me. And Saiyans often fight before they fuck."

"I'm sorry Raditz, you have to tell me these things. I'm no mind reader," she stammered.

Raditz said softly, "Female, look at me. I give you my word as a warrior I will not harm you."

"I... I'm sorry I just reacted on my own instincts like you were doing," Dr. Stellari admitted. He saw the faint blush of embarrassment cross her face. Affectionately Raditz squeezed her tightly to him in his version of a 'hug'. Lightly he nipped at her nose, then her ear with a low growl.

"Why should I harm my own mate, eh?" Raditz asked, letting her go. Carefully he crouched down on one knee and wiped the tears from her eyes. She looked away in shame.

"I don't like being pushed around by anyone, that's why," she whispered.

"Nor do I," Raditz said quietly, cupping her cheek and turning her to face him again. "I'm not accustomed to human traditions. That's your job to educate me, remember?"

"This whole relationship takes getting used to," Dr. Stellari said quietly, lifting her hand to caress and pet his hair.

"Then show me how you humans lead up to sex," Raditz said.

"The way you first approached me was fine," she shrugged.

"I will teach you more about Saiyan customs I promise," Raditz nodded. "I sometimes forget you AREN'T a Saiyan…"

"That's sweet of you," Dr. Stellari chuckled, melting inside.

"I… am not sweet!" Raditz protested, spluttering.

"I mean that's so… well… so very protective of you," she tried again. "I mean anticipating the needs of your mate?"

Raditz nodded at the modification. It would have to do till she learned the necessary vocabulary. Dr. Stellari whispered, "You can show me how to um… wrestle with you… but since we already did what comes next?"

"Open up your instincts," Raditz growled softly. "Empty your mind, and concentrate. Do you sense anything?"

Dr. Stellari closed her eyes. She felt Raditz's body warmth, and smelled the musk from his body. Strangely something moved inside, and it dawned on her how similar it was to the brushing tendrils of her sons' young minds. Always they kept a link open, but it was up to her to allow them to see. Her eyes fluttered open and she peered down at the intense scouter covered gaze of her mate. "You… that's you in there? I feel your mind trying to…"

"Yes female," he nodded. "Let me in. It's only part of the process. Unless you think it a weakness. Third Class do this…"

"Then do it," Dr. Stellari said, resting her hands on his head. She let down her guard, allowing the foreign presence to the courtyard of her thoughts. As she did with her boys she pictured a fortress with a moat and a courtyard. Raditz felt relief at her ease in accepting his attempts to bond, at least in a conscious way. Slowly a warmth spread and she began to sense things that were not human in shape. Words and phrases dribbled then energy seemed to buzz in her mind at a higher frequency. Suddenly it became very clear what she had to do next, like second nature.

"Listen to your instincts," Raditz rumbled. "Your subconscious mind is merging with mine. Saiyans do not feel, they do. We act on instinct, and much of what we know is programmed from an early age. Since you did not have that education it falls on me to instruct you."

"It's a scary thing having someone enter my mind," she shivered.

"You think I like having a human's mind poking in my thoughts eh?" Raditz snorted. "I mean present company accepted."

Shakily Dr. Stellari reached out with her fingers to explore his thick forest of hair. Like always she loved feeling its strange texture. Much like horsehair it was stiffer and wirier, but still had a silky feel to the fibers. Almost like rich fur it felt. Raditz purred deeply in his throat to feel her scratching his temples, then massaging his scalp with her fingernails. Like a cat she petted and kneaded through his hair. Raditz tugged her towards him so he could nuzzle against her clothed breasts. His large hands stroked the backs of her thighs, and his head came to her abdomen crouched on one knee.

"Mmmm, I like that, don't stop," she sighed.

"Go ahead, what are you waiting for, precious one," Raditz purred.

At the sound of this endearment, Dr. Stellari choked. However she did not want to jinx this so she figured better not to draw attention to it. Instead she tunneled through his mane to feel the soft richness of it. Raditz loved it when females played with his hair so, instead of ridiculing him. Stellari moved her other hand to massage the muscles of his neck. Fingers wandered down and grasped his scouter. She tugged it off his ear and set it on the table behind her. A gasp escaped her lips when she felt hot breath misting against the silk. With his teeth Raditz was nipping at the buttons of her blouse to unfasten them. Simultaneously his large hands slid up her thighs bringing her skirt with them. Uncoiling from his waist his tail swished lazily back and forth behind him.

"Sneak," she whispered, feeling her knees turn to water. Especially when his fingers ventured up to caress her buttocks and the inner surfaces of her thighs. They were soft with her body fat, and Raditz was enjoying the feel of kneading her soft buttocks and hips. Simultaneously he had bitten off all her buttons so he could nuzzle the skin of her stomach. A hot tongue darted into her belly button, and then his fingers tore her pantyhose off her legs.

"These flimsy garments are in my way," he growled.

"Don't you dare tear my clothes, buster!" she warned. He reached around to try and find the minute tab of the zipper with huge fingers. After a moment of fumbling he pushed back, glaring up at her.

"Turn around," he said, motioning with his finger in a half-C shape. Dr. Stellari did so, raising her hands above her head. A silk blouse drifted down over his face. Raditz swept it aside, letting it fall with her shredding stockings. With his lips and tongue he seized the tiny pull-tab and dragged it down. Then he eased the skirt down her legs with sensuous kneading motions through the wool. Dr. Stellari turned around, then leaned down on his shoulder so she could kick the skirt aside.

"Come here," he motioned. She got down on one knee but he stopped her.

"No, stand up," he whispered, nipping her nose. Raditz reached up and tugged her glasses off. He folded them neatly and set them next to his scouter. It was amusing to think both of them wore such eyewear all the time that it seemed part of their face. Without it he almost felt naked, just like Dr. Stellari did without her glasses.

"Make up your damn mind," she mumbled, then nipped his bottom lip with blunt white teeth. Raditz chuckled, caressing her bottom with huge hands that encompassed her hips.

"You'll like this, precious one," he laughed deeply in his throat. Stellari smiled warmly and felt him tugging at her panties. To her shock he did not rip them but tugged downwards so they soon dropped around her ankles. Still on his knee, Raditz then lifted her thigh while bringing her forwards. Under her thigh she felt his broad shoulder, and then felt hot breath fanning her tingling womanhood. He eased her panties off her ankles, then tossed them away.

"Hmm, interesting," she whispered, steadying her shaking knees by grabbing handfuls of his hair. Raditz lightly nipped the inside of her thigh, and then nosed between her thighs. Stellari let out a groan, then rejoiced at the feel of his tongue darting to sample her womanhood. Already she was wet with the excitement of his hands fondling her bottom and sensitive hips. Pressing down on his shoulder she struggled to steady herself. A slightly sandpapery tongue ran over her clit, then probed further. Her fingers seized a handful of spiky hair, tugging hard at it.

"Ahh..." she gasped, loosing her balance. Raditz caught her, then lifted her so she could sit on his shoulders.

"Better?" he asked. She nodded weakly, resting one hand on his scalp and the other on his wrists that pulled her to sit in place. This gave him full access to her womanhood so he could feast on her excitement for him. Stellari realized she was putting a great deal of trust in him to leave herself so vulnerable, so she tugged at his hair to remind him that she was still nervous.

Raditz nipped and teased, then slid his tongue all the way inside as he could reach. Mercilessly he suckled and thrust his lingua around her core, lapping up all the moisture like cream. Stellari moaned and writhed, hugging his head tightly and scratching his scalp with her nails. Hairs tickled her skin and she shuddered and shook. Violently she bucked on his shoulders, slamming her pelvis hard into his face. Her thighs clenched and she was half-afraid she would decapitate him.

"Oh YES!" she shrieked. Raditz chuckled against her womanhood, puling her legs around his face.

Then she felt movement as Raditz rose, and she panicked. Backwards she shot, screaming with both hands yanking on his hair. Only to be stopped by his hands on her calves and her knees still hooked on his shoulders. He smirked down at her, that evil grin on his face. Lapping off the moisture on his lips he eyed her with hunger.

"Mmm, delicious," he chuckled.

"You ASS!" she yelled. "You almost scared the shit out of me AGAIN!"

"Got your blood going did I?" he purred. "Liked that didn't you?"

"Are you joking," she gasped, feeling her bottom resting against his abdomen. Raditz stood up unfazed, letting her body hang down in its vulnerable state. His hands supported her back, one of them working the hooks of her bra loose. He leaned his face down to pull the cups free and jerk his head to the side. Stellari grabbed his arms, wildly yanking and then gripping what she could reach of his hair.

"Submit to me," Raditz growled. Soon her eyes drifted shut with the feel of Raditz licking at her nipples. Hot breath blistered her skin with goose pimples. He let go of her back with his right hand to twist and tease the nipple not being suckled at with his mouth and tongue. Any ordinary human man would have a hernia for letting a fully-grown woman nearly 200 lbs. hanging off his shoulders, but Raditz seemed steady and solid. Then when she had fallen into the pleasure of him stimulating her breasts she felt the flicker of something soft against her still tingling vagina. Her eyes shot open, remembering the furry tail around his waist. Still Raditz supported the small of her back with his left hand.

"No fair!" she yelped. Especially when the tail flickered around and teased her clit. Stellari cried out with shock at the added stimulation, twisting her whole body back and forth. As she came down from a mind shattering orgasm she realized how vulnerable she was to the bloodthirsty warrior.

"You like that don't you, precious one?" Raditz chuckled. His chest vibrated underneath her bottom pressed to his groin.

Stellari could only muster a weak nod. Hot blood surged to her cheeks warming them when she felt the hard bulge against her womanhood. Only his spandex separated his desire from hers. Silently Raditz was thanking Turles and his highly trained concubines for the arsenal of skills available. Using them on one woman was a refreshing experience. Especially one who was so Saiyan in appearance. Few third class females existed that were unmated, because most were dead or already tied in bonds to others. That left higher classes, but they were already off limits. So it was concubines or pleasure slaves, or other male Saiyans. Fortunately for him, Turles shared the wealth of his harem selected from the finest Idsarjin pleasure slaves. They were from a culture were sexually pleasing multiple males was expected.

Dizzily Stellari hung there from his shoulders, her chest panting and heart pumping. Raditz glanced down at her with that same smirk, licking his lips of her flavorful excitement like sampling a fine wine. "Delectable," he said, overdramatically smacking his lips.

'I'll be damned," she gasped. Raditz grabbed her hips, then pivoted her up so he could remove her knees from his shoulders. Effortlessly he lifted her up and off and transferred her to lie over his shoulder.

"I'm not done with you yet by any means, woman," he laughed.

"Now wait just a minute!" she protested.

"Quiet with you woman," he laughed, giving her bottom a smack. Stellari hissed at the contact of his hand on her vulnerable bottom. It was not hard enough to hurt, but just enough of a smack to titillate.

"Heh, that actually felt… exciting," she panted.

"Naughty girl. You're a little whore under all that proper behavior, you cannot fool me," Raditz taunted, carrying her back to the bedroom.

"Mmm, and you like that don't you, you greedy bastard?" she said, relaxing because she knew he was playing another game. Again he gave her bottom a few spanks, causing her to gasp with the surges on her already warm backside.

"You ARE a whore. Every good girl is. And you're ALL mine to do with as I please," Raditz snarled, baring sharp canine teeth. Dr. Stellari wanted to protest his use but realized she enjoyed the dirty talk.

"I'm going to feel every inch of your body, and tease you till you cum for me. And you'll beg for more," he laughed.

"Then prove it, Raditz," she said firmly. He let her slide to the bed, then reached up to remove his armor. Stellari rolled over, a bit indignant, but saw him struggling to pull the breastplate over his mane. She started to giggle at the hilarity of it, because he was starting to fuss and curse in Saiyan. Leaning up she struggled to help him, and Raditz let her. This revealed his spandex underneath that she slid her hands up underneath to pull off. They were next to fall on the floor, and Raditz glorious bare chest was then revealed. Drawing in her breath Stellari fell back, and reached up to smooth her hands over the jagged landscape of scars. He leaned down to try and unfastened his boots, and Stellari stopped him with a hand.

"Let me," she nodded.

"That's a good little love slave," Raditz chuckled as she rolled off the bed and knelt down before him to undo the straps. He lightly pressed on her shoulder for balance, letting her pull one, then the other off. Both boots thumped next to his armored breastplate, soon followed by his gauntlets and shorts. Only in his body jewelry he pushed Dr. Stellari back so she landed with both knees folded. Stellari lay spread eagle, her body open and vulnerable as she took in the sight of the glorious nude male climbing up onto the bed. She scooted back till she could go no further against the headboard and decorated pillows. Like a panther Raditz crawled on all fours towards her.

"I'm dead," she whispered at the hungry look in his dark eyes. The first time they had coupled his desire seemed literally bottomless. Dr. Stellari had been up to the task because it had been ages since she had sated herself. Yet after a long tiring day of work she was afraid she would disappoint the warrior. Already wet she felt him lightly grasp her hand and pin it over her head. With her free hand she reached down to touch his erection eagerly jutting upwards. Hair spilled around her face as Raditz straddled her hips and kept his weight off while nodding.

"Hmm yes, you like what you see do you not, precious one," he laughed, closing his eyes and lightly rocking his hips. His tail arched and flickered, curling behind him as she squeezed and ran her hand up and down his length. Easily the dimensions of someone's dreams or nightmares, she knew it took time for her to get used to containing him. Uncircumcised and velvety soft, his cock arrogantly twitched in response to her small chemical scarred hands. It exuded its own warmth into her manicured fingers that played with it. Stellari felt him shift off and sit down, releasing her. She automatically sat up and leaned her head down, urging him to lay back. Fingers tangled in her silky hair and he felt the warmth of her tongue and lips struggling to take him in. Soft licks and caresses drove him made, causing him to rock upwards with his powerful hips.

"What?" she mumbled.

"Enough," he growled, tugging her up off his cock. Fangs were bared in desire, black eyes shimmering with feral need. Stellari scrambled up, and threw one leg over his hips as Raditz lay on the center of the bed. Around her hips his tail wrapped, lifting her up so she could not quite slid down on him. Reaching up between her legs she took her moisture and smoothed it downward over him to make it easier for their coupling. Hands braced on his chest and he tugged her down, simultaneously sheathing himself in her core. Stellari let out a cry, squeezing her eyes shut and letting her body relax.

"Damn," she groaned, sliding down so he filled her to the hilt.

His oral pleasure had left her so wet it was easy this time for him to enter. He hissed with pleasure, rocking up with small movements to see if she was ready. Stellari nodded, feeling an incredible sensation wash over her when his tail maneuvered to stimulate her clit with its tip. She guessed there were many similarities between Saiyans and humans. Her hands traveled down, wildly grabbing her breasts and then sliding over the tail around his waist. Her fingers latched onto it, giving it a squeeze.

"AHHHHHH! STOP!" Raditz let out a harsh cry, shaking under her with pain as he shuddered. Stellari released it, panicking because she forgot. Under her he trembled with pain, rolling to the side and almost flinging her off. It was like a sluice of cold water when she realized what had happened to her horror.

"Oh god, Raditz, I'm sorry!" she stammered, resting her hands on his chest. She pulled him out of her and heard his groans as he shuddered.

"Damn it!" Raditz cursed, hands forming fists as he felt angry tears in his eyes.

"Raditz, are you okay, my god I'm sorry!" Dr. Stellari groaned, reaching out to him.

"Leave me be…" Raditz grunted, rolling over on his side. He faced the wall, not wanting her to see him in his weakness.

"I forgot how much that hurt, I'm sorry love," she whispered, suddenly throwing her arms around his neck and hugging him tightly. Raditz shivered in shock, feeling the female body pressed into his and her lips covering his face with soft kisses.

"Female?' he mumbled, lightly pushing her back. "Leave me be."

Dr. Stellari snorted. He was a Saiyan, and did not respond to pity. Grumbling she suddenly snapped, "Dammit Raditz, let me look! You're NOT going to push me away!"

He peered up at her with shock. "I said leave."

"No. I'm not going to," Dr. Stellari answered. "Give me ONE good reason why, Raditz."

"You should know better then to ask me that!" he snarled, clutching his tail.

"Look, it doesn't HAVE to be like that," Dr. Stellari blurted out. "I can help you!"

"There's nothing you can do," Raditz growled in shame, trying to untangle himself. "It's always been this way! You yourself discovered it!"

"Stop right there. I want to try something. You've nothing to lose, right?" she said sharply, straddling him and pushing him down. Grumbling he lay there with her atop him, avoiding all contact with his spasming tail lying to the side.

"What could you do?" he snorted.

"Do you trust ME, Raditz?" she asked quietly. "Look, I used to hurt like hell because I was all tense. Maybe if you let me touch it carefully I can get you used to someone grasping your tail. Then as you get accustomed to…"

"Female it hurts like hell, there's no fucking way!" he snarled.

"Calm down, relax. If I can get used to you sticking THAT inside of me, then you can get used to me touching THIS," she said, reaching down and lightly stroking his fur. Raditz shivered then groaned as she delicately took the tip, and kissed it. He gritted his teeth, struggling not to cry out when Stellari pulled the tail up and ran her fingers along it. Feeling the vertebrae her sensitive fingers kneaded and stroked with sensual motions.

"Does THAT hurt?"

"N… no…" he stammered. "It does… and it doesn't… ahhh…"

"Shh, relax. You know I won't hurt you. Trust ME," she urged, moving to straddle his hips and rub her womanhood against his groin. She slid herself overtop and he felt the pleasure of his hardening cock inside.

"Raditz, I'll make you a deal. Every time I touch your tail, and it hurts, you get to spank me," Dr. Stellari said. Raditz glanced up at her in shock, his brows raised in confusion.

"Really?" he asked, wondering what she was up to.

"And if it's VERY painful, you spank me harder. Hopefully you can associate me touching it with pleasure, not pain," she said.

"I hardly see how this will work!" he snorted.

"Don't you condition and train your body for battle?" she asked. "It's the same idea. A lot of pain can be controlled. When I've seen people get piercing or tattoos they learn to block it out if they have something else to focus on. If you're focusing on spanking me when I squeeze your tail, then you might be able to raise your pain threshold."

"You're playing with fire, you know!" he snarled.

"I know, but isn't it worth it that someone can't use your tail against you again?" Dr. Stellari asked. "If Vegeta and Nappa could somehow…"

"I'm a third class," he said quietly.

"So what? Big fucking deal," Dr. Stellari said, baring her teeth. "I don't give a shit. You're my mate, and I'll help you overcome this. You have nothing to lose by trying?"

"Here," Stellari said as she twisted to one side. She pulled herself off Raditz and then let go of his tail. Presenting her bottom to him she lay across his outstretched legs. "Every time it hurts when I squeeze you spank me hard. Then both of us are feeling the same."

"Female, that's incredibly twisted and fucked up. Worthy of an Idsarjin," he began to snicker.

"Fair trade. I get an abused butt, and you get an abused tail. Both of us suffer but both of us might benefit," she said.

"You might regret this, but I will bite," Raditz grumbled. He reached down and handed her the end of his tail gently. At the same time she took it in her hands he positioned his hands over her backside. Gently she applied pressure, then felt a slap to her backside.

"Agggh," Raditz snarled. She drew in her breath, then worked her fingers up and down with more vigor. This earned her two sharper slaps from Raditz hand on her butt.

"Oww," she gasped, struggling to control the spasm of sudden pain. Reflexively she tightened her hold on him.

"Ghhhhg," Raditz gasped, feeling her fingers gripping. "Harder…"

"Ouch damn it!" Stellari shrieked, feeling more sharp slaps stinging her from his hand.

"I can take it," he gritted his teeth, tears forming in his vision.

"I'm sorry," she whispered. Both hands gripped his tail, giving it a good twist that caused Raditz to bellow in pain. Another hard series of slaps. The harder she squeezed and twisted the harder and more vigorously he spanked her. Soon both of them teared up, Stellari sobbing in pain while Raditz whimpered with the feel of her spasming hands clenching and abusing his tail.

Both were united in the pain, unwilling to stop at the adrenaline rush and the challenge. The more she held on, the more he continued till they were gasping feverishly. He glanced through the tears, letting his last hard ten spanks fly, and then lay back, weak as a kitten. Stellari felt like she could hardly walk, laying helpless across Raditz thighs. His tail throbbed with the abuse, as painful as the swollen skin on her rear visible to him. Saiyan and human lay sobbing with mutual pain slowly overtaking them.

Through the searing agony it dawned on Raditz that she had leveled the playing field by letting him cause her as much pain to her derriere as she did to his tail. Somehow the thought that she did this for him caused him to withstand the sharp spasms of pain shooting up his spine. Slowly he sat up, his abused tail laying limp as he heard her sobbing silently. Seeing her suffering the same as he did unlocked something and he instinctively responded.

"Precious one," he whispered, rolling her over. Stellari clung to him, her face twisted with misery and trembling helpless in his arms.

"I… oh god it hurts," she gasped.

"Come with me love," Raditz whispered, carefully lifting her in his arms. He staggered somehow to the bathroom, and then sat gingerly on the side of the tub. His tail still lay stunned and unable to move of its own volition but seeing his mate in pain caused him to ignore it. It could wait. He gathered a cloth and wet it with cool water. Laying her over his thighs he applied the compress to her tender bottom. She yelped and twisted in agony. Raditz held onto her, lightly cooling her injury with more cold water.

"Better?" he whispered.

"Yes… slightly," she heaved, breathing in and out. Raditz frowned with concern because he had forgotten how fragile she was. For a second his tail was the furthest thing from his mind so focused was he on his anger at letting himself get out of hand.

"You didn't feel your tail that second did you?" she asked.

"Huh, I did not," Raditz said, feeling himself finally able to move the appendage. Slowly he uncurled it, realizing the muscles could move. Lightly he lifted it, and let it rest across her abused backside. Stellari shivered and whimpered as he dragged the fur over the red stinging skin.

"You are one clever bitch," he mumbled. "How could you have known that it would have worked…"

"It was… an experiment," she groaned. Raditz affectionately stroked his tail over her butt, then soaked the tip under the cold water. Relief flooded him, and he lifted the tip to apply the cooling liquid overtop her skin. Stellari let him use his tail to soothe her while the cold water soothed the throbbing to a level he could withstand. Under her stomach she felt his erection hardening again.

"Much better," Raditz murmured, then turned her over to face him. Stellari whimpered at the feel of her sensitive bottom on his thigh and he held her up a bit so he could nuzzle and kiss her lips. She felt his wet tail flicker and lightly pushing at her vagina, causing her to spasm again. Arms under her back and knees he held her up so nothing contacted her backside but cool air in the bathroom. Just his tail slid along the groove of her vagina and clit. Then he lowered her with his hands holding her hips an inch above his lap. Lightly he pulled her down onto his erection and she sighed with surprise.

"It still hurts," she gasped.

"But you deserve a reward for such cunning," he laughed, rocking his hips up. "Now it's my turn to help you."

Ki shimmered on the flats of his hands. They ran over her abused and bruised flesh, tingling her healing. Stinging gave way to soothing pressure. Up and down he took her, before slamming upwards. Around him Stellari clenched spasmodically so Raditz groaned at the force of her inner muscles massaging his cock. Something thrust up against her tender anus, moving spasms of something else. Only a few times had her husband ever insisted going up her rear, and she shrieked with agony. This elicited an even stronger response that catapulted her and Raditz over the edge of bliss. So firmly did she buck on him that he lost all control. Hot blinding pleasure erupted with warm spurts of his ejaculate pumping into her ready body. Dimly it registered that his tail was holding her around the waist at full strength.

Stellari almost passed out with the wave of her orgasm crashing her senses to overload. Raditz gently gathered the shaking female into his arms and carried her to the bed again. His own legs felt weak as jelly so it was a surprise that he had the strength to stager back. Both of them landed headlong on the bed in a tangle. Raditz lay atop her. Stellari twisted under and Raditz broad chest pressed her breasts between them. He lay between her bent knees, his face in the hollow of her shoulder. She was far too exhausted to try and push him off, soon surrendering to unconsciousness.
By the time Raditz came to his senses he realized he must have passed out shortly after his mate. Adrenaline that caused him to overcome the weakness of his tail had petered out and the full force of his orgasm and the pain had been far too much. That explained why he felt something warm and soft under his hard body, his hair covering both of them from anyone stupid enough to walk in.

Fortunately nobody did. Raditz felt himself still fully immersed in his mate pressed beneath him. Luckily for her he lay slightly to one side so most of his weight was on her hips and shoulder, not her chest. His tail lay limply across her legs spread in a V to either side. By her thumping heart and hot breath puffing his ear he knew she was still alive.

"Idiotic woman, you did it this time," he groaned, pushing himself up with shaky wrists. He was glad he had not killed her, and felt strange warmth inside for what she had showed him. Leaning down he nipped her ears, then kissed her throat. Lightly he set his teeth on the scab formed, and ripped it open again.

Weakly Dr. Stellari felt a small sharp pain in her neck. She blinked to see the weak rays of the morning sun striating the far walls. A massive weight pinned her to the bed, someone's lips and tongue suckling at her neck. Feeling her move Raditz grasped her neck and shoved it into the hollow of his shoulder. "Drink," he growled.

Stellari dizzily nodded, almost too weak to bite down. Fortunately for her the skin seemed more delicate and she could actually pierce his skin at that moment. Thick rusty liquid oozed through her lips and over her tongue, crackling with power. Dr. Stellari did not think twice about lapping up the blood trickling into palate because it tasted sweet and musky. Highly oxygenated she felt her strength returning, and like a once wilting plant exposed to water she blinked.

"Good god, what time is it?" Dr. Stellari grumbled, squirming under Raditz.

"Time to eat, I'm starving thanks to you," Raditz mumbled. She tried to pull away but he forced her face back to his neck to finish. To her relief he lifted up and she could breathe again. He hated to pull out, but he had to sate other appetites before this one. Still he leaned down and caressed her lips with his clumsily. Dr. Stellari tried to sit up but fell over.

Raditz gently picked her up and carried her towards the shower. "Clean yourself up love. I have to eat something or I'll go insane."