Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Revolution of the Saiyans ❯ Chapter Five ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Revolution of the Saiyans

Chapter Five

Niekko and Arello were in the smaller scouter pod circling just outside of Earth's atmosphere. "Let's see what this useless planet has to offer." Niekko said, pushing several buttons.

"Activating scouter level three." Arello said.

"Three?" Niekko asked. "Why three? There won't be enough power on this planet for a level five!"

"I just figured we'd save some time." Arello said confidently. "If we happened to find a four, we'll be lucky! Certainly nothing above that!"

They were referring to the scouter levels of power measurement. The new scale was 1-5; five being no power or so small it was barely noticeable. They had never encountered a level one, which would be as powerful as the strongest Saiyan warriors that now lived on Tragonis. As powerful as they themselves were. That is why they were the elite soldiers of his majesty.

"Whatever." Niekko said. Typing in the various codes for the control panel, Niekko ignored the scouter screen above them until he heard Arello's uncontrollable shout.

"IT CAN'T BE!" Arello said loudly.

Niekko looked up and saw the graph of ki levels. He gasped at the number of level three's, level two's…..and level one's.

"Impossible!" Niekko said. "According to this, there are five level one's! And almost that many two's and three's!"

Arello was desperately trying to reenter the codes, making sure they were correct. "Unless this computer has suddenly blown a fuse, I think we've just found our Saiyans."


"What do you mean my daughter did not come home last night?" Vegeta shouted as he spoke to Mr. and Mrs. Briefs. "Where is Trunks?"

"I'm afraid he was out as well, dear." Mrs. Briefs said, her voice unusually high.

Vegeta stormed back up the stairs and with one hand knocked his bedroom door off the hinges. "WOMAN!" He shouted angrily.

Bulma hurried out of the shower, wet with a towel draped around her. "What?" She barked back.

"Do you know that our 14 year old daughter did not come home last night!? And that apparently, our son is also missing in action!" Vegeta shouted so loud, the windows shook.

Bulma swallowed hard. "Well, yes. I did know." She said letting the towel drop to the floor as she walked over to her 18X21 foot closet.

Her exploits grabbed Vegeta's attention briefly, but he quickly rebounded and focused on the problem at hand. "Care to tell me where my daughter is?" He crossed his arms and stood rigidly at the door, not trusting himself to come any closer to his mate. She had a way of changing his direction of thought.

"She went to spend the night with Marron." Bulma said. "I assume Trunks and most probably Goten went along to make sure there were no problems."

"You let her go to that pervert's island when I strictly forbid it?" He dropped his arms to his side and took two steps forward. "Have you no concern for my authority in this house? Over my children?"

"They are our children." Bulma said, trying to remain calm. She knew how possessive Vegeta was of the kids, especially Bra. "And Master Roshi would never touch Bra. He's not as bad as you think!"

"Just because that bald monk trusts the old hermit, doesn't mean I do!" Vegeta roared. He turned around and headed out the fallen door.

"Where are you going?" Bulma asked, running behind him, pulling a cotton blouse over her shoulders.

"I'm going to get my daughter." Vegeta said without looking back.


Just as Vegeta was crossing the ocean, he spotted Trunks. He slowed down, anxiously awaiting answers.

"Father." Trunks said. "I assume you are looking for Bra."

Vegeta could tell that his son was angry, most probably a fight between brother and sister again. Trunks was a lot like his father, but he had a lot of Bulma in him as well. His feelings and emotions ran deep, much deeper than anyone realized. He too loved and adored his sister.

"Where is she?" Vegeta demanded. "If I find out you had a hand in this scam, I'll make you pay, boy."

Trunks frowned, his lavender hair dancing in the wind. "She is with Marron. They were searching for the Dragonballs."

Vegeta was surprised. "What is it they wish for?" He asked, curious as to why his little girl would risk such wrath.

Before Trunks could answer, Goten arrived. He swallowed hard, seeing Vegeta. "Sir." He said respectfully.

Vegeta did not even acknowledge the Son boy. He looked back to Trunks for answers.

"They wanted to wish for more power." Trunks said. "Bra feels inferior…she wants to be able to fight like a true Saiyan."

Vegeta was astounded. "She is a female! She will not be a fighter! I won't allow it!" He screamed.

"It hurts her that you will not train her properly." Trunks told his father. "Both she and Marron feel that they have something to offer as fighters and since no one will train them, they chose to seek out the Dragon."

"That's ridiculous!" Vegeta said. "You cannot become a great warrior by wishing for it! It comes from years of training the mind as well as the body!"

"I tried to tell her that!" Trunks said loudly. "But it's what Bra wants! She is a Saiyan! She wants to know how to fight!"

"Where is she?" Vegeta asked, ignoring both boys.

"I think they went back to the island." Goten said. "They were both pretty angry when we refused to help them anymore."

"They have not seen anger." Vegeta snarled. "Not by a long shot."

He took off, headed toward Master Roshi's Island.


General Kelon was more than a little shocked when Niekko transmitted the results of the scouter scan to the main ship. "There are five of them…..five of us…." He said.

"Still, sir, the odds are questionable." Domia said. "Perhaps we should contact the King and request additional troops."

"No." Perrin spoke up. "The King sent us here because we are the best! If we call and request more troops, he will lose faith in our ability!"

General Kelon examined the scouter results again. "Earth is a very populous planet." He stated. "The number of powers it possesses are minimal compared to the overall ratio of people."

"What are you suggesting sir?" Perrin asked.

"If Earth is the planet which houses the rebellious Saiyans, then it shall be home to our new slave compound. What better way to attack the fighters, than to begin removing the annoyance of the normal Earthlings?" Kelon smiled. "No, we will not require any help in this mission. But, radio King Drais and have him begin preparing the current slaves for transport."

"So, we attack?" Domia asked. "We attack Earth, the planet and its people? Thus flushing out the other Saiyans?"

"If they are Saiyans." Perrin said. "I'm still not sure."

"Yes, that is the plan." Kelon said. "Whatever the species which hold these enormous powers, we will destroy them. King Drais will have what he desires."

"Yes, sir." Domia and Perrin said simultaneously.

"Contact Niekko and Arello." General Kelon said. "Have them hold off any actual attacks until we arrive. I want to take what slaves we can from this planet, then vaporize the rest of it."


Bra felt her father's approach and both she and Marron headed in the other direction. "I knew Trunks would rat me out!" She shouted angrily. "Father won't train me, but he'll sure run my life!"

"Calm down." Marron said, trying desperately to keep up with her more powerful friend as they flew. "We have overprotective fathers, that's all."

"Well, I'm tired of it." Bra said. "It's time I proved myself as a fighter. And if father won't train me, I'll find someone who will."
