Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Stressed Prince Of Ee-arf ❯ ^_^ ( Prologue )

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now this is a story all about how
my life got twist turned upside down
and i'd like you to take a minute
or maybe one and a half
i'll tell you how i became the prince
of a planet called E-arth

On a planet called vegeta
born and raised
on the battleground
is where i spent
all of my days
training hard
powering up
blowing up fools
and conquering planets
for this weird frieza dude

but then one day
as i was up to no good
this dude kicked my ass
in his neighbourhood
after the fight
i was mad as hell
and said "im going off to namek to find the dragonballs there"

i grabbed myself a pod
and soon the planet was near
i found a couple of earthlings
and frieza were there
after the fights i was starting to laugh
and ever since that day i've been living on E-arth

we flew up to korins tower about 7 or 8
and me and my son trained in the time chamber
fought some androids who nearly cut me in half
and now i sit on my throne as the prince of E-arth