Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Reunited ❯ Chapter 5 ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Author's Note: I don't know if you noticed, but I decided to use some names from the Simpson's for the adults in the story. I don't own the Simpsons. I just love the show. I don't own DBZ either. I just love that show too. Unfortunately I don't own the Simpsons or DBZ. I would one rich chick if I did, but well, I don't. Enjoy the story and please review. Authors like it when you review, even if it's to tell them it sucks. Well, I don't mind if you tell me it sucks. Someone else might though. But to me, at least it's a review.

Another note #2: I forgot all about that mayor they had from the Red Shark Gang episode. Oops. Well, for entertainment purposes, he's not going to be in my story.

Now on with the show.

Reunited 5

"Yikes! Mayor Bouvier! How did you get away? I mean, where are the criminals? Are you OK? What's going on here?"

"Come in Videl, Saiyaman. There's something you should see here."

Videl and Gohan walked into the room with their mouths wide open as they saw all the people gathered in the room and not a gun drawn among them.

"Close your mouths kids. It's a celebration for you, our city's heroes."

"You're not in danger Madam Mayor." Gohan asks in his Saiyaman voice.

"No, of course not! We just needed to get you guys here for the celebration. Now go have a seat up front at the big table while the party gets started."

The mayor ushered the two shocked teens to the head table and sat them down in front of a huge pile of food. Being a demi-sayian, Gohan didn't need to be told twice and started digging in, disguise and all. Videl jammed her elbow into his side to get him to stop. He stopped, but it hurt her more than it hurt him. He looked at her to inquire why she stopped him, but she nodded toward the mayor who hadn't noticed Gohan's faux pas and was about to speak.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, we are gathered here to today to honor Satan City's two stalwart heroes, Videl and the Great Saiyaman, for their continued vigilance in the war against crime." With that said, the audience applauded the two teens. The mayor continued, "Sorry about the deception you two. We just wanted to make sure you would show up."

Gohan jumped in front of the table and began his Saiyaman routine. "Have no fear Madame Mayor! Where evil is afoot, so shall I be! For they have no chance when the Great Saiyaman and the very lovely Videl are on the scene!" And with that, he ended in a split. Videl could only watch from the other side of the table shaking her head at his actions. She thinks to herself that she'll have to have a heart-to-heart talk with the boy about that Saiyaman shtick.

"Thank you Mayor Bouvier. Saiyaman and I are grateful for the honor."

"You're welcome Videl. I've known you since you were a little girl and I'm pleased as punch to see what a beautiful, intelligent and strong young lady you've grown into. And the fact that you've chosen such an upstanding young man as Mr. Saiyaman here as your boyfriend, well, that just speaks volumes."

"He's not my boyfriend! I mean, yeah, he's a boy and he's a friend, but he's not my boyfriend! I mean, I have a boyfriend, who's not Saiyaman, but he's a nice guy too."

"Oh, I'm sorry. It's just that the way you guys were acting, I thought you were together."

"Well, you know Madame Mayor, crime fighter humor and such. Videl and I are just such good friends that we tease each other and all."

"If you say so Mr. Saiyaman. And Videl, being as how I was your mother's oldest friend, don't you think you should introduce me to your boyfriend."

"Of course Mayor Bouvier. I'll see when is a good time for Gohan and we'll stop by your office."

"Office, please, we're practically family. I'll have you and Gohan over for a barbecue with my family. You know little Kurt and Kristina would love to see you. You are their favorite babysitter."

"Of course Mayor Bouvier. We'll be there. When is a good day?"

"Why this weekend of course. Saturday, let's say 4 p.m. Is that good with you?"

"I'll have to check with Gohan."

"Of course. But just know, I won't take no for an answer so there better be some kind of emergency."

"Yes ma'am. Oh, and if that time is OK with him, you might want to get extra food. Gohan has a big appetite."

"Kind of like Saiyaman over there, huh," the mayor replies as she and Videl turn their heads toward Saiyaman who was busy stuffing his face with the feast in front of him.

"Um, ah, well, yeah, kind of like that."

"I inform the staff on how to prepare for your visit. I can't wait to meet this young man of yours."

"Yes ma'am. We'll be there."

"Well, I have to go. A mayor's work is never done. Please give Saiyaman my regards once he stops inhaling the food."

"Of course ma'am."

"Take care Videl."

After helping herself to what food was left and thanking the police chief for the luncheon, Videl finally dragged Gohan away from the food. They left the banquet room and took to the sky leaving behind a group of bewildered group of police officers.

"I thought Videl was seeing that smart kid from her school. Do you think she's two-timing him with Saiyaman?"

"Videl wouldn't do that. She's a good girl. It's probably just a brother/sister type of thing."

"I don't know. It seemed more than that to me, but who are we to judge. As long as neither one of them hurts Videl, then we don't have to beat them up.

Since school was over by this point, Videl and Gohan headed over to his house for some more training. Once they landed, Videl figured now was a good a time as any to discuss with him his behavior as Saiyaman, including those crazy poses he does.

"You know, we're going to have to talk about how you eat as Saiyaman."

"Huh, what do you mean Videl?"

"What I mean `Mr. I'm the smartest guy in school but can't understand a few simple words from my girlfriend' is that you have to refrain from Gohan like activities while in the outfit and refrain from Saiyaman activities while you're you, Gohan. I mean, even though our friends and teachers know, I thought you didn't want everyone to know."

"Oh yeah! That's right."

"It also means that perhaps you should be careful about pigging out this weekend at Mayor Bouvier's house."

"But isn't she supposed to be a really great cook?"

"Yes, she is. Not as good as your mom of course, but a pretty close second."

"But, how can you do that to me? Good food! Good free food! I mean, that's like telling my dad he can't fight or something. Honestly, Videl. How can you torture me like this?"

"Gohan, let's be reasonable about this. Do you want the mayor to know who Saiyaman is?"

"Of course not."

"Then she can't see any similarities between you and Saiyaman."


"No buts. I wasn't the one who pigged out at that luncheon."


"I'm sorry, but that's just the way it's going to have to be."

"But what if I eat slower than usual?"

"Is that possible?"

"I could try. And we could get a couple of dozen pizzas before the barbeque to hold me over."

"Oh, alright all ready! I just want you to behave! Is that so much to ask? Please Gohan, for me." She says as she looks into his eyes.

Of course Gohan was undone. He never could resist when Videl gave him the puppy dog look with her beautiful blue eyes.

"I'll behave."

Little did the two teens know that the promise was a lost cause. Unknown to them, chaos is waiting for them at the gathering at the mayor's house.

Tune in next time for the next chapter of Reunited.