Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ The Easter Bunny Never Knew What Hit Him.. ❯ Chapter 3 ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimers: I Canadien.. Don't own a damn thing..

Veggie: Jeebus onna! Updating again?!

I'm bored and there is no one to talk too..

Veggie: ....Go bug Kakarot then...

I will... soon..very very soon...


After Vegeta was done setting his traps, it was a long time before Bra and Trunks went to bed and Vegeta made sure that they got past the traps safely and that they stayed in bed too. After the kids were asleep Vegeta went back to his room to wait for the damn rabbit and decided to try and sleep. It wasn't long before he heard the familiar crash of his carefully planned trap, giggling with girlish glee Vegeta skipped down towards Bulma's room where the crash had gone off, but to his surprise he found Bulma trapped in a cage and she looked pissed, very very pissed.

"VEGETA YOU ASSHOLE! WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO TO MY ROOM?!" she yelled causing Vegeta to flinch and cover his ears. Bulma started rattiling the cage which caused a trap door to open up and pour gooey molasses and feathers on the victim below, Bulma screamed and ran around only to end up running into the barred wall knocking her out.

Vegeta snickered, "Thats a good place for you, and thats a nice look for you too, heheh old hen." he chuckled to him self before another crash was heard in Bra's room, which caused Vegeta to panic and prayed to Dende that it wasn't Bra who set off the trap. When he got to Bra's room he found that Bra was still in her crib giggling and poking something that had be knocked out and fallen into her crib, it was the Easter Bunny himself. Vegeta's smile grew when he saw the closed bear traps on both of the rabbit's feet knowing that the oversized rabbit couldn't get away. Giving Bra a stuffed toy chick, Vegeta grabbed the unconcious bunny by the tail and started dragging it out of Bra's room, but before he could even get to the door he felt something snap and fall to the ground, the Easter Bunny's tail had fallen off.

Bra looked in horror at what her father had done to the Easter Bunny, "Daddy made 'Unny's tail go pop!" she said as she grasped her own fuzzy brown tail.

Grabbing the rabbit by the scruff of the neck, Vegeta walked out of the room, down the hall and into his own room where he threw the bunny in the closet and chained him up, waiting for the rabbit to awaken.

As he waited, Vegeta decided to catch a few Z's so he would be fresh and ready to torture the rabbit.

Sometime later Vegeta was awaken by a bloodcurtling scream as the Easter Bunny realized he was tailess and that he had bear traps on his feet, "AH MY TAIL! WHERES MY FLUFFY WITTLE TAIL!OW! GET THESE THINGS OFF OF ME! HELP! HEEEEEEELLLLLLP!" he screamed as he struggled against the chains that bounded his arms and bear trapped feet. Vegeta could only laugh at the poor struggling rabbit. The rabbit looked up at his captor and his eyes widened, "P-p-prince Vegeta?!"

Vegeta smirked, "So you remember me, eh? Shame, you can remember my name but you couldn't remember to bring me a basket-o-goodies to me all those years ago, and for that you have to be punished." he said as he walked towards the poor defenceless rabbit who by now was scared shitless, and there was proof on the floor. Vegeta took out a stick that he had hidden by his bed and started poking and proding the poor creature, causing the bunny to giggle like the Philsbury doughboy everytime he was poked. The poking kept going for hours until Vegeta got bored, "So rabbit? Wheres the goodies?" he asked, the rabbit could only spit at Vegeta.

"Silly saiyan, Trix are for HUMANS! I'LL NEVER TELL YOU! NEVER! N.E.V.E.R!" screamed the Easter Bunny as he started trashing around, while he was doing this a small capsule fell out of his vest and landed near Vegeta's feet.

Vegeta bent over, picked up the capsule, and examined it before pressing the button to reveal the contents of the capsule. Vegeta's eyes widened and he stared in wonder at the piles of Easter baskets that had been inside the one tiny little capsule, he jumped into the sea of goodies not noticing that the Easter Bunny had magikally set himself free and was about to jump on him until he heard little kids laughter....

Vegeta's eyes shot open and the brightness of the new day blinded him for a min, after his eyes got adjusted to the light in the room he saw Bra standing at the door with a basket-o-goodies. Puzzled, Vegeta sat up and looked around the room and saw that nothing had been moved out of its place, he checked the kids rooms and saw that the traps he set in there never went off, he went to Bulma's room and found that the traps never went off in there either. As he walked back to his room it hit him, he fell asleep and dreamed the whole thing.

Sitting on his bed, Vegeta noticed that there was two chocolate Easter Bunnies on the nightstand beside his bed with a note attached to one of them,

Dear Vegeta,

I sure had a fun time last night.. but better luck next time!


Vegeta's jaw dropped, so he hadn't dreamed the whole thing and he had another whole year to plan his revenge, and this time he was going to succeed he thought as he bit the ass off one rabbit and the ears off the other.


A/N: THERE! FINISHED! o.o; anyway hope ya enjoyed that little bout of insanity.. and happy early easter! ^^;;

Chocolate Bunny w/o butt: My butt hurts

Chocolate Bunny w/o ears: What?