Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ The Chibi Potion ❯ Trouble For Piccolo ( Chapter 13 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Chibi-Gohan: Sorry, it took me awhile to update. I was working on another story, and Mom gave me more homework because Vegeta accused me of breaking into his house and "thieving" Mr. Snuggy. But I'm done now and I devised a plan to get back at him. Dad and Piccolo are up on the lookout planning while I finish up this chapter.

Chichi: Here Gohan. *drops down several books* You can start on these while I finish dinner.

Chibi-Gohan: Aww do I have to?

Chichi: *glares* What was that?

Chibi-Gohan: Nothing.

Chichi: That's what I thought.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

#13 Trouble For Piccolo

The sound of birds whistling and the warm beam of sunlight awoke Goten from last nights sleep. Stretching and letting out a yawn, he gazed around the room. His eyes scanned over the many pieces of baby furniture and remembered the events that had happened the day before.

He crept over to the crib and was greeted by the smiling face of his now younger brother.

"Morning Gohan, sleep well?" Goten asked as Gohan stood at the side of the crib and jumped up and down happily.

Goten was about to lift Gohan out when he smelled something horrible. Fanning his hand in front of his nose, he began to search for what the smell could be.

"I could've sworn I got rid of that sandwich the last time Mom yelled at me to clean the room." Goten murmured as he looked under his bed and in the closet.

"Hmm that's funny, nothing smelly in here." He said, giving up on looking for what the stench was coming from and headed back to where Gohan.

He was about to lift Gohan out of the crib when the stench hit him again, and he realized where the smell was finally coming from.

"Ew! Sick Gohan!" Goten gagged as he ran from his room into his parents room, leaving an angry, wet Gohan in his crib.

Goku woke up as soon as he felt the extra weight land on his stomach. Yawning, he opened his eyes a crack to see the reason for the early wake up call.

"What is it Goten?" he yawned rubbing the sleep out of his eyes, and looking at his son.

"Gohan smells bad. I think he needs a new diaper." Goten told his father. As if on cue, Gohan began to cry.

"Well how come you woke me up and not your mom?"

"I didn't want Mom to get mad, so I let her sleep." Goten said innocently.

"Well I'm awake now." Chichi said turning over on her side to face her husband and son. "I guess I'll go change Gohan." she said rising from the bed, but Goku stopped her.

"Don't worry 'bout it, I'll get him. Come on Goten." Goku pulled Goten off his chest and headed to the boy's room.

"Whew! You weren't kidding Goten!" Goku cried fanning his hand in front of his nose. Gohan saw that and let out a louder cry.

"Sorry Gohan, but it isn't like a bed of roses." he carried Gohan out of the crib and changed him.

"There that's better isn't it?" Goku asked as he picked Gohan up.

"Throw this away for me please?" he asked Goten, handing him the dirty diaper.

"Yuck!" Goten gagged as he tossed the diaper in the trash, then headed off to the bathroom to wash his hands. When he was done, he walked into the kitchen, where Goku was setting Gohan into a highchair and Chichi was finishing breakfast.

"What's Gohan gonna eat?" Goten asked, climbing into his seat. "You gonna feed him that puke mush again?"

A look of horror came across Gohan and Goku's faces as they glanced at Chichi. Chichi saw the look from her husband and sons, and smiled.

"No, I'm sure Gohan can eat pancakes ok as long as we cut them up in small enough pieces for him." she said, setting down a few plates of pancakes.

After breakfast, Goku took Gohan and Goten into the living room to let them play, while Chichi finished up with the dishes.

"Hey Chichi!" Goku called from the living room, "Don't forget that you were gonna call Gohan's school and tell em he's not gonna go there anymore."

"Oh yeah, thanks Goku!" Chichi called back, and called Gohan's school.

Goku set Gohan down in front of the TV and told Goten to watch him for a second while he went to the bathroom. When he came back he walked over to see Chichi angrily slam the phone in its cradle.

"What's wrong Chichi?" Goku asked nervously, staring at his angry wife.

"That stupid school says that I have to go there personally just to pick up some forms that they won't mail because they're to lazy to get to the damn post office!" Chichi yelled, pointing at the phone.

"Well, can't we just go to the school and pick those papers up?" Goku asked, trying to make Chichi feel better.

"We can't bring Gohan, what if someone notices him, and if they don't Goten will make sure they know who he is." Chichi explained.

"Why not have someone watch the two of them for a few hours, I bet Vegeta wouldn't mind." Goku said, picking up the receiver.


Vegeta at that moment was sitting back with a tall glass of iced tea, watching Bulma fervently work to fix his gravity machine.

"Hurry up Woman! I'm missing out on great training time!" he shouted, taking a sip of tea.

"You know I wouldn't have to be doing this if you didn't have to keep breaking it all the time!" Bulma spat back. "Can't you at least help me a little? This is your machine after all."

"Sorry Woman, I have to answer the phone." Vegeta said, silently thanking Dende for the right moment for the phone to ring. However, once he picked up on the other line, he immediately took back the thank you.


"Hey Vegeta! Glad you're there, we were wondering i-"

"No!" Vegeta screamed into the phone and hung up, getting a strange look from Bulma.

"Who was that?" she asked him.

Vegeta thought of the first thing that came to mind. "Telemarketers, they wanted to sell some things to me."

"Again?" Bulma shrieked, "Don't they have anything better to do than call and bug people."


"Well?" Chichi asked as Goku set the phone back, "What did they say?"

"Uh, they're a little busy," Goku said, rubbing the back of his head. "We could ask Yamcha if he'd like to baby sit."

"No, Yamcha's not a good influence on the boys, and I don't want to trouble #18 and Kuririn. Who else can we get to watch them?" Chichi asked.

Goku looked at her for a bit. "How about Piccolo? I mean he watched Gohan before when they trained together, and he can keep Goten out of trouble, besides we'll only be gone for a couple of hours right?"

"I guess." Chichi sighed "You are right about him keeping Goten in check, and there isn't anyone else available. I just don't want him messing up my nice clean house."

"Oh Chichi, you know he'd never do a thing like that, now just stay put while I as him." Goku said, flying out the door. He soon came to the edge of the forest where Piccolo was meditating.

Goku quietly walked up, trying not to disturb Piccolo's meditation, but the Namekian already knew Goku was there.

"What is it Goku?" Piccolo questioned, opening his eyes a bit, and startling Goku.

"Uh, I was wondering if you didn't mind, but if you do, that's ok too." Goku sputtered out, annoying Piccolo greatly. " I mean we can't find anyone else available, and Chichi's already mad as it is and-"

"Spit it out already!" Piccolo growled at Goku, causing him to jump a little.

"Sorry," Goku apologized, "what I was going to ask you if you'd be able to watch Goten and Gohan for a few hours while me and Chichi settle some misunderstandings at Gohan's school." Piccolo just stared at Goku for a few minutes, and Goku explained himself some more. "You see, Chichi called Gohan's school to tell em that he's not gonna be going there, and they want us to fill out some papers to do that, but Chichi don't want to take Gohan and Goten to the city, and that's why we decided to ask you to watch them."

"Couldn't you've asked Vegeta?" Piccolo asked, standing up.

"He didn't seem up to it."

"Well, I suppose..."

"Great!" Goku said, quickly grabbing Piccolo and teleporting to his house, to where Chichi was setting some last minute emergency numbers on a piece of paper.

"Oh good, your here already." she said, picking up the roll of paper, "Now I left you a few numbers incase something goes wrong," she said uncoiling it. Goku and Piccolo's eyes widened as the end of the paper ended somewhere past them into the living room.

"I don't need all those." Piccolo said as calmly as he could.

"Yeah Chichi, we'll only be gone for a few hours." Goku agreed, still staring at the list of phone numbers.

"A few hours? Goku we're not going to have you fly us! What if someone sees us? No way! It's too risky!"

"Don't worry Chichi," Goku said with a wink, "I got it all figured out, I'll put the car in it's capsule and we can take Kintoun until we get to the city limits then switch. The same will work on the way home."

"Alright, that sounds good," Chichi figured, then she turned to Piccolo, "You make sure to keep Goten and Gohan out of trouble, you hear me? No sparring matches with Goten, and I don't want to see any bruises or marks on either of them or there will be hell to pay!" she said getting louder with each word, making Goku and Piccolo cover their ears.

Piccolo gave Chichi a simple nod that seemed to satisfy her. "Goten! We're leaving now!" Chichi called to the living room.

Goten soon came into the kitchen with Gohan in his arms. Chichi picked Gohan up and gave him a hug. "Bye bye Gohan, Mommy and Daddy are going to go to your school to get some papers because you can't go there now that your a baby, we'll be back soon." she cooed and handed Gohan to Goku.

"By Son, be good for Piccolo okay?" Goku handed Gohan to Piccolo, and Gohan smiled happily.

"Can I go too? Can I?" Goten asked, jumping up and down in front of his parents.

"Sorry Goten, but we're going to go by ourselves. You can go with us next time." Goku promised.

"But I wanna go!" Goten pouted and crossed his arms.

"Yeah, but if you stay here, you can help Piccolo watch Gohan. You get to do big brother stuff." Chichi compromised with the chibi.

Goten's eyes lit up, "Really?" he asked excitedly and looked at Piccolo.

"Sure kid, you can help me." Piccolo said.

"Okay!" Goten happily agreed.

Goku patted Goten on his head as they headed out the door. "Be good now Goten, and help Piccolo out with Gohan alright?"

"Okay! Bye Mom! Bye Dad!" Goten waved as his parents sped off on Kintoun.

All three of them watched the two leave until they were merely small specks in the sky, as soon as they disappeared, Gohan burst into tears.

Piccolo winced as Gohan's cries rang in his ears, "Hey, how can we shut him up?" he yelled over the cries to Goten.

"How 'bout a cookie?" Goten suggested, picking a cookie out of the cookie jar. "Here Gohan wanna cookie?" he asked, waving the cookie in front of the chibi.

Gohan sniffled and took the cookie, then smiled and started to eat it.

Piccolo stared at Gohan for awhile then felt a tug on his cape, he turned around and saw Goten staring at him with a confused look on his face.

"What?" Piccolo grumbled.

"I was just wonderin why you wanted to baby-sit Gohan an me." Goten said, sitting down on a chair.

"Well with your Dad's whining, there wasn't much of a choice in the matter," Piccolo answered, turning to Gohan, who was playing with bits of cookie that were on his hands, "and there was something I wanted to figure out for myself."

"What?" Goten asked, pulling his seat closer to Piccolo. "Can I help you with it?"

"As a matter of fact, you can be a great help to me." Piccolo told him, "I'm going to enter Gohan's mind to see if he can understand what's happened, with the way he's been acting these past couple of days, it kind of worries me."

"Why?" Goten asked, tickling Gohan's side. Gohan waved his arms and started laughing.

"Look for yourself, he's not really acting like a teenager. Even if he was in an infants body, he'd act more mature." Piccolo said, watching Gohan laugh. "Bulma's formula could prove stronger than she thought."

"How do you want me to help?"

"When I start this, I'll look like I'm meditating, but if I start looking strange to you, call me out of it alright?"

"Okay, I think I can do it." Goten said, as Piccolo began his meditation.

As soon as Piccolo entered Gohan's mind, images of the Son family and the Z warriors began to appear in his mind. "At least he still remembers us." he thought, as he began to probe deeper into Gohan's mind. The next set of images that were sent to him consisted of toys and cookies.

"Hmm, this is strange," Piccolo began traveling through the images of toys, trying to find anything in Gohan's mind that held any memories of his schooling and training that he had spent most of his life learning. "There is nothing here of his ki, it is as if his mind had regressed his power." Piccolo started to go deeper when he started feeling Gohan's familiar power reading. "So, it's reversed his mind and flipped his memories of childhood back to before he knew of his power." Piccolo was about to investigate deeper, when a voice started calling to him.

"Piccolo! Hey Piccolo! Wake up Piccolo!" Goten shouted, shaking Piccolo out of his trance.

"What? What's the matter?" Piccolo asked turning his head to Goten.

"Well, after you closed your eyes for a bit, Gohan fell asleep and then your eye's snapped open and you were looking kinda funny. I've been calling to you for about five minutes, and when you didn't answer I got worried and shook you. You are okay though right?" Goten asked in one breath.

"Yeah, I'm fine," Piccolo replied, looking at the sleeping Gohan, "Let's put him in his bed, an I'll make you some food I guess." He picked Gohan up and walked into the bedroom.

Goten looked at Piccolo as he set Gohan in his crib then started snickering, Piccolo realized the boy was laughing at him and angrily turned to him.

"What the hell is so funny?" He growled.

Goten simply smiled and pointed to Piccolo's waist. "You had an accident." He said between snickers.

Piccolo looked down, and sure enough, the bottom of his pants were wet. "Damn! That must be a draw back to entering an infant's mind." he thought blushing a dark purple.

"You'd better keep your mouth shut about this!" he threatened Goten as he materialized himself a new gi.

He went into the kitchen and found some left over food Chichi had out for Goten and Gohan. He then walked over to the stove and tried to turn it on.

"How do you work this thing?" he asked pounding on the oven door.

Goten laughed at Piccolo's expression, and walked over to the burners.

"Like this." he said, turning the knob.

Piccolo jumped back as a flame jumped out of the burner, "That was close!" he said, staring at the burner. Suddenly, he saw a plume of smoke rise up. "Where's that coming from?" he wondered, noticing nothing on the stove.

Goten smelled the smoke and turned to see the front of Piccolo's cape a flame.

"Piccolo! You're on fire!" he screamed, grabbing a bowl of water and dumping it on the Namekian.

The soaked, smoldering Piccolo looked at the puddle of water and spilled food all over the kitchen floor. "Please tell me this can't get any worse." he groaned.

Hearing a cry come from the bedroom, indicating Gohan had awoken, told Piccolo that the trouble had only begun.

"Goku and Chichi had better hurry." he growled, trudging to Gohan's room.


Over in Satan city, Goku and Chichi had just found the office.

"Man, Gohan's school sure is big!" Goku said, looking around.

"Yeah, it took us over an hour to find this place." Chichi agreed, stepping up to the desk.

She waited patiently as the secretary finished her phone call, then turned around to see Goku playing around with an expensive looking paper weight. She walked over to Goku, took it away and slapped him upside the head, giving him a "don't touch anything" look.

"Can I help you?" the secretary smiled at them as Goku rubbed his head wondering what he did wrong.

"Yes, I called earlier. My son, Gohan has decided to resume schooling at home." Chichi said politely, stepping up to the desk.

"Yes, I remember now." the secretary said, reaching into a drawer and pulling out a pile of papers. "You'll have to fill these out for our files."

"All of those?!" Goku whined. "How long will that take?"

"Oh, it shouldn't take more than a few minuets." Chichi stated, already filling out the papers. And after five minutes, it would've took less time but Goku kept bugging her, she set the finished forms on top of the desk.

As they headed out of the school, they heard a voice call out to them, turning around, they let out a startled gasp, as Videl came running up to them followed by Erasa.

"Hey you two, what are you doing here? Was Gohan too busy to come by and pick up his schedule?"

"Y-Yeah!" Chichi answered quickly, "He's studied all summer, and asked us to drop by here and pick up his schedule. You came back early huh?" she asked trying to change the subject.

"Yeah, Buu ate all of the food we packed, even Dad's secret stash. We just got back today and heard about school starting next week. So, Erasa and I came out to get out classes."

"And don't forget school shopping!" Erasa giggled out. "Your Pops gave us each a credit card remember?" she asked as her eyes lit up and visions of clothes and shoes danced around in her empty little head.

"Yeah, I remember," Videl said, frowning at her best friend, "Dad told me to make sure you didn't go overboard also."

"Well come on! Lets get going before all the good clothes are taken!" Erasa cried out pulling at Videl's arm.

"Wait a minute would you?!" Videl shouted at her friend to calm her down, and turned back to Goku and Chichi. "Well, as you can see I have to get going, but tell Gohan I said hi and that I'll see him in school next week."

"Oh alright," Chichi said nervously.

"But Gohan won-" Goku started to say as Chichi clamped her hand over his mouth.

"What?" Videl asked, glancing at Goku.

"What he was saying was that Gohan wasn't going to be home tonight." Chichi said quickly, giving Goku a warning look.

"Yeah, he's sleeping over with Piccolo, but we'll tell him for you."

"Okay." Videl said, as Erasa began dragging her to her car, "Bye!"

"Bye Videl!" Goku waved, then turned to Chichi. "Why'd we have to lie like that?"

Chichi looked at him as if he were crazy, and pushed him into the car.


Piccolo came back into the kitchen with Gohan, only to find Goten salvaging some of the spilled food off the floor.

"Hey don't eat that!" Piccolo yelled, setting Gohan in the highchair. "Help me clean this up before your parents get back, where does your mother keep her mop at?" he asked while looking through cupboard drawers.

"I'm not sure." Goten said, scooping up some of the spilled food and sadly throwing it in the trash. "Such a waste of yummy food." he said to himself, as Piccolo finally found the mop and set it down next to the mess.

He was just about to get to the mopping when Gohan let out a squawk and burst into tears.

"What's the matter with him now?!" Piccolo cringed as Gohan continued to cry, he walked over to the chibi and picked him out of the chair. "You're not wet," Piccolo said, checking the diaper and setting him back in his chair, as Gohan kept crying.

Piccolo went into the fridge and pulled out a bottle of milk. "Here, you thirsty?" he asked setting the bottle next to him. Gohan took one look at the bottle and threw it back at the unsuspecting Piccolo, smacking him on the head and leaving a small welt.

Piccolo stared at Gohan in shock "I guess my speculations were correct, he can only tap into his power during temper tantrums like before." Piccolo thought, staring at the wailing chibi.

"I got the mess mopped up Piccolo." Goten called over Gohan's cries, "Is there anything else I can help you with?"

Piccolo thought for a minute and called back to Goten, "Yeah, bring a cookie over here. It worked before, it might work now."

"Uh, I can't."

"What? Why not?"

"Gohan must've ate the last one I gave him," Goten said, turning the box of cookies upside down, "it's empty."

Gohan looked at the empty cookie box and screamed louder, making Piccolo cover his ears.

"Don't you have anymore cookies in the house?" he shouted to Goten.

"No, but Mom was gonna make cookies before she called Gohan's school, she even left out the cookie making stuff and a cook book on the counter." Goten answered, pointing to the area Chichi had laid out her ingredients."

Piccolo grabbed the cook book and began reading on making chocolate chip cookies. "I guess I'll make the cookies," he said glancing over at the directions.

"You sure you can do it?" Goten asked, trying to get Gohan to stop crying.

"This doesn't seem hard," Piccolo answered, putting down the book. "You just keep Gohan quiet while I make them okay?"

"Okay," Goten said, turning to Gohan. "Piccolo's gonna make some cookies Gohan." Gohan slowed down on his screaming and glanced over to were Piccolo was mixing the batter.

"Are you sure you know what you're doing?" Goten asked again.

"Yes I'm positive I know what I'm doing." Piccolo snapped, glaring at Goten.

"Well, you ain't the one that's gonna eat em." Goten mumbled and resumed playing with Gohan.

"I'll show you!" Piccolo said, putting the rest of the stuff in a bowl, "All I have to do now is bake these things." he declared, setting the cookies on a sheet and popping them into the oven.

About twenty minutes later, Goku and Chichi came flying back on Kintoun to find thick, black smoke billowing out of their home.

"Oh no! The house is on fire!" Chichi screamed, as she and Goku jumped of Kintoun and ran towards the house. There outside, just a few feet from the doorway, they saw Goten standing there holding onto Gohan, and glancing into the house from where the smoke continued to rise.

"What happened? Are you alright?" Goku asked as Chichi grabbed Gohan up in her arms.

"Yeah we're fine." Goten answered, glancing back at the house.

"Where's Piccolo?" Chichi asked sternly, figuring the Namek had something to do with this.

"Right here." Piccolo said, wearing a pair of oven mitts and holding a tray of black circles.

"What are those?" Goku asked pointing at the tray.

"Piccolo tried to make some cookies." Goten said. "But he didn't do so good."

"Shut up!" Piccolo yelled, "I don't even eat cookies, I only drink water."

"Until you burn that." Goten laughed, and was joined in by Goku.

"Goku that's not nice!" Chichi scolded, "Goten apologize to Piccolo, that is very mean!"

"I'm sorry." Goten said, looking down at his feet.

"It's alright," Piccolo replied with a slight smile.

"Hey, Piccolo?" Goten said, looking up at the large Namekian.


"Can I have a cookie?"

Chibi-Gohan: Took me awhile getting this up, Sorry! Oh and NEVER try Piccolo's cookies, they make even Bulma's cooking taste good. That's from personal experience.

Piccolo: Like you made better cookies for you Mom for Mothers Day! Those nearly broke her teeth.

Chibi-Gohan: Well, Dad helped me with them and how was I supposed to know that caramel hardens faster when heated up?

Chichi: *holding her jaw* It wasn't the caramel, it was the jawbreakers.

Goku: Oops, that was my idea.

Chichi: *sighs* Just leave the cooking to me from now on okay? *everyone nods* Good.

Chibi-Gohan: Your a better cook than I am anyway.

Chichi: Why thank you Gohan! *gives him a cookie*

Goku: Hey where's my cookie? *pouts*

Chichi: Here take your monstrosity! *gives him jawbreaker cookie*

Goku: *takes huge bite* Hey these are pretty good! *everyone sweat drops*