Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Revolution of the Saiyans ❯ Chapter Ten ( Chapter 10 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Revolution of the Saiyans

Chapter Ten

General Kelon was still in a state of shock. "How am I supposed to destroy the Prince?"

"We don't!" Niekko said assuredly. "It was be a sacrilege!"

"But, King Drais commanded all the Saiyans be eliminated!" Perrin said.

"King Drais is not our rightful King!" Niekko argued. "This is Prince….King Vegeta!"

"He is right." Arello said. "To destroy our rightful king would be treason!"

General Kelon stepped up. "How am I supposed to report this? Tell my King that he is no longer King? He has led our people out of the pits of hell! Yet, because his blood type is wrong, he shall be overthrown!"

"Kelon speaks the truth." Domia said. "Drais has been a worthy King."

Goku had his own questions. "Look, if this King of yours is doing a good job, then why did he send you to Earth to kill the remaining Saiyans?"

"Perhaps your Drais knows of my existence." Vegeta said. "Therefore, ridding the galaxy of me would ensure he could rightfully be King."

Instantly, Kelon knew this was the truth. He remembered how secretive and distant Drais had been for the past few weeks. Especially about this trip.

"Just how did he find out about the Saiyans?" Perrin asked.

Kelon shook his head. "He said, it was from a reliable source."

"Someone who knew King Vegeta was alive! That's why we were sent here!" Niekko shouted. "What fools he has made of us! Sending us to kill our very King!"

"Look guys, we need to work together on this." Goku said. "We don't want anymore trouble brought to Earth."

"We shall bring no more trouble to your planet." Kelon said. "As soon as our rightful King returns to his home."


Piccolo could sense the other powers, but felt no battle going on.

"What's happening?" Bra demanded. "Why aren't they fighting?"

"How should I know!" Piccolo said angrily. "I'm here babysitting, when I should be fighting with them!"

"Calm down Piccolo." Dende said. "I believe they have reached an amicable solution to this problem."

"What do you mean?" Marron asked intrigued. "Can you read their minds?"

"No…but I can read their emotions." Dende said. "It seems that Vegeta, somehow, has changed their minds."

"My father!" Bra shouted excitedly. "I knew it! My father is the best!"

"Maybe we can go and see what is happening now." Marron asked. "I'd really like to make sure my mommy and daddy are all right."

"Not yet." Piccolo said. "They know where we have gone. As soon as it is safe, someone will come for us. I'm not risking your lives on a hunch."


Still hovering in the air, Vegeta smirked. "You expect me to leave Earth, and go forward to this new Saiyan planet? Just like that? Uproot my family without any assurances that this King of yours will relinquish the throne?"

"Family?" Niekko said. "My Lord, you have family? An heir to the throne perhaps?"

Immediately, Vegeta was thrilled at the terminology used by the older Saiyan. "Yes. This is my son, Trunks." He indicated the teenager with lavender hair. "I also have a daughter and a mate."

"You have mated with an Earthling?" Arello asked.

"What business is it of yours, you fool!" Vegeta barked. "My mate is my business! I don't hear of any pure breed females on your new planet!"

"This is true, my Lord." Arello also answered. "However, we hope to have the first few pure blood Saiyan females ready to breed within about two years or so."

"How do you make them pure?" Gohan asked. Being a scientist, he was curious as to their means of purification.

"Breeding." Perrin said. "The first Saiyans bred with the strongest women we could find. They are the third class, or half-breeds. Once those were mature enough, they were again bred with a pure Saiyan male. Which is the second class, as they are 2/3 pure. Once they were old enough, we have bred them to all but wipe out any traces of anything other than Saiyan blood. These females are little more than children at this point, but are given grown hormones to stimulate their development."

"Cattle." Gohan said angrily. "You breed them like cattle…then fatten them up for a kind of slaughter. Do these women have any say so in this mating process?" He asked angrily.

Domia laughed. "A female has no rights. Period."

"On this planet, a woman is equal to a man." Goku said. "We treat our females with respect. I don't believe Vegeta would like for his daughter to be treated in such a way!"

"A daughter of the King would be different!" Niekko shouted. "As would his chosen mate, Saiyan or not!"

"Please, my Lord." Arello asked. "You must come back to Tragonis with us and take your throne. It is what your father would want."

Vegeta was silent for a moment before answering. "My family and I would be treated with the respect and dignity due to us through our royal blood?"

"Yes, my Lord." Niekko said. He turned to General Kelon. "You need to pledge your allegiance to the rightful King."

Kelon was torn. "IF this is the rightful King, he will have my undying loyalty. However, I cannot simply turn away from Drais until we know for sure. A simply word game is not enough to gamble our future upon."

"Fine." Vegeta said. "If you want proof, I'll give it to you." In what appeared to be a fit of rage, Vegeta torn the top of his Saiyan suit, ripping it from his body. "Here is your proof." He indicated a small, almost unnoticeable tattoo on his left shoulder. It was a small hourglass shape inside of a box surrounded by stars.

"The royal crest." Niekko said astonished. "It is given to any member of the Royal family upon birth."

"My son and daughter also bear the symbol." Vegeta said. "Is this proof enough for you?" He asked smugly.

General Kelon took a closer look and could not deny the sacred crest. The symbol still hung in parts of the new castle on Tragonis. "Then, it is true."

Kelon bowed, feeling truly humbled. "My King, I humbly ask your forgiveness for doubting your word. It shall not happen again."

One by one, each of the soldiers bowed before Vegeta, vowing their loyalty.

Vegeta couldn't describe the feelings inside him. It was too much. Finally, what he had been born for was within his grasp. "You may rise." Vegeta said. "Very well, I will accompany you to this planet. However, I expect Drais to remove himself from the throne before I arrive!"

"Father!" Trunks yelled. "We can't leave Earth!"

"Silence!" Vegeta shouted in a tone that Trunks had never heard. "You will do as I say!"

"My King, I will make arrangements for your arrival immediately." Kelon said. "For now, I ask that you prepare your family for departure. We will return, with our larger ship within two hours."

"Good." Vegeta said. "We shall be ready."

They saluted and bowed one last time before leaving.

Goku, Gohan, and Goten stood in shock, as Krillin and Eighteen looked on.

"What just happened?" Krillin asked. "Did Vegeta just agree to leave Earth?"

"Looks like." Eighteen said. "Come on, I want to get Marron and go home. What Vegeta does isn't our concern."

Krillin hesitated, but followed his wife.

"Vegeta, you can't be seriously considering this?" Goku said. "Trunks and Bra belong on Earth! As does Bulma! She will never agree to this!"

"She will agree if she wants to continue being my mate!" Vegeta snapped. "And the children will do what I say!"

"No, Father." Trunks said. "I know I want no part in this new Saiyan order! Not with them being ruthless slave traders! It's barbaric!"

"Barbaric or not, it is in your blood." Vegeta told him. "Now, I'm going to get your mother and your sister. If you know what is good for you, you'll be ready. Otherwise, I will take you by force."

Vegeta flew away, headed in Bra's direction.

"Man….this has gone to Vegeta's head." Gohan said. "What will we do?"

Goku shook his head. "You all forget, Vegeta is the Prince….now, the rightful King. You act like he's going against his nature, when actually, this is his nature. To lead the Saiyan race…now that there is one."

"But, I don't want to leave Earth!" Trunks shouted. "And I know my mom won't either."

"And what about Bra?" Goten said. "You two are my best friends!"

"Calm down everyone." Goku said. "All I'm saying is give Vegeta a chance. This is what he was supposed to do, until Frieza got in the way. And who knows, maybe, with Bulma by his side, he'll turn the Saiyan race into a respectable one."


Entering their ship, none of the Saiyan elite said anything.

Niekko went to the back, preparing their ship for the royal family. This was only a scavenger vessel, not meant for royal travel. However, it would have to do.

"Make sure those rooms are made with clean linens." General Kelon said. "I'll make sure enough food is prepared for them."

Going on about their way, Kelon, Niekko, Arello and Domia hurried about, while Perrin configured the computer. However, when he was alone at the controls, he contacted Drais.

"Let his Lordship know that the Saiyan elite have turned away and are now siding with one who claims to be the rightful King of Tragonis." Perrin said. "However, I vow my loyalty to the true King."

Monitoring the radar and controls beside his acting commander, Drais heard the message as it was delivered.

"Perrin, even my General has forsaken me?" Drais asked.

"Yes, my Lord." He replied. "Whatever you wish for me to do, I shall." Perrin looked around; making sure no one was near. "You are my only King."

"Proceed with your plans." Drais said. "When you return to Tragonis, I shall have a force of men ready to deal with these impostors and traitors."

"Sir, I beg for your protection." Perrin said. "I promise to remain loyal to you until my death!"

"You shall be rewarded handsomely for the risks you are taking." Drais said. "Just get them here…I will handle the rest."

Ending the conversation, Perrin's heart was racing, his face sweating profusely.

"Something wrong?" Domia asked his friend. "You seem nervous."

"Well, of course I am." Perrin said. "We show up on Tragonis with a new King, what will happen?"

"Don't worry." Kelon said, entering the room. "We have the element of surprise on our side, therefore I am not worried. I believe the council will overthrow Drais without question. Especially since Niekko and Arello are part of the council and they have served under the original King."

"Still, I think we should be prepared for a fight." Domia said. "After all, he is our King."

"True." Kelon said. "Then, we shall prepare….just in case."
