Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Reflections of a King ❯ Chapter 10

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Bardock turns slowly on his heels, still shaking his head in disbelief. The beautiful Ouji, nearly dead from the wounds he has sustained. The madness that flickered in the boy's dark eyes, threatening to claim him. I can feel the hatred rising in Bardock's heart…hatred of me, of Frieza, of the entire Saiyan race. We live only because we have enslaved ourselves to the monster…


Bardock gasps in shock as he comes face to face with the changeling. Frieza is smiling widely, his eyes darkened to a deep violet. "Well, well, well…Bardock. This IS a surprise, " he hisses.

Bardock is not intimidated. Frieza's ki is suppressed for the moment, and Bardock cannot yet fathom the true power the monster possesses. "You bastard…what kind of a beast are you? That is a child…"

Frieza interrupts, "A child that is no longer your concern…he belongs to me. I will do with him as I please." His tail is flicking lazily back and forth. Bardock's growl of frustration does not faze him. He continues, "Strange…your lover doesn't seem to be worried about his son…I can't imagine why you should be."

"That child is my son…as dear to me as my own blood. I will kill you for what you have done!" Bardock lunges for Frieza's throat. The changeling sidesteps and flares his ki slightly. It is enough to knock Bardock several feet away. His head strikes against the bulkhead with a sickening crunch.

As he slides to his knees, into awaiting darkness, I hear Frieza laughing, "Dear as his own blood, is he? Well, we shall have to see about that…"


Bardock awakens slowly. His head is pounding intensely, he can barely open his eyes. I am amazed that he survived such a blow. He sits up hesitantly, unsure of his location or his situation. I've been here before. It is Frieza's receiving room, used for the same purpose as my throne room on Vegetasei. Bardock looks about, but there is no one present.

The décor is an endless sea of purple. Deep violet, royal purple, gentle lavender, lilac, mauve, wine…shades and shades of purple. It is garish, and it has an unpleasant effect on Saiyan vision. Bardock is unable to focus properly, but cannot tell if it is from his head trauma or from the shocking coloration of the room. He lays his fingers gently against his skull, trying to assess the damage.

The large doors open, and Frieza enters. Following him are a stunning array of guards, and behind them an assortment of "pets". They are shackled together, legs and arms, all of them incredibly beautiful…or they had been, once. Broken noses, bruised wrists, missing teeth, all of Frieza's playthings showed some evidence of abuse. Bardock turns his head in disgust, then winces from the shooting pain. His voice rasps, "What the fuck is this, Frieza?"

"Patience, sweet. All things in their time…I have some business to attend to before I can deal with you…" the changeling's voice is low, threatening.

Bardock pulls himself to a standing position. If he must die today, he will die as a warrior. Bravery, courage, nobility…he embodied all of these virtues. I am proud to have known him, to have been given the chance to love him, if only briefly.

Frieza continues his dialogue for some time, until he is interrupted by the opening of doors. A single guard enters the room, a small figure traipsing behind him.

"Radditz?" Bardock cries out. His middle child. The boy is taller than when last his father saw him.

Radditz looks up, his countenance lightens, "Papa? Why are you here?"

Fear. It claws in Bardock's belly. It coils in his spine. Why indeed? What use does Frieza have with a third-class foot soldier, barely taller than the changeling himself…

"I'll answer your question, my sweet little monkey, " Frieza's high voice carries throughout the room, "You see, dear one, your papa has something to tell you…"

Radditz looks confused, "Papa?"

Realization dawns…

A life for a life…

A son for a son…

Frieza wants a new pet…

"NO!" Bardock's deep voice rings out, "FUCK NO!! Don't you lay your hands on him!!!" He races toward his son, but is stopped dead in his tracks. A shield, a force-field of ki surrounds Frieza and his minions. His son is a heartbeat away, but Bardock can't get to him. "Oh gods…" he sobs.

"Don't be so pessimistic, Bardock," Frieza taunts, "I don't even know if I want to make a trade…he is a rather pitiful specimen…Come here, boy!"

Radditz moves toward Frieza hesitantly. Bardock is screaming at the boy to stop, to run, but the child continues as if drawn by some unseen force. Radditz halts before Frieza, and bows slightly. "My Lord"

"Hmmm…well, he is respectful…more than I can say for the Ouji." Frieza says. His entourage laughs quickly, even his menagerie. They are the most fearful of Frieza.

Frieza motions the boy to seat himself in his lap. Bardock is trembling with fear and frustration. He can do nothing, no matter what the bastard decides to do. Radditz moves into Frieza's lap. He doesn't know what's going on, but any chance to show up the bossy Ouji is a chance he must take. "I'm Radditz…I'm nine years old…I'm gonna be in the Royal Guard when I grow up…" the boy rambles.

"Nine is a bit OLD for my taste…" Frieza says. Bardock surges against the field, but is knocked away. Radditz doesn't pay the slightest bit of attention to their by-play. Frieza sifts one hand through Radditz' thick black mane. He remarks, "He talks almost as much as Vegeta…did."

Bardock is raving, curses flowing like water. I know this isn't real, that it is a vision of the past, but I scream my hatred at the monster along with him. "You godforsaken motherfucking bastard, you cocksucking whoreson bitch, goddamn you to an everlasting and eternal hellfire, you black-hearted…" His voice runs out before his curses do.

Frieza sits quietly, unimpressed by Bardock's fury. He asks the boy questions, and Radditz answers. Frieza takes the child's tail into his hand and gently caresses it. Bardock's vision turns red…and his ki explodes.

The intense fire of his rage is not enough to break through to get at the beast. Finally, Frieza grows bored of taunting Bardock. He stands and puts the boy away from him. Bardock is panting with fatigue. "You…son…of…a…bitch…"

"She really was…" Frieza laughs, "Come now, Bardock, we mustn't be rude…I'm sure you would have liked my mother…"

Bardock glares, "I've got a better idea…how `bout you go fuck your mother and the horse she rode in on…"

"Good idea…but I already have…" Frieza answers. "Enough of this. I have a perfectly good, well-trained pet. You want me to give him up. I will, on one condition…" his voice trails off.

"You fucker…" Bardock spits.

"Now. Don't be that way. I just want to make a trade. A trade in your favor, I might add. Vegeta is used goods, but he is still a prince…I'm sure you'll have lots of fun."

"You're asking me to choose between my sons…I refuse to make that choice!" Bardock screams.

"No, that is not what I'm asking. I'm asking you to choose between your blood-child and a bastard prince. I'm asking you to save the child that you love the most…"

"Oh, gods." A sob rips Bardock's throat.

Radditz' voice, "Papa? Papa? Don't you love me? I don't understand…"

"Bardock, don't make this difficult. This IS your son. I don't want him, but if you force my hand…"

A low keening wail that rises from the chest.

Hot tears that wash the cheeks.

There is no choice, not really.

Blood truly is thicker than water.

And once again, Vegeta no Ouji is sacrificed to save the life of another.

Crucified on the cross of my ambition

Martyred for the sake of a planet

A token offering of a father to his son…

To be continued