Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Rebirth of Family ❯ Revelation ( Chapter 11 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

“One…two…one…two…you call yourselves soldiers? Come on! Move it!” Vegeta was busy training the new soldiers when he was interrupted by a fellow saiyan.
“Veggie-Weggie, I need your help with a pressing matter inside. Follow me.” Leiko began to walk back towards the palace, completely disregarding the hissy fit Vegeta was throwing.
“What the hell Leiko? How dare you call me that in front of the army? I am your king, SHOW ME SOME RESPECT!”
With those last words, Leiko whipped around. “Did I embarrass my poor brother in front of all these men? Now forget about it, your people need you inside, your highness,” she added in a mocking tone. Leiko turned once again towards the palace.
“That's more like it, now take me to where I'm needed.” Vegeta followed Leiko into the palace. “So where are you taking me exactly?” Vegeta asked as they passed both the throne room and his bedroom.
“We're almost there. Just hang on. Ah, here it is.” Leiko stopped in front of a door Vegeta had never noticed before.
“What do you mean? This looks like a closet. Why the hell are you taking me here?”
“Just shut up and get inside.” Leiko snapped while opening the door and pushed a sputtering Vegeta inside.
“Shit Leiko, what do you think you're doing?” Vegeta got up from his knees and dusted himself off.
“Ah, Vegeta. Finally, we meet again.” A dark figure stood up and stepped into the light.
“What?” Vegeta fell back down and pressed his back to the wall. “Lord Zennion?”
“What?! What do you mean he went off with Leiko? What were you thinking?”
“I'm sorry, but I…” The poor soldier tried to please the frantic queen, but to no avail.
“Don't talk to me like that! How dare you!! I am your queen! I should…” Bulma was ready to rip the soldier's head off before Goku cut in.
“Bulma, come on. Wo don't have time for this. We have to find Vegeta. He was here, but he's not anymore. Let's try your room.”
Bulma and Goku continued their frantic search. They tried the throne room, bedroom, and even the kitchen, but to no luck.
“Goku, where could he be? We can't let anything happen to him.”
“It's okay Bulma, we'll find him, we will.” Goku desperately tried to console the sobbing woman as they continued down the hall.
“Yes Vegeta, it's me, Lord Zennion. Can I get you anything? Water? Tea?”
“Cut the crap asshole. What the hell do you want with me?”
“Isn't it obvious? You are one of the strongest beings in the universe. You are a saiyan royal. You will be a valuable addition to my team. I hope you don't mind if I have some tea. I just simply love the stuff.” Zennion waved towards one of his assistants who ran away and somehow appeared with a cup of tea ten seconds later.
“I will never join your forces. Are you crazy?” By this time, Vegeta was back on his feet, ready to fight should the opportunity present itself.
“Of course not, but believe me, I've been planning this for years. That blasted Frieza got to your father before I did. If I had the chance, I would have gotten both you and your sister.”
“What, both of us?” Vegeta turned to Leiko. “You mean this is how you survived the destruction? You were given to this freak?”
“You mean she didn't tell you? Of course she was with me. Your father saw the threat that I posed and offered Leiko as a peace offering. I was going to destroy the planet anyways, but Frieza beat me to it.”
Leiko decided it was time for her to step in. “Vegeta, being with Lord Zennion was the best thing that ever happened to me. You aren't happy on Earth Vegeta. He can give you what you need.”
“Like I said idiot, there is no way I would ever join forces with you Zennion!”
“I anticipated this, Vegeta.” Zennion took another sip of his tea. “Oh, this stuff is so good, but I digress. You see, my little saiyan, I've done my research. You and Leiko are royal siblings. You have a special link with each other. I only really need one of you, and the other will follow, as long as I have the dominant one. I believe that Leiko is the dominant sibling, but I have no way to be sure. Since you two were separated when you were so young, you never fully developed that bond.” Zennion stopped to let that information sink in.
“What are you talking about…bond?” Vegeta was growing tired of this. He began to question why he didn't just blow them all up right then and there.
“Yes Vegeta, a bond. In order for your bond to fully develop, one of you needs to establish dominance. In order to do that, the two of you need to battle.”
Vegeta turned his back to the alien and threw his nose in the air. “Well, if you think I'm going to satisfy your needs by beating on my sister, you have another thing coming.”
Leiko's ki flared up as she walked up behind Vegeta, her eyes glowing red. “Oh Vegeta, I think you will.”