Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Rebirth of Family ❯ Anniversary ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Several years have passed since the threat that was known as Buu was defeated.  Peace has reigned supreme on earth and as a result, the Z-fighters finally received a much deserved vacation.

"Hey Goku!  Pass me another burger, would ya?"

The earth saiyan simply smiled and scratched the back of his head while he innocently said "Umm.....I got a little hungry and...well..."


Bulma was having her annual barbeque and everyone was there.  Everyone, that is, except for Vegeta.

"Hey Goku, do you mind watching Bra for a little while?  I have a feeling something's wrong with Vegeta."

"Sure, no problem Bulma, but do you think you should be bothering him right now?"

"Why?  Goku, what do you know that I don't?"

"Uh....well...you see....uh...."

"Goku! Just yell me already!"

"It's just that it's been 43 years today since Planet Vegeta was destroyed by Freiza."

Bulma gasped.  She had completely forgotten.  "Damn, Vegeta must be really hurting....I have to go see him."

"Okay Bulma, but just promise me you won't push it too far.  The last thing we need right now is an angry saiyan prince."


The grumble of his stomach did not bother him.  He didn't even realize that he hadn;t eaten all day long.  He didn't care.  This year, the anniversary of his planet's destruction is especially hard to deal with.  The birth of Bra was the catalyst.  Vegeta could not get over the resemblence between her and...

"Leiko", Vegeta let out a soft sigh as he looked at the torn and ragged picture he had kept with him ever since he was given to Freiza.

Suddenly, Vegeta was torn from his sad abyss by a rather violent knock on the door.  He scrambled to hide the picture as Bulma burst into the bedroom.

"Vegeta!  What the hell do you think you're doing in here?  We have company."   She stood in the doorway with her arms crossed over her chest as if she was trying to intimidate the saiyan.

"Woman, I will make an appearance when I damn well feel like it."

"Vegeta, I thought you had finally gotten over all of this being above your friends crap.  I know that it's the anniversary of the destruction of Planet Vegeta, and I understand that..."

"You understand nothing!"  Vegeta angrily cut Bulma off.  There was no way she could possible understand the pain he was feeling right now.  Where did she come off pretending that she did? "Now...leave me be Woman!"

Bulma could sense that she had gone over some invisible line, yet again, and decided to accept defeat before Vegeta destroyed something.  She slowly backed out of the room and then ran back to Goku.  She had some investigating to do.


"Come on, Goku!  You have to know something.  The way he sighed the name almost brought me to tears.  I almost decided not to bother him at all.  Who could he be talking about?  It better not be another woman, or Kami help him...."

Goku did not want to hear the rest of that thought.  "I wouldn't worry about that Bulma.  He still has his prince-like pride and 'adultery is below a prince.'"   Goku said while trying to mock Vegeta's tone, yet failing miserably at it.

Bulma agreed that it couldn't be another woman, but who could he be talking about?  Who was this Leiko?