Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Right Infront Of Your Face ❯ Right Infront Of Your Face ( Chapter 1 )

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Standard Disclaimer: I do not own Dragonball GT, nor will I profit from using its characters.


How could he miss it, Vegeta muttered to himself. He had that mustache for over a year, and Goten didn’t even notice he had shaved it off. He stomped through the halls in a huff, furious that the prince of Saiyans was so insignificant to one of his subjects.

As he was stomping Vegeta happened to see Goku walking by. He had an unusually sad look in his eye. Goku stopped and looked at the Saiyan Prince. Vegeta was about to walk by when he asked him in a pleading voice, "Hey Vegeta, do I seem different to you?" Vegeta looked at the obnoxious Saiyan then practically hissed "What are you talking about Kakarott, you’re the same idiot clown you always were!" Oddly enough this made Goku smile a bright happy smile. Since they were talking Vegeta decided to ask him, "Hey clown, do I seem different to you?" Goku looked at the Saiyan then smiled and said, "Well you do seem a lot taller." Vegeta huffed at this and walked away. Obviously the idiot was making fun of his height.

Later in the kitchen Vegeta was making himself a sandwich. Bulma was at the table drinking her afternoon tea with Chi-chi. "Hey you two. Notice anything different."

Bulma regarded him for a moment as though she hadn’t noticed right away. Then she said, "You shaved your mustache. Wow, you look so youthful and handsome with a clean shaven face."

"Finally," Vegeta bellowed. "Goku and Goten didn’t even notice. How could anyone be stupid enough to miss a change like that."

"Well dear, Goku and his family have been a little pre-occupied since Goku was turned into a pre-pubescent child." Bulma retorted.

"Well that’s no excuse for not noticing that… HE WAS TURNED INTO A WHAT!"


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