Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Slave Saiyans and an Ally ❯ Chapter 6

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Slave Saiyans and a Ally

Kya woke up to a pair of arms wrapped securely around her body, holding her close. She could feel that she was pressed up against a broad chest and could smell a Saiyan male was who was holding her. She whimpered softly at the throbbing pain in her head and settled on being held in these comforting arms. Soft voices were all around her but she couldn't make out what they were saying. Wait…that was Kakarott's voice!

"Kakarott…" she whispered and blinked in the dim light of the room she was in. Kakarott's ears twitched and he quickly dropped down on his knees beside his friend.

"Your awake," she said quietly, aware that she probably had a headache from being knocked unconscious. Kya nodded and tried to look back at who was holding her.

"It's just Brolli. He happened to be on Frieza's base when Vegeta went to get Raditz. We got both of them and we're heading as far away as possible. When you're ready, come see Raditz. I'm sure Brolli will carry you if you want him to. Won't you Brolli?" The large Saiyan behind her chuckled softly and nuzzled Kya's hair.

"If that's what she wants," he said. Kya was slightly surprised at the sound of his voice but decided she liked it. Settling back in Brolli's arms she closed her eyes and yawned. It was naptime.

Vegeta paced back and forth in front of Raditz, instructing him on how he was to act around Kya when she came out.

"No touching her unless she says it is ok. No disobeying her orders. No asking to have your collar removed, she'll do that when she's good and ready." He continued on for a few more minutes before he noticed Kakarott watching him. With a undignified growl he shooed the large Saiyan out of the room.

"Go play with your mate or something you baka," he muttered. "I have work to do here." Kakarott laughed and bounded down the hallway to his and Turles' room, fully intending on 'playing' with his mate.

"Now don't be so hard on his Vegeta," Brolli said as he walked past Kakarott, Kya snuggled deep in his arms. "He's only trying to amuse himself." Vegeta rolled his eyes, did a once over on his daughter before letting them pass. Kya slid to the floor, landing lightly as she saw Raditz stand to greet her.

"Oh Vegeta, you never took his collar off. If he helped with getting us free, which he probably did, he deserves to have his collar off as soon as possible," she said with a sigh and reached up to remove the thick metal collar from around Raditz's neck. Seeing that she was still a little tired, Raditz bowed his head to make it easier for her to remove the collar.

"Thanks Raditz," she said with a smile and patted his shoulder. "You really know how to please a girl don't you?" With a light blush on his cheeks Raditz nodded.

"Doesn't talk much does he?" Brolli asked as he scooped Kya into his arms once again. Kya giggled tiredly and wrapped both her arms around Brolli's neck, nuzzling it softly. From these actions Vegeta figured that Kya was planning on becoming mates with Brolli, or perhaps she was just being silly.

"I think you need some more sleep Kya," Turles said as he and Kakarott walked into the main room. "Or are you planning to start sucking on Brolli's neck right in front of everyone?" Kya blushed and buried her head in Brolli's shoulder.

"I thought they knew…I thought you or Brolli would have told them," she mumbled. Brolli laughed and hugged her.

"We wanted you to tell them, but I can if you want me to," he said. Kya nodded a little but lifted her head to look at her father and Raditz.

"Kya and I have been friends since we were really little. I was never a slave because my body has a natural immunity to the KSR's they strap around your necks. Instead, I traveled where ever I was instructed to by Frieza, which most of the time ended up making me travel with Kya." He caught the look on Vegeta's face and took a deep breath before continuing on, "Kya was a missions expert at that time and she was working for Frieza. Because of her Namek ability to regenerate, she pulled off her tail to make sure Frieza never found out she had Saiyan blood. When he finally did find out he raped her, making her carry his child for the short 4 weeks before it was born. In that time I spent all 'my' time at her side and out friendship developed even more. We became lovers a week from the childs birth and promised to never leave each other. Frieza found this out a few months later when he caught Kya and I together after hours. In a instant he condemned her to death and issued a new version of the KSR to be put on me. When Kya escaped the day of her execution I believed I would never see her again. When Vegeta came to me saying that Kya was his daughter and was planning on rescuing us I couldn't believe my luck. He and I, plus Raditz, rebelled against Frieza and managed to retake this ship and escape." Vegeta stared for a moment before he fainted. Raditz caught his Prince in his arms quickly and held him gently.

"I think we need some time to go over this in our minds," he said and carried Vegeta towards the room they were now sharing. Brolli nodded his agreement and carried Kya towards their room, intending on showing his girlfriend just how much he had missed her. Kakarott laughed and grabbed Turles by the hand, dragging him to the shower for some fun.