Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ The Asylum Chronicles ❯ A Narrow Escape. . .Or Is It? ( Chapter 6 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Miscellaneous Saga

Author's Note: Lady Pyro is not a character that I made up, but a character that someone named Tituba Paris made up. If you wish to know the true origin of this character, go to Fanfiction.net. That is all. Enjoy.

Disclaimer: Forget this!

The Asylum Chronicles: Chapter Six-A Narrow Escape. . .Or Is It?

Frieza decides to take a brief trip away from Ginyu until he can stand him once again...but is this a good thing?

By Queen Breeza

Frieza's ship: Status: Still not headed to Rabeez...

The last time we left off, Frieza had just left McDonald's and was still trying to find the Navigation room. C. Ginyu is now blabbing on about his past life, but Frieza couldn't take it anymore. He had finally found a way to get away from C. Ginyu.

C. Ginyu: ...And then, just when I thought things couldn't get any better, you showed up to make me the Captain! (cries with joy)

Frieza: Mmm-hmm. (lifts up a part of the left side of his pod and punches a button, causing the pod to go into auto-drive)

C. Ginyu: It was times like that when I really thought about the good things in life, sir! (cries again)

Frieza: Sure, Ginyu. (smiles and then knocks himself out with his own power ball to the head)

C. Ginyu: (not noticing Frieza's current status) Oh, let me tell you about the time when I fell into a toilet! You won't believe this one! ^_~

Frieza: @_@ (doesn't reply; I think he knocked himself out a little too well...hehe...he's probably dead...)

*Somewhere in the cosmos*

(Frieza wakes up groggily and looks around. He doesn't seem to be on the ship anymore)

Frieza: -_- Where the freak am I? (looks at the room he is in, which seems to resemble something very heavenly, unlike anything he's seen before)

???: Hello, dear.

Frieza: (turns around when he hears the familiar voice) O_O Mom?!

Lady Pyro?: How have you been, Friezy? (holds out arms for a hug)

Frieza: (looks around again, making sure no one else is there, then runs to his the figure he thinks is his mom) Mommy!

(Frieza jumps on his mom nearly causing her to fall, and Lady Pyro holds him like he's a baby.)

Frieza: (crying) I never thought I'd make it here, Mom! I thought I'd never see you again!

Lady Pyro: (acting surprised) Oh, Friezy! Didn't you know? We've had a place set down here for you for a loooong time.

Frieza: Cool! (thinks a moment about what his mother said and realizes something) Wait, down here? Don't you mean...(gulp)...up here? Uh, we are in heaven, right?

Lady Pyro: (smiling unnecessarily) No, but I'll give you a hint: What're the first four letters of "hello"?

Frieza: (trying to get away from his mother) NOOOOO!!!

(Lady Pyro keeps a tight grip on him as Frieza struggles to get away. The room around them begins to get very hot and dark. Lady Pyro turns into a hideous demon and laughs hysterically.)

Demon: Wah ha ha ha ha ha! It's time for you to face your destiny, oh Mighty Frieza! Hahahahaha!

Frieza: (still trying to get away) No! I still have 101,457,754,212 more galaxies to destroy! I wanna see Cerulean! I wanna destroy the rest of the Saiyans! I wanna see Ginyu!...Oh, gosh, what the heck possessed me to say that? Anything's better than putting up with him!

Demon: (begins carrying Frieza over to a fresh, hot pit of molten lava) Well, I see you have the right attitude! Otherwise, you wouldn't be down here.

Frieza: Curse you!

Demon: ^_^ Why, thank you!

Frieza: -_- I forgot, this place is perfect for words like that, huh?

Demon: Yep!

(sudden moisture starts to form on Frieza's face)

Frieza: (wiping it off) Eww, what's this?! Demon sweat?

Demon: Hey, demons don't sweat!

Frieza: Well, it's something! (tastes the liquid, which has begun to cover his face) Tastes like...tears!

*At Frieza's ship*

C. Ginyu: (crying over Frieza's body) Come back to life, sir! You can't leave us!

(Jeice is there with looking accusingly at Ginyu)

Jeice: It was your fault, you wiener! If you hadn't bored him to suicide with your corny, annoying stories I bet you told him, he wouldn't have killed himself! Personally, I don't blame the guy. Who wouldn't try to get away from the likes of you?

C. Ginyu: A-teeny! A-teeeeny! A-teeeeny! (he's crying ^_^*)

(Frieza begins to stir. He finally comes to and sees C. Ginyu.)

Frieza: -_- Ugh.......! What the--Ginyu! What are you doing?! You're getting crap all over me! (tries to shake off the tears)

C. Ginyu: O_O He's alive! ^_^ Yay! Now I can tell you about the time I--

Frieza: Ginyu, save it for another day. I'm not in the mood right now.

C. Ginyu: (disappointed) Okay...

Jeice: So, sir? I take it you never got to the Navigation room, eh?

Frieza: (sarcastically) No, Ginyu. I guess not! (rolls eyes)

Jeice: Uh, sir, I'm Jeice. Not Ginyu.

Frieza: Really? I couldn't tell! You two are so much alike!

Jeice: No we're not!

Frieza: So, I guess YOU did go to the Navigation room, huh? (gets an attitude) Tell me: What is it like? I've never been there before, you know.

Jeice: (almost gets an attitude back but decides not to) Believe me, sir, you don't wanna know.

Frieza: (serious) Are you for real?

Jeice: Yep.

Frieza: Jeice, what was going on in there?

Jeice: Uh...he he...uh...

Frieza: (points finger at Jeice preparing to fire the Death Ball attack) Tell. Me. Now.

Jeice: (nervous) You'd have to see it for yourself, sir.

Frieza: (lowers finger) Fine. Lead the way.

Jeice: (suddenly smirks) ^_~ Oh, you could find it, eh?


Jeice: Sorry, sir! (runs ahead quickly)

(Frieza notices C. Ginyu not saying a word the whole time.)

Frieza: Hey, Ginyu! Let's go! (Ginyu doesn't move, and his eyes are closed with his head down) I said let's go! (thinking) Hope I didn't hurt his feelings too badly.

(Ginyu's head suddenly jerks up and his eyes are completely white. He grins sadistically.)

C. Ginyu?: (woman's voice) Now, now Friezy. You didn't think you had escaped me, did you? (stalks over to Frieza, who glides backwards in his hover pod)

Frieza: (horrified) No! Get away from me! Please, I promise I'll be good!

C. Ginyu?: (demon's voice) (chuckles) We both know that's a lie.

Frieza: (runs away) Help meeeee!

Demon: Mwa ha ha ha ha ha ha! (chases after Frieza)

Okay, this one wasn't really funny; it was just plain demented. But I'll do better next time! Lata!