Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ The Eagle's Raven ❯ Chapter One: Right Back At Ya ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: I Don't own anything.

Summary: Vegeta was -never- blown up. No one died. Freiza was defeated and Pan and Trunks hate each other. What could possibly be more dangerous then two Sayians roaming around the palace, setting things on fire, and causing much more chaos? How come they're always hanging out if they hate each other?

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Okay, ^^ Thanks for pointing that out ^^ First thing that I said was "Me = Dork" ^^ ANYway...Kapitel eins.... mainly chapter one ^^ Uhm... forgot what I was going to say... oh well... couldn't have been THAT important! ^^ And WOW! Thank you for the reviews! You all rock!!

Oh ya, forgot to mention.... danielle, danny, dani, whatever we call her she's still t/ptears, lol... anyways, she came up with the title. ALL the credit of the title goes to her! *grins* ALL IDEA credit goes to my best friend Brianna... or Bri... or chick's best friend (lol, danny)

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Chapter One: Right Back At Ya

The boy and the girl ran down the hall, as fast as they both could run. They turned to look at each other as if saying it was the others fault. But they took their eyes away at the wrong time and ran smack dab into something. Someone.

"Hey Pan! Trunks!" came a cheery voice.

There eyes traveled upwards to see Goku. "Uh... uh...." the boy Trunks stumbled over his words.

"Uh... sorry dad but we've gotta run!" said the girl obviously named Pan. Her and Trunks scrambled to their feet and took off running again. The man stood there confused.

Pan and Trunks turned to the right and ran into another room. Trunks locked the door and they both panted after such a run.

"That was fun." Pan commented.

Trunks scoffed, "Ya, I guess. It was your fault though."

Pan snorted, "Ya right, if your a liar. You set the rug on fire."

"Shut up."

They sat down on the floor, taking a rest, when there was a bang at the door. Both their eyes widened and they looked at each other. There was another bang and the door came opened and the top hinge came off so it leaned. Trunks jumped up and grabbed Pan's hand making a dash for the window.

He opened it and turned back to see his mother and her mother in the doorway.

"Don't you dare!" shouted Bulma.

Pan jumped out and Trunks followed, "Get back here!" The two women sighed, "Damn. They sure know how to run."

Chi-Chi nodded at what the other women had said and they walked away.

The two 12 year-old Sayians flew through the air and landed at the foot of the forest. They ran into it without a moments hesitation. They finally came to a stop when they came to a huge rock and a small pond.

"Man that was close." said Pan.

Trunks nodded, "Thanks for the save."

"Welcome." said Trunks.

They stood there, "Still hate you."

"Right back at ya."

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I know what your thinking... or saying... SHORT! Ya but there's this chapter and the next one of their day together and that's all I'm making of them being twelve... ya tell you all my plans, Mwahahaha..... *sweatdrop* Anyways, if your not wasting any time and want to be really, really nice and brighten my day... or morning... or night ^^; please review!

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