Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Raditz Tail of Conditioning ❯ Reconditioning ( Epilogue )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

By Trynia Merin Aka StarbearerTM
Disclaimer: Raditz and Dragon Ball Z were created by Toriyama, and are owned by Toei Animation Co and Shonen Jump/Viz. I own Dr. Stellari, who means no harm to the series. This is a work of fan fiction and I don't get any money from this. 
By the time Raditz came to his senses he realized he must have passed out shortly after his mate. Adrenaline that caused him to overcome the weakness of his tail had petered out and the full force of his orgasm and the pain had been far too much. That explained why he felt something warm and soft under his hard body, his hair covering both of them from anyone stupid enough to walk in.
Fortunately nobody did. Raditz felt himself still fully immersed in his mate pressed beneath him. Luckily for her he lay slightly to one side so most of his weight was on her hips and shoulder, not her chest. His tail lay limply across her legs spread in a V to either side. By her thumping heart and hot breath puffing his ear he knew she was still alive.
"Idiotic woman, you did it this time," he groaned, pushing himself up with shaky wrists. He was glad he had not killed her, and felt strange warmth inside for what she had showed him. Leaning down he nipped her ears, then kissed her throat.
Weakly Dr. Stellari felt someone kissing her throat. She blinked to see the weak rays of the morning sun striating the far walls. A massive weight pinned her to the bed.
"Good god, what time is it?" Dr. Stellari grumbled, squirming under Raditz.
"Time to eat, I'm starving thanks to you," Raditz mumbled. To her relief he lifted up and she could breathe again. Although he hated to separate himself from her, there were other hungers that must be sated. Still he leaned down and caressed her lips with his clumsily. Dr. Stellari tried to sit up but fell over.
“Why don't you rest here for a while,” Raditz said quietly as he kissed her. “I need to report for duty.”
“All right,” Dr. Stellari groaned. As soon as her head hit the pillow she again passed out.
Out of a massive wave of pleasure she surfaced. Panting, Dr. Stellari blinked to realize she lay on her side in softness. Surrounding her aching body was soft warmth moist with her sweat. Still her muscles trembled, and were still as weak as water. Both her arms embraced her chest, making her wonder why she was hugging herself so. Firmly tucked against her abdomen were her knees for that seemed the only comfortable position.
Dr. Stellari did not know if it was day or night because time lost all meaning. So deeply did she climb to ecstasy that she found her only sense of its passage was the shifting of shadows. Strength failed her yet she had enough to lift her head and peer at the lengthening shadows creeping along the bed. However turning over to see the rest of the chamber was fruitless. She doubted if she had enough to even get out of bed.
Something sticky covered her entire body, including between her legs pressed tightly together. Raising her hand she lifted it off her arm where it was curled to her body, and saw white crusted streaks mingled with blood. Horrified she let out a croak, finding her voice was hoarse from screaming. Her myopic eyes did their best to sort out unfamiliar hazy shadows. Indeed they were simply not the shapes she was used to, because the bed was far vaster, and the scarcity of the furniture suggested something masculine. Into her nostrils drifted the scent of male musk. She was not aware how acutely she could smell it, but it conjured up images of crackling energy and long raven locks.
"Raditz," she murmured, letting his name roll on her tongue. How many hours had she struggled to keep up with him? Till he was finally satisfied. It seemed a hopeless task, but she had rested for catnaps at a time. Fortunately her children were on an overnight camping trip with Bliss Simms, or she would have greater problems. Guilt wracked her that she had taken the last forty-eight hours for herself. Bliss had been almost like a sister to her, and the boys knew her like a member of the family. A family decimated by war. Still wasn't she supposed to be with her father?
Finally Dr. Stellari pushed herself off the mattress. Sheets scattered with pillows all over the vast carpet. She finally crawled on all fours to the bedside table and found that her glasses were neatly folded. Her hand scrabbled to slip them on, and she saw clearly where she was. Modern art decorated the room done in industrial gray, tan and silver. A quilt with a vaguely animal cheetah pattern was half off the floor, half still on the bed, while the sheets that surrounded her were butter yellow. Yet the digital clock said one thirty PM.
"Great," she mumbled. "Stupid monkey."
Her stomach protested in a morning cacophony. She hugged its emptiness, and then smelled fresh fruit. Following the line of her smell she saw pieces of fruit were arranged on a plate along with pieces of what appeared to be dried beef jerky. Not caring what it was she grabbed a piece of cantaloupe and devoured it. Then she snatched up a banana and struggled to get the thing peeled before she finally was desperate enough to bite through the skin. Grapes were the next to vanish down her throat. A huge bottle of spring water was next, kept cold by an ice bucket. Dr. Stellari realized that there was a huge amount of food sitting on one of the bedside tables that had been cleared off.
Yet gone were the pieces of armor she had taken off his body. Raditz must have gone someplace, she guessed. In vain she tried to hunt for a note, but found nothing. OF course he wouldn't know how to write English, but she did find a folded sheet of paper stuffed among the pieces of fruit. Dr. Stellari unfolded it, seeing the alien script. She cursed herself for her stupidity. Of course he would leave a note in his native language.
"Damn it," she mumbled, glaring at it. Yet she peered at the writing, struggling to comprehend. For a moment the words blurred, and she could swear she saw something that made sense. Something like, "be back later. Eat and make merry. Won't leave you waiting for long I trust…"
"I must be nuts," she thought, as the symbols blurred back to meaningless squiggles and hash marks. Once more she squinted, and another jolt of realization came through her that she had read and comprehended them a second before.
"Wait… What's this…? Apologies Precious one, who is wearied from mating. Will return at the close of shortened duty. Take repast that is provided, savor it. Smell the musk of our mating and be glad of your strength proven in our coupling. I will carry your taste on my lips till next we meet. When the lone sun is past its zenith."
"Holy shit," she mumbled, reading it again. How on earth could she read these ciphers when a moment before they meant nothing. Then the comprehension waned. Yet she could still comprehend that flash of knowing their meaning. Another set of squiggles at the bottom was written in the same script, and then roughly penciled in Japanese were the romanji characters for Bakadu no Raedetzu. Of course the only comprehensive letters he would know were his own name. "Raditz of Bardok?" she wondered.
She slid out of bed, and then stumbled to the bathroom. A quick shower cleansed her of the next set of lovemaking evidence before she felt remotely human. Hitching a robe around her she stiffly strode out into the main part of the house. The tattered remains of her clothing were gathered into a neat heap on the masculine sofa. Grumbling, she wandered back into the bedroom in hopes of finding something that would fit.
Fortunately there were the sets of capsule sweats, and some street clothes that Bulma had insisted they purchase. Not to mention spare bodysuits of varying styles. Selecting a spandex tank top she slid it on over herself, and then grabbed what appeared to be a pair of boxer shorts. Well she knew that they must be for 'relaxing', but she wasn't too fussy. To her relief the AE spandex acted like a sports bra, the cloth molding to her curves.
She wandered into the kitchen, and rooted through the cabinets. Dozens of capsules met her eyes, each labeled as foodstuffs. Of course they would be provided with encapsulated meals, because otherwise there would be no place to store the food in a small apartment. She opened the fridge and saw it stocked fully with bottles of various sport drinks of all colors, fruit juices, V8, and skimmed milk. Figures he would be a health nut. She snatched one bottle that seemed to be filled with red liquid and chugged on it. The salty taste of vegetable juice crossed her palate and she almost spat it out. Then she stared at the label. V8, Fresh Carrot and Tomato medley.
"Damn it, I HATE carrot juice. What IDIOT in their right mind drinks this crap?"
"The idiot who provided you with breakfast no doubt?" said a deep voice. Stellari shrieked, almost dropping the bottle. Fortunately a male hand shot out and grabbed it. Leaning down on the floor was Raditz, freshly washed and dressed in a different suit of armor.
Instead of an armored vest it had brown shoulder flashes, and the armored skirt. It dawned on her it was identical to what he was wearing when he first came, minus the damage. She peered over his shoulder and saw the wrecked suit sitting there on the desk, patched halfheartedly. In all his glory Raditz crouched on the kitchen floor, glancing up at her in amusement there with V8 dribbling down her chin.
"Ugh… I've got to get USED to this," she muttered.
"If I were an enemy you'd be dead by now, Stellari," Raditz scolded, standing up so he towered over her. "We must do something about that."
"Next you're going to tell me that you wonder how the hell I survived so long without a mate to protect me, eh?" she asked, nudging him in his armored hip. He rolled his eyes, and then raised the bottle of V8 to drain the bottle in one sip.
"Ugh," Stellari pulled a face. "I thought you were carnivorous!"
"These sport drinks are approximately similar to standard Vegetasei rations," Raditz glanced down at her. He licked the reddish juice off his lips and noticed her heated glare. Stellari leapt up and hung her arms around his neck. She just managed to peck his surprised lips with a kiss before she had to slide down. Yet Raditz gauntleted hand caught her. Both hands held her and boosted her up so he could cover her lips in a soft kiss.
Lightly he set his teeth on the scab formed, and ripped it open again. Weakly Dr. Stellari felt a small sharp pain in her neck. Feeling her move Raditz grasped her neck and shoved it into the hollow of his shoulder. "Drink," he growled.
Stellari dizzily nodded, almost too weak to bite down. Fortunately for her the skin seemed more delicate and she could actually pierce his skin at that moment. Thick rusty liquid oozed through her lips and over her tongue, crackling with power. Dr. Stellari did not think twice about lapping up the blood trickling into palate because it tasted sweet and musky. Highly oxygenated she felt her strength returning, and like a once wilting plant exposed to water she blinked.
Raditz gently picked her up and carried her towards the shower. "Clean yourself up love. I'm sorry I wasn't here earlier, but I had to eat something and you know how Saiyan metabolism.”
"Well you COULD eat something," she started, and then stopped when she blushed.
"What was that?" Raditz asked with a chuckle.
"Never mind!" she growled.
“Come to think of it, we can both use a shower,” Raditz said as he licked his lips. He set her down on the kitchen table, and guided her hands to help him off with his armor. Soon the pieces were neatly stacked on the kitchen table. Then Raditz lifted her into his arms to carry her towards the bathroom.
Inside the bathroom Raditz's bare feet stuck slightly to moist white tile. His destination Dr. Stellari could see was the double shower with sliding glass doors. Raditz managed to slide the door open while still holding her, but once inside he had to set her down on the back step. Fortunately it was a 'spa shower' so it had a place for someone to sit and bask in steam if they wished.
"How did YOU manage to get one of these?" she mumbled jealously.
"Primitive cleansing device," he cursed, struggling to turn on the shower.
"Only an advanced being like you would screw up turning on a shower!" she laughed. "Turn that knob on the left halfway, and the one on the right a quarter turn. Raditz cast a dubious glance, but did so. This left his cascade of black spikes between her and a view of his perfect back. Dr. Stellari cursed the fact it concealed a perfectly nice rear view.
Water rushed out in a mighty whoosh, blasting him full in the face. Instead of rejoicing Raditz jumped back in shock, cursing, "Great Father Oozaru! DREKKING HELL!"
A frigid sluice of water inundated them both, soaking them to the bone. Dr. Stellari shrieked at the splash of liquid rising over his shoulder and dashing against her warm skin. Raditz slipped on the shower floor and landed with his head crashing against the tile next to her.
"Good grief, Raditz!" Stellari yelped, hugging herself before she saw Raditz cursing and rubbing his head. Panicking she slid to crouch next to him, seeing a huge spider web of cracks radiating from a huge dent he slowly lifted his head from.
"I'm fine if you stop shouting woman!" he snarled, clapping a hand over his ears. Shocked, Dr. Stellari realized the impact had hurt the shower far worse then it did her mate.
"Good grief, what is your head made of," she mumbled, sliding her shoulder into his armpit. Despite his protests she tried to raise him up. By now the frigid water had warmed to tepid, something they could both tolerate.
"Female don't fuss," he mumbled, suddenly realizing how comfortably she nestled against him. Leaning against one another they could stand, and she was huddling next to him for warmth mainly.
"Raditz, are you all right!" she wondered, rubbing his back. She reached over and grabbed a washcloth and soap from the nearby rack.
"Fine female, just stop chattering," he grumbled. "And make yourself useful."
"What was that?" she asked.
"I mean if you WISH to help, you could wash my hair," Raditz corrected himself.
"Ah, that I won't mind," Dr. Stellari chuckled. He sat on the floor of the shower with a grunt, mumbling about the discomfort of the tile. She knelt behind him on one knee, and grabbed the nearest bottle.
"Will only one be enough?" she couldn't resist asking. Raditz muffled a curse and felt the contents oozing over the top of his mane. Dr. Stellari chuckled at the bottle's brand name, "Mane and Tail Formula". Folding arms across his chest Raditz waited for her to slather her fingers through the impossible mass. She carefully stroked and kneaded his scalp as she would herself, then heard the gentle soft motor rumbling in his throat she liked so much. Something flickered up and caught around her ankle, causing her to drop the bottle.
"Careful precious one," he chuckled, glancing up at her. To her shock his hair plastered all around him made him look far different. At the sight of his muscled body wet and gleaming with suds on the floor her heart pounded. Dr. Stellari leaned down and hung her arms around his neck, feeling his back through his hair. Slowly she lifted long strands up to rub the back of his neck.
"You actually have a nice ass under all this," she whispered, nipping his ear.
"So I've been told," he laughed, tugging her toward him with his tail. She lost balance and fell into his lap with a grunt. Glancing up she felt his hands sliding over her body with the suds from his shampoo inundated mane.
"Soap, we need soap," she said shyly. Raditz reached up and grabbed a bar from the ledge, then seized a solid wood handled back brush. He held her in one place on his lap, and then started to rub the soap over her shoulders and chest. Then he nudged her forwards so he could scrub her back. Massive fingers massaged her muscles, causing her to gasp.
"There you are, aren't you glad you listened to me?" he laughed deeply. Those hands were sheer pleasure on every inch of her skin, and she felt herself glowing with contentment. Slowly Raditz nudged her off his lap, and stood up. He reached down with one hand and grabbed her wrist, then tugged her to stand by him.
Stellari marveled at the iron vise grasp yanking her upwards. This brought her eyes level with the middle of his chest, and other aspects of his anatomy right at the level of her belly. His sable tail whipped soap around and lathered his legs, then snared the brush from her so he could reach his back. Stellari darted around and held up his hair so he could scrub. At long last she could marvel at the curve of his back and marvelously tight ass displayed before her. A view that few would see save her.
"Spectacular," she murmured, reaching down with a free hand to lightly run a hand over one tight cheek. He chuckled as he felt feminine fingers give it an experimental pinch.
"Obviously you are a woman of better breeding then most," he laughed deeply, with an edge of Saiyan harshness. "To appreciate what superior assets I offer."
"Yeah, laugh it up, King Kong," Stellari teased. She kept her fingers well clear of the place where the base of his tail merged with the middle of his buttocks. At the junction of where fur began and skin ended she was tempted to rub and massage. Suddenly the tail lashed out and wrapped around her thigh. With almost crushing pressure it curled around and squeezed. Raditz snickered, lifting up and Dr. Stellari let out a loud shriek as the tail boosted her up and flicked her around so she was directly facing him. Large hands caught her, then the tail wrapped around her hips and he released her to hold her up by his tail's strength alone.
"Raditz," she gasped, heart pounding and breath surging in and out. He answered her with another very Saiyan smirk, holding the soap in his hands. She groaned as she felt him starting to rub it up and down the side of one thigh. Both her feet dangled two feet off the shower floor, suds dripping down from her wet flesh. Against his tanned skin hers seemed pasty and pale, even though Dr. Stellari had moderately olive Mediterranean complexion. Under graceful brows his dark eyes gleamed with that same hunger. With one look from the bottomless depths of midnight she felt a tingling shoot through her entire body, replaced soon by a wave of feverish heat.
"A Saiyan can hold up his entire body weight on his tail," he rumbled. "But I think I require more conditioning."
"Er… what do you… mean," she stammered, wondering what he had in mind. Her skin shivered and tingled when she felt something twitching against her thigh. Raditz gently lifted and repositioned her so hardness jutted between her trembling legs so it just rubbed the sensitive insides. Not penetrating her he simply rubbed her teasingly over its length. Stellari's fingernails bit into his skin, and she shuddered with desire.
"Oh you like that don't you, precious one?" he purred, loving the soft delicate feel of her skin against his.
"R…Raditz are you sure… I mean we only just…" Dr. Stellari stammered. Her entire body trembled with unbridled lust, but she was terrified her flesh was far weaker then her willing spirit. Whatever self-control she had was lost at the flood of moisture she experienced creeping between her legs.
"Only just WHAT, love?" he rumbled, rubbing more vigorously. He raised his hands to hold her hips, and then leaned down to nip at her neck. Stellari roped arms around his neck, groaning as she bit down on his ear. She lifted shaky legs up to hook them over his narrow hips, and shift herself back and forth. Fear caused her to tense because she was afraid the ache would render walking impossible.
"I recall you saying something about getting used to sticking THAT into your body, don't you?" he taunted, pulling her back and prodding her dripping entrance. Gritting her teeth she grabbed his shoulder and then leaned forwards to attack his lips with hers. Raditz parted his lips, allowing her tongue to slip through against his. Over her bottom he curved his hands and gave a firm-kneading squeeze. More desire rocked her, and Stellari was sure she would cum just from him penetrating her alone.
"Yes I did… but I meant no offense," she laughed nervously.
"None was taken. In fact I'm quite ready to see the accuracy of your claims," he purred, then held her up. Stellari took a deep breath, knowing there was no use in arguing because she was hopelessly horny, and he would drive her insane if the tension wasn't resolved.
Willingly she parted her legs, willing her body to relax as Raditz slowly pushed in. Her knees lifted up so she would anticipate the almost painful spreading. Groaning Raditz parted her, loving the feel of such a tight embrace on his swollen cock. Her face scrunched up in worry and bliss as he seated himself inside, his tip touching her cervix. Stellari groaned and panted, gasping at the thrill of being so thoroughly filled. Sighing she tossed her head back and rubbed his chest, savoring bliss and hoping she would survive.
"Amazing," she murmured, burying her face in his shoulder. Raditz laughed, and then moaned slightly as she weakly shifted her hips.
"I'd say you were taking me in a most satisfactory manner, wouldn't you?" he lightly taunted, giving a few playful jabs. All Stellari could do was muster a swallow and a nod, biting down on his shoulder shortly afterwards. In this case she figured hanging on for dear life was the best. Instinct told her that she had awakened something primal that could not be easily quenched.