Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Reign of Kioka ❯ The Evil Spirit Within The Good ( Prologue )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

This contains some swearing, which I hope it won't bother you. In this fanfic, the timeline is taken after Dragonball GT. Also, in this fanfic, English is a interuniversal language. So, when a race is talking to himself or herself, in insults or talking to the dead (or dying), they speak in their native language.

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Kioka walked on his home planet, Keio. The cloud darkened and thunder began making their noise. Flash of red lighting stormed on the planet. Everyone knew something was wrong. The dark lord had come for them. A strange probe landed. An alien set afoot on the planet…

The tales of Kioka's Reign begin here.


On the planet Keio, lives the strongest race, Palamic. They are very similar to Saiya-jinn, because they created the Saiya-jinn. They designed the Saiya-jinn to be weaker than the Palamic. One strange thing about Palamic, they have crystal eyes, instead of other colored eyes like blue. Their eyes never blink. The males usually have black colored hair, while the females usually have green colored hair.

This special Palamic was named Kioka, who eventually become the strongest fighter cease to exist. Kioka was in a war against the warlord, his name was Lopék. The evil Warlord is a gaseous figure with human face and limbs. Kioka standing in the battlefield, watching other peoples fighting for their planet. He rushed into the battle and smashed one of Lopék's solider, and left it lying dead. Brain oozing from the cracked skull. Then he heard a familiar warcry. "MEEEEEUUUUAAAARRRRRRKKKKK!" It was his family warcry. He watched as his brother kneeled and was dying. Kioka looked at his brother, and kneeled beside him. "Pn…pnu…pnud…pnudr…pnudran… Yna oui ug? Bmayca tu hud…" (Br…bro…brot…broth…brother… Are you ok? Please do not…) His brother, Geovil Meuark softly mumbled "Good luck brother. Free our planet…" He groaned out as he smiled. Kioka stared down at his brother and stared at Lopék, the murderer. He stayed with Geovil until the end. He let the body slide out of his hands. Kioka ran at Lopék. Lopék Kioka and said, "Well, well, well. We meet again Kioka. You shall never beat me. My power is far greater than yours, stupid Palamic." Kioka withdrawn his lance and sprang into the air. He dragged right down at Lopék. Lopék groaned with pain, "You may had defeated me Kioka, but we shall meet again." Before Kioka finished him off, the lord disappeared. Kioka had freed his planet!

All the sudden a large explosion destroyed everyone on the planet, expect for Kioka. "Woha!" shouted Kioka as he watched his race die off. Kioka set off to look for a new planet to settle on, for that his memories is too painful. He landed on planet, he don't know what class is it or anything about it. A month later, Kioka kneeled over and vomit, black, thick, tar-like material came out of his mouth. He pressed his arms against his chest, he screamed in pain, but the roar of the unknown overcame him. His eyes turned greenish-black. His hair was changing color to white; his skin was changing to black instead of the normal color. He stand up, feeling like nothing ever happened to him, he laughed maniacally.

He floated up into the sky, and the clouds was gathering around him and turning into storm clouds. He launched a new attack, Ultra Destroy. A dark ball was forming in his palm, get larger by the second. By the time it the same size as a baseball, he toss it toward the planet, it buried into the ground. Heading for the core. Then before the people of the planet know it, the planet blew up. He moved on to another planet, while Kioka laugh as if he enjoying the slaughter. A couple of warriors dared to challenge Kioka, they look like purple frogs with ten eyes. They may be honorable, but they not a worthy opponent for Kioka. Kioka held his lance and before the two warriors move, they were slain. There Kioka, with blood on his lance as he crouch. "Ajanouha rana ec y faygmehk" (Everyone here is a weakling…) while a black energy ball form in his hand, and he said "KUUTPOA CREDDO BMYHAD!" (GOODBYE SHITTY PLANET!) He blew up the planet, before the explosion caught him, he was in the safe zone. Kioka went out to seek the ultimate warrior, but like all warriors, they fail before him. It is rumored that Lopék is still alive, some said....